
"I don't understand. How did this happen?" Killian asked as he arrived at the station. He told Archie that he would continue his appointment another day. This was just too important.

 "I was sitting in my living room when out of nowhere I hear a loud thump from upstairs. I get my broom and hit the roof to see if he was okay. No one responded so I rushed up to Graham's apartment. His door was open so I go in and find his body lying there." August, Graham's downstairs neighbor explained. 

"This doesn't make any sense. When he was hired he had a perfect medical record. There was no history in the family of heart attacks." Mr. Gold said.

"I'll start cleaning out his office. We'll talk more later," and with that Killian wheeled himself out of the interrogation room and into Graham's office. He might've hated him but KIllian never wished death upon his rival. Stacks of useless papers were thrown away. In less than 4 hours him and David has cleared the entire room.

"Um.. sir i have a question." David asked

"What is it?"

"If I asked you the name of a prisoner could you give it to me?"

 "Depends who it is."

"She has short pixie hair. Her skin is white as snow and her lips are red as blood. She's so beautiful." David described.

Killian laughed. "You mean Mary Margaret, She has blue eyes right?"

"Yes! Oh my god I think she looked at me when I was in the lunch room."

"And you say I shouldn't fall in love with a prisoner."

"Hey I'm just admiring from afar." David defended.

"Sure you are." Killian mocked.

Later in Killian's office

"All he did was hunt, deer and shit like that but he would put sad quotes. If he didn't like killing animals why would he hunt?"

"We could just ask him but, oh wait he's dead." Killian said sarcastically.

"Look at the last thing he posted." David pointed at the screen.

"The heart is a lonely hunter. What the fuck does that mean?" Killian asked.

"Maybe we should look in his home." David added

"What good would that do us?"

"We could find clues about what actually happened to him."

"He had a heart attack. It was a natural thing" Killian said.

David raised his eyebrow.

"You don't really believe that, do you?"

20 minutes later

Graham's house was a ghost town. He lived outside of the city far from society.

"I'm going to ask this one more time. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Killian hesitantly asked

"Aren't you just a bit curious about what we're gonna find?"

Killian sighed and walked into the house.


"This is a masterpiece of a trophy room." 

Killian walked around in astonishment as he touched the heads on the animals.

"This room must've taken years to fill up. Wait, if he didn't like killing animals why did he have a room filled with their heads?"

"Maybe he wanted their memory to live on in his house."

"I guess he wasn't who we thought he was."

Emma's P.O.V.

"I mean anyone could be sending these." Mary Margaret said as she flung the notes.

"I just wanna know how they got in your cell. This prison has pretty good security so I doubt it was someone around here. It had to be one of the guards. Who would know about your situation?" Ruby wondered.

"I only told Killian about what happened to me but I didn't express my fears with him, besides he can't sneak in. He's in a wheelchair."

"It could've been his helper." Regina said.

"His helper is just, something else." Mary Margaret sighed in happiness.

"You like David?" Emma chuckled. It was the only thing that had lifted her spirit in weeks, this and Killian. She was still in love with Neal. Even if he was dead. She couldn't move on. it was too soon.

"That's his name?!" Her face lit up.

"Looks like someone has a crush" Regina mockingly said.

Mary Margaret's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"He's a really nice guy, You two can go out once you get out of this hellhole," Emma said to make Mary Margaret feel better.

Mary Margaret laughed in a sad tone.

"I'm in here because I was framed for murder and treason. No one believes me when I say I'm innocent. I'm going to be here forever.  At least you can leave in 7 months and you get to have a child. You'll be okay unlike the rest of us" 

Emma took in a deep breath and tried to calm down but what Mary Margaret said had made Emma snap.

"You don't even know what the fuck I'm going through so stop assuming shit! Yes I get to leave before you but I lose my child. My heir, the only thing I have left of my first love and I'm falling for someone that's already taken so no, I am not okay. " Emma stormed out of the lunchroom leaving everyone in shock.

"Why'd you say that to her? You know she's sensitive about that topic!" Regina scolded Mary Margaret.

I'm sorry it just slipped out I didn't mean to offend her. Mary Margaret defended herself.

"She's not gonna care. Good luck having her forgive you." Ruby said as she shook her head and walked away.

Killian's P.O.V.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" David asked Killian 

"All I did was cut myself. What's there to talk about?"Killian said

"You had a mental breakdown. Don't make it seem like it was nothing"


Killian shaved the right side of his face with his right hand. He looked in the mirror, upset that he didn't do it properly. He usually did everything with his left hand and it was hard getting used to his right one. He placed the razor in his prosthetic hand and dragged it along his cheek. Everything was going fine until he put to much pressure on the razor and cut his cheek.  He watched the blood drip from his cheek to the floor. The razor fell to the ground as Killian felt his eyes start to water because of the stinging pain coming from the cut. He stood in the same position and just stared at himself, disappointed in what he had become.

"Sir I heard you drop some- oh My god what happened?!" David ran to grab toilet paper as he cleaned Killian's cheek.


"Was it because of your hand?" David asked quietly

"I'm guessing this was his office." KIllian said as he ignored David's question.

"You can't just ignore this Killian. Talk to me, please." David pressed on.

Killian whipped around and faced David in rage.

"You wanna know what's fucking wrong David? I miss my hand, and it my fault I lost it if only I had been more careful and ordered a taxi when I was drunk but no, I had to drive on the opposite lane. My naïve mistake cost a man his life and my limb. Now I have to stay in this damn wheelchair for two more months. I'm sick and tired and I just wanna be free but I can't because I run the risk of hurting myself. Even if it was cut off I still feel the pain. This tightness in what's left of my wrist." Killian let a tear slip.

"I just wanna be free of this agony."

David looked Killian with sorrow. He took in a deep breath,

"I'm sorry I can't do anything to help you. Let's look through the files and see what we can find." 

They ruffled through all the papers in comfortable silence.

"Look what I found. It's a picture of him and his sister." David pulled an old photograph out of a file.

David turns it and reads the little note. His eyes widen in shock.

"What?! What does it say?!" Killian exclaimed.

Back to Killian and Milah's apartment.

A gruff voice speaks to Milah through the phone.

"We baited them to Humbert's home."

"Good." Milah took the safety out of the gun and cocked it to the window. A loud gunshot is heard.

"They won't know what hit them."

What do you think the picture says? Who is Milah talking to and most importantly, who is Milah going to kill?
