20. It's harder than I thought.

Assalamu alaikum❤️❤️💝
It's been a while guys. The exams are over and I hope,  really hope for good results. So please keep praying.

For your patience, here's an update, and new ones will be consistent In Sha Allah.

Safiyya stood alone quietly in the elevator with a grim expression. A lot was going on in her mind right now. With the short confrontation with Alfred, she knew that she underestimated the situation. He wasn't going to let her have her way easily and the distance between her and Yousef was farther apart.

She can't leave the job just like that, not to mention that finding another will be harder and the migration officers will be on her neck.

The elevator door opened and she walked out with new resolve in her heart. No one said that it was going to be easy, so she had to fight.

She returned to the filing room on time, prayed Asr, and continued working whilst eating. Time went by and the young lady finally felt what it feels like to be a working woman. It wasn't easy at all, especially with their department that they had to move up and down.

It was already eight and she could hear the other rooms locking for the day. She looked at her right and Gab was sprawled in the chair, snoring. The man was tired too.

Safiyya blew air out her mouth and picked the badge of files on the desk and moved them to a stroller. One last to go, she thought and started working on it.

When she was done, she felt like her fingers and arms were going to fall off. Her legs felt weak to hold her weight too.

Safiyya woke up Gab first and he apologized for dozing off. He was surprised at how the room was arranged before shoving it off and walking to the locker. He came out with a uniform and handed it to Safiyya.

"You will have to wear these for now," he told her. "Your employment has been processed and the necessary documents will be sent via the mail. Tomorrow,  you will be given the company's phone and ID card. Don't forget, our work starts before 7 tomorrow."

"Ok. Thank you sir," Safiyya nodded weakly, collecting her uniform. 

Gab smiled faintly and replied, "You did a good job today girl. I'll see you tomorrow."

They parted and she left the building. Taking in fresh air has never been better! Safiyya got a taxi and drove back home. Immediately when she opened the door, she was welcomed with a big hug from Jessy.

"My bestie finally got a job. I'm so happy!" she sealed happily.

"Thanks Jessy," Safiyya answered weakly.

Jessy frowned when she felt the mood. "Why aren't you happy? You are working in Hill Corp now. A step closer to you son, remember?"

"I am happy Jessy. Just tired," Safiyya returned.

Jessy was skeptical but still escorted her friend inside. Safiyya took a hot bath and prayed before joining Jessy to eat.

"Spill it," Jessy said seriously. Safiyya sighed and told Jessy what happened. 

"That ungrateful man. How dare he?!" Jessy fumed. "You aren't given up right?"

"Of course not," Safiyya said immediately and rubbed her sore neck. "I can't give up now and I hope that I never do. This is Yousef we are talking about and I wanted to prove to my parents that I can work over here. I can't be a coward and give up on the first day." She took a deep breath and connected her fists. "This can't break my resolve and dream, and since he wants to see if I can do it, I will show him that I can. At least, I will try my very best. I am sure that there are many workers out there who have it worse than me. My case is better, I will get promoted soon."

Jessy was quiet for a while before clapping her hands with a grin. "That's my girl. I was waiting to hear a confident speech from you Sofiyya. Keep it up and I will be here to support you and for that Mr Hill, he better not let me meet him,"

"Yeah Yeah," Safiyya shook her head wrly at the last words and yawned. "I have to go and sleep. I'm so exhausted."

"Go ahead working lady," Jessy winked and Safiyya shook her head before going to the bedroom.

The young lady was ready to fight back, so was Alfred ready to bring her resolve down. He met Irene and told her,

You took her to a filing room. That's what anyone can do. Isn't it so easy for her?

Irene was already pissed by the matter and Safiyya ended up finding herself moving from one floor to another, delivering packages whilst still working. Alfred smirked watching how she staggered everyday and after that encounter the other day, they hadn't met again. He should have felt some sympathy but remembering how his son was still ignoring him, he scoffed. One for one.

Jessy had a long shift today and only returned a quarter to 11 p.m. She stretched her arms and entered their bedroom only to clutched her chest from fright. After registering the situation, she calmed down and frowned.

How her best friend looks when she is extremely tired. Safiyya never sleeps on her stomach unless she is tired and she does it unknowingly. She was sprawled on the bed like a doll with her full-length curly hair sweeping the ground. Her arms hung lifelessly there and her breathing barely audible.

Jessy scratched her hair and went in to freshen up. Is this man crazy or what trying to make her friend fall sick?

And so the next morning, Safiyya was having her breakfast with sleep-filled eyes. She was in her white shirt which she wore over a black skirt and a black hijab. Her eyes were barely opened as she sipped her tea.

"Ugh. If you want, I can go and confront that bastard!" Jessy spouted angrily.

Safiyya glanced at her and smiled, "Language Jessy, and besides, I'm fine aren't I?"

"Come on Sofiyya," Jessy rolled her eyes. "Proving your worth doesn't mean that you should agree to everything a man tells you to. He's making you do things that are not part of your job. You can file a complaint you know."

"I know Jessy," Safiyya said with pursed lips. "I will confront him when I can't it anymore okay?"

"You sure?" Jessy asked skeptically.

"Of course," Safiyya forced a smile. It was easier said than done and today when she was done working, she was close to the door when they called her back to take something upstairs . Safiyya bit her like and went back. Don't mention just the work load, but the treatment she got from the workers above was another blow, especially since they looked down upon anyone in black and white.

Finally out, Safiyya pulled herself to the closest bus stop and sat on the bench, bending her back to rest silently. It has been just a week but was as hard as anything else.

"The outside world is not all glitters beta, but no matter what happens, your mother will always be there. If you want an abode to hide in, just call me. I'm always a short distance away. For you."

Recalling her mother's voice, memories couldn't help but rush into Safiyya's head.

Why does it seems like we are visiting Pakistan next😀😀 Get ready for some flash backs🤭
