
The end of the week was all it took for the lovers to snap.

"What do you mean, Ivory? Are you saying that you can't trust me?" Sirius accused.

Ivory frustratedly ruffled her hair and scratched her scalp. "I didn't say that, Sirius! Listen to me - "

"I've been listening! And not once have I heard you say a peep this week!"

"What did you want me to bloody say? That I've been lying to you for almost a year? It's called a fucking secret, Black!" Ivory shouted.

Sirius clicked his tongue and exhaled out a laugh. "Oh, I'm Black to you now, am I? I see how it is, Conver. Maybe not all secrets are meant to be kept secret," he replied.

"The definition of a secret is secrecy! Holy Godric, why can't you see that I wasn't allowed to tell anyone?"

"Because I don't see! You're not helping me see!" Sirius retorted.

"Maybe you'll just never see," she whispered to him. "I don't think you'd ever understand how important it is to me."

"Because you never, ever told me about this," he whispered back.

"I wasn't allowed to, but I guess you don't know what that means, huh?"

From the common area of the Gryffindor tower, everyone could hear the two arguing from Sirius's dorm room, so when it suddenly got quiet, they all seemed to breathe quietly and tried to listen to what would happen next.

It wasn't nerve wracking for only Ivory and Sirius. It was nerve wracking for all of the Gryffindor students. They've been listening to the two argue for the past half hour and they were frightened at first. Now, their hearts were beating too fast and they could hear it in their own ears. All of them were nervous for a situation that wasn't even theirs to worry about.

"What do you mean 'I don't know what that means?' Are you implying something, Conver?" Sirius's voice rose.

"Only stating facts, Black," she replied.

"And what are these facts?" he asked.

"That you're a bad boy. You don't play by the rules. You probably don't even know what rules are. You break and break and break. You don't care about anyone or listen to anyone. Survival of the fittest? I'd say survival of the richest. Ain't that right, Black?" Ivory spat out.

Sirius's jaw clenched, his jawline sharpening. "You've stooped low, so now it's my turn. When are you going to stop day dreaming and start focusing back into reality? This isn't your fantasy world where you're going to get everything by fluttering your eyelashes and waving your skirt around to boys."

Ivory's mouth parted in slight shock. "I've never... You egotistical, arrogant, idiot, you! You Blacks are all the same no matter the House! Cruel, sadistic, crude, and evil Slytherins!"

She slapped him, and everyone downstairs heard it and they winced. Ivory left the room and stomped down the stairs, running out of the common room and fleeing for somewhere else.

Sirius stayed still on his place and his head hung from when she slapped him. His fist and jaw clenched, but he didn't chase after her.

It wasn't his responsibility anymore.
