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"This is Starlight, Maison loves this fat pony with everything in her. I keep telling her she needs to stop feeding 'em." Beyoncรฉ spoke, showing Onika Starlight.

"Your fat shaming a pony?" Onika questioned, covering her nose.

"Noโ€” she just a little over weight." Beyoncรฉ looked over to Onika, laughing, "A-are you covering your nose?"

"It smells like shit."

"You'll get used to it."

"I don't want to get used to this smell, it's stink as hell."

"Don' be a baby, Onika." Beyoncรฉ joked, grabbing her hand to lead her to the next horse, "I have a horse and I named 'em Gazelle. Only cause it goes with my middle name."

"You're corny."

"How is that corny?"

"You basically named your horse after you, but that is also an animal."

"I know." Beyoncรฉ mumbled, leading Onika to Brayden's horse, "This isn't my horse, but this is Brayden's. His name like skittle or something. I don't know why he chose that name, but hey! It's his horse."

"You're ranting again." Onika said, pulling her shirt over her nose.

"It's not on purpose."

"Does it always stink?"

Beyoncรฉ sniffed the air, peaking inside the horse's stable, "He shitted, imma have to shovel it."

"And where are you going to put it?"

"I'd normally put it in the garden to fertilize it, but my daddy ain't here to smell it so imma throw it in the pasture."

"Is that even healthy?"

"The shit in the garden? It is, the worms fertilize it."

"And don't the worms eat the food or some shit?"

"Well we have two gardens. One for fertilizer and one for the vegetables and fruits."

"Then that means only one is a garden."

"Not what my daddy said, he calls 'em both gardens. It's kinda getting late, wanna go back inside?"

"It's hot as hell." Onika let Beyoncรฉ hand go, walking out of the stables.

"Wait! Don't walk out soโ€”" Before Beyoncรฉ could finish, she was cut off my Onika's screaming.

"There's fucking chickens!" She screamed, running away from them.

"Fast." Beyoncรฉ mumbled, chasing after her, "Onika! They not gon' hurt you!"

"Yes they are! They are going to peck my eye out!" Beyoncรฉ caught up to Onika, wrapping her arms around her.

"They not even chasing after you, baby. Cause, baby, you wanna walk out fast and they didn't even move."

"You could've told me they were there!"

"I was trying but you walked out so fast."

"You should've told me before that."

"They ain't even come after you, you're just dramatic."

"Because I'm fearing for my life?"

"You're acting like the chickens gon' kill you." Beyoncรฉ giggled, pulling Onika toward the house, "All they do is lay eggs and shit. They ain't harmful, they ain't eva' hurt anybody."

"I could be the first." Onika slowly pulled away from Beyoncรฉ, "Can we go inside now?"

Beyoncรฉ awkwardly put her hands by her side, "Sure, I'm sure you're hot." She mumbled, walking through the grass."

"Thank you."

"Solange and Beyoncรฉ!" Mathew yelled, sitting at the dining room table.

Beyoncรฉ groaned lowly, walking into the dining room, "Sir?"

"Wait for your sister to come, have a seat also."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Is it reasonable?"


"Have at it."

"Where is ery' one else? Why me and Solange were the only ones called down here?"

"Your mother and siblings are on the way in hea'. I know you heard me call them in hea'."

"Sorry." Beyoncรฉ mumbled, looking down at her hands.

"BB!" Maison yelled, running into the dining room.


"I'm gonna miss you." Maison mumbled, climbing into her older sister's lap.

"Well I'm not going to miss you."

Maison gasped before pouting, "Y-you're not g-gonna miss me?"

"Beyonce, why would you tell her that?" Jayden asked, sitting next to them.

"Nigโ€”" She cut herself off , glancing at her father, "I'm just playing with my Maison Pooh. Stay out of our conversation."

"My bad." Jayden threw his hands up in defense.

"Yes, father?" Solange questioned, sitting on the other side of Beyoncรฉ.

"Let's wait for your mother and Brayden to come down here."


"Yes, Maison?"

"Are you gonna miss me?"

"You know I am, I was jus' play withchu."

"Don't eva' play with me like that again before I get my daddy to beat you up." Beyoncรฉ chuckled.

"Ahh, I'm so so scared." Solange hit Beyoncรฉ's side, sending her a glare.

"You should be! You're the scary!"

"Stop all that yellin', Maison." Mathew said.


Tina and Brayden made their way down the stairs, "Mathew, tell Brayden he can't bring that damn game."

"Come on, Ma. Can I please bring it?"

"Sure, why not." Mathew replied, "Okay, now can y'all have a seat?" Brayden took a seat next to his twin as Tina took a seat next to her husband, "We have to lay down some rules for Solange and Beyoncรฉ before we leave."

"And everybody needed to be here?" Solange questioned.

"Yes, is that an issue?"

"Mathew." Tina warned, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I expect y'all to have always fifteen gallons of milk within the next two weeks. I also expect y'all to make more fertilizer for the garden, have the horses cleaned, and make sure all of eggs are harvested. Make sure y'all leave some so they can be fertilized. My last rule is absolutely no one over. Y'all have each other, so I don't see the need for anyone else to be over." Mathew finished, standing up from the table.

"Also I would like for yall to have y'all's phones on yall. Ion want to be worried sick." Tina said, looking between her two daughters.

"Got it."

Maison wrapped her arms around Beyoncรฉ's neck, kissing her cheek, "I'm gon' miss you, BB."

"I'm gon' miss you too, Mai Mai."

"Come on y'all."

"See you in two weeks, BB."

"I'm see you in two weeks, Maison." Maison got out of Beyoncรฉ's lap, "I'm not gon' miss yall." Beyoncรฉ said to Brayden and Jayden."

"You know you are."


"I don't give a damn about his rules." Solange said, washing her hands.

"We're already in enough trouble, I don't think we need any more."

"Oh well, I already invited them over."


"What? I know you like Onika, it's obvious."

"I don't like her and I don't have time for a relationship. I live on a farm and take care of animals, I don't have time to be lovey dovey."

"You wanna live up to daddy's expectations, live life, Bey!" Beyoncรฉ frowned, looking at her feet.

"I am living life." Beyonce mumbled, taking off her boots.

"Barely, now lemme go get the door for our friends."

"Did you invite all three of them?"

"Oliver had something to do." Solange pouted, "But Olivia is coming and your girlfriend."

"She is not my girlfriend, Solange." Beyoncรฉ groaned, putting her boots by the door, "I would've told you if I liked her or not and I'm sure she doesn't even like girls."

"You barely can hold a conversation." Beyoncรฉ stuck up her middle finger.

"If they gon' come over, go meet 'em before the horse stables camera go off."

"That's wayyy in the back. It ain't gon' go off."

"Go stop 'em before it do, Solange."

"I will, I'm sure they not even up here yet."

"You act like they live wayyy down the road, they live right there."

"They got a couple acres in between us."

"Exactly! Go get 'em."

"You can't even see the road from the cameras."

"How do you know that?"

"When you're sneaky like me, you can know everything."

"I suppose." A knock on the door grabbed both of their attention.

"Let me go get the door for them." Solange walked to the door, unlocking it, "Howdy!"

"Hey!" Olivia replied. Her older sister stood a couple steps behind her.

"Come in, y'all! Beyoncรฉ is in the living room." The sisters walked into the house. Beyoncรฉ took a seat on the couch, spreading her legs some.

"Hey y'all!" She waved, bouncing her leg.

Onika smiled, waving back, "Hey." She walked over to the couch, sitting down next to her.

"How you doin'?"

"I'm doing good, what about you?"

"Fine, wish I could've been better." She shrugged, lying against the back of the couch.


"Nah, ion think so."

"Just making sure."

"You want some ice cream? I can make us some."

"You make that?"

"Yea from the cow milk and vanilla beans and suga'."

"Can we make some together?"

"Of course, come on."

