all too well

(italics represent flashbacks and underline is y/n's thoughts. also this chapter is long so if you're not into that i'm very sorry.)

Private Messages

moves like jagger 🕺🏽

blondie 🙍‍♀️
What can I do for my favorite

moves like jagger 🕺🏽
i um recently recorded myself
singing 'all too well' and idk i guess
i'm kinda asking for your permission to
post it?
does that make sense?

blondie 🙍‍♀️
Can I hear it?

moves like jagger 🕺🏽

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

blondie 🙍‍♀️
Y/N, I have tears streaming down
my face atm.
Of course you can post it, It's so
good. You are so good.

moves like jagger 🕺🏽
thank you, taylor.
i love you.

blondie 🙍‍♀️
I love you too


*real life*

Y/N felt like she had to do something.

Her thoughts were all over the place, closing in on her by the minute. Music had always been her escape. Whether she was singing Miss You by her dads band, or anything by Taylor, music always allowed her just let go. She wrote songs when her and Harry had broken up, getting lost in the words she sprawled across the countless pages of paper she'd use.

This was time was different though. Y/N didn't feel like anything she could write would accurately describe how she was feeling.

She remembers everything about their relationship.

All too well.

All Too Well.

That's how she felt! All Too Well by her best friend. As soon as the thought hit her, she was leaping off her bed to the corner of her room to grab her acoustic guitar and her phone.

Soon her phone was propped up on her vanity, the record button already pushed.

Now all that was left to do was actually sing.

"I walked through the door with you
The air was cold
But something about it felt like home somehow"

Y/N was nervous.

For the first time in her and Harry's five month relationship she was meeting his parents.

She'd heard countless story about his amazing saint of a mother Anne, his stubborn but brilliant sister Gemma, and rock of a step-father Robin. These people were Harry's whole world.

A title she could only dream of owning one day.

The squeeze of a hand pulled her out of her thoughts as she lifted her gaze from the brown front door to Harry's dazzling green eyes.

"Hey." Harry said, his smile more encouraging than nervous.

"Hi." Y/N had answered back, her smile weak.

"They're gonna love you, I promise."

Y/N looked at the window to her right, only to be met with a delightful sight.

Gemma fluffing a throw pillow much more than needed, Robin putting coasters under glasses of water that sat on a wooden coffee table, and Anne dusting a family portrait that hung above a fire place.

Y/N smiled at the sight, turning back to Harry with a nod that told him to knock on the door.

She was sure this place would feel like home in no time.

"And I, left my scarf there at your sister's house
And you've still got it in your drawer even now"

It was no secret at that point that Y/N and Harry were head over heels in love.

After being together for year, they were making a quick trip to Cheshire to visit Harry's family before they retired to Bath to spend Christmas with Y/N's family.

"Y/N! You're here!" Gemma had exclaimed as Y/N and Harry walked through the door of her home.

"That I am." Y/N had laughed as Gemma brought her in for a bone crushing hug.

"Heyyyy, what about me?" Harry had questioned, a pout on his lips as he starred at his two favorite girls.

He could complain all he wants, but everyone knew how happy he was that his girlfriend and family got along so well.

"Eh, you're alright." Gemma answered, leading Y/N into her living room.

"Where can I place my stuff?" Y/N had asked, already tugging at her maroon scarf patterned with brown leafs.

"In the guest room is fine, how long are you lot staying?"

"Five days." Y/N said with a frown. She loved her family, but she also loved Harry's.

"Well then we've got to make the most of these five days!" Gemma yelled as she pulled Y/N up the stairs to the guest room.

Y/N had glanced back at Harry as she was being dragged, a look of amusement clear on her face.

Harry just shrugged his shoulders, a grin playing at his pink lips. His green eyes full of love and admiration.

A look Y/N would never forget.

Three months later they had broken up.

Four months later she received a text from Gemma, a picture of Harry sitting by his parents fire place with her scarf resting in his hands. His eyes were trained on the piece of maroon and brown fabric, the one thing he had left of Y/N besides the memories that went through his mind daily.

"Oh, your sweet disposition
And my wide-eyed gaze
We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place
And I can picture it after all these days"

The days she spent at Harry's childhood home were some of the best she had ever had.

She had stared at Harry with wide eyes as they stood in front of his mums old car, Harry telling her all about how he used to walk to school instead of getting driven cause he was embarrassed of how old the thing was.

"You are are such a snob!" she had yelled/laughed as she hit his arm, Harry taking fake offence to the action.

"Oi, says the girl who grew up getting driven in her dads red antique Cadillac!" Harry shot back, a wicked smirk on his lips.

"Hey! Not cool man." Y/N had pouted, crossing her arms across her chest. She was well aware how fortunate she was growing up, having the Mick Jagger as a dad kinda came with that. But she absolutely hated whenever anyone brought up the fact that she was raised so privileged. She tried not to let it get to her head, but it was hard when it was constantly getting brought up that Mick Jagger was her dad and she could have pretty much anything she wanted.

Harry sensed her getting uncomfortable, and his thoughts were confirmed when he glanced at his girlfriends saddened face.

"I'm sorry, that was a dick thing to say." Harry had said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Y/N glanced at the old car once more before an idea came to her.

With a grin, she turned back to Harry and said, "I know how you can make it up to me."

Harry's face softened as he spoke, "And what's that, love?"

Y/N got into the passengers side and said, "Let's go for a ride."

Harry chuckled at his girlfriends antics, but got in nonetheless and turned on the car.

"I've been holdin' out so long
I've been sleepin' all alone
Lord, I miss you"

Y/N had laughed one of those loud laughs as Harry's face turn several shades of red.

"I've been hanging on the phone, I've been sleeping all alone, I want to kiss you sometime." Y/N sang along, her dads voice bringing her a sense of comfort.

Harry grinned as they sang all the 'Ohs' together in perfect sync.

"Well, I've been haunted in my sleep, You've been starrin' in my dreams," Harry sang as Y/N looked out the window, the autumn leaves falling and blowing in the wind beautifully.

She never wanted to forget this moment.

"And I know it's long gone and that magic's not here no more
And I might be okay but I'm not fine at all"

I can't do this, I can't do this, Y/N thoughts as she felt tears pull at her eyes.

"'Cause there we are again on that little town street
You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me
Wind in my hair, I was there
I remember it all too well"

The streets were nothing like they were in London.

The streets seemed clear with people opting to walk around Cheshire. It was peaceful, something London was anything but.

Y/N had noticed the cars next to them had slowed to a stop, but her and Harry's was still going strong with the wind blowing in her hair wildly.

She looked straight ahead, only to see they were approaching a red light.

"H! You're about to run a red!" she yelled, turning to look at Harry. She was met with the sight of Harry looking right back at her with the softest eyes she'd even seen, a small smile gracing his face.

Harry turned away to see there was in fact a red light.


He hit the brakes hard, and they ended up right behind the line.

"What the hell!" Y/N said through a laugh, running a hand through her hair as they finally came to a stop.

"Sorry, was just distracted." Harry blushed, running a hand through his hair as well.

"By?" Y/N asked.

"You." Harry had replied simply, like it was the most nature thing in the world.




"Asking an awful lot of questions, love." Harry replied, hoping to change the conversation. But with one glance at Y/N's curious face, he knew he couldn't keep her hanging. He sighed before finally answering, "You just looked so beautiful with your big eyes and hair blowing in the wind, you know?"

Y/N blushed as the words left his mouth, a smile forming on her face.

Harry could always make her smile.

"Photo album on the counter
Your cheeks were turning red
You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed
And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team
You told me 'bout your past thinking your future was me"

Y/N was sure Harry was going to scream of embarrassment.

Minutes ago Anne had brought out a baby blue photo album titled "Harry" and requested Y/N come over so she can look through it with her.

"Mummmm, do you really have to show Y/N my baby pictures?" Harry had whined like a three year old.

"Harry she is your girlfriend and I am your mother, it's practically a law that this should happen." Anne had replied a smirk similar to the one Harry always gave Y/N on her lips.

"Fine, just please don't tell her about my foot-"

"Did you know Harry used to play football?" Anne had cut him off, her grin full and sinister.


"He was probably the worst on the team, never wanting to kick the ball too hard 'cause he was worried another kid would trip over it." she gushed, obviously please she had raised such a compassionate man.

"Not me fault the lot was so clumsy. If anything I was just being a good teammate." Harry had boasted, standing behind Y/N's chair to wrap his arms around her waist.

A kiss was pressed to her temple before Harry's voice whispered in her ear, "There wasn't many cute girls to even try to impress, so I usually just played like I normally would. Bet if I had known you when we were little I would've tried to impress the crap out of you."

Y/N had elbowed him in the ribs causing a low "fuck" to stumble out of his lips as she turned back to Anne requesting to hear more stories of Harry's childhood.

Y/N, at the time, was confident she'd learn every story there was so that she felt like she was there with Harry when he was growing up.

"And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do
And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to"

Don't cry, don't cry, you can't cry Y/N.

'"Cause there we are again in the middle of the night
We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there
I remember it all too well, yeah"

Y/N loved having Harry come over to her home.

Sure it was a little awkward, her dad was there along with his girlfriend and his youngest son, but it was usually very comfortable so long as Harry and her kept everything PG.

It was a regular Friday night and Harry was over helping her write a song for a new show on Disney +.

"So what is the song about?" He had asked, pulling out a stool next to her to take a seat.

"A girl who's feelings are just all over the place. Her current boyfriend is perfect in theory, but he's the definition of toxic masculinity, well in my opinion." Y/N explained, throwing another piece of paper in the trash.

"Current boyfriend?"

"Yeah, she's starring in a musical with her ex as her love interest and she's struggling to find out if it's only her character who's in love with him."

Y/N was pulling at her hair, the bags under her eyes darkening more and more by the hour.

"I can't do it, H. I just can't." she cried, tears threatening to escape her eyes.

Harry was having none of it.

Being the romantic that he was, he pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss to her head mumbling words of affirmation in her ear.

A idea popped into his head, and he knew it was the perfect thing to hopefully cheer her up.

He took his phone out of his back pocket and played a song the two of them had considered their song.

Can't Help Falling Love by Elvis Presley.

As the opening notes were sung, Harry had grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her to his chest. He had nuzzled his face into her hair as he felt Y/N wrap her arms sound his waist.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asked, her eyes wide and doe like.

"We're dancing." He had said back, a grin on his face.


"Because you're stressed and dancing is said to reduced stress, and what better way to reduce stress than to dance in your kitchen with your boyfriend at twelve am with the refrigerator light being the only source of lighting." Harry's grin was as the big as the cheshire cats. And it only seemed to grow as she started to sway along with him.

As the song was winding down, Y/N mumbled something into Harry's chest he couldn't quite understand.

"What was that, love?"

"Thank you." Y/N said looking up at her boyfriend. Her eyes full of nothing but love.

"For what?"

"For being you."

Mick sat at the end of the stairs watching the two kids dance around the kitchen. He had originally gone down to get a glass of water, but the sight before him was too precious to breakup.

He hoped it would stay for many years to come.

"And maybe we got lost in translation
Maybe I asked for too much
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up
Running scared, I was there
I remember it all too well"

Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You want to what?!" she asked, her voice coming out louder than she intended.

"I want to break up, Y/N." Harry repeated himself, his eyes looking glassy as he spoke.


"We just- we've been fighting so much recently-"

"Couples fight, Harry." Y/N challenged.

"We don't! We've never fought! Now all of a sudden we're screaming at each other daily."

"Harry, what is this about? We-We're Y/N a-and Harry. We can't- we can't breakup." Y/N's eyes filled with tears, her voice watery.

"Well we're not Y/N and Harry anymore."

With that Y/N walked out of Harry's home, and his life.

"Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
I'd like to be my old self again
But I'm still trying to find it"

Y/N wasn't herself for months after the breakup.

Lily and Anna visited her daily, and Taylor called her every single day.

Her dad and Melanie also came up to check on her constantly.

She felt like Elle Woods in Legally Blonde.

Well, besides the fact that she didn't get dumped because she's too blonde.

The journey to finding herself again was a long one, but she came out better than ever before.

She guesses losing the love of your life does that to you.

"After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own"

For the first few months of their relationship, Y/N practically lived in Harry's old flannel shirts.

The sight of her in his clothes drove Harry positively crazy! Every time he saw her in one of his shirts he pretty much jumped on her.

Whenever he or she spent the night at each other's places, Harry would not let her go for dear life.

Wether his arms were around her waist or he cuddled on top of her, he was always touching her.

She never minded, she liked knowing that out of the beautiful fans and models fawning over him he still chose her at the end of day.

He wanted to hold her.

He wanted to kiss her.

He wanted her to wear his clothes.

He wanted her to meet his family.

He just wanted her.

She loved the feeling of being wanted. She loved him.

No wonder it hurt so bad when she lost him.

"Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone"

The day Harry mailed back a box of her things was the day she realized that this was real.

She and Harry were no more.

She wouldn't get to go visit Anne and Gemma during winter him anymore, wouldn't get to stay back stage and watch him do the thing he loved most with his favorite boys, wouldn't get to be the girl he loved anymore.

She'd be okay though, life didn't revolve around a boy.

She'd be okay in no time.
