👻 Author's note 👻

CURRENT STATUS: Though I consider this story to be one of my best/most focused storytelling, Soul Seekers failed to take off on Wattpad. There's no point for it to gather dust here. As I'm getting ready to publish Soul Survivor (book 1), I'm going to shelve this one for now and publish them together wherever that turns out to be. In the spirit of ONC, I'll leave a snippet of the draft here.

Thank you to everyone who gave this story a chance. I appreciate your support. It's time to find it a proper home now where it can blossom properly.

Update: Soul Survivor is officially published on Campfire Explore. Come, check what the fuss is about. Soul Seekers is next! Coming in 2024 if all goes well. Link in the comment ->

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ONC stands for Open Novella Contest, a fun annual event led by Wattpad community, a challenge to write a complete novella in twelve weeks. 

2023 was my third time participating. Fun fact, the main character, Ian, is the same Ian from my 2021 ONC, Soul Survivor. This is a sequel but it can be read independently. The story made the shortlist (yay).

The following ONC 2023 prompts were used in this story:

Prompt #40: Accidentally stuck in a place between life and death, you open a door that allowed the dead into the world of the living. Now you and the grim reaper have to pull each of those souls back.

Prompt #20: You finally build enough courage to talk to that cute someone you see every day on the bus. Their face turns dark as they respond, "You shouldn't be able to see me."

Are you taking part in ONC this year?

Which prompt are you considering?


Update 1. We've made it past round one. I don't want to mess up my pretty cover (it took me forever to create it). Stickers this year are really pretty, aren't they?

Update 2. Soul Seekers made it past round 2. The pressure's on!

Otherwise, I wonder if anyone is interested in learning how I created the book cover for this project? It was a long process to get it to look this way. I added an entry in my Art Book explaining the steps I took. Look for Art in the age of AI chapter.

Update 3. Soul Seekers made it onto the Longlist!!! Whoop-whoop!!! Celebrating with a new graphic. Will I have a shortlist sticker to add to this collection? We'll find out soon.

Update 4. Shortlist, baby!
