Chapter 19

Infinite p.o.v.
I can't believe it. My child will arrived any day now today because my love Gadget has been pregnant for 37 weeks. Today I took Gadget to the park because I want him to relax before we take him to the hospital. We sat at near by bench and watch some children play around at the park. "That's is gonna be our child someday" I said to Gadget while holding his hand. He gave me a smiled and lean on my shoulder. Everything was so peaceful at the park but soon when heard screaming. We turn around to see what was that scream about turns out it was Eggman with his robots. "Eggman!" I shouted "What are you doing here!?" I got in front of Gadget. "Oh I'm here to take something" he said with an evil smiled. I look at Gadget and realized what he was going to take. I turn back to face Eggman "Your not taking Gadget!" I shouted "I wasn't asking your permission" Eggman reply. "Go run!" I said to Gadget. The only problem is that Gadget can't run because he can hurt the baby but Gadget nodded and tried he best to leave. I have to hold off Eggman without a weapon. I tried my very best but the robots knock me down I tried to get up but I kept on falling down to the ground. Then I hear a scream. It was Gadget. I look up to see Eggman have Gadget. He looked terrified. "Gadget! Let him go!" I shouted to Eggman while getting up. He laughed "This was way too easy, you couldn't even protect your boyfriend or your daughter from me. You really are pathetic and weak" when Eggman told me that I got furious I ran up to him while dodging all his robots. I was gonna attack him but his robot hit me, then grab me, finally they through me to the hard ground. I couldn't move. My body hurts me. My eyes began to close. All I heard was Eggman laughing while Gadget was screaming my name in worried.



"Wake up Infinite!"

"Infinite please wake up!"

I heard voices. I started to opened my eyes to see Lili and Eclipse. "Infinite where's Gadget?!" Ask Eclipse. I started to sit up and started to remember what happened"Gadget? Gadget!?" I stand up and looked around to find no Eggman, no Eggmans robots, and no Gadget. "He got him" I whisper but Lili and Eclipse heard it "Who got him?" Ask Lili. I turned around and face them both "Eggman. He captured Gadget to take our child away from us" I explained to them. They're faces were in shock "We have to find them" "Shadow is already on it along with Rouge and Omega" said Lili. I nodded. "Come let's go to Shadow to see if they found any of Eggman trace" said Eclipse. We ran to Shadow to see if he found anything. Gadget please, please be okay. I promise to get you and our baby out of there.

At Eggman Lair

Gadget p.o.v.
I started to woke up and realized what happened. I was about to get up but something was pulling me back, I turned around to see chain around my wrist.

"Trying to escape are we?"

I look to see Eggman standing there on the other side of the bars. "What do you want Eggman?" I ask him. "What do I want? Well isn't it obvious I want your child, and let it be apart of Eggman Empire" he explained to me "No I won't let you go near my child and I" I said. "You really think you are smart aren't you, well I have to break it to you but your child will come out to see you" he started to laugh "I don't suppose you know how to deliver a baby, do you?" I look down at my stomach. He was right, I don't know how to deliver a baby. "You don't have a choice to you?" He said and walked away. I then felt the baby kicking. "Don't worry your Daddy is gonna save us, I know it" I said to the baby. Infinite please save us.

At Shadow House

Infinite p.o.v.

We arrived at Shadow House to see if he found anything. "Shadow did you find something?" I ask him. He shook his head no "It's like the same thing as last time when we tried to look for Eggman" I slam my fist to the table. "Infinite we promise you that we will get Gadget and the baby back" said Rouge "If you really want to find them then at least calm down first, okay?" I gave Rouge a nod. "Good. Now we still don't have a clue on where Eggman might be but we were wondering if you may know Eggman other hiding base" said Rouge  "I don't know all that I know is that his base that I known was back when the war started" I said. We took a minute to think about it. We didn't have time because Gadget could be giving birth at anytime. I was worried about it. I was worried that Eggman will take our previous baby girl anyway from us. We have to think fast as possible. "Omega do you have any clues or information that Eggman likely to be" said Shadow. "Not in my data base" he replied. Omega took a moment then said some that I wanted to hear "I found the doctor lair" "Really!? Where is it?" I said "I will show you" he said. I grabbed my sword and was about to follow but Shadow stop me "We are coming too" I turned around and saw Shadow, Rouge, Lili and Eclipse standing there with the things that they needed to rescue Gadget. I stayed silent for a moment thinking wasn't this a good idea. "We aren't taking a no for answer, Gadget is our brother and our friend. We are going with you to rescue him". I sigh and gave them a nod "Let's go then we don't have time to waste" I said. Omega led us somewhere unexpected. He took us where the ship that were apart of the Death Egg. Don't tell me that Gadget is in the Death Egg. We've got inside of the shuttle and drove over to the Death Egg. Eggman don't you dare hurt the one I love.

Inside of the Death Egg

Gadget p.o.v.
I was still behind bars waiting for Infinite to come and rescue me but he probably doesn't know where am I. To be honest I don't know where even am I. I then heard voices I look at the bars to see Orbot and Cubot with some food for me to eat. "Hello Mr. Gadget I'm sorry for our boss but I'm sure you want something to eat" said Orbot. I gave them a smiled and said "Thank you but why are you helping me? Aren't you suppose to be working for Eggman?" I said "Well we aren't Villiains we just want you to take care of your child" said Orbot. I felt the baby kicking. "My baby is thanking you" "Oh it was nothing, say aren't you having a boy or a girl" asked Orbot "It's a girl" I replied "Did you eat the baby?" Ask Cubot. "No you dumbot he didn't eat the baby. What make you think that?" "Well the doctor says that boys can't get pregnant" said Cubot. Orbot facepalm his face "I'm sorry about him" "No it's okay" I signed "I hope that Infinite will rescue me" I whisper but Orbot and Cubot heard me. "I'm sure he is on his way here" said Orbot. I gave them a smiled of thanks. All of the sudden the alarm went on. "What's going in?" I said "That means Infinite has arrived" said Orbot. I sighed in relief. "Can you help me please? I need to go to him" I ask them "I'm terribly sorry but we can't help you" my ears went down "but we can help Infinite find you" said Orbot. "Yes, thank you so much" I said. Then all of a sudden I felt pain in my stomach "ah!" I shouted "Gadget! What's wrong!?" Replied Orbot. I clinched. Oh no the baby is coming! I was scared. It hurt. "We'll get Infinite as fast as possible! Just breathe Gadget and keep on breathing until Infinite comes!" Said Orbot. I gave them a nod. Orbot and Cubot left to get Infinite. I grab on to the chain and clenched it. Infinite please hurry.

Infinite p.o.v.

We've just barely, just barely got off the shuttle and now the alarm went on. We ran and took down some robots. "Where could Gadget be?" I thought to myself. We didn't have any idea or where could Gadget be inside of the Death Egg. We then heard some voices. I look to see Orbot and Cubot coming towards us. "Infinite! Thank goodness your here!" Said Orbot "Why did something happen to Gadget?" I said "Don't worry your baby girl is on the way" said Cubot "What!? You mean he is giving birth!?" I shouted at them "Yes! Come we will show you where he is!" Said Orbot. I thought about it for a moment but I do trust them because they aren't bad robots. We followed them. We then saw Gadget, he looked in so much pain. I ran towards the jail cell. "Gadget!" I shouted. He look up at me and smiled weakly. "Infinite, Ah!" He clenched on to the chain tightly. Orbot then opened up the cell and the chain. I ran towards Gadget. "It's gonna be okay Gadget we are gonna take you to the hospital" I said and pick him up. He gave me a nod and hugged me. I walked out of the cell to see everyone is fighting Eggman robots. "I got Gadget! Let's go!" I shouted "We can't they are to many of them!" Said Lili destroying the robots. Everything was going wrong! I don't know what to do! I saw Shadow run up to me "Lili come here!" He shouted to her. She came over. "I'm gonna teleport you guys to the hospital" Shadow pulled out a Chaos Emerald. "But will you guys be alright?" Said Lili "We will be, but you guys need to get Gadget to the hospital" before Shadow could teleport us there I turn to look at Orbot and Cubot "Thank you" I said "Your welcome and please report to us that Gadget will be alright" said Orbot. I gave them a nod.

"Chaos Control!"

We got teleport to the hospital. We rushed inside and I shouted "Help! Help! My boyfriend is giving birth!" Nurses and doctor came over with a bed. I set Gadget on it and they took Gadget away. They took him to the room I was about to go in but the Nurse said "You can't go in" "Are you serious! My boyfriend is giving birth! He needs me!" I shouted "Please if you come in you will distract him" she said and went inside of the room. Lili and I were sitting down at the waiting room. I put my hand to my face. I hear Gadget screaming. I didn't like the sound of it. He was in pain. I didn't like it. "Hey it's gonna be okay" I heard Lili talking to me. I look up at her. "Gadget is gonna be fine" she said trying to calm me down. She look away for a second and ask me "Would you like some water?" I gave her a nod. She went out of the waiting room and come back with some water. "Thanks" I said she gave me a nod. We sit in the waiting room in silent. Then I started the conversation "So how did you and Gadget first met?" "When the first time we met when he join the resistance, not only that but we had our first mission together. Why do you ask?" She said "Well because it's too quite know" "I understand what you mean Infinite" she said. Then I remembered when I almost killed her and Shadow. I didn't like what I did before. "I'm sorry" I whisper "What?" "I said that I'm sorry for what happened during the war, where I almost killed you and Shadow" I explained "It's okay I forgive you" "But..." "Infinite it's okay, it's alright trust me I forgive you" said Lili. We then continued our conversation. I don't know how long has it been but I do hope that Gadget and the baby are alright. We stopped our conversation with a sound that made us stop talking.


It was a sound of a baby. Was it my baby? Lili and I look at each other with widen eyes. Did Gadget do it? We saw the nurse coming into the waiting room. "Are you the father of Gadget child?" She asked me "Y-Yes, may I see Gadget?" I said "Of course followed me". I look at Lili and she gave me a smiled and said "Go on, go see your baby girl". I nodded. I followed the nurse into the room. I walked into the room to see Gadget calm and relief. "How are you feeling?" I ask him while walking towards his bed "Good but giving birth to a baby was rough" said Gadget. I didn't notice the baby was nowhere "Gadget where's our baby?" I ask "Well they were gonna show it to me first and then let you in but I decided to let you in first so we can see our baby together" said Gadget. We saw the nurse coming towards us holding our baby girl. "Congratulation you two, you have a healthy baby girl" she handed to Gadget. We are seeing our baby for the first time. She is a red wolf that has black hair. "Infinite, she beautiful" said Gadget. I smiled knowing that this was our child. "Do you want to hold her?" Ask Gadget "I-I don't know, what if I drop her" "No you won't" said Gadget handing the baby into my arms. I was holding her. I saw that her eyes was about to open. It revealed blue eyes. "Hi baby girl, do you know who we are?" Said Gadget. She look at me and Gadget. Then smiled. I realized that we haven't picked out a name for her. "Gadget, what should we name her?" I asked. He thought about for a moment then said "Sapphire" "Sapphire?" "Yeah because her blue eyes reminds me a name Sapphire" explain Gadget. I look down at Sapphire. "Sapphire, I love that name" I said. "Wait where's Lili and the others?" He asked "Lili is still in the waiting room while the other are still on the Death Egg" I said.

"Or maybe right here"

We turned around to see the other were alright. "You guys are alright" said Gadget in relief. Eclipse saw Sapphire in my arms. "Is that..." "Yes this is our child name Sapphire and your niece" I said. "She look so adorable" said Lili "Congratulations you two" said Rouge. "Thanks" said Gadget. I handed Sapphire to Shadow and he was holding her in his arms. "She look so precious" said Eclipse. Sapphire smiled at her aunt and uncles. "you did good Gadget" I said. He gave me a smiled.

Soon everyone knows about Sapphire. They loved her and care for this child. Espio ask us that if it's okay to have Sapphire for a play date for his son Dash when they get a little older. I agree with Espio.

Soon Gadget and Sapphire were released from the hospital. It was time to rest. Gadget put Sapphire in her crib she was sleeping so peacefully. We both stare at our baby girl with a smile on our face. We kiss Sapphire forehead and we went to our bed. We put Sapphire crib close to the bed in case something happens. "Gadget thank you for giving me a family" I said "your welcome, Sapphire is going to love this family" said Gadget with his tried eyes. "Rest love we have things to do for tomorrow" I said. Gadget nodded and was now sound asleep. Soon I feel asleep.

To be continued...

(This drawing belong to me)
