(Hi, I do want to warn my readers that this is a fight scene and may be triggering to some readers. Please do keep in mind that you can just skip this chapter with the understanding that this is a breakup. This may include gas lighting and other manipulative tactics. Thank you for reading and please stay safe.)

Dabi made his way back home four days after the photos were taken. He, of course, had no idea that the photos existed and that he was in a world of trouble.

"Hey, baby, I'm home." Dabi called out but got an empty sounding house as a response. He made his way to the rooms looking around for Shigaraki.

"Tomura? Where are you hiding?" Dabi called out and turned back to the living room

"I could ask you the same question." Shigaraki said from a chair in their shared living room. It for Dabi seemed unusual and a dark corner.

"What do you mean?" Dabi asked as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"How long?" Shigaraki asked coldly not answering the previous question.

"How long what? Tomura, are you okay? You seem stressed." Dabi said and tried to move over to Shigaraki.

"I'm not okay, stop playing dumb with me. I'm stressed because my husband has been cheating on me for how long?" Shigaraki asked as he stood up and moved farther away from Dabi.

"Oh, baby, this is all a misunderstanding." He said and moved closer. "It was probably just a staged kiss to help a client."

Shigaraki shook his head. "First you don't show up to therapy. Then you are gone for weeks, weeks, Dabi!" He shouted as the tears started to fall. "Not a word from you saying you are going to be out for a week for work. You didn't even call. Don't you dare say that I'm misunderstanding."

Dabi made another attempt to hold Shigaraki close to him but the other male backed up.

"Don't touch me." Shigaraki said harshly and stared at him with a clenched jaw.

"You are over reacting, Tomura, nothing is going on." Dabi says as he moved his way back away from the now angry male.

"I have proof, Dabi!" Shigaraki shouted and moved to his room to get the camera. He saw that his hands were shaking and he knew he felt both scared and angry.

"What does that change, Tomura? You know I have to do things to protect my cilents." Dabi said and stared at the door frame where Shigaraki once was. He knew that this was going to end up coming to a crashing halt. He could no longer keep both men in his life because Shigaraki knew Jin exists. He was going to fight to keep them.

Shigaraki made his way back into the room holding the camera. "Here." He said and handed the camera to Dabi as it was on the photos of Dabi kissing another man.

"Tomura, baby, that was staged to protect him." Dabi said and smiled. He held the camera as if nothing was wrong. His smile never faltered as he moved to pull Shigaraki into his arms.

Shigaraki immediately pushed away from the other male. "Dabi, stop."

"Baby, nothing is wrong and nothing is happening." Dabi insisted.

"I know about Jin, Dabi, I'm not stupid." Shigaraki said and took the camera. "Jin works with me and Toga. He edits her pieces."

"What do you want me to say, Tomura? Want me to tell you love was lost for months now? That I'm so desperate to find happiness that I left for weeks?" Dabi shouted and sat on the couch placing his hands over his eyes and pressing into his eyes.

"How long, Dabi?" Shigaraki asked softly.

"How long, what?" he snapped, and didn't look up.

"All of it," Shigaraki let out a soft whimper as he started crying, "how long as all of this been going on?"

"Months but it really kicked up when we started to think about divorce and looking for therapists." Dabi said looking up at Shigaraki

Shigaraki was crying silently with a hand covering his mouth as his body shook.

"Did you love me?" Shigaraki managed to choke out.

"I do love you, Tomura." Dabi said softly and sighed softly.

Shigaraki only shook his head and moved from his spot. "I'll see you in the morning."

"We will talk about this more." Dabi said as he heard the door click shut to Shigaraki's room.
