
"Come on in Alpha Solomon."

Sol grimaced at the use of his title. "I'm not Alpha anymore."

"Don't speak nonsense, boy. You have Alpha blood running in your veins. It doesn't matter whether you have a pack or not,

Sol didn't reply to that. Deep down, it reassured him hearing it from a familiar face that he was still an Alpha regardless of his past. It definitely did wonders for his wolf and he felt like perhaps, he did deserve it. Perhaps he could redeem himself though he wasn't granted much time to dwell on that thought.

"Beta Cole informed me that you wanted to speak to me." He stated more so than asked, itching to get back on that field for some more training while he still had time.

He enjoyed training with the pack more than he cared to admit.

The Alpha nodded. "I heard that you were a machine out in training just now, taking down all my warriors." He chuckled, clearly impressed with what his Beta had told him. "I'm proud of you boy."

Sol didn't smirk nor smile, his face remained stoic. Surely, he wasn't called into the office just to be praised.

Alpha Josh smiled, a twinkle in his eye as he took a light stroll down memory lane. "You were always one to cut right to the chase. Anyway, I'm not sure you've heard about my daughter," he paused, looking at Sol. He received his answer when the younger Alpha shook his head in denial. He hadn't been in touch with any part of the werewolf world since he had his pack ripped away from him with the except of Clark and his little family.

"Well, I doubt you remember Samantha. Anyway, she found her mate, a warrior from one of the packs over in France." Sol nodded though he hadn't the slightest idea where the conversation was heading. "Samantha and her mate, William have decided that they don't want to take over this pack as Alpha. And since she's my only child, this means that my pack has been left without an Alpha after me."

Now things seemed to be shaping up pretty nicely. Sol's eyes twinkled in understanding though he was never one to jump to conclusions so he waited patiently.

"I was hoping that perhaps, you were interested in taking over this pack with me."

In the span of six weeks, Sol had been offered two Alpha positions, neither of which he felt he deserved. It was not the case that he wanted to have a pack again, to have werewolves rely on him like they did on his father but that was a double-ended sword. Being responsible for so many people scared him more than he cared to admit.

Sol's greatest fear was that he would lose his pack all over again.

"Alpha Brandon actually offered me the Alpha position for his pack also."

"Alpha Brandon of Lupine Woodland?"

Sol nodded.

"And are you considering his offer?"

Sol didn't answer because he doubted that he would even be able to formulate all that was going on in his mind. He didn't understand it himself and explaining it to someone else would be a complete nightmare.

"Well," Josh chuckled. "It seems that you're going to have to make a decision then."

Sol opened his mouth and then closed it again, not too sure how to get the words out without meaning offense. He knew that Alpha Josh meant well and he also knew that he didn't want to offend him. Two fighting Alpha's was never a pretty sight nor safe.

"I'm actually not interested in either position."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," Sol began, the words already tasting weird in his mouth even before they had escaped it. "I don't think I want to be Alpha again."


Sol grinded his teeth, his jaw clenching in anger.

"You've got Alpha blood running through your veins. How can you say that you don't want to be Alpha?"

"Your daughter clearly didn't want to be an Alpha."

"There's a huge difference between you and my daughter," Josh sighed and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his hands over his face, already tired even though it wasn't even eight am yet. "Samantha may have been born an Alpha but it clearly wasn't destined for it. With her, I truly know that being Alpha and leading this pack, or any pack for that matter won't ever make her happy. But looking at you, I know you want it. You need it and its about time that you stop punishing yourself for something that wasn't even your fault."

Sol sighed and nodded his head before standing up. "I'm not interested," he lied. The words almost felt dirty in his mouth yet he powered through it.

"Well, if you ever change your mind then you know where to find me."

Sol nodded and headed towards the door. Opening it, the other Alpha called out to him before he could leave the office. "The offer still stands, Solomon. If you find yourself waking up one morning three months from now, wanting to lead a pack again, it's yours."

Sol pursed his lips and looked at Josh over his shoulders. "You should really think about hosting a tournament for the Alpha position."

"I'll give you six months." Josh promised with intent of seeing that time through. He was getting old and the responsibility of leading a pack was just becoming overwhelming as of recent, especially because he had no children to help him out other than Sam and her mate, both of whom wanted nothing to do with leading a pack. After the time though, he would most likely have to hold a tournament for the Alpha title. He couldn't be Alpha forever and he wanted to spend the rest of his years with his mate, making up for any losses over the years.

"You're wasting your time." Sol uttered bitterly before he walked out the door, making sure it slammed shut behind him.


Walking out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, Sol brushed his hands through his hair attempting to dry it quicker as he walked over to the bed where he had laid out some clothes earlier.

Sol had returned from Alpha Josh's office to find the guest cabin empty apart from some eggs and toast that Artemis had stored for him in the microwave. Other than that, all he got was a text stating that she needs him to meet her for brunch with his parents at the pack house.

Brunch was at eleven and it was already thirteen minutes past eleven. Sol had arrived later from Alpha's Josh's offices later than Artemis had anticipated though there was no way of her knowing that Sol would go to meet with him after his training.

He wanted to make a good impression on Artemis' parents even if she didn't know them. If dressing nicely and looking like a fine, young wolf was what it took to assure her parents that he would be a good candidate for their daughter to spend time with then he could put in a little effort.

Artemis hadn't given him a dress code or even stated how formal this brunch was so he buttoned up his light grey button-down shirt with the exception of the first two buttons having paired with a pair of plain black jeans. He grabbed his phone and a black tie, shoving them in his pockets as he skipped down the stairs, his feet clad in a pair of black suede loafers.

Sol would ask Artemis about the tie later.

He could only picture how frantic and anxious she must have been when writing that text with the thought of meeting her parents for the first time looming over her head.

Sol didn't know where the pack house was but just like this morning, he walked around until he finally stumbled upon a row of houses where some young pups were playing outside.

It was now twenty-seven minutes past eleven. He just hoped that Artemis was holding up fine. Hopefully she wouldn't run away because if she did then he would have to chase her and his jeans weren't exactly made for running.

Slipping past the kids running around in the front yard being overseen by a few parents or pack members, Sol walked through the front door of the pack house. He walked through the foyer and past the stairs with the intent of heading into the living room and searching for Artemis there. Though he had to backtrack his steps and found himself standing at the bottom of the stairs, staring down at Artemis sitting on the bottom step with her face in her hands.

"Sol," she called out to him with her face still hidden in her hands. Her voice was shaky with nerves. "I'm scared."

Sol nodded and he crouched down on the floor in front of her. He couldn't spend too long in this position for he was mindful of the fact that if he did, then his jeans would surely rip through the middle and he wasn't particularly fond of the idea of meeting Artemis' parents with split jeans. He could only imagine what kind of first impression he would make like that.

Pulling at her hands gently, she allowed him to move them away so he could see her face. "You're allowed to be nervous but that shouldn't stop you from doing the things you want to do." His voice soothed her more than he knew.

Artemis pouted but nodded in understanding. "You're right." She muttered and allowed him to pull her up so that she was standing now. "Apollo told me they'll be waiting in the dining room for us."

When Artemis moved away from to start walking towards the dining room, Sol reached out and curled his hand around her wrist, jerking her back to him. "I'll be right there next to you the whole time." He promised her. "If you feel like this is all too much for you or if you need some space to breathe, then that's perfectly fine, okay?"

"Okay," she nodded and offered him a small, agitated smile.

Leaning down, he pressed his lips against her forehead and savoured the feeling, gently pulling her into his arms which were now wrapped around her waist. "You look beautiful," he murmured for her ears only against her skin. And she did look beautiful. She was dressed in a mini white sundress with black thin stripes running down the length of it. It hung off her delicate shoulders, the straps gently resting on her upper arms, drawing all attention to the small dainty infinity necklace he had brought her a few weeks ago.

It warmed his heart to know that she liked it enough to wear it.

"Thanks," she smiled at him, her mood seemingly brighter now. "You look pretty handsome yourself." She returned the compliment. Raising her hand to his face, she brushed her fingers through his hair attempting to tame the mess that he had left it in after his shower earlier. "Now you look even better."

"I didn't think I could get more handsome," Sol replied cheekily, a smug grin on his face. "I really do out-do myself sometimes."

"Oh, hush." Artemis laughed before unwrapping his arms from around her. She sighed, the nervous bubble returning to surround itself around her again. "Well, let's go meet the family."

Sol nodded and followed behind her into the dining room, refusing to let go of her hand though. Artemis didn't mind in the least as she needed as much support as she could possibly get in that moment.

"Do you think they'll like me?" She whispered to him as they walked through the dining room door.

"They're going to love you." And he was right, her family absolutely loved her. Though it was rare that a person didn't like Artemis so her family, her own flesh and blood were no exception.

It was normally Sol that people didn't like, or feared for lack of a better word though it seemed that he didn't have to worry about that since Artemis' family loved him by association. However, he did not miss the way that her mother kept staring at their joined hands but Sol wasn't ready to let go anytime soon.

"Artemis?" Her father called out, the first one to speak from the party of four that were awaiting her arrival. From them they only recognised Apollo though it was very easy to recognise the slightly older couple, a petite woman with light blonde hair and a bulky, tall man with dark red hair that seemed to darken over time as the twins' parents.

He didn't know who the other woman was, though she was very pregnant so perhaps that was Apollo's mate.

Artemis nodded. He felt her let go of his hand as she walked closer to the couple, her brother and his mate standing off slightly to the side with matching wide smiles on both of their faces.

When she finally stood in front of them, she sniffled quietly. "You're my parents?"

Her father nodded frantically, his eyes wide in surprise, almost as if he couldn't believe his eyes. Her mother stood next to him, tears streaming down her face as she stared at the daughter whom she had assumed was dead for more than a decade and a half.

"Artemis!" Her mother gushed emotionally before reaching out her arms, giving her long lost daughter the choice to opt out from a hug if she wished to. But that wasn't the case with Artemis as she threw herself into her mother's arms, wrapping her arms around her neck. Their father wrapped his arms around the women in his life, joining in on the tear fest. It didn't take long for Apollo and his mate to join in on the family hug, leaving Sol to stand off awkwardly to the side.

He was just happy that Artemis seemed fine so far even if she was crying her heart out but he thought it was safe to assume that they were happy tears.

Sol couldn't be prouder.

Artemis had brought Sol along with her for moral support but it seemed that she didn't need him anymore. Deciding to give them some privacy, he turned around and opened the door to head out of the dining room but Sol stopped them almost instantly.

"Sol?" Artemis' small voice called out to him, stopping him in his tracks. "You're not leaving, are you?"

Sol turned around and faced Artemis whom had pulled away from the family hug and made her way towards him. He smiled down at her and shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to." He assured her.

"Well, good." She smiled at him though he could tell that she was still slightly nervous. "Come on." She urged him, reaching forward to grab his hand. Stroking her thumb softly up and down repetitively on the back of his hand, she pulled him gently until they were both standing in front of her newly acquainted family that were all quietly watching the exchange between Artemis and Solomon.

"This is Solomon Westbrook. I've been living with him for a few months now."

Liam, Artemis' father was the first one to speak up. "You're the one that's been looking after my baby girl?" The man asked, his face stoic and serious.

Sol nodded. "Yes, sir." He replied politely in attempt at making a great first impression. "She's been living with me for the past couple of months."

Liam nodded before reaching forward and pulling Sol into a hug. At first it was strange and a little awkward, but Sol hugged him back. He was more grateful than he cared to admit about Artemis' father seemingly approving of him. "Thank you." Liam muttered gruffly into the hug, his voice thick with emotion. When they pulled away Sol watched as the older man wiped away a few tears, unashamed of showing emotion. "I will forever be in debt to you."

Sol nodded in understanding but didn't reply.

"Well, let's all get seated before the food gets cold." Sienna sniffled, wiping away what seemed to be the last of her tears before she ushered her recently completed family to the table, Sol included.

Sometime throughout the lunch, Artemis reached over and grabbed his hand under their table, their joined hands now resting on his thigh. His fork stopped mid-air and Sol froze momentarily, his eyes trailing through the air until they landed on Artemis whom was sat next to him, making polite conversation with her pregnant sister-in-law, Cassandra.

She squeezed gently, applying light pressure before her eyes met his for a moment. She smiled at him, flashing all her teeth, thanking him with her eyes.

Sol couldn't help but smile back.


You can wait for the next chapter which will be uploaded on 18/12/2019


You can read the rest of the book, including bonus chapters, for free on Inkitt! Just search 'Solomon [COMPLETE]' or use this link: https://inkitt.app.link/RA__illuminating_

The link can also be found on my Wattpad profile. 

Layla Knight 

