Chapter 13 - The Stalker's Stalker

*Stuart's POV*

I have been anxious since I arrived the office this morning. I tried to focus on my work but to no avail, I simply cannot focus on what I am doing. Thoughts about what I happened when I invited Patricia occupied my mind. I can't understand why it bothered me. This is what I want but why does it feel so wrong?

In the hopes of diverting my attention, I decided to lean on my swivel chair and turned to watch the city from my glass window. But it didn't help. Doing so gave me a better view of Blue Plate; thus, further reminding me about how Patricia turned me down. I wondered what Kaz did to convince Patricia to go with him even if it means she is going to turn my invitation down.

For almost half an hour, I kept battling myself between focusing on work or figuring out the changes I saw in Patricia. In the end, I decided to give up and go home but that was not the thing that happened. When I drove my car from our building, I took a glimpse of Blue Plate and I was awarded with the image of Patricia. I don't know why I felt glad that I saw her but I noticed that she was waiting for someone to pick her up.

Technically, whatever she does is none of my business but I got curious about what Kaz is doing to win our bet. I decided to park my car and watched Patricia but questions flooded my thought when I saw that Patricia rode a van which is not owned by Kaz.

Since the van was tinted, I could not see who is in it. Out of curiousity, I decided to follow the van until we arrived at an elegant hotel. I wondered who she will be meeting but my curiosity escalated when I saw Patricia came out from the van - sexy, sophisticated, and pretty. This is the Patricia I knew before.

What I saw now proved that she is pretending that she changed. She knew that it would catch my attention when I will see her acting differently. She really is Patricia, that witty girl who always manage to catch my attention. She is wearing a red skimpy tube dress and a pair of black heels. Her waist-long hair hang loosely and she is now wearing make-up.

I wondered if she will be meeting Kaz tonight so I decided to follow her inside the hotel but I became inquisitive when I saw that she was met by two men, who looked like bouncers from a club. Questions once again flooded my thoughts as I followed them. What is Patricia doing with these men? Where are they heading? Who is she meeting? What is happening?

When I saw that they led Patricia to a room, I didn't stop myself from calling her, "Is this the reason why you did not my dinner invitation?"

I became more anxious when the two men immediately blocked my way. Shock was painted in Patricia's face as she looked at me but she didn't say anything. I saw how the man standing near the door of the room grabbed her elbows and dragged her towards the room. I don't know why but I felt that I must stop what is happening.

"Let me pass!" I demanded.

"I am sorry, sir," one of the bouncers spoke, "Trixie is already booked to someone tonight."

'Book? Trixie?' I could not believe what I just heard but I saw the mark in the bouncer's uniform, 'Gracieux Performing Company'. I remembered that dad gave me a VIP card from this company. I never thought I would be able to use it now but I am glad that I listened to dad's advice. It was kept in my wallet so I hurriedly brought it out and showed it to the men.

"Gold VIP card," one of the bouncers whispered to his colleague.

"I am sorry, sir," the other bouncer immediately apologized, "we didn't know you were a gold member. If you wish to make reservations for Trixie, you may speak with our manager."

"Bring me to your manager!" I angrily demanded as I watched Patricia's sad eyes looked at me before she entered the room.

"This way, sir," the bouncer showed me the way as I continued to stare at the door from where Patricia entered.


"Madame, somebody wants to book Trixie," I heard the bouncer spoke to a gay who looked more like a pimp.

The gay examined my card and surprise was printed all over his face, "S-sir, I am really sorry, you came too late." he came to me apologizing.

"I know you have paid for Trixie as your exclusive performer but your payment has expired a month ago and we have not heard from you since," the gay explained, "Trixie needed money so I had to accept new clients for her."

I don't understand what he was talking about but I remembered him saying that someone paid for Patricia's exclusive show on weekdays for a month and that I cannot book her on weekends because of their regular Saturday events. He also explained that the client paid two hours per night; thus she may be tired to accept another booking after it.

I cannot help but wonder how Patricia came to accept this kind of job. There are many questions I wanted to ask her but since I cannot do anything for now, I decided to call our family's private investigator and asked him to see me while I waited for Patricia to come out from the room. I need answers and I need to know what happened to Patricia while I was away.


Half an hour passed before the investigator came to meet me. We were in my car which was parked near the entrance of the hotel lobby because I wanted to make sure that I would be able to see Patricia as soon as she leaves the hotel.

"I want you to know Patricia Sandoval's whereabouts since the time we had a divorce," I required the investigator.

"Patricia?" he smirked, "You do not need to wait any longer. Your father had been paying me to do the same in the past years so you can now ask me anything about your ex-wife."

"How did she came to this kind of work?" I asked straightforwardly.

"A month after you separated, her mother died due to cancer. Her father was unable to cope with the financial problems of their company and the family struggled in paying too many debts—"

"What?" I could not believe what I just heard, "I gave him money to help his company recover. Didn't he use it?"

"He did," he answered sadly, "but he used it in the wrong way. He thought he could earn fast through gambling but he lost all the money you gave him. This is the reason why he needed to borrow money from the bank but he borrowed under the name of your ex-wife. Out of embarrassment, her father committed suicide."

Something punched me in the chest when I heard what happened to Patricia. I didn't know she was living a miserable life.

"Patricia had to accept three jobs in order to pay her father's debts. She worked as baker at day, dance performer at night and dance instructor on weekends."

I pressed close my eyes as I remembered how I cruelly tried to make her quit her job at Blueplate. I remembered that afternoon when she came to the shop bare footed. I thought it was her way of catching my attention but she was not making a show. It was real. Her sad eyes were real.

"What usually happens in a private show?" I unconsciously asked.

"I do not know," the investigator said, "Gracieux Performing Company is a high-class dance company that provides entertainment to the rich, but unknown to everyone, its underground business is prostitution."

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel when I heard him explain the nature of the company. I am angry but I do not know to whom and why.

"As far as I can remember," the investigator said, "your father tried to help Patricia but since she won't accept any help from your family, your father decided to pay the Gracieux Performing Company to make him the principal sponsor of Patricia. With this, he demanded that Patricia will not be allowed to accept private show bookings."

"But why is she now accepting clients?" I asked angrily.

"You're here," the investigator smirked, "maybe your father wanted you to decide what to do with your ex-wife. Many of the regular clients wanted to have a night with your ex-wife that is why it did not surprise me that she is booked right away. Who could resist her? She is sexy, pretty, danced seductively, and smells –"

"Shut up!" I stopped him. I don't know why it annoyed me how he described my wife – I mean ex-wife.

"I want to know what happens in a private show," I said.

"I can do that but I don't think my wife will be happy to know that I did the job," he said calmly, "but if you really want to know what happens in a private show, I can do something to help you figure it out."

"I tried to make arrangements," I said, "but that gay manager told me that Patricia was paid exclusively by one client for a month," I sighed before continuing, "I want you to know who that client is."

"Considered it done," the investigator said, "expect my report tomorrow."

*Patricia's POV *

I was shocked to see Stuart at the hotel. I wanted to answer his question but Tom pulled me towards the room.

"Let them handle him," Tom said, "you should be more worried about your customer tonight. He looks aggressive and horny so I made sure he is properly tied on his chair."

I smiled when I heard Tom. I told him my worries about the private show. I do not think I can handle other things besides dancing. He understood me. He said he will try to help and I guess this is his way of helping.

The room was dark when I entered it. I didn't want to look at my client's face because I do not want to loathe at him. I went directly to the music player to play my first dance.

"Are you seriously going to dance in front of me on that sexy dress?" my customer jokingly asked.

I was startled when I recognized the voice. It couldn't be him but his voice says otherwise. I turned to confirm, "Kaz?"

"The one and only!" he proudly answered.

"W-what, I mean h-how," I no longer know what to say.

"Hey! Take it easym" he smiled sweetly, "it is just me. I told you; I got you, right?"

I was teary eyed when I ran to hug him. I do not know how he knew about my work but I was glad that to see him.

"Aw, don't be selfish," he pouted, "you're hugging me but I can't hug you back."

"Haha! Sorry," I said as I untie his hands and feet, "so what now? Do you want me to start dancing?"

"Nah – I brought DVDs," he immediately answered, "let's watch a movie. I know Stuart was outside so let's make him wait," he crazily wiggled his eyebrows.

Of all the friends of Stuart, Kaz is my closest. He is playful and funny at the same time.

"Here," he handed me the DVDs, "you choose what movie we'll watch."

I laughed when I saw the DVDs, "Despicable Me 2, Tangled and Frozen?"

"They are good movies," he pouted as he took the DVDs from me. I still can't stop laughing so he continued, "Let's just watch the Despicable Me2. I find the minions cute; and then let's watch Tangled tomorrow and the Frozen on the next day."

I watched him jumped on the bed and leaned on the headboard before I sat next to him.

"I think we should order Potato fries," he said, "which do you prefer? Sour cream or cheese?"

*Stuart's POV*

I watched her walked down the dark alley. I can't imagine a former princess now living a life of a pauper. She lived in a very crowded squatter area, an opposite environment to the mansion where she grew. I sighed frustratingly as I recalled how I treated her this past weeks. I was such a fool! I have noticed her sad eyes and her different smile but I did not bother to know why she wears them.

I closed my eyes and pictured her sad image when she looked at me before getting inside the room. I know she does not like what she is doing but she has no choice. I want to help her. I want to take her away from the life she is now in. But how? How can I help her without her thinking that I am doing it because I love her? I do not want her to misinterpret my kindness.


I came to office late because I did not sleep well last night. What happened to Patricia bothered me. For a while, I tried to focus on my work but I always ended up looking at the glass window where I could see the Blue Plate. I do not know why but I simply stood and started walking towards the door.

Where am I going? I do not know. Maybe I just want to have a glimpse of her.

"Good morning, Sir," the crew of the bakeshop greeted me.

"Good morning, Sir," the manager hurriedly came to me. I noticed that everyone in the dining area were alerted by my presence but I did not care. I gave them a nod as acknowledgment and then headed to the kitchen.

I stopped by the door watched her work. Her face looked so fragile as she concentrate on decorating the cake. I could feel weight in my heart when I saw her smile as she admired her work. She loved her work but I tried to take it away from her.

I can't take away my eyes from her. Her smile was too calming, it draws me to her. I was looking at her when her eyes innocently looked at me. Our eyes met but she immediately looked the other way. I do not know but I was too drawn to her that I cannot even imagine how fast I walked to reach her place.

I noticed that she tried to keep herself busy. I know that she felt my stare and I know she is trying to avoid it. For some reasons that I cannot explain, I love to watch her. She was gentle in what she is doing. It seems like the world was in slow motion as I watched her skillfully molded her masterpieces.

"Can I have a taste?" I asked.

"H-huh?" her surprised blue eyes looked at me, "S-sure," she offered one.

I can't help but smile at how she reacted to my presence. I held her hand and brought it near me. With eyes fixed on her, I took a bite on the cookie that was in her hand. Was I seducing her? I do not know, but I like what I saw. I saw her gulped as I took a bite on the cookie. Her blush satisfies me.

She shyly pulled her hand from me and pretended to continue working.

'She's still into me,' I proudly thought but I did not expect I'd say, "Why don't we have lunch together to make up with yesterday?"

"H-huh? I-I am sorry," she bowed down, "I-I am meeting someone at lunch."

For the second time! Stuart Cordoval has been denied again by Patricia Sandoval.

"T-then keep yourself free tomorrow," I said defeatedly, "I'd like to have lunch with you then."

"Uhm," she pressed her lips.

'Fvck! Was that sexy?' I can't help but think.

"Okay," she said which made me smile but it immediately faded when I heard her say, "I will tell Kaz that we cannot have lunch together tomorrow."

'Kaz?' I frowned. So he is seriously trying to win our bet.

"I'll be here before lunch tomorrow. I will expect that you won't make excuses to cancel our date," I said before leaving.

'Wait? Did I just told her I am dating her tomorrow?'

It does not matter. What matter now is I need to stop Kaz from what he is doing. All that matters to Kaz is winning our bet, but he will hurt Patricia in the process. I cannot allow that to happen. I will do whatever it takes to save her from pain again.

*Patricia's POV*

I felt that someone is watching me so I looked at that person but I did not expect that it was Stuart who was staring at me. I can't help but admire how handsome my ex-husband is, but I know my limits so I decided to divert my attention to my work.

I was not looking at him but I feel his presence. I tried to control the shaking of my hands as I smelled him near me. He was less than a foot away from me and I felt like a high school student who wanted to shout because her ultimate crush was standing next to her.

"Can I have a taste?" he asked.

"H-huh?" I felt nervous, "S-sure," I continued as I offered one cookie to him.

I felt the warmth of his palms as it gently wrapped my wrist and draw my hand near to his face. His smell deludes me and his stare mesmerized me. I watched him took a bite on the cookie and I can't help but gulp at the sight. He turned me on, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!

I tried to wink away my feelings and pulled my hand to stop myself from flirting at him.

"Why don't we have lunch together to make up with yesterday?" he asked.

Gosh! What time is it? Why does he sound like he just woke up? His bedroom voice excites me.

"H-huh? I-I am sorry," I stuttered. I wanted to say yes but I already made a promise to Kaz.

"I-I am meeting someone at lunch," I continued.

"T-then keep yourself free tomorrow, I'd like to have lunch with you then," he said as if he is making orders.

"Uhm, okay. I will tell Kaz that we cannot have lunch together tomorrow," I replied trying to avoid looking at his sexy lips. If I had known this would happen, I should have declined Kaz's invitation for lunch today.

"I'll be here before lunch tomorrow. I will expect that you won't make excuses to cancel our date," I said before leaving.

Date? Waaaa! We are seriously going to have a date tomorrow? I wanted to jump in glee, like I just won the lottery but I remembered, he is just giving me a privilege lunch with him as one of his top employees.

I wiped the tear that escaped my eye, 'Stuart, I tried to stay away from you but I cannot. You are sending me mixed signals, I can't help but hope for another chance with you.'

I am done here. I love him but there is nothing I can do anymore. I was just part of his past and he is just my dream that would remain a dream forever.


Kaz was frowning when he arrived the restaurant at lunch. I wondered what bothered him. I have never seen him mad. Kaz has a very playful personality and this is the first time I saw him in that face.

"Kaz, any problem?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered angrily.

"Care to talk about it?"

"You!" he looked at me angrily, "you are my problem."

"M-me? W-why? W-what did I do?" I was confused.

"I did not expect that it would come from you," he said furiously, "I did not know you would see me that way!"

"W-what? What are you talking a--"

"Stop that crap!" he interrupted, "I know that the truth will set you free, but it hurts," he said placing his hand on his chest, "Did you have any idea how painful it is to know the truth and to learn that it came from you?"

"H-huh? K-kaz, I can't remember saying something about you," I tried to defend myself.

"You did! And that hurts because you do not have to tell everyone about it. You could have just told me about it," I see pain in his eyes.

"W-what did they say? I mean what was I suppose to be telling everyone?"

"They say that you've been telling everyone THAT I AM VERY HANDSOME!" he dropped the bomb then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! You should have seen your face, Pat," he continued laughing.

"You're crazy!"I pretended to walk out but he immediately hugged me from my back and kissed my hair.

"Hey, don't go. I just want to lighten things up. You are very serious," he made me face him, "I want you to have fun when you are with me."

He closed our gap and brushed his nose on mine. I am not fond of knowing the names of kisses but I remembered that this is called eskimo kiss. I sighed and gave him a smile but I can't help but slap his arm when he jokingly said, "But tell me the truth, were you the spreading the gossip that I am handsome?"




