Sojourner, Quantum Entangled

Sojourner, spinning on your axis,

When did you and I intertwine?

Do you recall the date of the deal?

Do you remember the place or time?

Was it a series of ebbs and flows,

That got us to where we are now?

Running parallel in the same direction,

Spinning opposite to the other's vow.

Sojourner, you magnificent being,

"Tell me", I cry,

"Were we curated out of the same stardust?

Built out of one sentience and one conscience?"

If we are quantum-entangled,

May you find all the peace in the world,

Little matters if war falls on my side.

May virtue fall in your spin,

Vices in mine.

Sojourner, quantum-entangled,

Did you ever pause to wonder,

How I am made of hell,

You- of Divine?
