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    why am i getting so many dms that say 'we ship it'

             that, my dear padfoot, is people thinking that you and michelle should date. i dont approve of this.

            of course, @prongsiepotters. i take one photo of sirius and everyone thinks we should date.

             tbh, not trying to be weird, but im not against it. 

            are you kidding? @lilsevans, sirius is my best friend. padfoot, my main man.

           @pronsiepotters you're dating my best friend. not saying i would date sirius, but its literally just like you and lily.

             you know, @prongsiepotters, @michelle_p is actually right.

            do you people even have a life?

         why am i never shipped with anyone?

               im never shipped with anyone either. we're the loners.

             you aren't alone.

              get a girlfriend/boyfriend. c'mon, get out there n stuff.

              poor remus. if you want to be shipped with someone, you don't know what it's like.

            people try and force you to date someone. and when you dont date them, everyone gets angry.
