dummies and duplicates

Ohhhh fuck, y/n messed up big time.

"Sh-shizun!! Ah, this disciple is sorry," y/n squeaked, bowing low to show their regret. Y/n heard a deep inhale, then a tired sigh. Y/n braced themselves for another beating—

A hand, clumsy but gentle, patted y/n's head. Y/n froze, as if any movement would shatter the moment entirely.

"We all... make mistakes. It better not happen again."

Y/n chanced a peek up at Liu Qingge's face, but it was nearly impossible to discern his expression in the dim light. His voice was low, but it was still loud enough in the silent forest to be heard without much difficulty.

A twig snapped, and the hand suddenly grabbed y/n's collar, and threw them behind a rock for cover.

While sailing through the air, y/n saw flashes of swordlight and rubble flying everywhere. Liu Qingge's voice could be heard yelling, but it was almost as if there was an echo.

Y/n peeked from behind the boulder and rubbed their eyes once they saw the monster Liu Qingge was fighting...

Well, actually... he was fighting HIMSELF??

It was identical to him in every way, except... it had dark black webs seeping through its otherwise jade smooth face.

It mirrored his every move, blocking as if it knew where each of his strikes would land. Liu Qingge growled as he crossed swords with the monster again, sparks flying as both endeavored to catch their opponent off-guard.

Liu Qingge suddenly feinted left and head-butted the thing. It made a sickening *crack*, like an eggshell, and the monster screamed before it grabbed his sleeve and dragged him onto the ground.

Y/n hurried out of their hiding place with their weapon drawn, trying to keep track of who was who as they tussled on the ground.

There was a powerful blow that knocked them both yards apart, and they both struggled to stand up first. Their weapons were both blown out of their reach from the blast.

Y/n looked back and forth, then back and forth again.

No way... they were ...IDENTICAL?!

"Hey! The monster somehow sealed my spiritual powers, help me defeat it!"

"No, the demon's just trying to trick you! Get him before he kills us!"

The Liu Qingge on the left tightened his fists and his face darkened. The arguing and back and forth flew over y/n's head as they tried to think of a way to tell them apart.

"Wait, shizun!"

Both heads snapped to y/n, their eyes piercing with their intensity. Y/n shuddered. If this worked...

"Who is Shen Qingqiu to you?"

Both men blinked in confusion.

Then, there were two VERY different reactions.

Right Liu Qingge scowled in distaste. "He's conniving and untrustworthy, and I want nothing to do with him," he scoffed, crossing his arms, "Everyone knows that."

Left Liu Qingge, while also scowling, had his facial features softened with embarrassment and a slight suspicion directed at y/n. His ears may have also darkened, but it was hard to tell.

"He's a reliable friend. I trust him with my life."

Y/n took a deep breath in, steadying the sword in their hands. The edge glowed a faint gold, lighting up their faces.

Y/n slashed.
