Childhood (1)

'Wow, I never expected death to be so warm and comforting, and never expected it to involve... milk?'

Gaining consciousness, Anemachi opened her eyes, to see 2 giants looming over her? "Kawaii!" The male exclaimed.

'Kawaii? Do people in Heaven speak Japanese?'

Slowly gaining her bearings, Anemachi slowly realized what position she is in.

'Holy Shi-'  After thinking that, she started struggling in Tsuki's hold, where she automatically blamed her husband for fun because he was the only person who talked while she was being fed.

'Why am I getting breastfed, didn't I die?' That was what Anemachi was thinking when she started to calm down, to the couple's relief.

'Wait, did I get reincarnated? Did God actually listen to my wishes?' Anemachi thought as she continued drinking the milk with a far-off look.

'Maybe I could live a different life than my last, I will make the best out of this!' Anemachi kept thinking before her whole world crashed down when her new father, which already seemed like a better father than her old one, said one sentence.

"Keep drinking so you can get fit my baby girl!" Her new father encouraged her, and with more thinking, Anemachi realized her circumstances even more.

'Oi god! When I said I wanted to be everything I wasn't I didn't mean it to this extent!' Was Anemachi's train of thought.

"She's full so move so I can put her in her crib already," Her new mother said, looking at her father, while holding Anemachi lovingly, making Anemachi feel warm inside because it was something completely foreign to her.

With time to herself, Anemachi was thinking about the world 'When was I born, was I born in the future or the past?'  she also thought stuff about 'Am I in an alternate universe, throughout my lifetime I know having blue and pink hair is not normal'. But mainly she was thinking if her other wishes would be granted, like looks, strength, skill, and most importantly, talent?

But first things were first, she had to establish a good relationship with her parents, and possibly show that she isn't a normal baby while she's at it.

6 Months Later

During this time, Anemachi was practicing her walking by starting to crawl, which surprised her parents. While she could only crawl for around an hour before getting tired, it was progress.

Currently, Anemachi was in her crib, watching her parents above her, cooing lovingly at her which again makes her thankful for this new blessed life she was currently living. 

After some time cooing at Anemachi, they started repeating Mama and Papa, because who wouldn't want their child to say them first?

What they didn't know, was that Anemachi was practicing her speaking skills through babbling randomly, to adjust to her new vocal cords. She did all of this practicing because she wanted to surprise her new parents by saying both of their names, as a token of appreciation for caring for her lovingly.

"M-mama," Anemachi said, spring both her parents because while they had wanted her to say it, they expected for it to be much later, around the 9-14 month mark.

"Yatta!" Her mother celebrated, because Anemachi said Mama first, which she would be bragging about to her friends and husband about for ages.

"W-what about me?" Her father asked, slumping down in defeat while crying fake tears.

"P-papa," Anemachi slowly said, making both parents freeze and surprise, which after a few seconds Taiyo celebrated by picking her up and spinning her around.

"She said Papa, I can die happy now!" Her father said, being a bit too loud, which caused her mother to slap him from the back of the head.

"Shut up! You're disturbing the neighbors!" Her mother yelled, which caused a sweatdrop from her father because she was louder than him when she yelled, but not being able to say anything, lest he sleeps on the couch tonight.

For the rest of the day, Anemachi continued saying Mama and Papa, with her parents congratulating her every time she did, which gave her a warm feeling in her chest every time she got complimented.

Another 6 Months Later

Currently walking around, Anemachi was happy to be able to walk properly, as in her last life she couldn't move because of the condition she was in. So she set a goal to be as fit as possible, to make up for the time that she wasn't able to get stronger at all, which resulted in her walking and running as much as possible, to the amusement of her parents.

During this time, she discovered new things about the world she lived in, for one, around half of the people in the world weren't completely human. She still remembered when her family was visited by the neighbors, and when she saw them they had animal ears. While surprised, she accepted quite fast, possibly because she had a baby's mentality? Who knows?

One time while visiting the neighbors in the winter, it turned out, they had a 6-month-old daughter who was currently stuck in the crib. The parents of the children knew they would be in the same grade, so it was good to have bonds created before they go to school.

So while the dads were talking about parent stuff that was irrelevant to her, like who had the cuter baby and politics, and the mothers were cooking, Anemachi watched the baby that was currently in a crib, sleeping.

Looking at the baby, she was very cute in Anemachi's eyes, with grown tufts of black hair, and was sleeping peacefully while holding a doll in her hands.

While continuing to stare at the baby, Anemachi noticed the baby start to shiver, and her ears were twitching. Noticing the signs of a nightmare, Anemachi started to hum the song Sparkle by RADWIMPS, while patting her head.

"Do you like her, Anemachi?" Her mother asked, finishing up the food and calling her to the dinner table.

"Yesh! She is very cute!" Anemachi responded with a toothy smile, making the parents look at her with fondness.

"Her name is Ookami Mio, so be sure to treat her right, okay?" Her mother said, making sure to speak clearly.

"I will!" Anemache said, with an even bigger smile than before.

"Your daughter is so smart and polite!" Mio's mother said, listening to the conversation between Anemachi and her mother.

"Thank you!" Anemachi said, before bowing to her.

"Now let's go eat some food," Her mother said, before carrying Anemachi to the dinner table and lifting Anemachi onto her lap to feed her because Anemachi couldn't reach the food.

As Anemachi pointed at the foods she wanted to eat from the hot pot, which consisted of meat and mushrooms. Noticing this, her mother got some of the vegetables in the hot pot and made her eat them, much to Anemachi's dismay and the parents' amusement.

While they were eating, they discussed when Anemachi was going to daycare, which while to Anemachi, was useless, the parents agreed that she would go with Mio when she turned 1, which would be another 6 months.

After they finished eating, Anemachi played with Mio, now awoken, until they left.

AN: There we go, 1 year shortened into 6-month intervals holy shiet.

The formatting for childhood would probably be the same unless there are important dates or something, also I forgot if I added this, but I won't be using the ages in the Wiki, because they make no sense, if Suisei was 18 when she debuted in 2018, she should be 22 but they put it as 18.4, like she ages in the tenths so I will be making the ages from what I think they are ill probably do it for every member and put it into a separate portion.

Pretty sure I chose Mio because, well, IDK, was listening to her RADWIMPS cover, which has a short easter egg in this chapter when she hummed it to Mio. Also, I am getting more homework than expected so updates may be slower but I will try to do at least one chapter every 2 days, or on the days I have like no homework so the intervals would be 1 day. 

Oh, the birthdays will be the same though, because yeah, it makes sense.

Doing research about babies sucks, I mean it makes sense that they are all general because everyone is different, but man it sucks to plan out, for I am a busy person.

Chapters may be shorter than usual, mainly because I try to update as much as possible, and I currently have no ideas for childhood, so ideas are appreciated.

As always, comments and votes are appreciated.

Signing Out, Aoplus
