Grey eyes

Gray eyes

Not crystal blue. Not vivid green. Not even murky brown. But bland grey.

Peering out into the world, a pair of grey eyes observe everything. From the tiniest animal to the fierce and bold lion, they see it all.

They watch the world they long to be a part of. The world that rejects them time and time again. Yet they shimmer and sparkle in the light, laughing and playing in it, like thier own little world. But the green-eyed girl tries to call them green. Another girl says No, they are blue. The girl with the grey eyes just laughs and ignores them all, spinning around and around and around, never stopping, not for anyone or anything.

They tried to be crystal blue once. Then they tried to be vivid green. Eventually the girl exclaimed, They are mysterious grey!

We live in a world of labels. But hidden far away, in a lost land, the girl with the grey eyes just found the label-maker.
