Bowser Junior Goes To Military School! (Alternate Ending)

6 years ago... Set in an alternate continuity of Bowser Junior Goes To Military School!

*Glass breaks*

Brooklyn: Huh?! What was that sound?!

Brooklyn woke up from his sleep!

Military soldier: Sergeant Brooklyn T. Guy! One of the students here has escaped!

Brooklyn: What?! I'm gonna catch them and I'm gonna give them 1000 push-ups!

Military soldier: And they somehow beat me and my partner up while trying to stop them!

Brooklyn: Alright! I'll go find them! 

Brooklyn ran out of his room and checked every single rooms to make sure his students are still there. Then, when he decided to check on the cage where he locked someone in, it was empty, with its cage door open and the entire room was a huge mess.

Brooklyn: What the actually hell?! Who did this?!

Brooklyn looked at the window and noticed that it was none other than Junior escaping from Military school!

Brooklyn: Oh no, you don't. Junior! You clearly haven't learn your lessons!

Brooklyn climbed out of the window and started chasing Junior all the way to a forest!

Forest, ??? Ruins

Brooklyn managed to tackle him down at the ruins!

Brooklyn: You're not getting away with this! How dare you escaped from the Military school?!

Junior knocked Brooklyn back to free himself!

Brooklyn: Whoa kid! How the hell you get so strong?!

Junior: I have been suffering enough...that's why I broke myself out to be free from everything in this world.

Brooklyn: What are you talking about?! You still only have a week here before I can finally-

Junior quickly walked toward a mirror, he touched its reflect and he noticed that it's a portal mirror.

Brooklyn: Hey Junior! What do you think you're doing? Are you going to use that mirror to hit me in the head?

Junior: This will be the last time you ever see me, along with everyone else.

Junior then went into the portal!

Brooklyn: Hey! Get back here!

But when Brooklyn tried to enter the portal, he hit himself in the mirror.

Brooklyn: Ow! Oh crap...

The portal has been shut off from this world.

Brooklyn: Got damn it! Why do I think burning Thomas and feeding him dirt and worms was a good idea?!


Cody: Joseph! Do you heard what happened?!

Joseph: Yeah, Cody?

Cody: I heard that Junior has been went missing ever since he escaped Military school. His father hasn't been the same since his son and Chef Pee Pee left.

Joseph: Oh dear...

Cody: Yeah, and there are missing posters of him all over Loganville. How crazy is that?

Joseph: Same for me!

Cody: Man, I feel like this is our fault for causing Junior to end up like this.

To this day, Junior still hasn't been found.
