Axol cheat on meloney

It been 1 week since y/n be back axlo and desti to life.

mario eating spaghetti Meggy was training for the splatfest Lugi playing doll Bowser eating chicken
Tari playing video games Lugi playing doll Bowser smg4 watch movies bob and Boopkin were watching some weird anime.

Y/n mei Ian Udo Souji Amy Utseimimaru Yuko Shinya Yayoi Torin was outside Kyoryu training

Y/n sing smg4 crew hear sing come from outside so they walk out see
y/n singing with a guitar

The song by shaun

Y/n: Remember when i told you no matter where i go I'll never leave your side you will never be alone even when we go through change even when we're old remember that I told you I'll find my way back home i could never let you go couldn't run away if i tried cause  even when I'm alone you still got a hold on my mind i I'll away let you know that I'm always gonna hold on on on  🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 and i told you right you  from the start you  just say the word and I'll go no it doesn't matter how far cause your love is all that i know baby you just say where you are and you know won't be too long hold on hold on ( guitar playing) remember  when i told you no matter where i go I'll never leave your side you will never be alone even when we go through change even when we're old remember that i told you I'll find my way back home ( Flute and guitar playing) 

Mom Chun shi Gan sok jam dun no rul cha ja a mu ri ma ga do gyol guk  no ye gyo chin gol gil go gin yo heng    
Ul kun ne i jen do ra ga no ra nun ji Bu ro ji gum da shi way back home
a mu ri himSe sang ul dwi ji bo cla ju Ryo he o Jik no ro wan gyol dwen

No i won't ever lose as long you're there ( Flute and guitar playing)

Bi chi da ko Jin yo gi na rul a na jwo
Nu nul ga mum yon so ri op shi mil yo wa i ma um gu wi ro non to han gyob sa hyo ga ne gen gu  nu gu do a nin ni ga pi Ryo he do ra wa ne gyo te gu nal ka ji I'm not done

Even when we go through change even when we're old remember that i told you i will find my way back home.

Y/n stop playing the guitar and he  hear clapping turn around to see kyoryuger and smg4 crew there and recording you singing.

Tari pov y/n voice was beautiful.

Sakio pov i don't senpai sing Korean

Meggy pov i don't y/n can play the guitar and Flute with his power.

Gang: y/n that was amazing. 

Y/n: thanks you you guy.

They hug y/n and his Jackets shiny y/n put out zyudenchi see what happens turned it around the name say smg4 crew images of them.

Sakio: oh cool it us. Meggy: it is so cool.  The next day  meloney walk around town and she axlo so ran and saw axlo kissing the other girl she recorded. Axlo see meloney axlo : m-melonwy it not look like. Meloney: How can you. She Ran to the castle to her room and. Crying. 2 minutes Y/n and gang walk back to castle, and they hear crying.

So they went to meloney room and saw that she  was crying y/n and other go to her. Y/n: meloney, what happened? She hugs cry in his meloney: axlo cheat on me everyone: what. Saiko: how can cheat on meloney. Meggy: I don't know but is a jerk. Tari: meloney I'd a sweet and wonderful girl.

Belle: when he come in he is death.
Mario: At motherfucker. Lugi: how about buying her a gift tomorrow.
Y/n: that is a great idea. Amy: yey let do that. She still hugs y/n and clam down. The girl has a sleepover and sleep.Y/n about leaving but meloney put him her and cuddle him and put her head on his chest it feels soft.( she sleep talk) meloney: don't go plz. Y/n: I will ever leave you alone.Y/n kiss her fold head and went to sleep.

Everyone eat breakfast and shower.
Y/n and other make music. Rhe firl looking for y/n smg4. Meggy:Hey what smg4 and y/n? Lugi: other room. All room.

Smg4: y/n what song you have.Y/n a song about meloney.Smg4 was stock. Smg4: Are you sure. Y/n: yes. smg4: ok then go. Other was stock that y/n name song by meloney.

The song by Austin and ally

Y/n: Sometimes it feels like you lost your swag,
You got a "kick me" sign covering the skills that you have,
And it all looks wrong when you're looking down,
You get dizzy doing 360s,
And you can't break out.
Even when you feel like you ain't all that,
Just don't forget that I got your back,
Now turn up the beat,
And bump that track
(Bump that track) Yeah
Nobody rocks it the way that you do,
You got style,
Pop your collar,
Cause you're all kinds of cool,
You're legit,
You're the boss,
Even when the mic is off,
Nobody rocks it,
R-rocks it
The way that you do
No, oh-oh-oh
The way that you do
Can't let one bad,
Thing go and crush ,
Your ways,
You got your epic,
Wins 364 days,
And it's feeling like,
Your game is crazy
But all you need,
Is to bring the heart,
and get back on top,
Even when you feel like you ain't all that,
Just don't forget that I got your back,
Now turn up the beat,
And bump that track
(Bump that track) Yeah
Nobody rocks it the way that you do,
You got style,
Pop your collar,
Cause you're all kinds of cool,
You're legit,
You're the boss,
Even when the mic is off,
Nobody rocks it,
R-rocks it
The way that you do
No, oh-oh-oh
The way that you do
You're off the charts,
You're number one,
You got the fire so keep burning it up
Nobody rocks it the way that you do,
You got style,
Pop your collar,
Cause you're all kinds of cool,
You're legit,
You're the boss,
Even when the mic is off,
Nobody rocks it,
R-rocks it
The way that you do
Nobody rocks it the way,
That you do,
You got style,
Pop your collar,
Cause you're all kinds of cool,
You're legit,
You're the boss,
Even when the mic is off,
Nobody rocks it,
R-rocks it
The way that you do
No, oh-oh-oh
The way that you do

Crew pov earlier we talk to find smg4 and y/n we see smg4 and y/n Make a some we was stock y/n Make a song about meloney.

Meloney blush with embarrassed

Y/n see the crew and look nervou.

Y/n:um hi guy, i don't know you're here. Saiko: senpai that was a amazing. Tari: Yeah y/n olit cool.
Meggy: we was stock You name  your song about meloney.

Meloney: thank you y/n-chan she kiss y/n on the cheek. Y/n: thanks.

Everyone shower and eat they to
Bed. Y/n about leaving but meloney put him her and cuddle him and put her head on his chest it feels soft and y/n kiss her fold head and went to sleep.

Elizabeth afton and Cirus baby age is 18 this story sorry for not tell you guys please forgive me.
