Night 9.2

We kissed for about 5 seconds, about being free is the only thing who runs in my mind..

As Jimin let go of the kiss, the pond water shine,

I look up too see Jimin, he's smiling,

Does that mean, Im not going to see him anymore?

"Thank you Hyerim"

He hugged me and thanked me for releasing him from the cage of Hypersomnia..

"I am now free from Insomnia!" I said hugging him back

I smiled, a part of me is sad that Im not going to see him any time soon,

He let go of the gus, I was staring in Jimin's eyes when he faded like a smoke,

I woke up and sunlight blinded me for a second..

Who is that guy who I just kissed infront of the pond?


Yay! Im almost done!

