Chapter 12: Third Trial; Din's Power

"I wish it didn't have to end that way," Link said as he flew over Skyloft on his way to Eldin.

"That was but a window into a time long passed," Fi responded. "The Lanayru of today has already left us."

"Still," Link said. "Would've been nice to do something."

"You allowed him to say goodbye," Fi assured him. "I am sure in his final moments he was grateful to you."

As they reached the Eldin province, Link looked down to the lava covered land below.

"Is there something wrong?" Fi asked.

"No," Link sighed. "Just ready for this to be over is all."

Link dropped below the clouds, allowing himself to fall a ways, looking around. Not seeing any indication that the Guardian was nearby, he pulled out the sailcloth and landed safely on the island surrounded by lava.

Re-clasping the sailcloth, Link started towards the volcano. "You'd think it'd be big enough to see from here," he said, looking at the other mountains around them.

"This mountain is tall enough that it could hide the Guardian were it on the other side," Fi suggested.

Link stopped on the edge of the path. "Over or around?"

Fi flickered, studying the mountain. "... Over," she finally answered. "There was a small road there when last we were here."

Link held a hand over his eyes, blocking out the sun that was coming from just over the mountain. "Over."

Walking the same road as last time, Link eventually came to the bridge where Impa had first stopped him. "Zelda is ahead," she'd told him. "Hurry."

Still don't like you very much, Link thought as he picked up the pace. Then of course, he remembered how Impa had saved Zelda at the Temple of Time. But at least you're good at your job.


After about two hours of tireless climbing, fighting the Moblins that now seemed so small compared to the other things he'd seen, he finally made it back to the top. He stood in front of the door again, seeing how broken it was now due to Ghirahim's monster ramming into it.

"This way," Fi told him, leading him towards the path they'd missed last time.

Passed a rickety bridge, through a short tunnel, and down a small winding path, they eventually came to a very steep slant carved smooth into the mountainside. It led straight down, ending at a cliff. Passed that, there was only lava.

"I've faced worse," Link shrugged.

Fi's expression remained unchanged as she returned to the sword.

"One of these days I need to teach you how to take a joke," Link sighed. "You haven't laughed at anything I've said since I met you."

Taking out his shield, he jumped over the edge and slid down the slope. It wasn't as smooth as it looked from above, and even the smallest stone threatened to trip him up completely, but he held tight to the sturdy shield and sled down at increasing speeds. As he reached the end he flew forward, quickly strapping the shield to his back and throwing out the sailcloth, floating safely. Spinning in the air he looked back under the cliff to see the Guardian sitting in the rock. It almost looked like the mountain had grown around it, or at least been carved to fit it perfectly.

Link dropped down onto a small stretch of land that ended abruptly, lava blocking him off from all directions. He looked up at the Guardian and it opened its eyes. There was no need for the Guardian to lower its swords, as the lava already blocked any escape, but it lowered its weapons regardless, glaring down at Link.

"Embrace Power."

"Wha-?" Before Link could ask what that meant, he was already falling.


He was falling faster than before, an intense heat rushing up at him. As he tumbled through the air he saw the fires beneath him, and braced for impact as he smashed into the ground.

Well, at least I'm not a flat cake, Link thought as he stood up, head pounding.

He wondered why this Guardian said something different than the last two. "Embrace Power," it said. Not 'have,' but 'embrace.'

Looking around, there weren't too many clues to help him figure it out either. He was surrounded by fire, but it seemed to be still, not like wildfire.

Then... he heard Zelda's cry for help.

"Zelda," Link gasped, spinning around to face her. There she was, but Ghirahim was there as well.

"Not one step closer, boy," he hissed with a smile as he held his blade to Zelda's throat. "Hear me out, or she dies."

Link forced himself to remain silent.

"Very good!" Ghirahim laughed. "Now, your girl here is in danger. But, both of us need her alive. That being said, only one of us cares about the rest of the world."

"...What are you talking about?" Link growled.

Ghirahim held Zelda by her hair and pointed his sword towards the flames. The fires parted and through them Link could see a large shadow looming over a great forest. The Imprisoned had risen.

"Here's my offer," Ghirahim continued. "Save her, or the world. Your choice!"

"Link, please!" Zelda sobbed. "Help me!"

Link had faced the Imprisoned, but now  he was overcome by the sudden feeling of his feet being nailed to the ground.

"Can't make up your mind?" Ghirahim asked. "Ah well, I guess I could throw in a little extra incentive."

He snapped his fingers and another person appeared beside Zelda.


He sat with his head down, frozen in terror and grief. Another Ghirahim stood behind him, a sword to his throat as well.

"Does this make things easier?" Ghirahim 2 chuckled.

"Or harder?!" Ghirahim 1 laughed.

Link grit his teeth. "I don't get it!" he barked. "What does this have to do with strength?"

"Nothing!" Ghirahim 1 scolded.

"But it has everything to do, with power!" Ghirahim 2 added. "Power over Life..."

"... And Death," Ghirahim 1 tightened his grip on Zelda. "You wanted to play the hero, boy, and these are the choices you have to make. So choose! Your girl?"

"Your rival?"

"Or the world?!" laughed both Ghirahim's in unison. "Choose!"

Link looked back and forth between everything, trying to come up with right solution.

"Link!" Zelda cried.

"Link," Groose mumbled.

The Imprisoned roared in the distance, trees falling to flames.

"Please!" Zelda begged.

"I think the answer's obvious," Link hissed. "But I'm guessing I can't choose you."

"Consider us out of bounds," Ghirahim 2 answered.

Link nodded, forcing his legs to move. He stared at the Imprisoned, knowing that if he fought it, Zelda would most assuredly die. Then everyone else would follow anyway. If he chose Groose, nothing would change. As much as he couldn't let anyone die, Groose wasn't the right answer either. But if he chose to save Zelda, there was a chance...

But, Link thought he knew what these trials were trying to teach him.

Zelda was important, probably the most important person in the whole world right now... But he knew he had to set personal feelings aside.

If he just saved Zelda, and let the world die, she'd hate him for sure. There would be no point anymore.

Link knew this, and he knew Zelda knew this. They grew up together, with him training at the academy, and they both knew full well that their duty was to the people first... no matter how hard it was.

"Well?" Ghirahim 1 smirked. "Do we have an answer?"

"Yeah," Link said quietly. "I've decided there is no right answer."

"Well if you choose none-"

"That's not quite it," Link hissed. "I'm not choosing none; I'm making my own choice."

"Sorry, but I can't allow you to change the rules of the game," Ghirahim 1 growled. "If you're going to be so stubborn, then I shall choose-"

Link pounded his fist into Ghirahim's face. The man evaporated into smoke, but Link grabbed his sword before he was gone completely.

He turned, and threw it at the other Ghirahim. It impaled through the gem on his chest, and he fell to his knees.

"You were right," Link huffed, stepping up to Ghirahim. "I am 'playing hero.' But that means it's my job to stop you, and I'll do everything I can to accomplish that, even if it means going 'out of bounds.'"

Ghirahim laughed. "And yet you still failed!" he exclaimed, pulling the sword out. "The Imprisoned is still loose! You still have no weapons capable of stopping it! And I'm still more powerful than you!"

"Not in here," Link corrected.

"What?" Ghirahim faltered.

"These trials happen in my head," Link chuckled. "As far as I'm concerned, there weren't any options to begin with!"

He pushed Ghirahim back. "Out there, right now, you may be stronger than me. But in here, you mean nothing."

"Why you little-" Ghirahim froze in place as Link snapped his fingers.

"In the end, it doesn't matter which of us was right," Link sighed as the fires died down and the world slowly disappeared around him. "Not here, not when I know for a fact that you're wrong out there."

Link looked Ghirahim in the eye. "You don't scare me," he growled. "I will defeat you."

"I'd stay in your head if I were you," Ghirahim spat. "It's dangerous out there with a mind like that. You can't defeat me so easily when I'm in control."

"Maybe," Link agreed.

Ghirahim faded in front of him, leaving Link alone in the darkness.

"But here... at least I don't have to listen to you anymore."

He sat in silence, taking a moment to breathe. He'd been going just about nonstop the whole time, ever since he'd been given this mission. He was beyond tired, or at least he knew he should be, but... something kept him going.

He had no idea if what he did here was the right thing, but he didn't care either. He didn't want power over life and death. He didn't even care much for great physical strength. He didn't train as hard as the other knights, like Groose, or Pipit, but he didn't slack off like others claimed he did, he just went as far as he felt was necessary and left time open for other things. But it felt like these trials were asking him to be someone he wasn't, and if that was the case... why choose him? Why not choose someone who already fit the mold they were looking for?

In fact, the more he thought about it, either Pipit or Groose might have been better picks. Groose might not have been the smartest, but he knew what he wanted and how to get it. Pipit was a good leader, capable of seeing things from different angles. Both of them were pretty strong, and neither feared much.

Of all things, Link just felt confused. "Why did you choose me?" He stood up, looking around into the darkness. Usually the Guardian of the trial was watching close by, but he had yet to see it here. "I might be brave, but I wouldn't exactly call myself wise! And Ghirahim's right-- I'm only as strong as this sword, which could have chosen someone more skilled!" He threw his arms out. "I'll do my job, I already swore to it, but for once could someone give me an answer!?"

Finally the Guardian showed his face, and Link shouted up to him: "Why!?"

It wasn't the answer Link was expecting, but in some weird way it made more sense than anything Link could've thought of."

"Because," the Guardian answered. "You do not want it."


Link blinked and he was back in Eldin again, Fi floating beside him. He looked up at the Guardian, waiting to hear if he'd passed or not, but the Guardian simply leaned back, silent. Yet, from the lava in front of him, a chamber entrance rose.

The Guardian grunted and once more Link wondered why this one was so different.

Well, at least we understand each other, Link thought as he entered the chamber.

"Are you injured?" Fi asked, following.

"No," Link answered. "I'm alright."

"You are acting... strangely," Fi continued.

"I'm fine," Link said solemnly. "Don't worry."

Fi suddenly jerked forward. "Danger detected."

Link drew his sword and took the last step down the stairs, entering a large circular chamber. On the far side of the room, in front of the door, stood Ghirahim. It was just like when they first met.

"Ghirahim," Link growled.

"... Oh, Link," Ghirahim said, turning around. "I see you're still among the living. Fancy meeting you here."

"I've had just about enough of you," Link grumbled.

"Fair, we seem to bump into each other from time to time." Ghirahim stepped toward the center of the room, holding his arms out from at his sides. "Oh but that's no coincidence though, is it? You and I, we're bound by a thread of fate."

"What are you talking about?" Link barked.

Ghirahim motioned to the paintings carved into the walls around the room. "Look at these old drawings!" he exclaimed. "Until I found these, I was... upset about that little stunt the goddess' guard dog pulled at the Gate of Time. What was that twig's name again? Impa? Well, never mind that, because these drawings suggest the existence of a second Gate of Time. This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!" Ghirahim hugged himself, grinning like a loon.

"Get to the point!" Link snapped.

Ghirahim glared at Link, turning back to face him. "I've been a busy boy, searching here and there and everywhere for a second Gate of Time. And yet, I couldn't even find a single clue. Since I know I can be honest with you, I'll admit I got a little sulky. It was frowns all around." he gave an exaggerated frown as if that made his point. "The thought of never getting my hands on that darling young girl again was... well, more than I could bear."

Suddenly Ghirahim was gone. Link drew his shield and tightened his grip on his sword.

"But then..." Ghirahim reappeared directly above Link.

Link swung but Ghirahim had already teleported away again.

"Then I found this place!" Ghirahim laughed as he threw his arms in the air. "The prospect of a second Gate of Time has made me positively giggly!"

Link lunged towards him, but again he teleported away, standing on the opposite side of the room again.

"That girl... Your adorable friend..." Ghirahim smiled, narrowing his eyes, black smoke trailing off of him. "She will be instrumental in bringing about the revival of my master. And though I feared she was now quite beyond my reach, I despair no longer! ... But before we talk any further on that subject, there's still the outstanding matter of your punishment, Link. Do you remember when I told you that the next time we met, I'd make your ears bleed from the sound of your own screams? Well, I've been thinking... Perhaps corporal punishment is a touch harsh. I might be willing to forgive and forget if you'll strike up a deal. ... All I ask is that you tell me where I can find the other Gate of Time. That's not too much to ask for, is it? Oh, and don't you play coy with me. I know that you know, so why not let me in on the fun?"

"No deal," Link huffed. "But I promise to let you live if you shut up and go home. I don't think that's too much to ask, is it?"

"Such behavior," Ghirahim scolded. "A mischievous boy like you needs to be dealt with firmly. I must warn you, I won't go easy on you this time."

He extended his arms as black armor began to cover his skin up to his shoulders. The black smoke intensified, and his stare darkened.

"You'll find the skin of my arms tougher than any armor," Ghirahim explained. "I am many things; Beauty. Strength. Vocabulary!" he smiled evilly. "Yes, I've pretty much got it all. Though there is one teensy, tiny thing I lack..."

His smile dropped and he darted forward. As he passed beside Link, for a moment everything seemed to freeze.

"Namely, Mercy."

Ghirahim sent Link flying back into the far wall, the stone cracking as his shield took most of the impact. He dropped to the ground, dazed.

"Come to me Link," Ghirahim challenged. "You and I, we're bound by that thread of fate. Destined to fight. So come close, Link! Meet me in battle, and the thread of fate that binds us will be soaked crimson with your blood!"

Just as Link stood Ghirahim was already darting towards him again. He threw up his shield and managed to push off of Ghirahim's attack, rolling back into the center of the room, but Ghirahim was unrelenting.

"I'd settle for you just shutting up!" Link slashed and jabbed with his sword, but Ghirahim parried every attack. He kept spinning, dodging around Link's attacks, sometimes teleporting from point to point, striking where Link couldn't see him.

As Ghirahim's attacks quickened, Link had finally had enough, and swept in a grand circle. He knocked Ghirahim back, but it did little more than cause him to stumble. And after a brief moment's hesitation, Ghirahim summoned his sword.

"Not one step closer boy," he hissed with a smile as he held his blade to Zelda's throat.

Link grit his teeth, and realized he was falling into the same trap as before. He wasn't going to be as lucky this time around, Ghirahim wasn't playing. So Link took a breath, and focused. Watching Ghirahim's moves, he looked at the duel for what it was-- a duel. Ghirahim was trying to goad him into slipping up, or surprising him with his magic tricks, but there was a pattern to everyone when they fought, and Link had been trained for that. Even as Ghirahim continued taunting him, Link ignored it. Ghirahim did not like being ignored, and by staying back and not letting Ghirahim's words get to him, he was forcing Ghirahim to slip up. Then he turned the tables, forcing Ghirahim back as he refused to slow his movements. Even as his arm grew tired and Ghirahim continued to teleport away, Link began using his shield as a weapon, smashing it into Ghirahim's chest or head.

When Ghirahim finally knocked his shield away again, Link just kicked him. Against anyone else, their jaw would've broken, but it did at least hurt Ghirahim.

He rubbed his cheek, standing away from Link. He scowled, glaring at the door he couldn't open.

"... Enough of this foolishness!" he hissed. "I am Ghirahim! Demon Lord!! It shouldn't matter how powerful your sword is, you are still nothing... Not just a Human... a Human child! And yet you prevail!"

Link pointed his sword at Ghirahim. "And I'll keep prevailing. Every. Single. Time."

"You filthy scamp!" Ghirahim roared. "You have awakened a wrath that will burn for eons! I swear to you, whatever it takes, I will drag you into an eternity of torment!"

And then he was gone, burn marks on the ground where he'd stood.

Fi appeared from the sword, looking at the markings, then at the sealed door. "In accordance to the last two Sacred Flames," she stated. "The Dragon that holds the flame of power should be through that door."

Link nodded, picking up his shield and sheathing his sword. Fi hovered behind him as he pressed open the door, the seal glowing and allowing Link passage through. It shut behind him as he stood at the edge of the small platform on the other side of the door. The rest of the chamber was filled with lava as the first was filled with water and the second was an empty chasm.

"Eldin!" Link called.

The volcano rumbled, the ceiling crackling. "Another tried to enter this place," said a low voice. "But I sense his presence has faded... Who are you?"

"I am Link," Link answered. "I have-"

"I know why you are here," the deep voice hissed. "Why else would you pass through my door?"

Slowly, a Dragon's head emerged from the lava. It rose high in the chamber, its long red robe spilling into the lava. The horns on his head fanned out like the design of a son, and his scales shimmered like fire. "You wish for the sacred flame... I see you have brought the sword, and have already tempered it with the other flames."

Link nodded, holding the blade at the ready..

"Only the chosen one could have tempered the blade," Eldin said quietly. "Let alone retrieve it from its resting place above the clouds... ..."

After a moment, Eldin rose higher, staring down at Link. "You, sky child, show me your blade and behold my power."

Learning from his past experience Link steadied the sword with one hand against the blade, and lowered his stance. Eldin engulfed the sword in a blazing red fire, the force of it stronger than the last two times. The blade turned a darkened grey, like ashen stone. The hilt's wings spread upward as it turned blue. As he held his newly formed sword, Link noticed the final piece of the symbol on his hand turn gold.

"You have gathered the might of Courage, Wisdom, and now Power," Eldin stated. "However your quest is not complete."

"Now that your blade has been tempered by the last of the sacred flames," Fi added. "It has finally revealed its true form. You now hold the Master Sword."

"And with it you can open the Gate of Time," Eldin continued. "As it was foretold by the Goddess herself."

Link looked at the sword. "And then I can save Zelda, and defeat Ghirahim once and for all."

"Ghirahim," Eldin said coldly. "He was the presence which tried to break down my doors. He is evil, but not the evil you must fight."

"He wishes to revive his master," Link said, understanding. "But I can't let that happen."

"No you cannot," Eldin agreed. "And you haven't much time." The volcano rumbled as Eldin rose higher. "Now, leave this place!"

Eldin dove back into the lava, his words echoing through the cavern. "Hurry, Link, or this world shall meet Demise."


Chapter 12: Third Trial; Din's Power

I'd already rewritten the trial for this one a while ago, but this time around I added a bit to the end of it to better explain the point of it. A part of me is still never sure if I've done the trials justice, but at least the point is made and hopefully understandable.

There aren't a lot of stories that teach people to just be good people. You don't need to be perfect, you just have to try. I wanted Link to be that kind of hero that taught those ideals.
