t h i r t y

c h a p t e r  30

I wanted to scream bloody murder but it seemed like the screwed up part of my persona wanted to just lie on the massive bed and wait for whatever is gonna happen. Despite my Sherlock syndrome symptoms, I know that the turmoil was more than evident in my eyes and burning face considering that Hyunjin's incessant smirk was growing.

"Get the fuck off me."


I flinched slightly when his still wet hair dripped on my cheek. "You're only proving your perverted image to be true." I mentally pat myself on the back for keeping my voice stable.

In a blink of an eye, he was able to pin both of my wrist with one hand as his other hand reached up to wipe the droplets away. "There's nothing I can do or say to change your mind anyway.." He murmured, twirling a strand of my hair. "..so might as well." He smiled devilishly as he leaned closer.

I desperately tried to put some sort of distance between us by pushing my head deeper on the bed. But even his amazingly soft bed had its limitations. When it wasn't possible anymore to merge myself with the mattress, I found myself meeting his eyes.

I didn't realise I was holding my breath.

He was so devastatingly close, his minty breath fanned my stray hairs. I cringed internally when I realised that I had just woken up and haven't even brushed my teeth. I probably still smelled of champagne mixed with the right amount of saliva. God, that's revolting. Thank heavens I was holding my breath.

When I didn't think that it was any more possible for him to grow any closer, the banging of the door seemed to shake the entire room.

I wasn't sure if I was glad or not.

"Open up!"

Hyunjin's eyes closed momentarily as if he was in great distress. He moved away just barely, his grip on me loosening a tad bit. "Let's keep quiet. Maybe she'll disappear."

I wasn't sure why I followed.

"I know you're in there! I can hear the damn hair dryer!"

And everything seemed to go back in focus. His room, the continuous roaring of the hair dryer, the loud knocks of Yeji, Hyunjin hovering, our position, and the cramps in my arms. Taking advantage of his unguarded state, I was finally able to push him away where he effortlessly landed on his side by the bed.

I shot him the most venomous glare that I could muster. "Do that again and I swear-"

He planted his face on one of the pillows, ignoring what I was about to say. "Yeah, we'll continue later. For now, open the door to the disturbance that is my sister please."

I was thankful that he was not looking my way. Or else he would have seen the beautiful length of my middle finger. Or maybe the blossoming blush on my cheeks. Maybe both.


Yeji walked me to their main doors with an easy smile as we waited for Hyunjin who went to fetch his car keys.

"I'll be returning these once I wash them." I lifted the paper bag which had the nightgown inside. "Oh, and also these." I gestured to what I was wearing.

"Perfect! I'll be expecting you soon." She beamed the brightest smile, I think the sun shook a little.

Over breakfast, it was discussed how my atrocious state came to be. Last night, Yeji was generous enough to lend me one of her nightwear and took it upon herself to change me. I blushed when she so openly complimented my skin and body. I shoved a pancake inside her mouth as a poor attempt to shut her up when she gushed over how 'soft' and 'smooth' my legs were. I feigned ignorance when Hyunjin smirked at me from across the table.

I've been forcing myself all week to believe things which I know for a fact wasn't at all true so I added another one. I forced myself to believe that I wasn't at all affected when I had asked why I slept in Hyunjin's room when they literally had a dozen of guest rooms available and was given the answer that he wanted me in his room. More specifically, to quote Yeji, who had quoted Hyunjin, 'I want her to sleep on my bed.'.

"Don't worry. He slept on the floor." She had said.

I wasn't sure if that little information comforted me at all. It was the boy's room for Pete's sake. Not to mention, his birthday!

I pushed the thought away while I rocked on my heels waiting for my blonde driver.

Yeji hummed as she craned her neck to catch a glimpse of their enormous staircase to probably check for Hyunjin's presence. "We have a few minutes." She whispered giddily, pulling me closer. Confused, I raised a brow. "Do you like Hyunjin?" She asked, genuinely curious. "I'm sorry I just had to ask. That guy never shares anything with me."

I grew silent as I pondered on the question. Did I like him? It hasn't been that long since I met him though. But feelings are more unpredictable than the weather anyway. I just know that whatever I was about to say was going to bite me in the ass but I couldn't bring myself to care anymore.

"I don't know if you can call it 'like'. I mean, do I find him attractive? Sure. Do I find myself looking forward to his aggravating comments just so I can hear his voice? Yeah. Do I hate his guts but somehow still want to be kiss him? Absolutely. And am I the type of person to deny their feelings and play hard to get? Of course. But do I like Hyunjin?" I scoffed. "No."

I could physically feel myself sink into the floor because of my sudden proclamation. I've always told myself that if I never say it, it's not true. I know I was in deep shit now that I've said it.

I just sabotaged myself.

Mid ramble, Yeji's hands had found its way to cup her cheeks as she struggled to prevent a squeal from escaping. I pressed my lips together as she tried to compose herself by bouncing violently on her feet. I couldn't blame her for her reaction. I basically confessed to his brother through her.

"When do you plan on confessing?" She gushed.

"Well, it's Sunday so I could probably drop by the churc-"

"I meant to Hyunjin!"

"What about me?" He emerged, his keys twirling on his finger. I looked in awe, seeing him wear the headband. I looked away before he could catch me staring.

I coughed awkwardly. "Oh, I just asked her where she would throw a rock at." I shrugged nonchalantly.

(a/n: oH my 9k readsssss bssjdjwjjshebeb anyway,, short chap im sori but anyway,,, gosh i know that this app is international n shit but it still surprised me that people from all over the worLd are reading MY book! despite my cheesy ass storyline and amateur writing thank u so much for still reading n taking the time to comment and vote :;(( i feel like ive said this every chapter but i caNt say it enough huhu so once again thANK U SO MUCH ! yall dont know much yall helping me get through uni :> its 4am where i am now. imma sleep n update later in the day to make up for this short chapter ;) see yall l8r)
