XXVII - ๐”ญ๐”ฉ๐”ฌ๐”ฑ ๐”ฑ๐”ด๐”ฆ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ, ๐”Ÿ๐”ฆ๐”ฑ๐” ๐”ฅ



Rebekah stopped flipping through the magazine when she noticed his trepidation.

"What's up, champ?"

The dog cocked his head to the door, as if to say listen Auntie Bex.

Rebekah slowly put down her magazine and craned her ears to listen for anything that might have set off the dog.

She could hear steady footsteps, ones she were quite familiar with, having grown up with all her life โ€” but she could also tell that there was an imbalance between them, which meant that Klaus was either severely injured or had to pee really badly.

Sometimes, it was quite a fine line.

A banging ensued from the Mikaelson front door, and Rebekah frowned at her watch.

Niklaus had told her that he and Lilura would return later that evening, after their date. Rebekah, knowing well of Klaus' impermanent nature and Lilura's ostentatious taste, had opted to stay with Sirius as company just in case his owners very well skipped into the sunset like the idiotic sods they were.

All of this was reflected in a matter of seconds, because the door was suddenly flung open with the familiar smell of rust.

"Rebekah..." breathed Klaus, "Lilura..."

The female Original quickly supported her brother, who had lost his balance while scrambling to get into the door.

"Lilura is on a killing spree," His eyebrows pulled together at Rebekah who had noticed his wound at his side. A small patch of red seeped through his button up. "Forget that."

He flinched away from her outstretched hand.

"Close the door, Bekah, close the goddamnโ€”"

"Ah, Rebekah Mikaelson," Lilura bared her teeth pleasantly. The dark navy gaze narrowed at Klaus disdainfully. "Oh, you're still alive."

And then she lunged. In the night light it was hard to decipher what the enchantress had grasped in her hands, but the shape was unmistakable.

Rebekah froze, staring on in deep confusion and absolute disbelief. Her feet were planted on the ground and her eyes moved back and forth between the siren hungry for blood and Klaus evading her reckless jabs.

Lilura threw the stake, which sailed a few centimeters away from the Original's ears.

He grinned at her, "How pathetic."

Without a moment to waste, the tables turned. Klaus swiftly grabbed the stake and sped to Lilura.

Lilura felt herself being slammed onto the ground. The ceiling and chandelier floated in her half closed vision and the sound of Sirius yelps buzzed in her ear.

Klaus, breathless and sneering with uncontained rage, gripped her neck until she started to cough and wheeze. Her red nails clawed at his own hands, trying in vain to throw him off.

The Hybrid himself seemed delirous. "If I remember correctly," He chuckled as Lilura struggled. "you like this position, princess."

Rebekah finally came to her senses. "Stop it! Let go, both of you!"

The Hybrid did as told, eyeing his wife suspiciously. He was still on top of her, distrust clear in his sneer. "Don't do anything you'llโ€”"

"Fรผck you!" Lilura screamed, successfully rolling herself and Klaus over. "You should be dead. I should. have. killed. you. years. ago." With every word she hit him, tan skin on fair, deviled navy eyes on sky blue.

After several high intensity hits, blood trickled down from Klaus' broken nose. His left eye was swollen purple, practically closed. Lilura felt a new found feeling of satisfaction course though her veins.

"The Great Original Hybrid," She chuckled slowly, lips pulled back, crazed and truly animal. "You can't even defend yourself."

She smacked his skull against the concrete floor. "Fight back!" She roared when the Hybrid laid limp.

"No," He croaked.

"FIGHT BACK, NIKLAUS AND DIE WITH DIGNITY, OR DIE NOW BY MY HANDS," She hissed, white oak stake forgotten across the floor. Her alter ego self was more focused on keeping Klaus down.

Rebekah slowly inched herself to the weapon in hopes of de- escalating the situation.

"I'll kill you!" Lilura said, slamming Klaus' upper body against the floor. "I will!"

"Then do it!" He yelled, eyes wild. "Kill me then, if that's what you want. Do it," The Hybrid growled. "I dare you."

"Challenge accepted," Lilura sneered. "We shall remember this as Niklaus Mikaelson's final โ€”"

With a great scream, Rebekah had stuffed a makeshift wooden stake from the dining chair into Lilura's shoulder. She had refrained from the white oak in case sirens were not immune to their deadly power.

Klaus felt Lilura's grip weakened, before Rebekah ripped the stake out and slammed it on Lilura's head.

The siren fell unconscious, hands covered with the blood of two originals.

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ฮ” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”

Klaus filled his glass of whiskey.

"That's a little gratuitous, don't you think, Stefan?" He mused to the Salvatore standing in front of him.

"That's a little too much, don't you think,ย  Klaus?" He replied, gesturing to the glass that Klaus had not stopped filling, which was now dangerously overflowing.

The Hybrid shrugged, "Oh, look at that. Seems like we've all had a long day, some more so than others."

Alaric's dazed form was shaken awake.

The Hybrid examined the beaten hunter. "I would have been more gentle," He mocked.ย 

Rebekah stood up, "I'm gonna take him to the caves. You're gonna go inside and fetch me the stake and if you think you're gonna hide, you're wrong."

She pushed Alaric towards the door in a no-nonesense matter, seldom seen in the young bratty woman.

Klaus had half the mind to acknowledge her growth. He wasn't blind after all.ย 

There was a moment of silence before he reclined in his kingly armchair, throwing a covetous smirk.ย "I know about your brother's little mission to Denver. He failed. Not that that's news anymore."

"So, what are you gonna do now, Klaus? You gonna kill me?"

The Hybrid chuckled softly, "I haven't actually decided yet."

"Aww, sure you have. See you've had every chance and every excuse imaginable to do it, but yet you haven't. Which means you don't want to," said Stefan.

Klaus smiled. "You know something, you're right. You see, I'm still waiting for my old friend to come back. By the looks of it, he's just beneath the surface. Waiting to come out and play. Isn't that right, Ripper?"

"I've been fighting that part of myself, thinking that if I repressed it then it would go away. But it won't. And now that I've accepted it, it can't control me," Stefan replied icily.

Klaus sipped his drink, listening in that same contemplative arrogance once would see on a King or a Lord, who had the fate of the world in the mercy of his hands.

However, Stefan wasn't scared. No, he was simply done being scared of Klaus. One way or another, the Originals would fall from their thrones. One day, all of what Klaus Mikaelson had built would burn because his soldiers were merely paper people โ€” biologically created to serve but neglected and therefore discarded. One day, things would not bode well for the Big Bad Wolf.

It was inevitable. It was forseeable.

It was already happening, Stefan thought. The siren's crumbling sanity was proof of that.

"You know you're out of tricks, Klaus. You're hoping for a miracle," said Stefan, observing the tightness in which the Hybrid clenched his jaw.

"You're hoping for her to make it out alive. I hope she does, just for your sake. But now we can't do anything, can we? So, unless you're gonna stake me and finally end my life, why don't you get the hell out of my house?"

Stefan left their conversation with a flurry. Klaus, on the other hand,ย  watched the young vampire breeze his way out of the Boarding House.

Klaus couldn't tell if it were pride or anger that encouraged his light laugh.

Parenting, what a bizzare thing.

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ฮ” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”

Lilura Anthemoessa had never felt quite this discontented.

She traced the walls with a stick. It was a new prison, at least to the enchantress. Although the Salvatore cells were available, Klaus has opted to throw her in here where no amount of force could guarantee her escape.


Her head snapped up at the sound of a tiny dog.

Sirius stood centimeters from the barrier, tongue out in the open with a few droplets of saliva dripping down it. His eyes, which were perpetually wide, grew two sizes when he caught sight of his beloved owner.

Woof! He grinned in greeting.

When Lilura glared at him, the puppy stumbled backward as if she had just burned his favorite toy in the fire.

Sirius had not been expecting that cruel navy gaze.

"Hello, little puppy," cooed Lilura, but it wasn't the same tender tone Sirius was used to. He knew her bell-like laugh well, and this wasn't it.

"Why don't you come inside?"

Sirius gazed at Lilura. Some sort of intuition kicked in and he found himself wanting to run away.

But this was Lilura, Sirius' best friend, and the young puppy knew with all his heart that she posed no danger to him, even if her smile was a bit too sharp at the moment.

"Come on, step inside, puppy. I've been craving some young blood."

Sirius squeaked when the Siren pounced foreward without warning.

"Boo!" She sneered.

Lilura watched as Sirius raced away, tail inbetween his legs.

Now it was back to boredom.

"Be a good girl," the Hybrid had ordered, hours before. "If you get bored, don't kill yourself. "

And with that, the blond had walked off with his hands in his pocket, whistling away.

Lilura hadn't bothered to answer.

Klaus Mikaelson wasn't worth her words. He would be dead soon anyway.

"Move along," Rebekah's grumble floated all the way inside her prison.
The siren stood up just in time to see Rebekah and Alaric make their way to the barrier.

"Go get it. You know I can't get in," She ordered, shoving the hunter swiftly.

Alaric barely paid Lilura any attention before beeline-ing straight for a white oak stake nestled in the crevice of the rocks.

"Keen eye," Lilura said, silently baffled at how she had spent hours in the cave without noticing the weapon.

Rebekah opened her palm patiently, but Alaric had other ideas.

"Now why would I give you the one thing that requires everyone to keep me alive?"
He asked, seating himself on a rock.

"Are we bargaining now?" Rebekah sneered.

"It seems like we are, little Miss. Prissy," Lilura piped up. She punched Alaric's shoulder playfully. "I like where your head's at, hunter."

"Don't touch me, monster," Alaric replied. Lilura frowned but didn't comment, which the female Original found strange until she remembered the predicament both were in. Alaric's alter ego was a lot more fun but less friendly.

She eyed the two of them warily. "What's your offer?"

"There's only one stake out there. Which means only one Original has to die," Alaric said.

"Help us and we'll make sure it's not you," finished Lilura.

The blonde laughed dryly."Tenuous, but points for effort. You see, I don't want one Original to die."

Lilura raised her eyebrows suggestively when Rebekah stepped over the invisible barrier.
"I want them all to die."

"Pardon?" Lilura spluttered, eyes searching Rebekah's own blue eyes.

Alaric seemed equally vexed.

"How the hell did you do that?" He inquired.

"It was easy to fool Niklaus, but I thought you of all people would understand. After all, my son did use your body at one point."

"Plot twist," sang Lilura.

"You're not Rebekah," Alaric said slowly, as if decreasing the speed of his words would somehow give him the answer.

Rebekah smiled severely.

"No. My name is Esther and we have a great deal in common."

๐ŸŒŸ sorry for the late update?ย  lmao I have no excuses I was just a little (lol, little you say, B?)
stumped on this chapter.

Anyways, hope you enjoy.

Also, how is alter ego Lilura? I feel like I really struggled to write her character in this. Haha. Let me know in the comments of she's a bit redundant.
