
They sat in silence, Tamara, Pietro, Wanda and their parent at the dinner table. The five are in the comfortable silence not even realizing what was about to occur.

Tamara pushed her plate forwards with a sigh, "so how was work?" She asked her parents as they finally engaged in a conversation.

"You know how it is Tammy-" her father started just as rumbling started, just as we thought it was fine a hole was created in the floor.

Without think Tamara stood from her chair as screams echoed through the complex. "You three stay here alright!" The two adults walked out the door.

The three triplets stood from their chairs as the building starts to crumple. "PIETRO GRAB WANDA, GET UNDER THE BED NOW!" Tamara commanded.

Pietro did as he was told and grabbed his younger sister before rolling under the bed. "TAMARA GET OVER HERE" Pietro yelled as the girl stopped moving frantically.

Just barely a step away from the bed as a second shell hit. She took a shaking breath as her brother and sister stared at it terrified.

It didn't go off, the wall behind Tamara began to fall as Wanda eyes widened. "Tammy, Tam- TAMMY" Wanda tried to struggle from Pietros arms as she stood.

Too scared to move from her position Tamara let out a breath, the wall fell, her leg completely crushed under it. The pain surging through her body as the shell continued to sit there.

The breathy screams of pain and agony escaped Tamaras lungs as Wanda cried in Pietros chest. The brother himself holding back tears as they watched their sister scream.

Only three feet in front of all three of them was the shell, one name of the side clear as day.


Trapped and not being able to move, they stayed in their positions for hours upon hours, reaching day after day. Two days had passed.

The two had made efforts every so often to carefully pull themselves from under the bed, Tamara lost a decent amount of blood. The pressure from the wall may have been the thing to cause the injury but the pressure was keeping the blood in the wounds.

"Be careful" Tamara croaked out as her brother and sister continued to make their way slowly and carefully out from under the bed.

The door opened from the rubble, men with guns entered as Pietro quickly waved his hands up.

"We're in here" he breathed as the men walked in. The laser pointers bright in the eyes the three looked up, "we have three survivors, what should we do" one asked talking into his comms.

"We need volunteers for our experiment" it answered. "Ones badly injured, a wall on her leg" he responded as the team helped Pietro and Wanda away from the bomb.

"Bring them all in" it commanded. "I need four in apartment 105, and fast" he spoke into the comms.

"Miss do you know your name" the man asked and knelt down as he picked up her head a bit.

"Tamara M-Maximoff" she said as her breathing began to pick up. The surges of pain were continual as she let tears flood her cheeks.

"You'll be ok, we're going to take good care of you" he said as four more men came in.

"Two on each side, we're gonna need a doctor." He commanded, the four men split into two teams. Four sets of hands on each side as they began to lift the wall.

The pain was worse than before reminding Tamara of when it first fell on her only days before.

The screams of agony were like cry's for help only more like nails on a chalkboard. She felt the blood begin to pour out as she screamed harder.

Her hands fisting as the pain no longer shot through her leg but through her whole body. It was too intense, too painful to go through much longer.

The man pulled her from her position as the four struggled to hold the thick piece of wall. The blood created a wet puddle as everything began to go black.

"Don't close your eyes" the man said as he wrapped something tightly around her leg to stop the blood. "Your going to be ok" his voice was distant as she tried to stay awake.

"Too much" she breathed as her eyes began to flicker, within the moment she was being wrapped up onto a portable table and placed with her brother and sister in the truck she blacked out completely.

Two Months Later

"Pietro stop running so close to me, your making my head spin!" Tamara complained as the silver tip haired boy ran fast circles around her.

She sighed and crossed her arms before smirking, "bye bye brother" she said as her body began to fade. His smirk dropped as he watched his sister disappear.

"My my" she whispered in his ear, the physical being of Tamara was now out of sight as he jumped. The giggle of laughter coming from no where as Wanda rolled her eyes.

"It's almost as if..." she continued and tickled his other ear with her breath as she spoke.

"You want me to give you nightmares" she finished before opening a portal under him making the boy fall and opening another just above as he fell down from it and landed hard on the ground.

"Didn't see that one coming" he muttered but still enjoyed himself as he ran around Wanda. "You never do" Wanda giggled before raising her hands and stopping Pietro in place.

"Now stop trying to cut off my breathing supply" she told him sternly yet jokingly.

The door from the cafeteria opened as the man with a loaded gun came in, "Strucker has asked for you three to remain back in your cubes" he stated firmly.

"You mean back in those cells" Tamara said creating a portal and walking through it only to reappear back in front of the man. "I bet you have one too" she said as the man tranced.

Her voice beginning to sound like honey to him. "Maybe ask him five more minutes, my love" she whispered in his ear.

"Of course" he nodded before walking out and shutting the door. A smirk appeared on her face as she turned around to her lookalikes.

"I still don't know how you do that" Pietro said running around the room before running up the wall, losing balance and falling flat on his back with a groan.

"Well how do you run so fast mister speedy" Wanda asked as if the answer was clearly obvious. "We were exper-..ohhhhh" he said remembering.

"And your supposed to be fast" Tamara giggled. "As far as I know, I can turn invisible to the eye, create portals, and I have a thing with words, ohh what if I could talk to animals" she exclaimed.

"That actually would be pretty cool" Pietro said edging his sister on. "Just imagine a pack of bears coming from a mountain with me as their leader" she said jumping on the table and looking heroic.

"Don't hurt yourself" Wanda warned eyeing her sisters footing. "Or what if it wasn't just an army of bears but wolves too!" She said excitedly. "Don't wolves eat bears?" Pietro asked.

She thought for a moment before shrugging and shifting in place. The second she placed too much pressure on the leg it buckled making the girl gasp and fall off balance.

Without a thought Pietro ran catching his sister perfectly before she hit the ground, "thank you" she said as Pietro helped her back up.

"Oops?" She said throwing her sister an apologetic smile, the doors opened and Strucker walked in, "time to train" he said as the three of them walked out of the cafeteria.

Once they made it to the training room they were separated into three different rooms. Each room was built based off of each child's abilities.

Pietros room was dark and quiet, his training room was to help him with his reflexes, to sense another being around him.

Wandas room was built to withstand her blasts, to help her use her energy and harness the powers into her every move.

Tamaras room was full of mirrors, this was to challenge her concentration. She was able to create portals directly on a mirror and come out from another.

The thing about the portals were that they could blend in. She could create a portal in front of your face and you wouldn't even know.

This was how the everyday schedule went, wake up, eat, train, eat, train, break, workout, sleep, repeat. That was how it was for the next year as well until one day the sounds of explosions came back. Haunting Tamaras nightmares.

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