Chapter Five

Emma pulled up into the driveway of Josh's house, taking a deep breath as she put her car in park.

She got out, then closed the door as she looked up at the house, her heart beginning to pound in her chest.

This is it, she thought. Don't mess up this time.

Coming to people's houses for this kind of thing still made her nervously because she had only done it a few times on her own. She feared she'd be fired right off the bat, and, though it wasn't a real job, it still hurt that her help could be turned down so quickly.

She began walking up the steps to the house, hugging her binder close to her chest. She made her way up to the door, and brought her slightly trembling hand up to the doorbell.

Please don't be mean, she thought. Please be nice to me.

She rang the doorbell, and waited for a moment, every second passing being painful.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a man smiled at her.

"Emma!" He said happily.

"Hi!" She Said, smiling. "Josh, right?"

"Yep." He said, smiling back. "Come on in."

He held the door open, and she stepped inside, looking around immediately.

Everything was so clean. Emma wouldn't expect that for a man's house. But then again, after living with her father, Anything was clean.

Josh stood for a moment, looking around. "So...I'll go get Tyler.." he said. " can come to him."

"Sure," She Said. "I can do that."

He nodded. "Okay, come with me."

He began walking away, and Emma held her binder close again and she followed him down the hallway, down to a bedroom with the door slightly open.

Josh opened the door, peeking in. "Okay, he's decent."

Emma laughed a bit, then watched as he opened the door, revealing the bedroom, which had a large bed sitting in the middle of it. A skinny figure lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling as if it were an intriguing television program.

They both stood there for a moment, just watching him.

Emma knew that Tyler had no idea she was there. Josh must not have told him.

"He looks so sad.." She Said quietly.

Josh nodded, sighing. "Can you help him?"

Emma took a deep breath. "I'll try my best."

She began walking up to Tyler, who still hadn't noticed that she was there. She approached the bed, then reached out and touched his arm gently.

Tyler took one glance at her, then jumped out of bed, his eyes wide. He then looked at Josh, realizing that this girl hadn't just broken into his bedroom. Josh had let her in.

'Who is this?' He mouthed to his friend, who tilted his head.

Tyler bit his lip angrily. He wasn't mad at Josh, he was just mad that he couldn't communicate. And when Tyler was angry, it built up into a bunch of bottled up rage that, after a while, would have to come out.

He grabbed a pen and notebook off of the dresser, scribbling what he had just mouthed onto it before handing it to Josh.

Josh wrote out an answer, then handed it back to his friend.

This is Emma. She's here to help.

Tyler then turned to Emma, writing on the paper and showing it to her.


She smiled, then set her binder down on the dresser and showed him her hands.

'With this,' she signed.

He tilted his head confusedly, then realized what she was doing.

Sign language? He wrote.

Josh nodded excitedly.

Tyler stood there for a moment, then shook his head.

Josh looked at him questioningly.

No, Tyler wrote.

Josh's mouth dropped open. He reached over and grabbed the notebook.

What do you mean? You'll be able to communicate again.

Tyler took it back.

It's not the same.

Emma looked down. I can't let this happen again, she thought. I can't be rejected again.

She looked back up, taking a deep breath and holding out her hand for the notebook.

Tyler hesitantly gave it to her, and she flipped it to a new page.

She wrote in it for a minute, then handed it back to him.

Tyler, I get it. This is a scary situation, losing your hearing. But I can help you. Life can be somewhat normal again, if you just let me. I understand what you're going though. Give me a chance, please.

He shook his head, then wrote, and shoved the notebook back at her.

You don't understand.

Josh walked up to Tyler. "Let her help," he mouthed.

Tyler took a deep breath, biting his lip as he looked off to the side.

He reached out for the notebook again, and Emma gave it to him.


She smiled. "Good." She Said. "Josh, do you wanna go so we can start?"

Josh nodded, smiling at her before leaving the room.

She dropped herself to the floor, sitting cross-legged, then looked up at Tyler expectantly.

He reluctantly sat on the floor across from her, and she smiled.

She pulled out a piece of paper with a list of words on it, then showed it to him.

He looked at it, then looked at her questioningly.

She took his notebook and pen.

These are the words I'll teach you today, which are Common words you can practice this week.

Tyler nodded, and she smiled, showing him the list again.

She pointed to the first thing at the at the top of the page, which was Tyler Joseph.

I'll teach you your name, she wrote in his notebook.
