1. Lutteo - First time

Luna was so happy. She knew that her life is going to be different but maybe even better. She had the best boyfriend in the world: Matteo, who loved her so much and she loved him with all her heart. Matteo was like her other half. Luna knew that Matteo felt it too. She was the happiest herself in her life. Matteo was always there to listen to her, comfort her, cheer her up and most importantly, to kiss and hug her. But she felt like this just wasn't enough any more.

Even though her parents, friends and Matteo gave her to her 18 birthday lots of nice presents, there was something that she truly wanted. She just did not know how to tell Matteo.

After all her friends went home, Matteo asked her. "So, did you like the party and the presents?" Luna smiled brightly. "Yes, I did. Especially that one from you." and she looked down. Matteo smiled. "I'm glad you like it." And then he registered the nervousness that Luna tried to hide so desperately. Matteo frowned. "Luna, what's up with you? Are you alright?" Luna looked up. "What?" Matteo chuckled. "You're so distracted, Chica Delivery. What were you thinking about?" Luna took a deep breath. She didn't know how to tell him. And for the first time in her life she felt embarrassed.

Luna looked around the garden. There was her grandfather, Ámbar and her mum. She said. "I need to talk to you." Matteo nodded. "Fine. But did I do something wrong?" Luna was confused. "No, you didn't. Everything is alright. Come with me." she said and grabbed him by the hand. They walked to the house. "Okay, Luna. Nobody can hear us. What did you want to tell me?"

Luna took a deep breath. "I know you already gave me one beautiful present, that necklace. Thank you." Matteo knitted his eyebrows in confusion. "Do you want something else?" Luna blushed. "You." Matteo blinked and then realized. "Are you sure, Luna? We don't have to. I want it to be speacial for you." Luna smiled. "Today is special. And we're special, when we are together. I am sure, Matteo. I want it to be you. Please. I have never been so sure about anything in my life." she said. Matteo smiled. "Alright. But if you'll realize that you're not ready, tell me. You can still back off. I don't want to put a pressure on you." Luna smiled. "Thank you for it. I really appreciate it. But I know that I am ready." Matteos' face lit up. He kissed her on the lips and then whispered. "Come after dinner to my room. They won't catch us there. And if you change your mind, just send me a text." Luna smiled. Her boyfriend was so sweet and caring.

-----After the dinner-----

Luna fake yawned. "Thank you so much for the presents and the party. I'm so tired, I'm going to bed." Lunas' mum frowned. "Luna, are you okay? I will take to your room hot milk and honey." Luna and Matteo exchanged a quick look. "Thanks mum. I don't think it's necessary. Good night." And she quickly kissed Matteo on the cheek. He winked at her. She smiled and then walked away. Matteo said. "Thank you for the meal, it was delicious as always, Monica. I'm going to my room, I need to finish my song." Simon asked. "Do you need help?" Matteo smiled. "Thanks, but no. I have an idea, how to finish it. Good night." Lunas' grandfather stated. "They are both acting weird today."

Luna waited until everybody went to their bedrooms. When she was sure that everybody is where they should, she tiptoed from her room to the other side of the house. When she wanted to open the door from Matteos' room, she spotted a beautiful pink rose on the gound. She smiled. It was so romantic. Then she knocked on the door. From Matteos' room she heard a soft whisper. "Come in."

So she opened the door and gasped. All around the room were candles and photos of them on the floor. And on the bed sat Matteo with his guitar and sang Siento. This look and his angel voice made Luna tear up.

Matteo stood up when he finished the song. He handed Luna his hand. When she walked to him, he whispered. "Are you really sure, Luna?" Luna smiled warmly. "Yes, I am. Now even more. It's so beutiful." she added and looked around the room. "You are beautiful. I love you, Luna." She looked into his brown-black eyes and said. "And I love you, Matteo."

Matteo leaned down and kissed her. It was magical. After a few minutes Luna found herself in Matteos' arms, who was carrrying her bridal style to the bed.

Soon they were lying on the bed and Luna struggled with the buttons on Matteos' shirt. Matteo started to take it off, when Luna asked so shyly. "Can I ... maybe, take your shirt off?" Even in the dark of the candles was visible that she was blushing. Matteo smiled softly, the way only he could. "Of course. I am all yours, you can do anything you want with me." and winked. Luna laughed a little. She took it off and just stared. She wasn't used to see boys shirtless. And Matteo wasn't some random guy, he was the most beautiful boy she has ever seen. She started to feel a little self-conscious. And Matteo noticed that.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He took her hands into his. "Nothing. I've just... never done anything like this before." Matteo looked her deeply in the eyes. "Luna, love, it's okay. It is not something you should be embarrassed of. Besides, I know you've never experienced something like this before. That's why I never mentioned it." Luna looked at him, so surprised. "How did you know?" He smiled lightly. "You look and act so innocent. We can stop, if you want. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." Luna smiled and her excitement came back, when she realized how much Matteo cares about her. "No. I want it. I'm ready." She saw the sparkles in his eyes. "So, can we continue? Can I take your dress off?" Luna nodded with smile on her lips. "Yes." Luna then frowned. "But I don't know what to do." Matteo assured her. "I'll show you what to do. Don't worry." Then something crossed her mind. "Have you ever done this before?" she asked. Matteo nodded. "Yes, I did. With Ámbar." he added, when he saw Lunas' questioning look. "Oh." was the only thing she managed to say. It never crossed her mind that her adoptive cousin could be Matteos' first. "Hey, Luna. Don't think about it. She has never meant to me this much like you do. Nobody has. Believe me?" Luna smiled. "I believe you."

They were kissing and slowly undressing each other. Lunas' heart was beating so fast. She has never felt so alive. Matteos' heart almost stopped working, when he saw Luna like this. "You're gorgeous, Luna." She blushed. "You're beautiful." Luna whispered. "Thanks." Matteo said shyly. Luna felt now so confident. "What happened to the Chico Fresa, who is always right, confident and the best? Oh my God! I saw you blushing! I can't believe it!" Then she saw the devilish sparkle in Matteos' eyes. "You shouldn't have said that, Chica Delivery." he warned her with an evil grin on his perfect face. "No, Matteo! Mercy!" she whisper-yelled. He tickled her so much.

After a while the two of them were kissing passionately on the bed. "Are you ready?" he asked. "Yes."

Luna remembered what Nina told her a year ago. "It hurted so much, Luna, but it was beautiful. Like two people and souls became one." Luna couldn't agree more.

When the pain came, Luna gasped. She has never experienced anything like that. Matteo noticed a tear running down Lunas' cheek. He wiped it with a soft kiss. "Are you alright? I'll pull out, I can't see you in so much pain, Luna." he said. "No, Matteo. No. I'm fine. You can move." "Okay. But if it's unbearable, tell me." Luna nodded.

It was very painful, but after a few more moments Luna felt the hurt dissapearing. And when the pain was finally gone, Luna experienced the best feeling in her whole life. "Oh, Matteo, this is really good. It doesn't hurt anymore." She managed to say.

And then they both felt like there isn't anybody else than them. Only the two people, who were so deeply in love with each other, who now were one body, one mind, one person. It was a magical moment and none of them ever forgot about it.

"I love you." Matteo whispered, when they were lying in the bed in each others arms. "I love you." Luna whispered back. "Thank you, Matteo. It was magical." And kissed him passionately. "Yeah, it was. But everything is magical when the two of us are together." Luna smiled. "That's true."

They fell asleep together and when they woke up in the morning, they wanted to wake up like that for the rest of their lives.
