Yue Qingyuan

At first He was reluctant about keeping the pest but as weeks passed, the presence of the animal became more of a comfort than a chore.

Yes, he hated having fur all around his things but going to sleep, knowing that he's not alone in the house was strangely reassuring. Maybe it was annoying having to feed the thing but having company that didn't care about all the formalities and apperances was pleasant.

The way it trusted him even after taking him anger out on it was strange. It hadn't even tried running when he first let it out of the bamboo house, it just followed him and didn't put up a lot of fight when carried.

The way it trusted him was something that he had only received from that fool Yue Qingyuan. It feels pathetic to admit it but the animal had him feeling attached, but that's how owners are supposed to feel about their pets right?

It's normal to fear your pet dissapearing and it's normal to panic when he can't find it in a few minutes of entering the bamboo house.

He glanced at the ball of fur resting on him as he continued on filling out the paperwork.

He scratched the moon coon behind it's ear with a sigh, it ket out a small sound in it's sleep. He then continued reading the scroll that he was observing before having his thoughts trail off. He glanced back down at the ball of fluff sleeping on him with a small smile.


Shen Yuan yawns and arches his back into a stretch. Maybe he was a bit too dramatic with how he previously thought of the situation as tragic. Being a cat isn't all that bad, especially since Shen Qingqiu seems to have adjusted to having him there and doesn't kick him anymore.

Nothing is required of him really so being a cat is pretty easy, well he's not a cat but with the ribbon he might as well be just a rare cat breed. It did take a while to get used to being pet and being fed raw meat, but he could be worse off.

He jumped off the bed and took a quick look around the house to make sure that Shen Qingqiu was gone. You see, although this life isn't the worst, he'd rather not be on the peak that'll eventually get destroyed.

At first he thought that he needs to leave before Luo Binghe even arrives but remebering how cruelly the child was treated in his years of being a discipline at the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, he decided to leave after the main character is thrown into the abyss.

He does need a way to get out of the house though so there's something that he has been working on meanwhile.

He squeezed himself into a space behind a shelf and starts digging. It's a project of his that he tries to advance everytime that the peak lord is away.

There's some quite noticable damage done to the wall and floor and it probably won't take long for it to be ready. He hears a crack but doesn't think much of it. The wall had cracked a bit more along with the floor and he could see dirt.

He stops for a moment. If he was capaple of smiling, he'd be grinning like a cheshire cat. With increased speed, he digs into the dirt and rocks. He continues digging for a while, and eventually he catches a small smell of fresh air. He furiously digs his way out of the bamboo house and let's out a little happy mewl when he lands on a patch of grass.

He's so excited to finally explore the place that he had read about! God Shen Qingqiu has mostly just kept him inside or carried him around so he hadn't gotten the chance beforehand. For a moment he stops to consider though. If he looks at the sky, a quite lot of time has passed since morning and Shen Qingqiu might return soon.

The conclusion he comes to is that he shouldn't risk it and returns to the bamboo house. He tries his best to get all the dirt out of his fur before the peak lord comes back but that doesn't even end up being a problem as Shen Qingqiu is busy with conpany as he arrives.

Into the bamboo house step two people. One of them is the elegant peak lord of Qing Jing peak and the other is the sect leader himself.

The two were clearly having some sort of disagreement with eachother but when Yue Qingyuan stepped inside, his gaze focused on Shen Yuan. It was a cold glare, he then turned to Shen Qingqiu. Looks like whatever talisman Shen Qingqiu used wasn't enough to fool Yue Qingyuan.


"Xiao jiu, why do you have a beast in your house?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of the moon coon. Shen Qingqiu's expression turns into a deep frown behind his fan. "Don't call me that." He practically snarls at Yue Qingyuan. He glares at the man for a while before shutting his fan.

"I'm keeping it." He said, glancing at the moon coon. Yue Qingyuan looked at the beast warily and looked like he wanted to say more but didn't. He just quietly nodded.

He then started on another topic. "Mu Qingfang said that you should rest for sometime. You might have qi deviation again if you're not careful."

"What I do is none of your business." He meets Yue Qingyuan's gaze with an intense glare. "I think it'd be best for you to leave. Would you like for me to send someone to escort you back." He said with a slight smile on his face but it was in no way a happy smile.

"Xiao-" he started but stopped the moment the word left his mouth. "Shen Qingqiu, I'm just asking for you to take care of yourself." As a response to that, Shen Qingqiu flung a scroll that was nearby at Yue Qingyuan.

It was out of impulse rather than logic and even he himself looked shoked for a moment as it hit Yue Qingyuan. The sect leader pursed his lips and finally left like Shen Qingqiu had asked.


Shen Yuan noticably untensed once Yue Qingyuan was out of sight. There seemed to be way more behind the relationship of the sect leader and the scum villain than the novel had suggested. Honestly he could see so much potential on these people and that stupid author had wasted it all on useless papapa scenes.

His attention shifted over to Shen Qingqiu as the peak lord sat down on the ground. He looked a bit anxious. That's bad, he should try to calm him down before he gets violent.

With a final glance at the door, he walks over to Shen Qingqiu and nudges the arm of the man. He can hear the peak lord muttering something, he can't hear what but it's something along the lines of 'what a hypocrite'. He sighs internally and meows to catch Shen Qingqiu's attention.

His round blue eyes meet the black eyes of the peak lord. With a sigh Shen Qingqiu pulls Shen Yuan close to him. He quietly pat him while Shen Yuan made sure that he was calming down. "You won't leave right?" Shen Qingqiu mubled into his fur.

Seriously, since when was he a therapy animal?
(Just gonna say if someone misunderstood. Shen Jiu does not have romatic feelings for an animal. He has trust issues.)
