Chapter 1

My life had changed so much since we moved to Forks over a decade ago.

Bella caused a lot of troubles when she joined the family, but after Renesmee, I realized my grudge towards her was pointless. Jacob was extremely annoying, especially after we left Forks. I managed to get over the wolf smell and his cocky attitude once we started working on my car. I'd never say it to his face, but he's a better mechanic than I am. He was now a full member of my family. Renesmee gave me the chance to have few moments of motherhood, though she grew up so fast.

And then came Brielle, sweeping us all up into a world full of magic, witches, and beings that weren't even named. But with her complex world came her grandfather- my brother Jack. He was the last family member from my human life. He accepted my new self without judgement. His grandchildren, Brielle and Chris, welcomed me with open arms.

"Rosalie," Alice chirped. "Brielle's coming. She needs to talk to you." Just as she finished Brielle appeared on the porch. I was still getting used to magic, so the sudden smell of a witch and a wolf startled me. Apparently, Seth came with her.

"Emmett needs to be there as well," Brielle said as I opened the door. My great niece seemed nervous.

I frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, no, nothing's wrong. There's just something I need to ask you two."

"Okay," I replied cautiously. I turned to my mate, who'd popped into the room as soon as he heard his name. "Emmett, let's go out a ways. You can follow, right, Brielle?"

She laughed and nodded. "Easily."

After a few moments, we found ourselves in the woods, beside a small stream. The sound of the rushing water helped calm my nerves.

"What did you need to talk about, Brielle?" I asked. Despite her assurance, I could tell she had something important to say, and a dozen terrible options were racing through my mind.

"It's a bit of a long story, but recently, the Witch High Council came into custody of some kids that had been kidnapped and trapped in an awful facility. Unfortunately, I can't say much about that part, it's classified to the highest degree. We've almost finished getting all the kids to safe families. Eight of them are home now. The last of the children, the youngest two, still need parents, though- ideally ones that won't age," she rushed out.

I grabbed on to Emmett's hand, an impossible hope growing in me. For a moments, I was speechless. The overwhelming emotion froze my words in my throat.

"What are their names?" I managed to whisper. My eyes slipped closed as I waited for her response.

"They're siblings. The older one is Alexei," Brielle said. "He's three. He has dark curly hair and and an infectious little laugh. The baby is Hope. She's just over four months old, with curly blonde hair and two tiny dimples. She's the calmest baby I've ever met. Both have hazel eyes, close to your 'in-between' shade."

Alexei and Hope. They became my children the moment I heard their names. Immeasurable joy filled my heart. This was everything I'd ever wanted. My eyes welled with phantom tears of joy.

Emmett squeezed my hand. "So where are they?"

I could hear the eagerness in his voice. Emmett had never considered fatherhood. He knew it wasn't possible, so he didn't dwell on it. That was just who he was. But I'd always known that if it was possible, he would've been a perfect father. Now I could see him become one.

My eyes opened as I waited for Brielle's answer

"With a council member right now. But we can bring them as soon as you're ready. I spoke with Alice earlier, mentally, and she told me there would be no objections from the family. Everyone will be ready to help you prepare for them as soon as we get back. Seth and I'll be around to help too, of course."

Without even thinking, I was back at the house instantly. Alice had already filled everyone in. She had a collection of children's clothing options to look over so we could order things the second I confirmed her visions.

Esme swept me into a hug before Alice could bombard me."Congratulations, Rose," she said warmly. Out of everyone, Esme knew best what this meant to me. We were the only ones to truly feel the loss of motherhood, though I was far more bitter. Her radiant smile showed how excited she was to have more grandchildren to spoil.

"Thank you," I choked out, my emotions threatening to overflow.

"Come on, come on!" Alice demanded. "There's so much to do! We have to pick everything out for the kids and the new house!"

I raised my eyebrows. "New house?"

"We're moving to Sweet Home, Oregon," Edward explained. "Esme is building a new home for us there."

It was an absolute whirlwind for the next two days as we go everything sorted. The next two days were an absolutely whirlwind. There was so many things to sort out before the kids arrived.

Emmett and I would be Esme's sister and brother-in-law, The McCartys, and our two beautiful children. We hadn't used Emmett's last name for a long time, but I was happy we could pass it on. Everyone else would play their usual roles. The only change was Jasper becoming my younger brother and Renesmee and Edward posing as twins. Carlisle secured his position at a local hospital and the others registered for high school in the fall.

My great-nephew Chris and his wife made the house in less than an hour. They created and assembled the materials to match Esme's design perfectly. The house was separated into four linked buildings with a central space for the library, main kitchen, and spaces to entertain. Edward and Bella shared their building Nessie and Jacob, while the rest of us got our own.

My section of the house was the exact home I'd dreamed about. The interior was beautiful and classy, but warm and comfortable enough for a family. Soft couches, a big playroom, and a gorgeous kitchen. I was glad I learned some cooking from watching Edward.

Alexei's room was based on the spot where we learned about him. A forest theme with a treehouse bed, lofted wooden pathways to play on, and lots of storage for toys. There was a built in sound system to play music or white noise while he was sleeping. Brielle had mentioned that background noise helped him.

Hope's room was princess themed. Soft rugs rested on light wood floors and the cream colored walls were decorated with paintings in gold frames. All the furniture had light pink accents. The best part was the crib. Jacob spent the entire two days straight making it. The canopied circular crib, carved with elegant designs fit the room perfectly.

After a frenzy of preparations, we were ready.

I smelled them the minute Brielle appeared in the foyer, and I struggled not to rush to them at full speed. My grip on Emmett's hand grew so tight, I was surprised it didn't shatter. I was extremely nervous. Nobody was sure how the children would react to us, especially Alexei. He still had memories of his birth mother. I was terrified he would think I was trying to replace her and refuse to accept me. Despite my worries, I couldn't contain my smile as the sound tiny foot steps entered the room.

