Reunion and truth

Y/N just finished chopping some more wood and Tai with Yang walked past him after another training.

Tai: I think that's enough. With so much wood you chopped I can last at least two years.

They both chuckled.

Y/N: Yeah sorry about that I just feel so at ease when I'm doing that.

Tai: Don't need to apologize someone had to do it someday.

Y/N: And what about Yang?

Tai: She is getting better and better at handling her robotic arm.

Yang Behind Tai was flexing her new arm and Y/N lagged at that.

Y/N: I'm really impressed.

Then thunder could be heared and it started raining.

Tai: Let's go inside. I'll prepared some tea.

Then they went inside with Yang.

After a few hours, Y/N and Yang were watching a movie but then there was a knock on the door.

Y/N: I'll get that.

When he opened the door he was shocked by the person who was on the other side. There was standing Neo covering herself from the rain with her umbrella and a new thing about her was Roman's hat which was resting on her head.

Y/N: Neo...?

Then they both hugged. But then Y/N realized that Neo had Roman's hat.

Y/N: Where have you been?

She pulled out her scroll and after a while, she shoved him her massage.

Neo: After the fall I had to look at what happened to Roman. I couldn't just forget about him. He was my family. And finding where you were staying also took some time. Did you really have to stay in a small house in the middle of the forest?!

Yang: Y/N who is it?

Then Yang came to the door and instantly got into a defensive stand immediately when she spotted Neo.

Yang: What is SHE doing her?!

Y/N: Yang let me explain!

Yang: Whatever you have to say she is tricking you. She is working for Roman after all!

Y/N: No, she is not anymore.

Yang: What?

Y/N: Neo is on our side. She even told me who was behind the attack before it happened.

Yang: Then why didn't you say so?!

Y/N: I wanted to say something but I didn't have any proof and my actions could cause an even worse scenario. Please Yang you can trust Neo.

Y/N was holding Neo's hand.

Y/N: Please.

Yang's red eyes turned back to violet and put down her arms.

Yang: Alright I trust you. But I still don't properly trust her so keep her in check.

Y/N: Thanks.

Then Tai walked downstairs with a worried face.

Tai: Did something happen? I heard yelling.

Yang: It's alright Dad. Just a friend came to visit.

Tai: Oh, and who is she?

Y/N: This is Neo, my girlfriend.

Tai: Oh, in that case, nice to meet you and make yourself at home. Do you want something to drink?

Neo just shokked her head no.

Tai: Not talkative much I see, don't worry. I guess you have a lot to catch up so I'll be in my room if you need something.

Then he went back upstairs.

Then the three sit down and watched a movie together but Yang was still suspicious about Neo.

But out of nowhere, Zwei jumped on Neo's lap and she started petting him.

Time skip

Neo was staying at the house as well for some time now and now Y/N was looking for a new book to read but he accidentally dropped it and a photo fell off.

Y/N: What the?

When he picked up the photo and examed it he see in the picture a woman with long black hair and red eyes she looked like older Yang so she must be Raven, Yang's mother, and next to her was Garito. And the most surprising was that Raven was holding a baby and the baby had black hair with red tips. Then Yangs walked past him and looked over his shoulder and see the picture as well.

Yang: What?

Tai: I guess it's time to tell you this.

They both turned around and see Tai standing in the doorway.

Tai: Let's have a seat and I'll tell you everything.

Everyone including Neo was sitting in the living room.

Tai: Well, as I have been informed, you're adults now so I think you deserve to know the truth. Raven was great in so many ways - her strength, her ambition, her dedication to whatever cause she thought was worth fighting for. I'm proud of how much of her I see in you. And I also see a part of Garito in you.

All looked at Tai shocked.

Yang: W-What are you talking about?

Tai: Raven was a complicated woman. Like everybody, she had her faults, but those faults are what tore our team apart. But there was one man who meant everything to her and that man was Garito. After the disabling of Garito's team, he was part of our team. He and Raven were paring partners and after each sparing practice, we all could see they were feeling something for each other. And well in the third semester, they finally started dating with Summer's and Qrow's help. And surprisingly after graduation I ask Summer to marry me and Garito asks Raven the same question. And well I guess that's the answer to the question for this photo.

Yang: No it's not. You are trying to say that Garito is my dad, not you. But look at my hair.

Tai: Di you knew that dust can change things' color?

Yang: Weiss was talking about something... Wait...

Tai: I see that you now understand. After Raven left he was devastated and he let me and Summer adopt you he even used lightning dust to change your hair color.

Yang: But why...

Tai: Because he wanted only good things for you he knew that he would be a terrible parent on his own so he gave you to us so you can live happily.

Y/N stayed silent and he could see Yang's eyes slowly turning red again.

Tai: I know it's tough but Garito is your biological father.

Yang: Why didn't he tell me!?

Tai: He was afraid. That's what I think.

Then she stood up.

Yang: I... need some time alone...

Then she stood up and walked into her room.

After that few days passed and Y/N walked into a garage but then he looked at something that caught his eye. It was something covered and when he revealed it he found a nice-looking motorcycle.

Tai: I see you found it.

Y/N: It is yours?

Tai: No, it belonged to Lucy, Garito's first girlfriend. Then after she died he started taking care of it but after Raven left he gave it to me and Summer to take care of it. I think it needs an oil change but otherwise, it should be working like new.

Y/N: Why are you saying this to me?

Tai: Hey I think It would be better if it was on the road than rusting here in this garage.

Then Yang walked past them with a smirk on her face and grabbed a yellow spray paint from the shelf.

Tai: I'm surprised that there is something left.

Yang: Yeah! I and Garito almost used it all on Bumblebee But I think there is enough for something else.

They were watching her and see that Yang started spray painting her arm.

Tai: I guess I can't stop her and you will definitely join her.

He throws him the keys.

Tai: But give me a better goodbye than a letter when you will be ready. Oh, and if you scratch the bike Garito will get you.

Y/N: Hah! I'd like to see him try!

After a day off preparing Y/N, Neo and Yang were standing in front of Tai's house. Both Yang and Y/N change into something different. Yang was wearing a light brown coat and Y/N was wearing f/c coat and f/c shirt with dark pants and was wearing his two swords and his new axe on his back. Then they said their goodbyes to Tai and Yang to sit on Bumblebee while Y/N with Neo sit on Lucy's bike and after they last waved at Tai they started engines and drove away.


Thanks for reading

So volume 4 is behind us and I hope you liked this small plot about Garito being Yang's father.
