Chapter 17

Friday, start of the weekend. It's the best day for her to find out more of herself... She grabs her schoolbag and goes downstairs. She sees luggage bags, and her father pushes her out of the stairs, dropping to the floor.

-"Move away, punk, we're going on vacation!"

Dahlia gets up, seeing her dad wearing a floral shirt and shorts... Stereotypical tourist outfit. Her mother comes in from the kitchen.

-"Max, don't forget my makeup!"

-"Yeah, yeah, I'll make up when I hit the jackpot."

Maxie goes back upstairs as Caitlyn helps Dahlia up.

-"You ok?"

-"Mom... Where are you guys going?"

-"We're going to Vegas. Your dads friends invited him to gamble over there and-"

-"Wait, gamble? Mom, dad's gonna wage off everything if he steps in there!"

-"I'll make sure he doesn't spend every dime."

-"Oh, will you now?"

Caitlyn sighs. -"I wish..."

-"Mom... If... There's something you're not telling me... Would you tell me at some point?"

-"What do you mean?"

Maxie shouts loudly -"Where's your makeup purse!"

-"My bathroom!" Caitlyn turns to Dahlia.


-"Dahlia. I know... I know things are complicated... But... I know you're in senior year and I know this is hard for you. It's always been. I just want to let you know that..."

-"Stop being such a sugarwuss to punk girl and let's go." Maxie comes down the stairs, interrupting Caitlyn as he picks up the luggage.

-"Mom... It's ok, you got a vacation to-" Dahlia gets interrupted by a hug. A hug from her mother. Years and years of abuse that Dahlia endured from her fathers abuse and her mother didn't bat an eye. Her insecurities held her back from letting Dahlia know that she cares. Caitlyn shows Dahlia the affection she longed for... Her mothers embrace. Shaken... She returned the hug, tearing up.

-"I love you Dahlia. I always have... I always will."

-"I... I... Love you too, mom..."

-"Now... Be a good girl. You know how to make the roast, right?"

-"Yes, and the stew... And chicken..." Dahlia sniffles.

-"Wonderful." Caitlyn opens the door and leaves with Maxie with the luggage. -"Don't be late for school!"

Caitlyn and Maxie get in the car and drive off on their trip to Vegas. Dahlia weakly waved at her mother as they drove off. This is bizarre. How come for the first time in years... Years of abuse and neglect her mother has shown love and care for her? All she got in her mind were two words...

Half breed.

Does she know? Does Caitlyn know about Dahlias gift? She paced on her house... Thinking. Arms just like his... A black aura shrouding her... Lord Volgath... Half breed... She couldn't resist. Dahlia took her school bag and went running. Running to a different route, back to downtown Saint León, where the public library was. Dahlia stepped inside the vast halls that were even larger than city hall itself. Dahlia came forth to the old librarian with a plaid sweater and receded hair on the front desk, who spoke with a Scottish accent.

-"Excuse me, good morning sir."

-"Ah, such a lovely young lass. What can I do for you today?"

-"Do you have any books of... Demonology? And any reference to a... "Volgath"?"

-"Why demonology? Normally people would ask for romance, encyclopedias and history... But demonology... Been forever since anyone asked."

-"Yes... That's why I'm here, to-"

-"In the 35 years I worked here, never one person asked for demonology... And if they did, then I must have forgotten..." The librarian searches on his computer. -"There we are... Hallway 5, row 6. The mythology row..."

-"Ok, thank you!" She runs off to the hallway

-"You're welcome, youngster!" The librarian sits back down and resumes his game of Galaga on his computer.

Dahlia browsed for the books on said row, and she found two encyclopedias of demonology. One was from Dungeon's and Dragons, the other one seemed to be written by one Luon Shang. It seemed very aged, yet oddly well preserved. Dahlia sat on a table to read it. The first page said "for the people of Aesteos, who must know the truth about Them amd stay on their guard."

She turned through several pages, and apparently the book had recorded events and encounters involving said demons. One page read:

"Demons are interdimensional beings that emigrated to our world ages ago. It was at the fault of two brothers who opened a rift between our worlds, setting them loose to attack us. Not all demons are evil, but most of them are hostile creatures bent on murder, destruction, or simply following their leaders command. Since then demons have been growing in number. Rumor has it that when the dwarves left our world with the guardians of above, demons went with them, spreading across other worlds as well."

Dahlia slowly had goosebumps. Dwarves? Other worlds? No way. She kept browsing the pages amd found more events regarding demons and this ancient period she never heard of. Species of animals, either twisted or beautiful looking, and then she comes across the civilized species. Most of them resembled as humanoids, others had unique shapes and forms, such as elemental demons. She comes across the species of the latcher demon she fought last night, the Mekunga, a tentacled demon that wraps their enemies until crushing their bones. Then finakly she comes across this one species, the Shasdra. She carefully looked at the Shasdras anatomy, and notices something. the aura that summons blades. Blades in their arms. Similar to those on the other demons she faced... There were others that instead of blades they have tentacles coming from their aura. She turns the page and reads more of the Shasdra.

What she found instead was information of a unique species of Shasdra that can have multiple powers. A Shasdra of royal blood that can emanate a black aura from its arms... Similar to that of Dahlia, enabling it to summon blades, but tentacles as well. She reads that the way a Shasdras powers can be triggered is through extreme pain.

Dahlia remembers... Tuesday night. When those three men assaulted her. Where her powers are born. Half breed... She thinks, and thinks, trying to make sense of this. Her mother was normal, her father too. What could it mean...?

-"I see you've taken an interest on the Shasdra demon."

Dahlia jumps and she looks behind him... It was the old librarian.

-"Oh! Um... Sorry... You scared me."

-"Forgive me, lass, didn't mean to startle you."

-"Hey... You know about demonology, yes...?"

-"I have my interests... Yes."

-"What does the term Half Breed mean to you?"

-"Oh! Simple. Human demon hybrids."

-"Excuse me...?"

-"Well... According to a further page in your book, the Shasdras are the most common species of demons that cross with humans. The Shasdras are a very common species, probably the common denizens of the underworld. The half breeds are children of human and demon descent, and if the mother was human, the child would appear just like a regular person. If the mother is a demon, then it would look like a demon. Whether they still exist or not, I'm not sure. Only way to find out is if a person survived a hell of a beating."

Dahlia looks down and her book. It couldn't be. Maxie. The one she thought was her father. The one who tormented her and her mother all of her life. He wasn't. He may be not her real father. Dahlia's terribly confused... And this Royal Blood Shasdra... Her powers posses both kinds of auras, allowing her to summon blades and tentacles.

What is her mother hiding? Who was her father? She knew she already have low self esteem but... How? How did she meet a Shasdra?

She collected her thoughts. She looked at the book in fear. In confusion. Her powers are hereditary. Her father isn't her father. Her life was coming down further and further.

Alex. Zeke. Kyle. Maxie. Demons. Things that tormented her, and now this. She stood up and quickly shut the book, handing it to the librarian.

-"Here, thank you, Sir..."

-"Finch. Call me Finch, lass."

-"Thank you..." She turns away, but he suddenly stops her.

-"Oi! I tried looking for the other thing!"

-"Oh? What?"

-"This... Volgath word. Nothing showed up on my computer. Nothing in recorded history ever mentions about a "Volgath"."

-"Oh... Well... Thank you anyways. You've been helpful."

-"Come back anytime, lass!"

She runs off the library. Volgath. Lord Volgath. Who or what does that mean? Maybe a demon lord? One thing for sure is that this Lord Volgath leads these demon invaders in Saint León. One night. One more night to find out more about her blood. Her demonic blood.
