Blue - Chapter 10 - Then

Fearing gun shots will ring out behind me, I career through sparse undergrowth with my back hunched and my handcuffed wrists bobbing haplessly at my torso. Adrenalin rushes at my ears. At this speed my heart will surely explode.

Images of running from the smoke plumes at Dover spring to mind. I should never have looked back at the ferry terminal. The fall-out of those men, their snoods up over their mouths as they ran —machetes or machine guns in hands— will haunt me forever, because if it's not the police I'm running from, it's them.

I don't look back now.

The foliage thickens underfoot, trees creep closer together, and I hurdle zebra shadows that mar the late summer shrubs and tree roots that marble the rough terrain. After fifteen minutes or so, the trees turn to meadows with thick lush grasses that rise up my my thighs, no different to the Heath I took Jade to all those weeks ago.

The Heath.

It was the penultimate day before I left for Oxford University. Before the Fertility casement was stolen. Before I'd even thought about what Fertility was. It was a hot and unseasonably muggy end to a long and joyous summer and I was caught in a different kind of web. The gossamer spider in question was a girl called Jade with an infectious laugh, and thick blonde hair that swished in the breeze.

I can see her like it's today, the aubergine school shirt and crumpled blouse, as she hung by the squeaky gate that ran beneath the train tracks. In a moment of weakness, I'd coerced Jade out of period four and five. I don't regret it, not one bit.

Perhaps if my father hadn't taken leave from his security post to vote, or I had escorted him to the polling station as I initially promised, the events of that day would have changed the course of history.

As for Prime Minister Seaford, I'd gained a lot of extra credits at school's politics society by disagreeing with his policies, whinging about his mollycoddling attitude towards society, and for the most part I was right. But it wouldn't have perverted the course of history no matter which way the wind blew that day. What happened was already set in motion, as sure as the train that thundered overhead as we ran under the bridge from school, where Jade and I eventually fell over in the long summer grasses on the tree-lined Heath in a fit of laughter.

If I'd known what was to come, I might have held her longer, kissed her harder. That said, we lay in the Heath, where the long grasses were turning to rust, and beneath a crop of hay we connected in a way that neither of us had experienced before.

Up till my mobile rang, it was like perfection wrapped up and bottled.

The irony is so great because of all the days I'd choose to live again, this one comes top every time. We laughed, cried with happiness and made promises that neither of us would keep, and did things that would play on our minds for weeks to come. But what came with the mild breeze that day, brought with it a pain deeper than any bullet could drive; actions darker than any man should ever be capable.

Had I loved Jade more than I'd hated my father, this might never have happened.

Thanks for reading Chapter Ten of Sever. How will Blue evade the police? Next up, it's Jade, who needs to start using her brain if she's to get out of there alive.

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CAST LIST (so far)

Jade Lively - Lilly Collins (the protagonist)

Adrian Lively - Alex Pettyfer (Jade's husband)

Marcus Lively - William Fichtner aka Alex from Prison Break (Adrian's father)

Blue - Liam Hemsworth (the protagonist / anti-hero and Jade's ex-boyfriend)

Mikey Drosner - Jack Black (Blue's lawyer)

Detective Pike - Viola Davis (Blue's prosecutor)

Prime Minister Christopher Seaford - Gary Oldman

Terrence Ridley - Mackenzie Crook (one of the pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean)
