
Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 71

As for bringing your own food for dinner parties, what everyone discussed is to bring hometown specialties, but Lin Wei's cooking skills are not bad. I really don't think there are any specialties in my hometown. Even if there are, the ingredients are very restrictive. I cook it on Yazhou Island not come out.

After thinking about it, Lin Weisi thought that the mushrooms sent from home could come in handy, and cooked a pot of chicken soup with the half chicken he bought, barely touching his hometown. She didn't do anything about the rest, and discussed with everyone to fry a plate of home-cooked food, as long as it didn't hit the dishes anyway.

Although the chickens that were bought were slaughtered and de-haired and gutted, but the staff at the vegetable market had to kill so many chickens every day, and not every one of them was cleaned properly, so they had to scald them with hot water after they bought them. Once again, pluck out the fine fluff on the chicken skin.

In addition, the chicken soup takes time to boil slowly, so Lin Wei has been busy since returning from the vegetable market that day.

After processing the hen, cut it into pieces, blanch it, and put it into the casserole with the washed mushrooms. Lin Wei went out with the casserole. Although they prepare the dishes separately, they are not ready to serve them directly at home. They only need to bring the prepared ingredients and go to Zhao Li's house to prepare them.

Zhao Li's new yard is smaller than the previous one, but there are only two households in it, so the house is more spacious, with three bedrooms and two living rooms, as well as a kitchen and bathroom.

However, the previous resident of Zhao Li's house, Deputy Head Cao's family had many children. After moving in, they came out in a separate room in the living room and became a four-bedroom.

Therefore, their living room and dining room are combined together. The wooden sofa is placed against the partition wall. In front of the sofa is a coffee table and a drawer next to it. The drawer is the dining table, and the dining table is two steps away from the window next to the door. There are no more drawers next to the door, so the cabinet that Zhao Li brought from home was placed in the corner.

Although the living and dining room is narrow, the entrance feels cramped, but few people care about this these days. The military wives in the countryside may be fine.

But people like Zhao Li who came from the city to accompany the army, unless they were from a very good family, would usually come over.

When Zhao Li was a child, her family lived fairly loosely. Her parents were both state-owned factory workers. In the 1950s, the family was divided into two rooms. The front and back were transparent. One room was 20 to 30 square meters. small.

After the house came down, her parents divided the two rooms into four rooms. There were five children. The boys lived with the boys, and the girls lived with the girls. Zhao Li was an older sister, so although the room was smaller, But it's okay. When her sister gets married and lives in her husband's house, she will live more easily.

But such comfortable days did not last long. As the two older brothers grew up, the problem of insufficient housing gradually became prominent.

When the eldest brother got married, she was just squeezed into her parents' house to make a small bed. When the second brother got married, there was a daughter who was already working and her son who was still studying. Zhao Li's parents were in trouble, see Zhao Li. As a result, consciously packed up and moved into the unit's staff dormitory.

This stay was for three years until he married Lao Zhang.

However, the living conditions did not improve much after the marriage, and the housing of the old Zhang family was not loose. Before joining the army, Zhao Li had been cramming in a separate room with her three children.

Therefore, when they first joined the army, Zhao Li felt that the two-bedroom apartments they lived in were very large, and they had a kitchen and bathroom, so she chose the townhouse without much thought.

But the desire is always endless. As time goes by, watching the children grow up, the two-bedroom apartment that was quite big in Zhao Li's eyes is a little cramped.

Fortunately, she was very lucky. When she was worried, she caught up with the deputy head of Cao and returned to her hometown, and she changed from two to four.

Zhao Li looks at the house now, and everything is pleasing to the eye. The cramped living and dining room is not a problem in her eyes. Anyway, she is at work all day long, so she uses the dining room for dinner, and the living room can only be used on Sundays.

As for today, when there are a lot of people coming, there is an outside yard that can be used. The place is not big, but two or three tables can still be placed.

When Lin Wei arrived, Zhao Li was sitting in the yard with her neighbors, chatting while choosing dishes. Out of the corner of her eyes, she glanced at someone and asked with a smile, "Why did you come so early?"

"The chicken soup needs to be stewed earlier." Lin Wei raised the casserole in her hand, and called out to Sister Yu to Zhao Li's neighbors.

Sister Yu worked in the vegetable market, met Lin Wei, and greeted her with a smile.

Zhao Li took the casserole from Lin Wei and led someone to the kitchen to ask, "Is there anything else to add to the chicken soup?"

"I put all the ingredients in, just add water."

"Hot or cold water?"

"Hot water."

Zhao Li responded, directly lifted the kettle burning on the coal stove, filled the casserole on the coal stove, closed the lid, and let her cook slowly.

Lin Wei's eyes were attracted by the round-mouth stove under the window, she turned her head and asked, "Is this the gas stove that Deputy Colonel Cao left for you?"

"This is it."

These days, ordinary people either burn stoves or use coal stoves, and gas stoves are still rare, even in the family area of ​​the base, such things are not common.

At that time, Deputy Head Cao gave up his efforts to buy this stove, but the gas stove didn't look like much, but it was actually dead and dead. In addition, the gas bottle was big and heavy, so it was not safe to carry it, so he decided to use it. After returning to his hometown, Deputy Head Cao sold the gas stove to Zhao Li and his wife at a discount.

"I told you that the gas stove is very convenient for cooking. When you want to use it, just turn on the gas valve, turn on the switch, and then light it with a match, and the fire will start." Zhao Li said, and gave Lin Wei a demonstration.

It's just that Zhao Li said it simply, and Lin Wei took a step back in fright when she saw the flames spurting out.

Zhao Li laughed: "You usually look very brave, why can't you be so scared at this time?"

Lin Wei was not too embarrassed and said, "This is the first time."

"Actually, I was afraid when I used it for the first time, but it got better slowly. You can see that it is a small fire when you turn it here, and a big fire here. It is much more convenient to cook vegetables on a high fire than a coal stove. It's almost three minutes."

Although Lin Wei has never seen a gas stove, she has a certain understanding of the gas stove through the original book, and knows that it is indeed more convenient than a coal stove or an earth stove.

Therefore, in the 1980s and 1990s, it can be said that every household in the city used gas stoves. It was not until later that the safer natural gas stoves became popular, and they gradually left the cities and took root in the countryside.

After the introduction, Zhao Li asked, "Do you want to buy one back?"

"Where to buy?"

"Isn't there a supply department in the county? It's just that the tickets are not easy to get."

"That's it. Anyway, I have a coal stove and a soil stove at home. Let's use it first." As for the gas stove, don't think about it for the time being.

After the chicken soup was boiled, Lin Wei went back to her house. Anyway, Zhao Li could help watch, so she didn't need to stay there all the time.

When he got home, Zong Shao had prepared the ingredients, and went back to the room to put on a military jacket. He felt that this should meet Zhao Li's requirements for dress.

However, instead of the navy's summer white cadre uniform, he was replaced with navy blue for the three seasons of spring, autumn and winter.

On Yazhou Island at the end of October, what makes people feel the most seasonal change is not the temperature that has finally dropped, but the autumn military uniforms that naval officers and soldiers put on one after another.

Like the summer uniforms, the autumn uniforms are also new this year.

The uniforms of sailors have changed a lot. The previous uniforms were the same as those of the Army and Air Force, with only the difference in color. The new equipment was changed to a 55-style jumper, a V-tie shawl, and the hat was changed to a sailor cap.

Compared with the sailor uniform, the style of the cadre uniform has changed less. In summer, only the military trousers have changed from blue gray to navy blue, and the tops have changed from blue gray to pure white. The biggest change is the hat, which has changed from a liberation hat to a big-brimmed hat, and the hood is also white. The military uniforms for the three seasons of spring, autumn and winter are all navy blue, as are the hoods, and the walls of the hats are still black, with white dental floss in the middle.

Comparing several military uniforms, Lin Wei thinks the white military uniform he wears in summer looks better. old shígG duga

Although white looks easy to appear black, but for men, black spots don't matter, not to mention that white is more tall and straight, and looks particularly energetic.

In addition, Zong Shao had been wearing white clothes for a few months, and Lin Wei was so used to it that on the first morning when he changed into his autumn military uniform, she was almost startled when she opened her eyes, thinking she was standing in front of the wardrobe. It was a stranger who was changing clothes.

When Zong Shao turned his head, Lin Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and then no matter how he looked at him, he felt that it was not pleasing to the eye, and it always felt strange. But if she really wanted to tell her one, two, three, she didn't know where to start.

It's weird anyway.

The morning was fine, the time was short, and Zong Shao didn't feel anything.

But when he came home in the evening and saw his daughter-in-law staring at him during dinner, he shook his head and regretted it for a while. No matter how calm he was, he couldn't stand it, and the next morning he changed into his summer military uniform.

When Lin Wei opened her eyes this time, she wasn't surprised. It was pleasing to the eye when she saw him, but she suddenly said, "How about you still wear a new military uniform?"

Zong Shao couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure?"

Lin Wei nodded: "It always has to be changed. If you wear it more, maybe I'll get used to it."

Zong Shao: "..." This reluctant tone.

Although Lin Wei's tone was a little embarrassing, but there was nothing wrong with what she said. In less than three days, she was used to Zong Shao wearing a navy blue military uniform.

And she felt that although navy blue was not as good-looking as white, it wasn't that ugly either.

In addition, Zong Shao is tall enough and has a good figure. He has wide shoulders and narrow waist, and his legs are especially long. Even if he is an old-fashioned color, he only looks mature when he wears it, not old-fashioned.

What's more, Zong Shao's appearance is still very good, with slanted eyebrows, slightly deep eye sockets, eyes like Danfeng, but with double eyelids, his eyes are a bit sharp when he is serious. He has a high nose bridge and a hump, and his lips are neither thick nor thin, and the shape of his lips can be seen clearly.

If his skin is white, he may have the creamy feeling that later generations often say, but he has experienced wind and sun, and even if his skin is not dark, it has nothing to do with white words.

So everyone's first reaction when they see his appearance is that there are only positive words such as handsome and handsome, even if his face shape is not the most popular national character face nowadays.

In this respect, he is still more advantageous than Lin Wei. From the perspective of a few decades later, Lin Wei is also very beautiful, but from the perspective of this era, she is too thin and her face is not round enough. Therefore, everyone in the family area is talking about who is good-looking, and few people will mention her. Even if she does, it is difficult to get approval votes.

Unlike Zong Shao, his appearance Jun is recognized.

Because Lin Wei had just joined the army, some people were talking behind their backs, suspicious of Zong Shao's eyes, but those voices, Lin Wei heard it, went into her left ear and came out right.

Looking at the man in the military uniform in front of him, Lin Wei thought, what's the use of talking behind their backs.

This person in front of you.

is hers.

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 72

Before Lin Wei joined the army, there were two main sources for the fabrics used for making clothes at home. One was the cloth tickets issued annually by the head of the army, and the other was the industrial cloth that Zong Shao went to the county's supply and marketing cooperative to buy with industrial coupons.

There are many things that the family needs that can only be bought with industrial coupons. Lin Wei, who is convenient for mailing, also asks Zong Shao to buy them on the island. For those fragile items that are inconvenient for mailing, Lin Wei will use the industrial coupons that she receives every month to buy. .

In this way, although a monthly mailing fee will be added, the three members of the family, Lin Wei's few industrial coupons, are really not enough.

Anyway, since the postage was required, Lin Wei simply asked Zong Shao to buy everything he needed, and saved up his own industrial vouchers, which he would use in an emergency.

Therefore, before joining the army, Lin Wei had a lot of industrial coupons in her hands, but these industrial coupons were all from Shicheng, and they could not be used on Yazhou Island, so I would not talk about the risk of selling them to others. She was still heartbroken. It's hard to save.

After thinking about it, Lin Wei bought a few pieces of industrial cloth from her work unit before she left her job. First, she felt that the fabric was safe, and second, when her two children were growing up, she would definitely use it.

Facts have proved that Lin Wei's decision was very predictable.

After going to the island, because they found someone to borrow an electric fan ticket, most of the industrial coupons issued by Zong Shao every month were used to repay people, resulting in a shortage of industrial coupons on hand.

As for the cloth tickets, they were all issued at the beginning of the year, and the ones Lin Wei received at the beginning of the year have long been used up. Zong Shao has a ticket issued by the army, but the ticket is for him to make a shirt and cannot be moved.

Without those fabrics, Lin Wei might still be worrying about changing seasons.

But now, she has already prepared the new clothes for her two children.

Lin Wei started making clothes for the two children in mid-September. Originally, at her speed, if she made it by hand, it would take at least a month to make clothes. With the coat, she would be busy until November. .

But Lin Wei met Huang Aiyun after working, and Huang Aiyun had a sewing machine at home and was willing to lend Lin Wei to make clothes, so her speed was greatly improved, and the clothes were ready in mid-October.

It's just that the temperature hasn't dropped before, so the two children are still wearing summer clothes. Until this time, Zhao Li asked them to dress up to attend, and Lin Wei found out the new clothes and asked the brothers to put them on.

The new clothes are made according to the drawings drawn by Deng Xiangyun. There is nothing special about the layout. It is an ordinary round-neck long-sleeved pullover. The ingenious part is in the pockets, all in the shape of seafood.

Like the clothes on Mingming's body, the pocket is in the shape of a crab, and the hand is inserted into the middle of the crab's claws. The body of the crab is the pocket, and the two sides are connected. There were two crayfish in the pockets of Rarity's clothes, their tails cocked and their claws flexing their teeth.

When changing clothes in the morning, the two children liked the crabs and lobsters in their pockets so much that they put their hands in their pockets and never took them out.

Because of his happiness, Mingming also went to Xiao Shishi's house to show off his new clothes.

Seeing the big crab on Mingming's stomach, Xiao Shishi's eyes suddenly straightened, and he asked enviously, "Is this your new dress?"

"Yes, mine is a crab, and my brother's is two lobsters, but his pockets are not as big as mine." Mingming felt that the crabs on his clothes were the most powerful.

Although Xiao Shizuo liked the crabs on Mingming's clothes, he thought about it seriously and felt that two lobsters would be fine, but there was nothing on his clothes.

So when Deng Xiangyun came out of the kitchen, he saw his son was downcast, and when he asked the reason, he smiled and said, "There must be no clothes in the crab lobster pocket at home, but my mother made you a shell pocket, do you want it? ?"

Xiao Shishi had eaten scallops and knew that it was also seafood, so he nodded hurriedly: "I want to ask for it!"

So when Lin Wei and his wife took their two children to Zhou's house, Xiao Shishi changed into the clothes with shell pockets.

Mingming was surprised when he saw it, and asked, "You also have new clothes?!"

Xiao Shi said happily: "Yes, my mother made it for me."

Mingming beckoned his younger brother to come and stand side by side with him and Xiao Shi, and then asked them to straighten their stomachs, prop up the pattern on their pockets with their hands, and said, "We stand together, we are the three seafood brothers! I am a big crab!"

Little Stone actively followed: "Then I'm Little Shell!"

Rarity said, not quite sure, "Then I'm the second lobster?"

Lin Wei: "..." It might as well be called a crayfish.

Not only the three children were caught by the seafood bag, Zhao Li, Liu Dan and the children of Yang Yi's family liked it very much when they saw it, and asked around the three children. When they heard that this was a new dress made by their mother, they ran to their mother and said they wanted clothes with the same pockets.

The three mothers had a headache after hearing this. Before making hats, embroidering eyes and mouths was enough for them to work.

Liu Dan couldn't help but ask, "Did you create problems for us on purpose?"

Deng Xiangyun pointed to Lin Wei with a smile: "Although the style is what I thought, the clothes were worn by her children first."

Lin Wei pointed to Zhao Li and said with a smile, "She asked our whole family to dress up to attend! She also said she wanted to be ranked."

Zhao Li: "Dare I cheat myself?"

Liu Dan and Yang Yi: "That's not right!"

The pits are all pitted, what else can I do, bite the bullet and do it. So, Deng Xiangyun's small class is about to start again.

Because of this episode, Zhao Li voted ahead of schedule, went out and called in all the men who spoke, and explained the voting rules to them clearly.

The rules are very simple. Five families take turns on the stage, and the people below vote. The family with the most votes is the first, and so on.

To be honest, none of the five men wanted to participate in this activity, but the daughter-in-law did not, and the children responded enthusiastically, so they had to bite the bullet.

The voting rules are simple, the process is fast, and the results are obvious.

Because the three children's new clothes were unanimously loved by the children, the two adults Zong and Zhou were taken away and tied for the first place in the competition. The third place is the Yang Yi family. Except for Qi Tao, they all wore new clothes. Although they were not so clever, the ready-to-wear clothes bought in the supply and marketing cooperatives were all well-made.

As for Liu Dan and Zhao Li's family, the eldest brother does not talk about the second brother.

Although it was an informal competition, Zhao Li carefully prepared notebooks and handwritten certificates as prizes.

The notebook was fine, but the certificate of merit that said the first, second, and third place of "Beautiful Family" made the toes of the adults in the room curled up.

But Liu Dan doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and he says seriously: "How can such an important link be saved? It must be held as usual."

Lao Zhang also said cheerfully: "Yes, these prizes were carefully prepared by my daughter-in-law."

Not only did the two unsuccessful families disagree, but the children also disagreed. Among them, Mingming was particularly opposed. This was the first time in his life that he won the award!

Rui Rui, Little Stone, and Yang Yi's children also opposed the cancellation of the awarding session, and they finally won the award once.

The other children looked enviously at the children who won the award, they also wanted to win the award!

In the end, at the strong request of the children and the unsuccessful families, the awards ceremony continued.

When Lin Wei was holding Mingming, Zong Shao was holding Rui Rui, one of the two children opened the "Pretty Family" first place award certificate, and the other held up the "Pretty Family" first place award notebook to accept the audience's When applauding and congratulating, there was only one thought left in her mind—

Fortunately, there are no cell phones in this era!

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 73

Because of the large number of people, Zhao Li divided two tables to eat, the adults sat at the round table with high legs, and the children sat at the low square table, and the dishes were also divided into two portions.

There are two dishes per person. The round table is fine. The table is big enough to fit a few more dishes, but on the children's table, the plates can only be placed on top of each other. But children, as long as they have food, no one cares about that.

Before moving the chopsticks, Liu Dan first greeted everyone to toast Zhao Li and his wife with a glass of wine, one for them to move to a new house, and the other for them to provide a venue for everyone to have dinner, three competition prizes carefully prepared by Zhao Li.

Everyone laughed and got up to make a toast.

Although everyone couldn't help digging their toes when receiving the award, the relationship between men and children has indeed drawn a lot.

No, at the end of the first round of toasting, Zong Shao, Zhou Jianhai and Qi Tao grabbed Lao Zhang and Xing Dong who were booing at the time and started drinking.

The men drink and the women focus on tasting each other's dishes.

Except for Zhao Li, who has been eating in the cafeteria for a long time, the others have to cook basically every day, and their cooking skills are not bad, but to say the best, it has to be Liu Dan.

It's just that the two dishes she fried, spicy chicken and mapo tofu, are both heavily spicy dishes. Deng Xiangyun and Chen Bamei, two people who don't eat spicy food often, can't stand it. But everyone else at the dinner table thought it tasted good, especially the Mapo tofu, which was delicious.

Among the remaining dishes, the most popular is Deng Xiangyun's raw pickles.

Making raw marinade was the idea given by Lin Wei. She made it herself under the guidance of Deng Xiangyun, and it tasted good. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I wanted to try what she made.

Deng Xiangyun was a little hesitant at first, afraid that everyone would not accept it, but Liu Dan and Yang Yi were very happy to try new dishes. Although Yang Yi was a little scared, she said that she could eat other dishes, so the matter was settled.

Deng Xiangyun's raw pickles are indeed better than those made by Lin Wei. Although Lin Wei also followed the steps she said, in fact, when it comes to the amount of ingredients, she herself can't tell, it's all based on feeling , can only give an approximate number, so the difference comes out.

Except for Yang Yi who didn't eat much at the round table, everyone else put chopsticks on this dish. As for the square table, because there was wine in the raw marinade, they didn't serve it. They only prepared a dish of steamed shrimp with garlic, which quickly ran out.

Lin Wei's stew was also good. Except for Lao Zhang and Xing Dong, everyone drank more than two bowls.

Lao Zhang and Xing Dong drank less, not because they didn't like chicken soup, but after a round of toasting, the two of them were toasted twice by the other three in turn, their stomachs were full of wine, and they couldn't drink that much water. .

After two laps, the others didn't catch them to drink, but Xing Dong's wine was not very good. When he was drunk, he liked to drink with others. It happened that the two of them were sitting together, so before the meal was finished, the two of them lay down. Now, one was carried into the master bedroom, and the other went to Zhao Li's son's room to lie down.

After the two of them got down on the ground, the others didn't stop, and by the end of the meal, they all endured.

After eating and drinking, they didn't rush to clean up. The women sat and chatted together, while the men stood and smoked. Of course, only Qi Tao and Zhou Jianhai smoked, and Zong Shao didn't.

It's not that no one gave Zong Shao cigarettes. In fact, as soon as Qi Tao opened the cigarette case, he took two cigarettes and sent them to the other two, but Zong Shao waved his hand and said, "I quit smoking, you can smoke."

Qi Tao did not withdraw his hand, and persuaded: "It won't delay anything if you take one."

Zhou Jianhai knew why Zong Shao quit smoking, so he smiled and said, "I see, instead of spending time persuading Lao Zong, you might as well ask his wife."

The yard was so big, and Zhou Jianhai's voice was confiscated again. Naturally, the women heard it and looked at Lin Wei jokingly.

They are all acquaintances. Lin Wei didn't feel anything when she looked at it like this. She just raised her head and smiled and said, "Our family is very democratic. Don't smear me outside."

Zhou Jianhai also smiled: "Then you don't care if the old man smokes?"

Lin Wei looked at Zong Shao with a smile: "It's his freedom to smoke or not, what should I do?"

Zhou Jianhai was surprised and hit Zong Shao with his arm: "You heard what your wife said, do you smoke?"

Zong Shao bumped back with his arm, waved to Qi Tao again and said, "I really quit smoking." He firmly chose the latter between smoking and going back to kiss his daughter-in-law at night.

He persuaded him to return, but Zong Shao was determined not to smoke. Of course, Qi Tao could not force him to smoke, so he gave up and started to smoke with Zhou Jianhai.

The men stopped joking, but the women's curiosity couldn't stop. Zhao Li deliberately moved to Lin Wei's side and asked her in a low voice, "Tell me honestly, did you ask your comrade to quit smoking? "

Lin Wei avoided answering: "Why are you asking this?"

"I want to ask you for advice. Our old Zhang is also an old smoker. He is very addicted to smoking. He can smoke a pack of cigarettes in two or three days. This means that he is drunk. If he is awake, the smell of smoke can be removed from them. Floating all the way to us." Zhao Li pointed to where Zong Shao and the others were standing and said, "I tried everything I could to get him to quit smoking, and guess what?"

What's the use of guessing? Lin Wei said, "Didn't quit?"

"Yeah, I don't let him smoke, so he hides and smokes. If I don't give him money to buy cigarettes, he finds someone else to smoke. Do you think this person is annoying?" Zhao Li asked.

When it comes to men smoking, other people feel the same way with Zhao Li, and they all say, "That's the same for our family."

After speaking, several people looked at Lin Wei one after another.

Lin Wei: "...I think quitting smoking is mainly about personal self-consciousness."

Although Zong Shao came back from the military camp every day, he would let him smell the smell of smoke on his fingertips and take the opportunity to reward him, but Lin Wei didn't think he really wanted to quit smoking for kissing.

First, Zong Shao didn't smoke much before they talked about the reward; secondly, Lin Wei felt that if Zong Shao didn't want to quit smoking, he could just ignore it. He wanted to hide from Lin Wei, but there were many ways.

The people present were people who had been fighting with smokers at home for a long time. Naturally, they knew this. What they were curious about was how Zong Shao made up his mind to quit smoking. After all, he also smoked for many years.

Lin Wei said honestly: "On the day I moved into the family area, I found a few cigarette tickets when I packed his things, and I mentioned to him, and then two months ago, didn't I go to the hospital for a physical examination? Pulled him along and asked him to focus on his lungs."

"Then he quit smoking?" Zhao Li asked in disbelief.

Lin Wei nodded: "After I mentioned it the day I went to the island, he started to quit smoking, but it's a recent thing to stop smoking completely."

"That's still your comrade Zong's self-consciousness. If it's my family, it's useless to mention ten sentences." Liu Dan thought about it for a while and asked, "Is it useful to have a lung examination?"

"If they are afraid of death, the doctor's words may work." Those who are not afraid of death are not within the scope of the discussion.

Liu Dan pondered for a moment and said, "Then I'll ask him to do an examination another day."

Someone took the lead, and Zhao Li quickly made up her mind: "I'll talk to my old Zhang another day."

After the two, Deng Xiangyun and Yang Yi also quickly prepared a medical check-up package for their men, but they didn't know if they could quit smoking after the medical check-up.

After listening, Lin Wei thought for a while and said, "I heard that secondhand smoke is more harmful than firsthand smoke. Even if they refuse to quit smoking, for the sake of their children, it is best not to let them smoke at home."

Zhao Li didn't quite understand: "What does first-hand smoke and second-hand smoke mean?"

Lin Wei explained: "The cigarette he smokes is first-hand smoke. Like us, the smell of their cigarettes is second-hand smoke. I heard that smoking too much second-hand smoke may cause cancer."

"How much is more?" Yang Yi asked.

Lin Wei shook her head: "I don't know that very well, but I think it's better to smoke less if you can."

When several people heard the words, they were more determined to take their men to the hospital for examination, but that was the latter matter. What they can do now is to stop the two men puffing up after smoking a cigarette. They went on to smoke a second stick.

In order to prevent them from chatting and wanting to smoke, Deng Xiangyun and Yang Yi assigned them the task of taking the children to play eagle and chicken.

Although neither Zhou Jianhai nor Qi Tao could bring children, their daughter-in-law asked, and after the children heard their words, they all looked at them expectantly, and the two agreed with a soft heart.

There were ten children present, the eldest was Liu Dan's daughter, who was eleven years old this year, and Zhao Li's eldest daughter, who was nine years old this year, because they were the oldest, and they were the eagle and the hen in the first two rounds.

It's just that although they are the tallest among the children, they are all thin, not strong, and not physically strong enough. When they are hens, they can't run fast when they are pulled by so many children, and they can't protect the chicks behind them. Be an eagle. The first few people were fine, but they couldn't run at the back, so the game was a little warm.

And although Qi Tao and Zhou Jianhai both drank, they were not very drunk, and after blowing in the yard for so long, they were already sober. After all, he is an adult, or a soldier, and his physical endurance has left two children a few blocks away.

Let them be eagles and hens, the game is very exciting in an instant, and the children's screams resounded through the sky.

Looking at the excited smiling faces of the children, the women's topic shifted from quitting smoking to the children. Chatting and chatting, Yang Yi suddenly asked Deng Xiangyun: "The little rock is so big, don't you plan to give her another sister?"

Although Yang Yi's voice was not loud, Deng Xiangyun still reflexively glanced at Zhou Jianhai's old shígG Dujia, blushed and said, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

Yang Yi smiled: "What's so shy about this, no one's children are running all over the place these days."

Zhao Li jokingly said, "It's not appropriate for you to say this. Your family only has two children. You run around all over the place. Why do you have to have three, four or five children?"

Yang Yi bumped Zhao Li with her arm and asked with a smile, "Do you still want to have another one?"

Zhao Li quickly waved her hand: "I gave birth to three, but I don't want to have another one. You can continue to work hard, especially Xiao Deng, and try to make up a good character as soon as possible."

Seeing that the children were arguing so much, Zhou Jianhai didn't notice their conversation, and Deng Xiangyun wasn't so embarrassed anymore, and honestly said, "I have this plan."

When several people heard this, they burst into laughter, and Zhao Li asked Lin Wei jokingly, "How about you, Xiao Lin?"

Lin Wei was cheerful, but didn't respond for a while: "What am I?"

"When will Mingming Ruirui have another sister?" Zhao Li said with a smile.

Hearing this, Deng Xiangyun gloated: "Well, let you coax me just now, it's your turn."

Unexpectedly, Lin Wei, who was also pulled into the water: "..."

But they are all acquaintances, Deng Xiangyun answered generously, and Lin Wei also explained honestly: "There shouldn't be any in the past two years."

Zhao Li asked, "Do you want to have a baby two years later? It's obvious that Ruirui and the third child are a little older." The brothers are now three years old and less than four years old. If Lin Wei is pregnant in these two years, the two children will be The difference is only four or five years old, but if you get pregnant again in two years, it will be six or seven years old.

In fact, Lin Wei didn't want to have children two years later, she wanted to wait until August next year to consider these things.

However, she felt that even if she thought about these things now, it would be useless. In the original book, Zong Shao only had two children, Mingming Ruirui. It can be seen that in the novel, she did not have any more children before her death.

At this time, the mainstream thought was that more children would be more prosperous. Before Lin Wei joined the army, her mother had persuaded her to let her have two children while she was young, both boys and girls.

Lin Wei didn't feel disgusted after hearing it. Although she had no plans before, if she was really pregnant, she would be willing to give birth. Therefore, Lin Wei felt that after she went to the island in the novel, she and Zong Shao should not have deliberately contracepted.

But in reality, because Lin Wei dreamed of the plot of the novel, she didn't want children for the time being. After she went to the island, she also talked frankly with Zong Shao, but she didn't mention the novel, only told Zong Shao that she wanted to wait until Ming Ruirui was older before having children.

Therefore, except for the first time after going to the island, Lin Wei and Zong Shao have been using contraception since then.

The contraceptive method is mainly in vitro. It is not that Zong Shao is unwilling to use condoms, but that the hospital cannot sell this thing, and it depends on the women's federation. The women's federation issued a very limited number of sets per month, no more than a slap. Lin Wei was thin-skinned and embarrassed to ask for more.

Although the contraceptive method is not safe enough, Lin Wei thinks that she is not pregnant without contraception in the novel.

When it comes to the plot of the original work, of course Lin Wei won't say anything casually, so she still uses her two children as an excuse: "Mr. Ruirui is still too young, I'm afraid now that I have a child, I can't take care of it. Bigger, maybe they can help bring younger siblings in the future."

Several people thought about it, and Zhao Li also said: "Anyway, if you have two babies, you might be pregnant with twins."

Lin Wei slapped her with a slap: "Can you hope that I will order it?"

When it comes to twins, it is said that one child will be delivered at once, but the hardships of pregnancy are far from being comparable to having a child. And because of insufficient nutrition, twins are often smaller and more difficult to raise than singles.

Obviously Ruirui is like this. They are not born with enough feet. They are almost a week earlier than expected. In addition, when they were born, they were young. After giving birth, Lin Wei had nightmares for a few days, for fear that the child would not be able to support her.

Fortunately, although the two children were small when they were first left, they were in good health. After a few months of careful raising, they could not see that they were younger than children of the same age. After one year old, the two children grew faster and faster, and now they are five or six centimeters taller than Xiao Shi, who is about the same age.

Although these two children have grown up, Lin Wei doesn't want to repeat those fearful days. If she can survive and get pregnant again, she hopes to have a single child, a daughter is the best, but even if it is a son, she does not plan to continue giving birth.

Therefore, although Zhao Li's words were well-intentioned, Lin Wei really didn't want to endure it.

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 74

After the dinner party, Zhao Li and others began to gather at Deng Xiangyun's house often to learn to make clothes with seafood pockets for the children.

When I was busy, a new military sister-in-law came to accompany the army in the family area.

Lin Wei originally thought that they would live next door. After all, not only is the house next door large, but it is also the best maintained among the old houses, and it will be easier to repair.

But Zhao Li said that the other party had already applied for marriage, and the house was approved in early October. When the Zhao family moved, their houses were almost repaired, so there was no intention of changing them.

So the next door to Lin Wei's house continued to be empty.

It's fine if it's empty, otherwise people really live in and don't know what kind of temper they will have.

However, Lin Wei found that after entering November, not only Zhao Li and the others were busy, but Ruirui was also busy. When she takes her two children to school tomorrow, they will always be rejected by them on the grounds that they have something important to discuss with Xiao Shishi.

Once or twice, it's fine. Three or four times, Lin Wei is happy. I miss you three little brats. What important things can you discuss every day? Besides, she didn't give them time to play together, two or three hours a day, wasn't it enough for them to discuss important matters?

Not wanting to play at Little Rock's house yet!

If they explained honestly, Lin Wei was not unwilling to let them play at Xiao Shishi's house, but if they were hiding, she wouldn't be so good at talking.

So this morning, when Mingming refused to go to school with her again on the grounds of discussing important matters, Lin Wei gave her two options. First, they explained clearly, and she considered whether to let them stay or not. The second is that they go to school with them.

After Lin Wei finished speaking, the two children did not speak.

Lin Wei smiled when she saw it: "Since you don't want to tell me, then go to school with me."

"Don't!" Mingming shouted immediately.

Lin Wei looked at her watch and said, "Then hurry up and say, it's almost 6:45. After I finish eating, I have to go to the morning class, so I don't have much time to delay."

"I, we..." Mingming hesitated.

"Well, you guys, then what?"

Rarity took the initiative to say, "We went to Xiao Shi's house for class."

Lin Wei was stunned: "What class are you going to teach at Xiao Shi's house? Who will teach?"

Mingming raised his eyes and looked at his mother, feeling that she didn't seem to be angry, and he was full of confidence, and said aloud: "Let's teach, I'm Mr. Mingming, my brother is Mr. Ruirui, and Xiao Shishi is Mr. Xiao Shishi."

Lin Wei was glad that she didn't drink water, otherwise she would have laughed, but seeing the serious looks of her two sons, she didn't speak out against them, so she asked with a smile: "Okay, you are both teachers, who is the student? ?"

"Aunt Eighth Sister."

"Eighth sister?" Lin Wei asked in surprise, "What did you teach her?"

"Teach Aunt Bamei to read. Aunt Bamei has already learned the initials and finals." Mingming patted his chest and said proudly, "I taught it!"

"Do you teach?" Lin Wei was even more surprised. It wasn't that she underestimated Mingming. He was the only one out of the three children who had learned the back and forgot the front. Now he recognizes a lot of words, but he has a flat tongue and a nasal sound. , he still wasn't quite sure.

Let him teach the eight sisters consonants and vowels, and he has finished teaching them, but one dares to teach and the other dares to learn.

Obviously not too embarrassed to take the credit, he added: "If I don't know it, I will teach Xiao Shishi, and if Xiao Shishi can't, I will teach my brother. Anyway, we are all teachers now!"

After showing off about being a teacher, Mingming asked eloquently: "Mom, we told you everything, can we not go to school with you?"

After following Lin Wei to school for more than a month, the Ruirui brothers clearly went to two extremes, one understood more and more, and the other understood less and less.

It's not that he's too stupid, but that he hasn't listened to the lectures carefully. He doesn't listen when the content is simple, and of course he doesn't understand it when the content becomes difficult. It's like a vicious circle.

So Mingming didn't want to follow his mother to sit in the classroom at all. Although his mother sometimes let him go out to play, he felt that being a teacher was more fun than going out to play. Although he only had half a bottle of vinegar, who would let him have two more goodies? Brother!

In fact, Lin Wei still wanted to ask the eighth sister about her studies, but time was tight. She had to send the two children back, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll send you back now."

Mingming cheered, hugged his brother's hand, and jumped out of the state-run hotel.

After leaving the state-run hotel, Lin Wei took the two children back and took them to Zhou's house. Because it was only a few minutes before the morning class, she talked to Chen Bamei about her studies in detail, and after entrusting the child to someone, she hurried to school.

Today is another morning class. After school, Lin Wei took the lunch box and went to the state-run restaurant to make dinner.

State-run restaurants have a wide variety of dishes, and the dishes in a week are basically not the same, and the reason is naturally due to the hot climate and abundant resources of Yazhou Island.

As for the vegetables supplied, although they are all seasonal, there is no winter on the island and the summer is long. There are not a dozen or so kinds of seasonal vegetables, but there are seven or eight kinds, and twenty or thirty dishes can be made through matching.

Not to mention meat dishes, there are more than ten kinds of seafood that often arrive late on the island, plus pigs, chickens, and ducks, which are not repeated for a week, no problem at all.

After Lin Wei entered the hotel, she habitually looked at the window team first.

There are two dining windows in the hotel, and each window has only four or five people, and the people in line are either teachers or students.

The teachers are basically the same as Lin Wei. They have been in class all morning, and when they go back they are too lazy to cook and eat the old shígG Dujiatang. Most of the students are parents who have jobs and don't have time to cook, so they are dispatched to pick up meals. They don't have to wait in line. When the parents come over from get off work, there will be many people in the restaurant.

Seeing Lin Wei, everyone she knew greeted her with a smile. She greeted her one by one, and stopped by the window to take a look at the dishes.

The meat dishes served today are all seafood, namely braised sea fish and oyster fried eggs, then braised tofu and scrambled eggs with green peppers, and the rest are cabbage with vinegar and seaweed.

After Lin Wei finished reading the menu, she first went to the cashier to pay for the money and tickets, then took the list written by the other party, and picked a team with fewer people to eat.

Nowadays, the two people who are cooking at the window do not have as many things as Gao Xiulian. They should be as much as they want, and the dishes will not be beaten specially. The customers who come to buy food are from which side the less people go. When Gao Xiulian was there, it was obvious that there were many people at the window and few people at the window.

Of course, this is a good thing, otherwise the customers will be frustrated, and the state-run hotel will have a bad reputation.

Soon it was Lin Wei's turn. She stretched out her hand and pointed to each dish. The eldest sister in the window knew that she had two children, so she didn't think she beat her too much, so she beat the dishes.

The amount of the dishes is fixed, and there is no weighing. The eldest sister in the window directly handed the lunch box to Lin Wei after weighing, and then asked the meal when weighing, "Would you like some soup?"

"No, I can't bring it." Lin Wei replied.

"Okay." After the eldest sister weighed the weight, she would show it to Lin Wei. Seeing that she had no objection, she handed the lunch box to her and rushed to the person behind to ask for the list.

Returning to the family area with the lunch box, Lin Wei first went to Zhou's house to pick up people. When she arrived at Zhou's house, Chen Bamei didn't let them eat together, and only sent them out of the yard.

When she got home, she put the lunch box on the dining table. Lin Wei went to the kitchen to get three more bowls, put the rice out and distributed it to the two children, and then sat down to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Lin Wei asked Chen Bamei about her ability to read.

Because everything was honestly explained, he obviously didn't hide it any more, and told Lin Wei everything he knew.

In fact, they didn't know much. He and Rui Rui were also at the beginning of the month. They didn't want to go to school. They were entrusted by Lin Wei to Chen Bamei.

However, Xiao Shishi didn't know much about his ideas, and he didn't know how to teach people. He only knew to let Chen Bamei see it for himself, and ask him if he didn't know him, so the teaching progress was very slow.

Obviously after reading their teaching process, he said no, the teacher is not so good, it is right to teach like his mother.

Of course, Xiao Shitou knew that Lin Wei's teaching was right, but if he asked him to learn from Lin Wei's lectures, he always felt embarrassed that he couldn't learn it, so he had to let Chen Bamei watch it for himself.

Mingming said as soon as he heard it: "You can't I can!"

That's right, although he clearly counted down his homework among the three children and never really taught a class, he was confident in himself, and he dared to say that he would, and took over the teaching job in a big way.

As for the result, in Mingming's words: "I'm amazing, they all say I teach well!"

Rarity tossed the stage next to him: "It's just an old mistake."

Hearing this, Mingming was not very happy, and retorted: "When have I been wrong? I was wrong, one, two, three, four, five or six times! And it was only the first time that I made so many mistakes. Not so wrong!"

Lin Wei almost choked, she thought that she had only made mistakes seven or eight times since she became a teacher, and dared to make so many mistakes in one class, she coughed and asked, "How many initials and how many finals did you teach in a class?"

Mingming recalled: "A dozen? Or seven or eight? I can't remember clearly."

Lin Wei said, "A dozen or so is a bit different from seven or eight."

Rarity continued to tear down the stage: "Brother said a total of eight finals in the first class, and made a mistake six times! And what brother didn't know later, I gave it to Xiao Shi and me to teach it."

She looked embarrassed, but she quickly raised her chest and said, "But I teach. Eighth sister Auntie learns the fastest. She likes to listen to my lectures the most!"

Rarity pursed her lips and said nothing.

"You are a good teacher, you deserve praise," Lin Wei praised Mingming first, and then began to pick on her, "But the three of you, I teach them together, no one comes first, and they all know how to pronounce and rhyme, but you teach eight skills. Six wrong?"

"I can memorize them, that is, when I memorize them, they are all connected, but when I teach, there is only one, and I have to think about it for a long time before I can remember it. Mom, if you don't believe me, I will recite it to you. "Mingming said sitting up straight, starting from the vowel.

His memorization is really smooth, and when he recites the front and rear nasal vowels, his pronunciation is much clearer than before.

After he finished memorizing it, Lin Wei asked, "Can you distinguish the front and back nasal sounds now?"

Mingming stinky fart said: "I am Teacher Mingming!"

In fact, because Chen Bamei was learning too fast and her pronunciation was better than his teacher, in order not to be embarrassed, he kept reciting the vowels in silence during this time.

It's okay to be compared with the younger brother and Xiao Shishi who are in class together, and if he is compared by the apprentice again, he will lose face!

Although she didn't say it, Lin Wei could guess what he was thinking, and while she was laughing secretly, she also felt that she could let the three children continue to teach Chen Bamei to read. benefit.

As for Mingming's unreliability and whether it will bring people into the ditch, Lin Wei is not too worried. Although Xiaoshishi is not necessarily more reliable than Mingming, Rui Rui can even keep up with the second grade class. Watching from the side, not to mislead the children.

And in the future, when the children are taught in class, Chen Bamei can also stay to observe.

In fact, Lin Wei never banned Chen Bamei from listening in, but it may be because of the environment she lived in since she was a child that she was afraid of troublesome people. She used to hide in class.

And Lin Wei didn't know if she was embarrassed or if she hid because she didn't want to attend the class, so she never mentioned it. After all, learning this kind of thing depends on self-consciousness.

Of course, the word self-awareness is limited to people who are mature enough in thinking. For example, children of this age obviously need the help of their parents in learning.

In short, because she was not sure of Chen Bamei's thoughts, Lin Wei had not persuaded her before. But now that she knew that Chen Bamei wanted to study, Lin Wei was naturally willing to give her this opportunity.

So that afternoon, while Chen Bamei was sending Xiao Shishi to class, Lin Wei mentioned the matter to her.

Chen Bamei was overjoyed at first, and then she was a little apprehensive: "This...will it bother you too much?"

"It's okay, three students are to lead, four students are to teach, all the same." Lin Wei looked up at the children in the room, and said that she knew that Chen Bamei followed the three children to learn to read.

Chen Bamei quickly explained: "Sister Lin, I, I..."

"Don't worry, I support you very much, and I hope this matter can continue. First, you can build a foundation with them, and second, you can be more attentive in class." Seeing Chen Bamei's doubts, Lin Wei told her what she found at noon. "Obviously, after becoming a teacher, I did study a lot more than before."

"Mingming is old..." Chen Bamei said and reacted, and quickly changed her mind, "Mingming was also very serious when she taught me."

As soon as Lin Wei heard it, she guessed that she must have asked Chen Bamei to call his teacher. He always had a lot of ideas, but Chen Bamei was also an honest person. She clearly asked her to call, but she really did.

It's funny, but Lin Wei didn't stop Eighth-Mei Chen from calling Mingming like that. It's a matter between them, she doesn't care.

After talking about the incident, Lin Wei asked Zhou Jianhai and Deng Xiangyun if they knew about it.

Chen Bamei shook her head after hearing this: "I didn't dare to tell them."

When she was at school age, she saw children of the same age carrying schoolbags to school. She was very envious. She even ran to tell her parents that her father was vague and did not speak, and her mother directly told her what book she was reading as a girl and asked her to go to work.

When she was ten years old, she also took her brother's old textbooks to read secretly, but when she was found, all she got was ridicule, saying that she was illiterate, and she dared to steal his books if she knew the words on it. After her mother found out about this, she also said that she was stupid and couldn't tell her identity.

Slowly, she felt that it was a shame for someone like her to learn to read.

Therefore, before she came to join Zhou Jianhai, she had completely given up literacy. Every time Lin Wei was in class, she would hide outside, not listening, reading, or thinking about it.

Until Lin Wei was preparing for the elementary school trial class and asked her to follow her three children to listen first, she listened and felt that she could understand, and she didn't seem that stupid.

So the idea of ​​literacy sprouted again.

She also struggled, tried her best, and wanted to hold back her thoughts, but she still couldn't hold back. When Xiao Shi was doing his homework, she tentatively asked him how to read the words he wrote.

One word, two words... Now, she has three teachers, but she still doesn't dare to tell people about it.

"It's a good thing to want to study. Your cousin, cousin and sister-in-law are all reasonable people. They should support you when they know it."

She is still young, so some things can be done slowly and not in a hurry.

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 75

After talking with Lin Wei, Chen Bamei went back and told Deng Xiangyun that she was learning to read.

Before speaking, Chen Bamei was a little nervous, but after she said it, she calmed down and dared to look up at Deng Xiangyun. And when she raised her head, she saw the smile on Deng Xiangyun's face and the approval in his eyes.

At that moment, Chen Bamei knew that what Lin Wei said was right.

It was her body that came out, but her mind was still trapped in the past.

In fact, when she left her hometown, her life had new possibilities. Here, studying is not something to be ashamed of, even cousins ​​and even people around her will be happy for her to take this step.

After receiving support, Chen Bamei followed Lin Wei, and she had three children to study. She also worked harder than before. When she was free, she was not endorsing, but the old shígG Dujia was writing.

With the stimulation of Chen Bamei, Mingming and Xiaoshitou are now more serious in listening to the class.

As for Rarity, the current class is too easy for him, so it's easier for him to let himself go.

In addition, Rarity has not gone to school for a while to be with her brother, and may not go for a long time in the future. In order to prevent Rui Rui from wasting her homework, Lin Wei finds out the children's books that she had bought from a trustee, and increases his reading volume.

When the eighth sister and the children's studies were on the right track, the military district primary school also ushered in the mid-term exam.

The exam is scheduled for a Friday in mid-November. Because there are only two main courses in the primary school, the exam process is relatively loose. Chinese exams are taken in the morning, and mathematics exams are taken in the afternoon. Students are off on Saturdays and Sundays.

Of course, only students are on weekends, and teachers have to go to school **** Saturdays to correct exam papers.

In order to ensure the fairness to the greatest extent, the correction of the test papers is dislocated. The order in which the first-grade teacher changes the second-grade test paper, and the second-grade teacher changes the third-grade test paper is analogous to the afternoon.

That is to say, what Lin Wei wants to change is the third grade test paper, and because there is only one teacher for each subject in each grade, there are more than 100 test papers to be changed!

If Lin Wei changed the math test paper, it would be fine, just tick right or wrong. One test paper can be corrected in two or three minutes and the score can be calculated, but what she wants to change is Chinese.

You must know that the third grade has already begun to learn reading comprehension, exams and pictures and composition. Although the number of words is not long, it is definitely not enough to scan them at a glance, which will slow down her speed of judging papers.

Moreover, although she usually gives the students test papers to do, and she will accept them for correction after finishing them, but this is the first time to officially mark the test papers, and it is inevitable to be more cautious when judging the papers.

On Friday afternoon, Lin Wei didn't need to invigilate the exam, so she sat in the office to change the exam papers, but she didn't even finish 20 exam papers when she changed it from two o'clock to five o'clock.

Looking at Huang Aiyun on the opposite side, more than one hundred and sixty test papers have been approved for one third.

At this time, Huang Aiyun also put down the pen, got up and stretched, and looked at Lin Wei's desk while rubbing his neck, and even asked, "Why did you approve so much?"

"I'm a little slow in approving."

Huang Aiyun said, "You're too slow. There are more than 100 exam papers, when will you be approved?"

Lin Wei was also very helpless and said, "I can always finish the approval before next Monday."

Seeing that Lin Wei could see it, Huang Aiyun cheered her up and said, "It's okay, the job of approving test papers is practice makes perfect, you can only approve a dozen copies in half a day today, maybe you can double it tomorrow, and finish the test papers before school tomorrow. ."

Lin Wei smiled lightly: "Lend your auspicious words."

Although Lin Wei felt that at her speed, if she came to work an extra day on Sunday, she would definitely be able to complete the examination papers before Monday, but she still hoped to have a good rest during the holidays, so she left school with dozens of examination papers back, and she could pass the examination papers in the evening. How much is how much.

In order to seize the time, Lin Wei did not cook at night, and went to the state-run restaurant with Zong Shao to eat.

After the meal, Zong Shao took care of the children's washing, while Lin Wei continued to assign homework.

Huang Aiyun's saying is right, practice makes perfect, Lin Wei just started to approve a test paper in fifteen to sixteen minutes, and slowly reduced to eleven or twelve minutes, but at night, Lin Wei has shortened the time to eight or nine minutes.

When she went to bed at night, Lin Wei calculated in her heart and found that she had approved forty-seven examination papers, and she felt a sense of accomplishment.

Zong Shao, who reached out to turn on the light bulb, noticed the smile on Lin Wei's face and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

"I approved forty-seven test papers today!" Lin Wei extended her hand and said.

Zong Shao raised his eyebrows: "So happy to approve forty-seven test papers?"

"Of course, you don't know. I approved 18 papers in three hours in the afternoon, but tonight, in four hours, I have completed 29 papers," Lin Wei put her head on her hands Say, "I think I can go a little faster by tomorrow."

Zong Shao has never approved the test paper, so he doesn't know whether the speed is fast or slow, but he is very supportive and exclaimed: "Amazing!"

However, Lin Wei knew her speed and was embarrassed to be praised. She said, "Compared to other teachers, I am slow."

"You can't look at it this way. You have to think about how long they have been teachers, and how long have you been a teacher. Maybe they are slower than you in approving exam papers for the first time."

After Zong Shao comforted him, he lowered his head and saw Lin Wei closed her eyes and fell asleep. She looked up at the alarm clock, and it was three minutes before twelve o'clock. He smiled helplessly, bowed his head and kissed the corner of his daughter-in-law's lips.

Turn off the lights and sleep.

The next day, Lin Wei's speed of correcting the test papers was indeed a little faster. In order to finish the corrections earlier, she went back to eat at noon, handed the brothers to Chen Bamei, and went back to school to continue marking the test papers.

It was not until 6:10 p.m. that Lin Wei finished the last test paper.

She rubbed her arms and raised her head, finding that there was no one in the classroom, she let out a long sigh of relief, got up and stretched, and then counted the graded exam papers, making sure that there were not too many, before finishing the exam papers and rolling them up, Put it in the desk drawer and hand it in when you come to school on Monday. She only cares about correcting exam papers, and it is not her job to rank the classes later.

The days on Yazhou Island in November were not that long. When Lin Wei walked out of the school, the sun had already set, and the sunset had dyed half of the sky red.

Lin Wei dragged her long figure out of the school gate. After a few steps, she saw Zong Shao and two children walking from the direction of the family area. She stopped in shock and asked, "Why did you come here?"

Zong Shao said, "I took the children to a state-run restaurant for dinner. I thought you were still at school, so I came to see if you were done."

Mingming asked at the right time, "Mom, are you done?"

Lin Wei smiled, rubbed the heads of the two children and said, "I'm done."

"Then mother, are you going to dinner with us?" Mingming asked.

Rarity said, "Of course Mommy eats with us, otherwise what would she eat?"

Mingming thought, "Yeah!" He looked up at Zong Shao again, "Dad, can we go to dinner? I'm so hungry, listen to me, it makes me growl!" He raised his stomach, wanting Dad to listen to the sound of his stomach.

But Zong Shao didn't mean to squat down. He slapped his son on the head and said, "Let's go, let's eat."

More than six o'clock is the meal time, and it is also the busiest time of the state-run hotel. There are not only the window for dining, but also the long queue at the cash register.

After entering the door, Zong Shao first asked Lin Wei, "Do you want to eat here or go back after dinner?"

Lin Wei glanced at the dining room, the long table was full of people, and there was no place for them to sit. It was like this outside, there were no people coming and going inside, and there would definitely be more people sitting, so he said, "Go back and eat."

Zong Shao responded and asked Lin Wei to take the child to line up at the cashier, while he went to see the dishes. When he was finished, he told them what dishes they wanted to order, and then he took the lunch box and went to the window to line up.

As for the dishes to eat, the two children have their own opinions. They obviously want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs, and Rarui wants to eat pork stewed noodles. As for Lin Wei, she chooses both.

After lining up to Lin Wei, she put the various tickets that Zong Shao brought from home on the counter, and then began to order: "One sweet and sour pork ribs, one pork stewed vermicelli, and another spicy shrimp..."

Hearing the name of the dish reported by Lin Wei, the cashier didn't respond, and the people in the queue couldn't help but joked, "Mr. Lin, you're going to eat the remaining half a month's supply for this meal."

"A serving of sweet and sour pork ribs is half a tael, how can it be so exaggerated," Lin Wei smiled and said to the cashier, "I'll have another serving of seaweed salad."

The cashier responded, did a quick calculation, handed the ticket and money to Lin Wei, and then tore off the list and handed it to her. After getting the list, Lin Wei took the child to Zong Shao.

Zong Shao took the list and glanced at it, but he asked something irrelevant: "Have the test papers been approved?"

"Just finished."

"Then can you rest tomorrow?"

Lin Wei nodded heavily, covered her mouth, and said, "Tomorrow, I'm going to have a good night's sleep." She slept late yesterday, but she didn't have a lunch break today, so she was very sleepy.

While talking, it was their turn to have dinner.

The eldest sister in the window looked at it and said with a smile, "You are lucky, the last sweet and sour pork ribs let you catch up."

Hearing this, the people in the queue at the back became anxious and asked loudly, "No sweet and sour pork ribs? I paid for it just now!"

The eldest sister in the window replied loudly: "No, there are still a few copies next door, if you want, go there and call."

The next window immediately said, "I only have a few servings here, and I guess it's not enough." Sweet and sour pork ribs is a must-order dish today.

When the eldest sister in the window heard the words, she immediately rushed to the cashier and shouted, "The sweet and sour pork ribs are gone, stop billing!"

"Got it!" The cashier replied, shouting, "The sweet and sour pork ribs are gone! The sweet and sour pork ribs are gone! Those who ordered and haven't queued up, come to me and refund the order!"

With the voice of the cashier's eldest sister, the state-run restaurant suddenly wailed. The restaurant often supplies seafood, but not much pork, especially sweet and sour pork ribs, which may not be available once a month.

But it was not the first time for them to come to a state-run restaurant to eat. Knowing that the lack of dishes was not a problem that the staff could solve, they hurried to the cashier to change the dishes.

Without the sweet and sour pork ribs, the stewed vermicelli with pork must be eaten!

There was a commotion in the state-run hotel, while Lin Wei and Mingming looked at each other, and both mother and son saw one sentence in each other's eyes—they were so lucky today!

After eating the sweet and sour pork ribs, I couldn't help but sigh: "I am so happy today!"

On Sunday, Lin Wei slept until the third day before getting up, not because of what she said yesterday, but because of Zong Shao's torment until the middle of the night.

On the second day after the dinner party at the end of October, Zong Shao went to sea. After ten days, he came back to catch up with Lin Wei preparing for the mid-term exam. He was very busy, and when the mid-term exam was over, Lin Wei was still busy with the examination papers. .

After nearly 20 days of vegetarianism, Lin Wei finally finished her work alone, so of course he wanted to make up for it.

So when Lin Wei woke up, she felt like she was about to fall apart. After opening her eyes, she grinded on the bed for another half an hour, and didn't get up until Zong Shao came to call her for lunch.

As a result, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and sat down at the dining table, when she was clearly mocked: "Mom, you are so lazy, you don't get up until noon!"

Lin Wei thought to herself who did the harm when I slept now, not your father? But it's hard to say this, she can only call Zong Shao: "Take care of your son!"

"How did you talk to your mother?" Zong Shao said with a sullen face, "Your mother didn't get up until noon, not because she was lazy, but because she was tired last night, you know?"

"So that's the case." Mingming suddenly realized, and asked curiously, "Then what did you do at night, mother? Was it very hard?"

Lin Wei: "...cough!"

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 76

After arriving at the school on Monday, Lin Wei and Teacher Li started to register the scores. After registering the scores, they also calculated the students' personal rankings and the average scores of each subject.

There are three classes in Chinese, the highest score is Zhao Mei, she scored 95 points, two points are deducted for dictation of ancient poetry, two points are deducted for reading comprehension, and one point is deducted for reading pictures and composition.

In fact, in the second grade, it is not difficult to read pictures and write essays, and the requirements for the number of words are not high. It is almost enough to be able to describe the content of the pictures, but the teachers who mark the papers are always used to deducting points here.

Lin Wei had read it, and she didn't get full marks for reading pictures and writing throughout the second grade.

In addition to Zhao Mei and Lin Wei's two classes, there are nine people who have more than 90 points in the test. Among them, there are six more in the second class and four in the first class.

Don't think that the number is small, you must know that last year's final exam, grades 1, 2, and 3, only a handful of students scored 90 points, above 80 points are considered high scores, and the number of students with 60 to 70 points is mostly.

In this way, the average score of the primary schools in the military area also crushed Yaxian Primary School. In Yaxian Primary School, there are not many students who can get 70 points, and most of the students are below the pass line.

For example, the third class next door, this time only one student scored 90 points. There are not many students in the 80-90 range. Most of them are 60-70 points, and there are a dozen people who fail.

In the two classes that Lin Wei took, there were also those who failed, but they could be counted in one slap, and even if they failed, the score was not far from sixty.

Therefore, in the last round of the average score, the two classes that Lin Wei took, the class that was a little bit worse, the average score was also ten points higher than that of the third class.

In the past, teachers didn't care about the average score. First, the school did not distinguish between key classes and ordinary classes. Even if the scores were high and low, the difference was only a few points. Second, there was only one main teacher in the same grade. It doesn't matter, it can't test the level of teaching.

But this time is different. Because Mr. Chen suffered a fracture and was hospitalized, there are two Chinese teachers in the second grade. If the scores are similar, or the average score of the three classes is in the middle, it would be better, but the reality is not the case. Not only did the first and second classes pass the test Well, the average is still way ahead.

Although the Chinese teacher in Class 3 didn't have much thought about coming to the 2nd grade because she brought the 4th grade, but Lin Wei is a new teacher. Strictly speaking, she has only been teaching for more than a month, so the gap is a bit big.

As soon as the ranking came out, there was a lot of discussion in several offices.

Some said that Lin Wei was good at teaching, some said that an exam was nothing, and some suspected that Lin Wei could pass the test, but other teachers refuted these words as soon as they came out.

The midterm exams were all in the wrong grade, from question setting, to proctoring, to marking the exam papers. Lin Wei didn't know what was on the exam until she was ranked. How did she get through the exams?

In particular, the first-year Chinese teacher was very dissatisfied with the teacher who said this. In her opinion, this was not only questioning Lin Wei's character, but also her moral level.

She produced the second grade test papers, and Feng Ying went to the Education Bureau to copy them. Before the test, only she and Feng Ying knew what the test was about.

Saying that Lin Wei has passed the question, isn't it because she suspects that she told Lin Wei the question in advance?

He immediately swore and swore that he had never told Lin Wei the content of the exam. If the other party didn't believe it, he could go to the principal with her to clarify the matter.

When the other teachers in the office heard this, they came forward to smooth things out one after another, saying that the teacher who said Lin Wei had passed the test had also become a quail, and they honestly apologized.

Because she was not in the same office, when Lin Wei knew about this, the matter was over, and her suspicions had been washed away.

But Huang Aiyun was very angry: "What's the matter with Mr. Sun? Everyone is a colleague. Every day, we don't look up, but we don't look down. Why is he pouring dirty water on you?"

Teacher Wu thought about it and said, "Xiao Sun and Xiao Ke seem to have a good relationship?" Teacher Ke is the current language teacher of Class 3.

"No matter how good their relationship is, they didn't come here with such an open mouth. If Teacher Hong hadn't stood up today and forced her to apologize, would she still have to sit down on Lin Wei's question?" Huang Aiyun snorted coldly, " In my opinion, she is a soft pinch of persimmons!"

When she first heard about this, Lin Wei was also a little angry, but the matter was over, and everyone surnamed Sun apologized, so she was no longer angry. Therefore, when she heard Huang Aiyun's words, she could still joke and ask, "In your heart, I am a soft persimmon?"

Lin Wei looked tender and spoke softly and softly, but her personality really had nothing to do with weakness, and she did not lose out when quarreling with Gao Xiulian before.

But what Huang Aiyun was referring to was not her character, but that she was just a substitute teacher.

If Lin Wei was not a temporary substitute teacher, or if she had several years of teaching experience, Teacher Sun would definitely not dare to mumble behind her back.

Because she is, so when Teacher Sun poured dirty water on her, she had no scruples. Correspondingly, when facing the experienced Teacher Hong, she softened and apologized obediently without saying a few words.

But Huang Aiyun hesitated a little when the words came to his lips, for fear that Lin Wei would be uncomfortable hearing it.

Teacher Sun did not take Lin Wei seriously because she was only a temporary substitute teacher, and she was less scruples when she spoke. As a result, as soon as the words came out, I ran into a tough stubble and had to apologize to people in a low voice.

Although he was apologizing to Teacher Hong, Teacher Sun also held a grudge against Lin Wei and felt that everything was caused by her.

Because Teacher Hong was too rigid, she didn't dare to make a sound in the office, but when she went back with Teacher Ke after school, she scolded them all the way.

Teacher Ke was in a bad mood at first. Although she really didn't take the students in the substitute class to heart, it was a shame that the average score was less than ten points!

Others in the office don't have long eyes, so they ran to her one by two to mention this. She would have to pretend to be light for the sake of face. Kua Linwei really taught her well.


After finally staying up until the afternoon after school, she thought she could finally get her ears clean, but Teacher Sun kept babbling beside her.

Although the content was scolding Lin Wei, she couldn't help but think about why Teacher Sun scolded Lin Wei, and then she remembered the mess of the third class in the Chinese test.

I don't want to be okay, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it is.

So, when Teacher Sun said, "She has only taught for a few days, and the class she took has done well in one exam, what is there to be proud of", Teacher Ke couldn't help it and said, "Enough!"

Suddenly being stopped drinking, Teacher Sun was not very happy. He pulled his face and said, "I said all this for your own good!"

The two have known each other for more than a day or two. Teacher Ke didn't want to get into trouble with friends over such a trivial matter, so he softened his tone and said, "I mean, she is a temporary substitute teacher. We are not colleagues anymore, you say you are competing with her like this, so what?"

Teacher Sun thought the same thing, but still said: "I'm just wrong for you. You are in the senior class, and you are still in front of the head teacher. You are busy every day, so how can you have so much time to care for those second-grade students. Look again. Lin Wei, she only took two classes and she had enough time. I heard that her lesson plans were written in advance. Every time she gave a lecture, she practiced in front of others and put so much effort into her two classes. The average score is only a little higher than what you brought, what's so amazing, everyone still says she taught well."

Speaking of this, Mr. Sun rolled his eyes: "You said she worked so hard, do you expect Principal Feng to consider her so hard work and keep Ms. Chen after she returns to work?"

Teacher Ke said in a light tone: "Teacher's post has one radish and one pit, and there is no quota. What's the use of her efforts, she should not be able to stay, or she will not be able to stay."

"There are not enough teachers, and there is still a shortage of people in the kitchen. Maybe people are willing to stay in the kitchen." Teacher Sun said deliberately.

Teacher Ke heard the words, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised: "Then it depends on her personal wishes."

Although Ms. Sun said that Lin Wei was lucky enough to take the class so well, other teachers in the primary school in the military area recognized her teaching level.

Ms. Ke graduated from a teacher's college and has been teaching for seven or eight years. After joining the army, she has been working as a teacher in a military elementary school. She is not good at school, but outside of school, the final exam of her class has never been worse.

Her teaching level is obvious to all.

If it wasn't for Lin Wei's good teaching, how could the three classes with similar grades in the first grade have opened such a big gap in just two or three months?

What? Teacher Ke didn't try to teach the third class students?

But no matter how ignorant she is, the main class hours of each class are the same. She did not miss a class, and Lin Wei did not take an extra class, and the assignments were similar. Not finished.

If the average score of the three classes was only a few points lower, it would be fine, but a dozen or so points are really not something that Teacher Ke did not teach carefully.

What's more, it is impossible for Teacher Ke to come forward and say that she doesn't care about teaching, and if she is a teacher, what are the parents doing by sending students to school? This is a professional ethics issue, of course she can't admit it.

Not only can't she admit that, in front of the old shígG Dujia people, she has to praise Linwei for her good teaching.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is true or false, everyone on the bright side recognizes Lin Wei's teaching ability. So after the mid-term exam, there were more discussions about whether Lin Wei could become a regular after the substitute class ended.

Although no one dared to discuss in front of Principal Feng, someone directly asked Lin Wei.

It's just that Lin Wei's response was flat, and her answer was more official: "I work hard because this is my job. No matter which job I take in the future, my attitude will not change."

The teacher who went to gossip in front of Lin Wei was not satisfied with the answer and asked in a different way, "Then do you want to stay and continue to be a teacher?"

What Lin Wei gave is still official: "The organization asks me to stay, so I will stay. The organization has other arrangements, and I will resolutely obey!"

Although Lin Wei's answer was very boring and there was no information at all, the enthusiasm of everyone's discussion not only did not diminish, but instead became more and more intense as time went on, so much that Teacher Chen, who was still recovering from illness at home, heard about it.

Lin Wei was very calm, but Teacher Chen couldn't sit still.

Although it was said outside that Teacher Chen suffered a fracture and was hospitalized, in fact, the situation was not that serious. She suffered a bone fracture caused by a fall.

At that time, she really couldn't stand up, and she also had a cast after being hospitalized. But after two months of support, she was able to walk, but she didn't dare to walk too fast or stand for a long time.

Because of the three-month leave, her husband also hoped that she would be able to support her legs so as to avoid sequelae in the future, so she was not in a hurry to go back to school.

But after hearing the rumors, Ms. Chen couldn't help but feel a little anxious, for fear that if she didn't return to work again, there would be no place for her in the school after recovering from her illness.

Her husband had analyzed it with her, saying that she had worked in the elementary school in the military area for so many years, and this time she had to take time off to recuperate because of an accident. It is impossible for the school leaders to let her move to other military wives for no reason, so that she would not have to worry and recuperate in peace. Just fine.

After listening to her husband's analysis, Teacher Chen felt a lot more at ease.

Just a few days ago, when Teacher Ke came to see her, she talked about Lin Wei: "She works very hard and is very serious. In the last mid-term exam, the average score of Class 1 and Class 2 with her was higher than that of Class 3 with me. Many people say that she is suitable for being a teacher, and I hope she can stay after the substitute class is over."

Teacher Chen was anxious and asked, "Do you think she can stay?"

"It depends on what Principal Feng means," Teacher Ke smiled, but his voice changed quickly, "But I think she should be able to stay."

"How to say?"

"You may not be aware, but Mr. Lin was actually recommended by Director Chen to Principal Feng. I heard that on the first day she came to the island, Director Chen wanted to take her to the hospital pharmacy, but was stopped by Director Luo, and it failed. , Director Chen recommended someone to our principal. Moreover, the students in Class 1 and Class 2 like Teacher Lin very much, because of Teacher Lin, they are now very motivated to study. "

Teacher Ke let out a long sigh of relief: "To tell you the truth, I am looking forward to your return to work as soon as possible and take over the teaching work of Class 3, otherwise I will meet Teacher Lin again in the final exam. ...Ugh!"

After Mr. Ke came, Mr. Chen couldn't sit still. He went to the school without discussing with her husband, and asked Principal Feng to say that she wanted to return to work early.

Feng Ying thought of her stiff walking posture when she entered the office, and said, "I know you like your job as a teacher very much, and you have been working very hard. You have been away from your job for so long, and you must hope to return to your job earlier, children. I miss you very much and need you. But I think the body is the capital of the revolution, and taking good care of the body is more important than anything else, don't you think?"

When Teacher Chen heard the words, he hurriedly said, "Principal, I'm in good health, really!"

Seeing her eager appearance, Feng Ying was silent for a moment and asked, "Can I ask, what made you so eager to return to work?"

Not long after Mr. Chen joined the army, he was assigned to a primary school as a teacher. Feng Ying knew her, and she also knew Feng Ying. Knowing that she asked this question, she saw through her own thoughts and lowered her head and said, "I'm worried that it's been delayed for a long time. When I come back, there will be no place for me."

"Did you hear rumors outside?" Feng Ying asked.

Teacher Chen suddenly raised his head: "You..."

Feng Ying laughed: "They're always talking behind their backs, and I'm not deaf, so how could I not know."

"Then you..."


Teacher Chen summoned the courage to ask, "Are you going to keep Teacher Lin?"

If someone else asked, Feng Ying would definitely not reveal her thoughts so early, but seeing that Teacher Chen was really worried, she paused and said, "I have this plan."

Teacher Chen's heart sank.

But the next second, she heard the principal say, "I'm going to add a teacher."

"Why do you want to increase the number of places suddenly?" Teacher Chen raised his head in surprise, then remembered Teacher Ke's words, and quickly explained, "I was just surprised and asked casually."

Feng Ying was not angry, and explained: "Since you and Xiao Zheng were hospitalized one after another and couldn't find someone to replace the teacher in a hurry, I was thinking about this. Although there are enough teachers in the school, they are too stuck. It's okay if one person asks for leave, but if two or three ask for leave one after another, the personnel will not be able to arrange it."

Teacher Chen breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "Then after I get better, will I continue to take three classes or not?"

"It took a hundred days for you to recover. When you recover from your illness, this semester is almost over. I plan to let you take three classes first, so that you can take care of your body. After school starts next year, there will be a big class schedule. The adjustment," Feng Ying glanced at Teacher Chen and emphasized, "is a major adjustment in the whole school, so you can rest assured."

The news that Teacher Chen returned to school after recovering from illness spread among the teachers in less than half a day.

Therefore, the topic of whether Lin Wei can be turned into a regular student after the substitute class is over quickly lost its popularity. The new hot topic is when will Teacher Chen return to work.

It was only half a month later that Teacher Chen did not appear in the school again. Instead, it was Lin Wei who was called to the office by Principal Feng one afternoon in late December.

As soon as the two left, the offices began to discuss again: Is the principal intending to keep people or let them go?

During the discussion, Teacher Ke's hands under the desk gradually tightened.

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 77

"How is it?" As soon as Lin Wei returned to the office, Huang Aiyun hurriedly asked.

Lin Wei asked, "How about what?"

Because some time ago, there were always people who came to Lin Wei to ask questions. Through her attitude, Huang Aiyun saw that she was really open to her, and she was so scruples when she spoke, she said directly: "The question of whether you will stay after your substitute class is over? Could it be that Principal Feng is not looking for you for this?"


"Really? Then why is she looking for you?" Huang Aiyun noticed that Lin Wei's expression was wrong, and immediately responded, "Are you fooling me?"

"Didn't I answer yes?" Lin Wei said with the corners of her lips raised.

"I thought you were saying that Principal Feng was looking for you for something else!" Huang Aiyun looked at Lin Wei's face, "Looking at your appearance, did you change your mind?"

Because the army has approved the application for an increase in the number of teachers, Principal Feng will hold a meeting to talk about this matter, and she did not ask Lin Wei to keep it secret, so she did not deny it: "It has been changed, but the salary has not been adjusted."


Huang Aiyun originally wanted to say that it would be good to be a regular, but when the words came to his lips, he thought about it, it was not right: "Isn't your salary based on regular work? How can I adjust it for you?"

Lin Wei couldn't help laughing: "You just reacted?"

Huang Aiyun gritted his teeth: "You are really... disgusting!"

"Just kidding," Lin Wei laughed, stood up and asked, "Are you going to the class?"

"Go." Huang Aiyun hurriedly followed, and asked as he walked out, "By the way, you've changed to normal. Which class will Teacher Chen take when he recovers from his illness?"

Lin Wei said unsurely: "Listen to Principal Feng, let her continue to lead three classes this semester, and it is estimated that there will be big changes when she comes back after the new year."

"What changes?" Huang Aiyun asked.

Lin Wei shook her head: "How do I know that, let's talk about it next year."

Huang Aiyun snorted: "But it's fine if you can stay."

At the end of the morning reading, Feng Ying organized a brief meeting with all the teachers and staff during the recess to tell them about Lin Wei's return to normal.

Although there had been speculation, when the speculation was confirmed, there was still an uproar in the office for a moment. Some were surprised and some responded quickly. They immediately smiled and congratulated Lin Wei, and they were also curious about how to arrange courses in the future.

The last question is of particular concern to the primary teachers of the lower grades.

After all, the teachers of the main courses in the lower grades lead three classes by one person, and the teachers with sub-classes are easy to work. Anyway, the opportunity for promotion is small, and basically they have the lowest salary for three or five years.

But the teachers of the main course are different. For those without teaching experience, the minimum wage is 26 in the first year, which can be increased to 29 in the second year, and then adjusted every two or three years. Before joining the army, he was a teacher, and his grades will be higher. Except for the principal and deputy principal of the military primary school, the longest teaching experience can be more than 40 per month.

Although Lin Wei still received the lowest salary, Ms. Chen had been a teacher for several years, and her salary was not lower than others. At least among the main teachers, several teachers were rated the same as hers.

With the same salary, she took two upper grades or three lower grade classes, and she only took one class, how could she be psychologically balanced?

Facing the doubts from the teachers, Feng Ying did not shy away. He said that he would adjust the class schedule after the year. There is only one month left in this semester. Mr. Chen is not in good health. Please bear with me.

After the long-term problem has been solved, everyone will naturally not care about the events of the past two months. No matter what, they are colleagues, so the atmosphere at the scene is harmonious, and only Ke and Sun are unhappy.

The reasons for their unhappiness are similar, but not exactly the same.

Mr. Sun didn't mind being forced by Mr. Hong to apologize because Lin Wei said something wrong.

Teacher Ke is still due to the midterm exam. Although the old shígG Dujia teacher will not take three classes of Chinese when she comes back, but a semester lasts for more than four months, of which three months are taught by her, and the final exam If you don't pass the test, who will be the problem? Of course it was her.

Maybe they won't say that her teaching level is not enough, but she is an old teacher, and the class she leads is not as good as Lin Wei, who has just become a teacher. Where can she save face?

Just thinking about that scene made Mr. Ke annoyed to death, but of course he couldn't be happy.

It's just that no matter how unhappy he is, he still has to pretend to be on the face, so after leaving the principal's office, Teacher Ke still congratulates Lin Wei.

Seeing her friend congratulate Lin Wei, Teacher Sun was even more unhappy. As soon as the two separated, she pulled Teacher Ke aside and muttered, "Why are you congratulating her!"

Teacher Ke said in a light tone: "They are all colleagues."

Teacher Sun pouted: "What a colleague! A person who has never had teaching experience and became a substitute teacher through **** luck, and now she has turned into a regular, she must be proud of her heart."

"Even if it's luck, she's capable enough," Mr. Ke murmured with his head lowered. "It's not just anyone. On the first day of joining the army, the pharmacy will be short of people, and Director Chen is rushing for someone."

If she didn't say it, Teacher Sun didn't remember it yet and asked, "Do you know why she didn't go to the hospital pharmacy in the first place?"

Teacher Ke asked suspiciously, "Isn't it because Gao Xiulian sued the Military Relocation Office, Director Luo refused to let them go in order to appease the other military wives?"

"What, I'll tell you the truth, the reason is only obvious." Teacher Sun said in a low voice, "The real reason is that she offended Director Luo."

"She and Director Luo didn't know each other before? How could she offend people?"

"You really don't hear what's going on outside the window," Teacher Sun said helplessly, "Do you still remember Luo Yun?"

Both of them have been with the army for four or five years. When they first came to the island, there was a small clinic outside the base. There were only a handful of doctors and nurses. Of course, Mr. Ke remembered Luo Yun and asked, "Director Luo's niece? It took two years to transfer, right?"

"Then do you know why she was transferred?"

Teacher Ke shook his head: "I don't know, it has something to do with Lin Wei? But they..."

"It has nothing to do with Lin Wei, but it has something to do with her man Zong Shao," Teacher Sun stopped, looked left and right, and made sure there was no one around to say, "I heard that Director Luo originally wanted to match Luo Yun and Zong Shao, but Zong Shao didn't agree, he turned around and went back to his hometown to get married, Luo Yun felt embarrassed, so he applied for a transfer."

"I remember Luo Yun's condition is good?"

"Otherwise, I couldn't believe it when the news came out," Mr. Sun pouted, "I really don't know what Zong Shao's eyes look like, but he chose Lin Wei."

"Then who knows." Teacher Ke turned his head and asked, "By the way, what you said just now means that Director Luo deliberately targeted Lin Wei because of what happened back then?"

"Eighty percent."

"That's it." Teacher Ke suddenly raised the corners of his lips.

When Zong Shao came back in the evening, Lin Wei mentioned work to him.

Zong Shao's first reaction after hearing this was: "Then let's celebrate."

Lin Wei instantly remembered her previous occasion to celebrate her becoming a temporary substitute teacher, and asked, "Drinking again?"

"Drinking is a way to celebrate. If you don't want to drink, tomorrow and Sunday, we can go shopping in the county and watch a movie." Zong Shao said that Yaxian is not a prosperous place, and there are really limited ways to celebrate.

"There is nothing to do in the county, it's all old houses, not even a park, watching movies..."

Lin Wei thought of going to the movies with her family before, and she couldn't sit still within half an hour of the opening. She wanted to go outside to play, but Zong Shao refused. "Obviously I can't sit still, so forget it."

"Then don't take them there."

"Don't take them?" Lin Wei looked surprised.

Zong Shao nodded: "Without them, just the two of us go to the movies."

Lin Wei smiled: "Comrade Zong, do you want to date me?"

Zong Shao didn't answer, just looked at her and asked, "Want to go?"

Lin Wei was a little moved, but looking at the children playing outside, she hesitated: "Let's go out to play, what about Ruirui?"

"Let the old Zhou and his wife help and watch." Anyway, when they were at home, the three children always gathered together to play.

"What if they want to go too?" Lin Wei asked again. Having a child is like this. When thinking about the world of two, there will always be many concerns.

Zong Shao said: "It's fine if we can't take them with us to do important things."

"Then tell them."


It was about the two-person world. Zong Shao didn't delay at all. As soon as he picked up the chopsticks, he told the two children that they were going out tomorrow.

Mingming didn't react after hearing it, and said, "Don't Mom and Dad go out every day?"

"Tomorrow is Sunday, and Mom and Dad won't go out." Rarity added, after a pause, "unless you bring us."

Obviously, thinking about it too: "Mom and Dad, will you take us tomorrow?"

Zong Shao lied without changing his face: "We have important things to do, so we can't take you."

Mingming got up and asked again, "What's the important thing? Can't my brother and I go? We won't affect our parents."

Zong Shao thought that bringing you together is an influence, and said, "It's inconvenient to talk about things, but we can only go there."

"Okay." Mingming was a little disappointed, "Then what do we do tomorrow?"

"I'll tell Daddy Little Stone later that you will have dinner at their house tomorrow."


Because I won't be able to see my mother tomorrow, after taking a bath, I clearly apply to sleep with my mother. After Mingming's application, Rarity immediately follows up, expressing that he also wants to sleep next to his mother.

Zong Shao: "You are already big kids..."

"We are big children, father is still an adult!" Mingming muttered in dissatisfaction, "Dad is so much older than us and can sleep with mother, why can't we sleep with mother?"

Zong Shao was angry and funny: "When I was your age, I didn't quarrel to sleep with my mother."

Mingming is still the same sentence: "Then you are so old, why do you want to sleep with my mother?"

"Because your mother is my daughter-in-law."

"What is a daughter-in-law?" Mingming asked curiously. Although it was not the first time he heard the word, he had never asked before, so he didn't quite understand it.

Rarity asked, "Can we sleep together as a daughter-in-law?"

"Yes, I can not only sleep with my wife in my arms, but also..."

Before Zong Shao could finish speaking, Lin Wei slapped him: "Enough is enough! The more you talk, the more ridiculous." He put the two children on the bed again, "Let them sleep with us tonight."

As soon as Lin Wei finished speaking, the two brothers hurriedly climbed into the bed while cheering, "Sleep with mother."

After taking a good place on the bed, he made a smug look at his father, Zong Shao couldn't help grinding his teeth and wanted to carry him to the second bedroom.

But before he could do it, Lin Wei squinted: "Okay, how old are you, and you still care so much about a child."

Mingming hugged her mother, and the chick nodded as if pecking at the rice: "That's right."

Zong Shao narrowed his eyes: "You are very courageous tonight."

Mingming suddenly screamed: "Mom! Dad is going to beat me!"

Lin Wei didn't sympathize with him: "Shit!"

In order not to let Mingming's accusations fail, Zong Shaozhen greeted him twice on his butt. It didn't hurt, but it was enough to make the little guy quiet down. The family lay down in order of size.

Zong Shao slept on the outermost side, clearly lying between his parents, and then Lin Wei and Rarui.

Originally, I didn't want to lie in the middle. When I climbed into the bed, I deliberately chose the position by the edge of the bed. Who knew that my father didn't talk about martial arts, so he let them go inside when he went to bed. Rui Rui let it go quickly, and Lin Wei didn't want to. As for Mingming, Zong Shao pushed out his hand and rolled into the middle of the bed.

Halfway through, she still wanted to change places with Rarity, but Rarity wasn't afraid to sleep with her father, but as a child, she always felt that something that someone robbed was the best.

This perception also applies to where you sleep on the bed.

Despite the brotherhood, Rarity firmly chooses to sleep inside.

Mingming was greatly disappointed, so he had to accept his fate and lay pitifully between his parents.

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 78

The last time Lin Wei and Zong Shao dated was when they first got married.

But Lin Wei didn't know if it counted as a date, because every time she went out, her grandmother urged her. She thought that Zong Shao was annoying at home, so she asked him to take Lin Wei out for a walk.

They went to the movies, went for a walk in the park, held hands secretly in the dark cinema, kissed secretly in the empty corner of the park,

At that time, she was thin-skinned and was startled when she was kissed. She hurriedly pushed Zong Shao away and looked around to see if anyone was coming. She was relieved when she saw no one, and raised her head to yell at him for being a hooligan.

Zong Shao said solemnly, "I kiss my own wife, what kind of rascal are you playing?"

Lin Wei was amazed and said that he was really thick-skinned, and then when he left, he was pulled back and kissed twice, so that when she returned home, her face was all red.

After that, there was no more dating. Soon after Zong Shao returned to the army, she found out that she was pregnant. When he came back, there were two more little guys in the family.

Therefore, even though I was not very relieved to have two children, Lin Wei was also full of expectations for the next day's activities.

After getting up in the morning, Lin Wei dressed up.

Said to be dressed up, in fact, that is to draw the eyebrows, put some lipstick on the mouth, although there is no color, but the lip color does look brighter.

Yazhou Island is not cold in winter, and the temperature has been hovering around 20 degrees for a long time. The thick sweater and coat that Lin Wei brought from her hometown has not come in handy since she went to the island.

What Lin Wei wears now is basically the clothes she wore in early autumn in her hometown, usually shirts and trousers.

But she wears too many shirts and trousers. Occasionally, she wants to change something else, so she pulls out a black dress from the old shígG Dujia in the closet. The dress is ankle-length and can be worn this season. It's just that it's too grand and inappropriate to wear it like this during class. Today, I'm going on a date, so there's nothing wrong with it.

Because the skirt was not thick enough, after Lin Wei put on the skirt, she found a thin trench coat from the closet and put it on her body, and fastened the cufflinks before going downstairs.

Zong Shao didn't change his clothes specially, the main reason was that his wardrobe was full of military uniforms, and it was the same style again.

He was sitting in the living room waiting, and when he heard the voice raise his head, his eyes deepened and he said, "It's beautiful."

Mingming said it more directly, looked at Lin Wei intently and said, "Mom is so pretty today!"

Lin Wei was very happy to be complimented, and reached out to touch his hair: "Thank you."

Mingming blinked: "Mom, can I go with you?" Originally, after being rejected yesterday, he didn't want to go out with his parents, but now that he sees how beautiful his mother is, he wants to go together again.

Zong Shao said, "Mom and Dad have a lot of things to do today, so I don't have time to take care of you."

"Okay, then mom and dad, you have to come back early, I want to see mom more." Mingming urged.

Zong Shao was also a little helpless: "I see, I'll let you watch it when I get back." He greeted his younger son to go out together.

After arriving at Zhou's house, Zhou Jianhai saw the couple and joked a few times. But Zong Shao was thick-skinned, so he was not embarrassed to hear it. He even stamped him because he was envious and jealous, which made Zhou Jianhai say that next time he and his daughter-in-law would live in a two-person world and send the child to their house, Zong Shao readily agreed. .

The brothers played with Xiao Shi, and Zong Shao and Lin Wei left.

However, the two did not leave the family area directly, but first went to Zong Shao's battalion commander's house and asked someone to borrow a bicycle.

The bicycle is Phoenix brand, the price is not cheap, but after all, it is a big brand, and it is more comfortable to sit on than other bicycles. Zong Shao rides very fast. It takes more than half an hour to get there in ten minutes.

After entering the county, the two went straight to the cinema. There are no new movies released recently, and old movies are shown all day. Lin Wei picked out a love movie that opened at ten o'clock, an hour-and-half-hour movie, and just had lunch after the end.

Most of the young people watch movies these days. Although Lin Wei is not very old, she always feels that she is not too young when she has children. Standing in the crowd waiting to see the movie, she always feels a little out of place.

Zong Shao was quite calm, but he didn't think of anything for a while, and suddenly asked Lin Wei to wait for her for a while, and then went out.

Zong Shao didn't go long, maybe five or six minutes. When he came back, he had two oil paper bags in one hand, two bottles of soda between his fingers in the other hand, and the straw in his hand.

When he came to him, Lin Wei asked, "Did you buy food?"

"The movie takes a long time." Zong Shao said, handing a bottle of soda to Lin Wei, "I also bought popcorn and melon seeds."

Lin Wei asked, "Will it be bad for me to watch a movie and eat melon seeds?"

"Last time I watched a movie, a lot of people ate it. If you don't want to eat melon seeds, you can bring it back to the children to eat."

Lin Wei snorted. There were still a few minutes before the movie started. When she was bored, she raised her head and looked left and right.

Soon, her eyes were attracted by a young couple on the right. The girl wanted to open a soda, but she couldn't open it. The boy who also had a bottle of soda and a large bag of snacks in his hand brought the soda bottle to his mouth, Bite it open with your teeth, then insert a straw and hand it to the girl.

The girl raised her head, saw the bottle cap he was biting in his mouth, and took the soda bottle with blushing cheeks.

Lin Wei smiled when Zong Shao saw the smile on her face and asked in a low voice, "Want to drink soda?"

"No, I just think it's interesting." Lin Wei shook her head and said.


Zong Shao looked up again and said, "I can also open the bottle cap with my teeth."

Lin Wei: "..."

After the movie started, Zong Shao really showed Lin Wei how to open the bottle cap with his teeth. Even though the light in the screening room was too dark, he couldn't see clearly, but he could hear the voice clearly, so Lin Wei couldn't help covering his teeth.

Zong Shao handed the soda with the straw inserted to Lin Wei and asked, "Do you have a toothache?"

"It hurts for you." Lin Wei said and took the soda bottle.

Zong Shao smiled softly, leaned into Lin Wei's ear and said, "I won't hurt if you kiss me."

"Do you really have a toothache?" Lin Wei asked.

Naturally, there is no toothache. He brushes his teeth sooner or later. He doesn't smoke much. But if he can get a kiss, he can also feel the pain and say, "It's okay, I can bear it."

Although the light in the projection hall was dim, there were people on the front, back, left and right. Lin Wei didn't have the guts to kiss him. In order to lighten his burden, she said, "If that's the case, then I'll drink this bottle of soda for you, so that you don't lose your teeth. It hurts more."

Zong Shao: "..."

During the talk, the title was over, a group of young people in green military uniforms and big red flowers appeared on the screen, and the male and female protagonists were sitting in the crowd.

The film was filmed a few years ago. It is based on the background of going to the countryside. It tells the story of a group of young people who came to the frontier full of passion. The plot is not, and the emotional expression is not strong, but it is particularly heart-warming.

It's just that the story is not complete. In a sudden accident, the male protagonist died to save people, and the female protagonist who had the opportunity to return to the city, after the pain, resolutely decided to inherit the male protagonist's legacy and stayed on that land. .

When the movie happened to the male protagonist, there was crying in the screening room, and Lin Wei couldn't help but redden her eyes.

When the tears were about to fall, her right hand on the armrest was held by Zong Shao. She raised her head slightly and looked at Zong Shao, only to see him leaning towards her in the dark.

Lin Wei's expression became tense and she held her breath.

But he didn't do anything, just wiped the moisture from the corner of her eyes with slightly rough fingers, and comforted: "It's just a story."

Lin Wei snorted, looked up at the screen, and slowly rested her head on Zong Shao's shoulder.

This gesture is a bit intimate, if it is in Shicheng, on the street, they will probably be stopped by the red armband and be reprimanded.

However, Yaxian County is remote and the noise is not as fierce as the outside world. In addition, it is in the projection hall. Even if someone sees the intimacy between them, they will not say anything.

Therefore, it was not until the end of the movie, when the lights in the screening hall were lit, that Lin Wei sat up straight and asked Zong Shao, "Where are we going next?"

"Have a meal."

"I can't eat it." During the movie, Lin Wei ate a big bag of popcorn, some melon seeds, and a half bottle of soda.

"Then go out for a walk?"

Lin Wei nodded, left the cinema with Zong Shao, and walked along the street.

Walking and walking, the two arrived at the Yaxian Bridge. The name has big characters, but the bridge is not really big, just quite long. Under the bridge is the river, and the river banks are full of palm trees, and occasionally mango and durian trees can be seen.

But at the end of December, there is no fruit on the durian tree, but the mango blossoms, but the mango blossoms are relatively small, clustered in clusters, and it is not very beautiful.

Today is Sunday, and there are many people by the river on the bridge, mostly young couples, and some parents who bring their children out to play.

Lin Wei followed Zong Shao to the bridge, but did not go to the other side, standing in the middle of the bridge, leaning against the railing and blowing the wind.

Not long after blowing, Zong Shao asked Lin Wei if she was cold.

Lin Wei looked down at her exposed ankle, shook her head and said, "It's okay." She remembered something again and asked, "Do you remember the time we had a blind date, when we went to the park, you always asked me if I was cold."

"You wore very little that day." Zong Shao said.

Their blind date was just before the Chinese New Year, when there had just been snow in Shicheng, but the snow had melted when they met, and it was a sunny day.

Lin Wei wore a festive dress that day. She was wearing a red woolen jacket and black trousers. It looked pretty, but she always looked a little thin. At that time, she was always blowing her hands, and when she walked to a sheltered place, she couldn't help but twitch her body.

He was quite thick at the time, wrapped in a cotton coat, and his mother said he looked good in that dress and looked very energetic.

It's just that the two have just met, and they really don't know each other very well. He is afraid that he will make her feel uncomfortable by taking off his coat to her rashly. After a while, I asked her if she was cold, thinking that if she said it was cold, she could take off her coat and give it to her logically.

But after asking several times, he didn't wait for the word "cold", so he suggested to go shopping at the supply and marketing agency.

Lin Wei said: "Actually, I want to wear more clothes, but my mother said it doesn't look good. It's sunny outside, so let me bear it."

When she heard this, Lin Wei's first reaction was to ask her father if she picked it up, or why would her mother marry her in such a hurry. In the end, before her father could answer, she was slapped by her mother and told her not to talk nonsense.

Although Lin Wei stopped, she was still a little dissatisfied with her mother's eagerness to marry her daughter, and the absurd blind date.

Yes, ridiculous.

Although when Lin Wei first met her grandmother, she heard the two old ladies talk about the baby's kiss, but their tone at the time was a joke, and Lin Wei didn't take the marriage seriously.

What age is it, and it's still an arranged marriage, saying it makes people laugh out loud.

Therefore, when her mother solemnly mentioned the baby kiss and said that she and her grandmother both hoped that the two children could fulfill their engagement contract, Lin Wei sprayed the tea out of her mouth and reached out to touch her mother's forehead. Suspect the old lady has a high fever.

But it turns out that the old lady is serious.

Of course, in order to make this feudal doll look more in line with the values ​​of the times, the two old ladies still gave them a chance to see each other.

Although her mother said that she would get along if she liked it, and if she didn't, she would go away, but judging from the fact that she found a padded jacket that day and was stopped by her mother and insisted that she change into better clothes, Lin Wei was probably hanging.

Therefore, on the way to the blind date, Lin Wei was not very happy in her heart, but her mother told her to be nice and smile more when she met someone, otherwise she would have to squeeze out a shy smile when she went back to clean her up. Allow.

However, after the meeting, Zong Shao's appearance really exceeded her expectations.

First of all, this person is tall, and secondly, he is not ugly, and he is quite clean.

It's just a human, I don't know if it's smart or stunned, I'd say it's the former. I only know if she is cold, but I don't know if I should suggest a change of place earlier. If it wasn't for the threatening look in her mother's eyes before she left, she would really want to give up. But to say that he was stunned, and he knew how to buy something for her and eat, he had decided the matter of their relationship.

If he was a little stunned and tactful at the time, it's not certain whether they can come together now.

Lin Wei thought about it, and when she lowered her head, she felt her hand being held, and reflexively wanted to withdraw her hand, but Zong Shao said, "Don't worry, no one will care about us."

Most of the people walking on the bridge are young people, and most of the young people are lovers.

Lin Wei didn't move, but Zong Shao took a step closer and took her into his arms.

After lunch, Lin Wei and Zong Shao were not in a hurry to go back, but turned around and went to the supply and marketing agency. She wanted to choose a gift for the two children, but she always felt guilty for not bringing them out to play.

In this regard, Zong Shao actually didn't fully understand Lin Wei. Like him, he didn't feel any guilt, but felt that he had a very happy day.

Before he even got home, he had already started to figure out in his mind how he could afford his two children next time.

But Zong Shao did not stop Lin Wei from choosing gifts for the two children, but gave his opinion very seriously, because he knew that Lin Wei was always softer.

It's just that the supply and marketing cooperatives have very limited toys for children, nothing more than marbles and rubber band rattles. The two chose to choose and discussed for a long time before they picked out two gifts that were quite satisfactory.

Rarity was given a wood puzzle, and since it was half the size of a desk, it might have taken some brains and time to put together, just right for him.

The gift for Mingming is also made of wood, but it is a truck. It looks a bit rough, but because the four wheels can move, although it needs to be manually operated by the child, this toy is novel enough in this era, and it is very suitable for Mingming. Such a curious child.

Although Lin Wei could only say that she was satisfied with the two gifts, the two children liked the gifts they received. Zong Shao saw it in his eyes and quickly thought of how to give away the two children next time.

Sugar-coated cannonballs are always a nirvana for children.

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 79

When Lin Wei went out on a date with Zong Shao, the matter of her turning positive was also helped by Teacher Ke, and quickly spread throughout the family area, and Luo Shuzhi also heard about it from others.

Although she hates Lin Wei, she is also the leader of the Military Relocation Office. She is still very busy with work every day, and doesn't have so much time to pay attention to an ordinary military wife. So she really didn't know how Lin Wei was doing in the military elementary school.

But Luo Shuzhi knew that the number of primary school teachers in the military region had not changed for a long time, mainly because the number of students had always been so many, and the existing classes were sufficient. Feng Ying has always been a person who used a penny to split it in half, and would not easily increase the number of staff.

Therefore, Feng Ying came to ask for someone before, so she let Lin Wei go so happily, she was only a temporary worker anyway, she could work as long as she wanted.

Luo Shuzhi really didn't expect that Feng Ying changed her mind after Lin Wei went to the military elementary school for a few months! If she hadn't known that Zong Shao had a bad relationship with his family, she would have suspected that Zong Shao asked his father to help him make peace.

Although she thought it was unlikely that it was written by Zong Shao's father, Luo Shuzhi still inquired about it. When she found out that the two classes led by Lin Wei did well in the mid-term exam, Feng Ying changed her mind and decided to make a big change in the current class schedule after the year. Adjustment, she is relieved.

No one said hello, alright, she's better.

The next morning, Luo Shuzhi first went to the military relocation office to show her face, and asked his subordinate Wu Guan to ask for the information of the newly arrived military wife.

Officer Wu was a little puzzled: "What do you want her information for? Are there any job vacancies recently?"

Luo Shuzhi said vaguely, "I'll show it to the leaders of other units first."

She is the director, so naturally she can do whatever she wants. Secretary Wu didn't ask much, and found out the information. Just seeing Luo Shuzhi leaving the Military Relocation Office, she couldn't help muttering to her colleague: "What do you think this new military sister-in-law came from? Why does Director Luo care so much about her?"

Officer Fu said: "I don't think Xinjun's wife has any background. Director Luo is more or less the same if he wants to do something."

"What is she doing?" Officer Wu didn't respond.

Officer Fu glanced at her and reminded: "Think carefully, what's new in our family area recently?"

Officer Wu recalled, but it was either that the child was beaten again, or that the husband and wife had quarreled again. Seeing that she really couldn't come up with an idea, Officer Fu had to remind him more clearly: "The primary school in the military area!"

"Military District Primary School?" Wu Gan's voice fell, and his mouth opened wide, "You said that Lin Wei was turned into a regular? No way?"

"What's wrong with this, you forgot what the new military sister-in-law was doing before joining the army?" Officer Fu asked, and without waiting for Officer Wu to answer, he murmured, "I just hope that they will fight, we little brats don't suffer."

When Feng Ying was lecturing, she glanced outside and saw Luo Shuzhi standing at the door.

They have been neighbors for many years, and the two of them can be considered familiar, but when she saw Luo Shuzhi, Feng Ying's face was not only without a smile, but her eyes were still a little dark.

But she didn't leave anyone out. After finishing a paragraph, she asked the students to review it, and she went out and asked, "Why did you come here?"

"I have something to tell you, I'm in class?" This is a well-intentioned question, but the meaning is also obvious, and I want to chat with Feng Ying privately.

Feng Ying hummed, looked back at the students in the class, and said, "Go to my office."

When they got to the office, Feng Ying first poured Luo Shuzhi a cup of tea and asked someone to sit down and ask, "Well, what's the matter with me?"

Luo Shuzhi said, and handed the documents in her hand to Feng Ying: "I brought a document, you can take a look first."

Feng Ying took the information, looked up and looked up: "Ning Hong? What's wrong with this person?"

"Look carefully at her work experience." Luo Shuzhi pointed to the work experience column on the form, and said, "This Ning Hong is from the capital. In 1968, she would jump in the queue to go to Qin Province. Later, the place where she jumped in the queue had to set up a brigade primary school. She became the first teacher of the brigade primary school because of her good cultural classes, and her personal work ability cannot be said. It's just that, as you know, these team-run elementary schools are all privately run, and the teachers also get work points, so when she joined the army, she There is no way to be transferred, so I can only give up my hometown job."

Feng Ying put down Ning Hong's personal information and said lightly, "I remember this is the job of your military relocation office."

"It's because it's the job of our military relocation office that I came to you," Luo Shuzhi said with a smile, "Isn't the military district primary school planning to increase the number of teachers? What do you think of her?"

"You don't know?" Feng Ying said in surprise, "The added quota has already been confirmed."

"Comrade Lin Wei?"

Feng Ying nodded: "It's her. After she entered the elementary school in the military district, she did a good job. Her grades improved greatly in the two classes she took. It was also because of this that I thought of applying for an extra place."

Luo Shuzhi was not satisfied and asked, "She is neither a teacher, nor has teaching experience, how well can she do her job?"

The smile on Feng Ying's face faded: "Director Luo, are you questioning the views of me and all the teachers?"

Luo Shuzhi's expression froze, but she said it was the responsibility of the Military Relocation Office, and she had some resilience: "Look at what you said, education, you are a professional, I am a layman, and I don't express my opinions. I just think, there is still a big difference between having work experience and having no work experience. No matter how well Comrade Lin Wei has done, is it still better than a teacher with several years of teaching experience?"

Luo Shuzhi said, stretched out her hand to get Ning Hong's information, and said with a smile: "You didn't see the recommendation letter written by Comrade Ning Hong's brigade to her. The letter quickly praised her as a flower, saying that she has a good personality. They also teach children, and the children love her very much. If it wasn't for her and her husband to be reunited, their captain would not want to let them go. Such a person would not be worse than Comrade Lin Wei, right?"

"She may not be bad, but I believe Lin Wei is better."

There are many old teachers in the military district primary school, and there are many teachers who are loved by children, but among these people, Lin Wei's teaching style is also very unique.

And Feng Ying, what she sees is her uniqueness.

Luo Shuzhi frowned slightly. She thought she would change her mind after she shared Ning Hong's information in front of Feng Ying, but she didn't expect her to be so determined.

Luo Shuzhi thought for a moment, then continued: "Are you biased? After all, Comrade Ning Hong has also taught for four or five years, so he can't be worse than Lin Wei, right? Do you think this will work? Arrange a test. Lesson, let Comrade Ning Hong and Comrade Lin Wei compete for this name together?"

Feng Ying did not answer when she heard the words, but looked at her and said, "You seem to have an opinion on Lin Wei."

Luo Shuzhi's heart jumped, and she denied it, "Looking at what you said, I didn't know her before, so what opinion can I have on her."

Feng Ying asked meaningfully: "Really? Then how did I hear that when Xiao Chen intended to let Lin Wei go to work in the hospital pharmacy, you firmly disagreed, and you just let it go?"

"Principal Feng, what are you talking about?" Luo Shuzhi's face changed, "I didn't agree to let Lin Wei go to work in the hospital pharmacy, but that's because she just arrived on the island, and she didn't have her registered permanent residence, so she didn't pass our job placement. In the office, you have set the job in private, and you said, if this is spread out, what will the other military wives think? What will they think about the placement of our military family members? "

Luo Shuzhi felt that the reason she gave was sufficient, but she didn't want Feng Ying's face to soften after hearing this, but instead said sternly: "What do you think? Look at it with the old shígG Dujia eyes! When the army set up the Military Dependents Resettlement Office, it was to reduce the work process. , lest the new military sister-in-law traveled all over the army commune in order to set up a household registration, and did not write for ten days and a half months! Laoguan asked the military sister-in-law to do this job, and I hope you can compare your hearts to each other and serve the military sister-in-law better! But you Ask yourself, have you done this?"

After asking Luo Shuzhi's answer, Feng Ying said, "You don't! You have complicated procedures, increased work, and even arbitrarily manipulated power. I can't wait to turn the Military Dependents' Resettlement Office into your one-word hall!"

"Feng Ying!" Luo Shuzhi stood up angrily, pointed at Feng Ying, and said, "I don't say bowing is the essence of my work, at least I can be considered conscientious, and I have never been selfish. How can you slander me like this? You say I have Selfishly, I also want to ask you! Lin Wei is a non-teacher graduate and has no teaching experience, why are you so biased against her and insist on turning her into a regular?"

"Do you think it's because of my partiality that I have to turn her on the right track?"

Luo Shuzhi snorted coldly: "You don't even dare to let them compete, what is it that you are not partial?"

Feng Ying suddenly changed his words: "Okay, I can let them compete."

Luo Shuzhi looked at Feng Ying suspiciously, but saw her looking at her coldly, and said word by word, "I'm still sure she can get this job, but I'm not sure if you can keep your current job. already."

As soon as Lin Wei walked to the door of Zhou's house with the prepared meal, she saw Liu Dan standing behind her house and asked in surprise, "Why are you here now?"

Although the military resettlement office has a two-hour break at noon, Liu Dan has to feed the children after get off work, and usually does not come to her at this time.

Liu Dan walked quickly to Lin Wei and said, "I have something important to tell you!"

Seeing her anxious expression, Lin Wei's expression became serious: "What's the hurry?"

Liu Dan suffered from the loss that the partition wall has ears. Although he didn't see anyone around, he still said, "Let's go back to your house."

"Then I'll call the children out first."

Liu Dan snorted, did not follow into Zhou's house, just waited for the mother and son outside, until Mingming Ruirui called her aunt with a smile, a smile appeared on her face, turned around and walked towards the front yard of Zong's house.

Entering the yard, Lin Wei opened the door, not in a hurry to share the meal, and only let the brothers enter the house to play.

Although Ruirui didn't know what was going on, he didn't ask much. He jumped up and down in front of the sofa.

Lin Wei greeted Liu Dan to sit down at the dining table, poured her a glass of water and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Dan suppressed his voice and said, "Something has happened! Our director may want to trouble you."

"What trouble can your director ask me for?" Lin Wei wondered. As early as when she was a temporary substitute, her file was transferred from the Military Dependents' Resettlement Office to the military primary school. Now she has nothing to be constrained by Luo Shuzhi.

"I heard from Xiaofu next door. Our director probably heard about your change of status. As soon as I went to the unit today, I asked Sister Wu to transfer Ning Hong's information and went out. It is estimated that I went to your principal." Liu Dan After a long list of words, he was so thirsty that he raised his head and drank half a glass of water before stopping.

Who knew that before she had finished drinking, she heard Lin Wei ask, "Who is Ning Hong?"

Liu Dan choked and coughed twice, then raised his head and said, "The military sister-in-law who just joined the army last month, don't you know?"

"Oh, I heard, what happened to her information? Could it be that Director Luo wants her to replace me?"

"She didn't say it clearly when she left, but Xiao Fu guessed it like this. You don't know, this Ning Hong is also a teacher in her hometown, but she is running a primary school in the team. Added, "I heard she has several years of teaching experience."

After Liu Dan finished speaking, he raised his head to look at Lin Wei. Seeing that her expression was still calm, he couldn't help asking, "Do you understand the seriousness of the matter?"

"Understood, what you mean is that Director Luo wants to use this Ning Hong, who has several years of work experience, to squeeze me out of the military elementary school, right?" Lin Wei asked in conclusion.

"Yeah, that's right." Liu Dan nodded and asked, "And then?"

"What then?"

Liu Dan asked: "She wants to deal with you and mess with your work, so you're not in a hurry?"

Lin Wei asked back, "Can I get her to stop dealing with me if I'm in a hurry?"

Liu Dan thought for a moment and shook his head: "But on your principal's side, you can always work hard and ask her not to replace you."

Lin Wei nodded.

Just as Liu Dan was relieved, she heard her say to herself, "But I don't think our principal would agree to change me."

Liu Dan was startled: "Are you sure?"

"I think our principal likes me a lot." Lin Wei said boldly.

Liu Dan vomited blood, although self-confidence is a good thing, but Lin Wei is a little too self-confident.

Seeing Lin Wei's internally injured expression, Lin Wei smiled and stopped teasing her: "You think, how many years have there been no increase in the number of classroom posts in the military area's primary school, and how many years has this way of arranging classes lasted?"

"Do you think Principal Feng decided to change because of you?"

"I can't say it's all because of me, at least it's my factor."

Does Feng Ying really not know the drawbacks of the current arrangement of classes in primary schools in the military area? Lin Wei doesn't think so. It's just that she places too much importance on the primary schools in the military area. When reforms are needed, she can't help but be afraid, because she is not sure whether the changes will be better or worse. But the appearance of Lin Wei gave her confidence in the reformed road.

A prudent person like Feng Ying, who can influence her, is naturally not a dispensable person.

In this case, what is Lin Wei worried about?

Liu Dan is still a little worried: "But our director and Principal Feng have known each other for so many years, in case she plays the emotional card..."

Although Lin Wei felt that Feng Ying was not someone who would be selfish, she couldn't completely deny that possibility. It was just like this... She sighed and said, "Then I can only admit it."

Hearing these dejected words, Liu Dan felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't encourage Lin Wei to fight for it anymore, she just reached out and patted her shoulder and said, "Actually, that's just a possibility, maybe it's just as you think. In that case, Principal Feng likes and values ​​you very much, and she will not replace you."

Lin Wei smiled and asked, "Would you like to eat with me?"

"Forget it, my children are still waiting to eat." After Liu Dan finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Lin Wei sat at the table for a while before getting up to greet the two children for dinner.

Although Liu Dan was worried, but half a month later, Lin Wei's work was still comforting.

On the contrary, it was the Military Dependents' Resettlement Office. Soon after the beginning of the new year, a deputy director was parachuted into the air. Although it was only a temporary post, everyone could see Luo Shuzhi's ugly face on the day the notification came.

Seventy Couple's Daily Routine Chapter 80

Lin Wei didn't pay much attention to the matter of the deputy director of the Airborne Relocation Office of the Military Dependents' Resettlement Office, because the final exam was coming.

The final exam is issued by the county education bureau, and the county's primary school joint exam. Of course, because of the remoteness of Yaxian County and the shortage of educational resources, there are only seven or eight primary schools in the county. Among them, the military district primary schools can be said to have the strongest teachers, ranking first every year. Exams, the more relaxed the teachers in the school.

But Lin Wei didn't relax herself, how to say this was also the first answer sheet she handed in after her regularization, and she hoped to prove herself with this. Therefore, before the final exam, Lin Wei deliberately spent a week sorting out the content of the students this semester to strengthen their memory.

Seeing that Lin Wei attaches so much importance to the final exam, both Mr. Li and Mr. Chen, who returned to work after the New Year's Day, became nervous. Mr. Li felt that, after all, they were teaching the same class. After taking the Chinese test, they should not fall behind too much in mathematics. . Teacher Chen's idea is that in the third class, the exam was suspended, and the final exam... even if it can't catch up, the gap can't be widened.

Review, review now!

The teacher of the second grade main class rolled up, and the teachers of other years couldn't sit still when they saw it, and started to review for the children in their class.

As a result, the children who were still similar to usual at the end of the term were forced to usher in a tense review. Fortunately, no matter how hard it is to review, it will only take a week if the time is full. In late January, the final exam will arrive as scheduled.

Just like the mid-term exam, there are only two final exams, Chinese in the morning and mathematics in the afternoon. After the exam is over, the children will have a vacation, and the teachers will have a hard time for the examination of papers.

The difference is that the final exam papers are not approved in the school, but go to the county education bureau, along with teachers from several other schools. The test papers are all sealed and are given to them by the staff of the Education Bureau. The teacher who approves the papers does not know whether the test papers are students of the school or not, which can ensure the fairness to the greatest extent.

The examination period is two days, and the results are calculated later, and the ranking of each school is determined by the staff of the Education Bureau.

But before Lin Wei and the others were on vacation, each class teacher had to prepare transcripts and write comments. Those who were not class teachers were responsible for cleaning the office and doing the finishing touches.

When the class teachers finished writing the comments and the office was cleaned, the Education Bureau also counted the results and sent them to various schools, and the primary schools in the military area also published the list.

The bulletin board is at the entrance of the first-grade classroom. When the list is posted, the teachers in the school can be said to be all dispatched to see the results. It's not that they are curious about the list, but that the students are on vacation, and they have nothing to do when they stay at the school.

The posted list is divided into two parts, one is the grades of students in the school, and the average score of each class; the other is the top three in the county in each grade, and the average grade of each school.

Lin Wei was called by Huang Aiyun, and when she arrived at the bulletin board, because there were too many people in the front of the county's ranking notices, she didn't join in the fun and went to see the second-year rankings in the school.

After watching for a while, Huang Aiyun came over and said, "Zhao Mei took the first place in the test again? Gao Xiulian gave birth to a good girl! Wow, the top three are all your students! The top ten... eight are all from your class. ?"

Lin Wei didn't put gold on her face, she said with a small smile, "I have two classes, and I have an advantage in numbers."

However, Huang Aiyun thought that the top three were all her students. This is not something that can be said simply because of the numerical advantage. What's more, this time the average score of the first class was higher than the score difference of the third class, which was a few points higher than the midterm exam.

However, there are too many teachers in front of the bulletin board, which will blindly praise Lin Wei for hating her. Huang Aiyun didn't say anything, and looked up at the grades of the first grade.

She took the mathematics of three classes in the first grade. Because there was no competition, and although she was serious in her work, she could not talk about how hard she worked. In previous years, she was always relaxed at the end of the semester, and did not deliberately sort out the school's key points for the children until this time. The second-grade teacher rolled up and became nervous.

So this time, Huang Aiyun was quite concerned about the results, and when he looked up at the list, he couldn't help holding his breath.

The final exam paper is more difficult than the midterm exam. Huang Aiyu knew this when he was invigilating the exam. Later, when the exam paper was approved by the Education Bureau, many people failed.

However, Huang Aiyun's three classes all did well, with two out of 100, and a lot of them above 90. The final average score was much higher than the passing line, two points higher than the mid-term exam.

After reading the school rankings, Huang Aiyun took Lin Wei to see the whole county again. This was incredible. She took two classes in the top three in the county.

Lin Wei is even more powerful. The class package she brought rounded up the top three, and the top three of the other ages either accounted for one or two, and none of them were ranked zero.

Not to mention the average score. In the past, even if the top three were zero, the average score of the military district primary school was higher than that of other schools.

After reading the list, all the teachers were beaming with joy.

Teacher Sun also had a smile on her face, but when she was facing others, her face sank when she turned her back, and the average score of the three classes was still hanged and beaten by the first and second classes.

But after Luo Shuzhi failed to get rid of Lin Wei's actions, and instead caused herself to be fishy, ​​she could only endure silently no matter how unhappy she was.

Teacher Chen is in a very good mood. She was in a hurry to go back to work because she was worried that she would not be able to find her place if she came back late. Now that she is sure that her work is stable, she is very open. Moreover, although the average score of the third class was suppressed by the first and second classes, it has increased compared with the mid-term exam. In addition, this exam is more difficult, which can also show from the side that she has done a good job!

Principal Feng was also in a good mood. After the announcement was posted, she organized a brief meeting with all the staff.

The meeting was not long, and it mainly talked about two things. One was to thank the full-time faculty and staff for their hard work in the past semester and praised all the teachers for their final grades; the other was to inform about the winter vacation and the time to receive the annual gifts.

Because the primary school has an early holiday, and there are still ten days before the Chinese New Year, the New Year's gift is not sent so early, and you have to wait until the 20th of the lunar calendar to receive it. In addition, considering that some military wives will return to their hometowns to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year, they can register in advance, and the New Year's gifts will be discounted and distributed at that time.

So after the meeting, everyone started to discuss whether they wanted things or cash, and Huang Aiyun also asked about Lin Wei.

Although there are still more than ten days before the Chinese New Year, the itinerary for returning home has basically been determined early. Lin Wei also told the rest of the office about her plan, and asked doubtfully: "Isn't it only possible for those who return to their hometown to choose things or discount? ?"

"Although you say that, no one cares if you register in advance and ask for cash." Huang Aiyun explained.

Lin Wei snorted and asked again, "What do we usually do during the Chinese New Year?"

She only came to join the army in June, and the primary school in the military region, which entered after the National Day, did not catch up with the Mid-Autumn Festival distribution boxing ceremony, so she had no idea of ​​what to send during the Chinese New Year.

"Every year, the distribution is different. The year before last, I distributed five catties of rice, two catties of pork, and some canned roasted seeds and seeds. Last year, I distributed two catties of Fuqiang powder, five catties of coarse grains, and a barrel of oil. The rest are canned roasted seeds and seeds."

Canned food is a rarity in the north, but it is not so popular on Yazhou Island. Who wants to eat canned food if they can't finish fresh fruit. However, there are many canning factories on the island, and the selling price is not expensive, so when each unit sends New Year gifts, they will always pack a few as a supplement.

Huang Aiyun changed his voice as he spoke: "This year, we did well in our school exams. Maybe we will send more for boxing, but I don't know whether it is grain and oil or meat. It's okay to come back and eat it, but it's not easy if you have fresh meat."

Although fresh meat can be made into bacon, it takes effort to make bacon. It takes a day or two to marinate, and then it needs to be dried.

These military wives who want to go back to their hometown, they have to leave in the early 20s, and they have to leave at the end of the year, so how can they have so much time to marinate the bacon.

In the office, Mr. Wu asked, "Would you like to ask Principal Feng what to send for the New Year, and then decide whether to discount it?"

Huang Aiyun hesitated a bit: "Will this not be good?"

Teacher Wu said: "What's wrong with this? Registering in advance is for everyone's convenience. If you ask clearly, you can make a choice if you want to go back to your hometown, right?"

Huang Aiyun was still a little tangled, but she didn't struggle for a long time. It was not that she had made a decision, but that other teachers who wanted to go back to their hometown for the Chinese New Year took the initiative to ask.

Zhao Yanhua went back to the office after inquiring clearly and said, "It's confirmed. This year, we will distribute grain and oil for the New Year, but there is no meat. However, the specific distribution of rice is still unknown to Principal Feng."

Huang Aiyun said: "It's fine to make rice and noodles. Since there is no meat, I still want something."

Other teachers in the office also choose to ask for things. Although they can be discounted, what is most lacking in buying things these days is never money, but tickets.

Lin Wei naturally chose to ask for something. Although her food supply has increased by a few kilograms since she had a job, Zong Shao and her two children have a large appetite for food, and the food supply is just enough, and there is not much surplus.

It's not that she doesn't have any extra food stamps at all. No matter how little she has, she can save a few kilograms in half a year. In addition to what Zong Shao handed in after joining the army, the existing food stamps in Lin Wei's hand can add up to two Ten kilograms of food.

But during Chinese New Year, her parents will come and live for half a month, so she has to eat twenty kilograms of grain. In this case, it is always good for the unit to distribute more food.

Not only Lin Wei, but other teachers also chose to ask for things, and no one went to register. Therefore, after the meeting, Principal Feng waved his hand and let the teacher without the head teacher take a holiday.

Before Lin Wei, she was only a temporary substitute teacher, so after Mr. Chen was hospitalized, Principal Feng did not let her take over the work of Mr. Chen's class teacher, but let Mrs. Li take care of it together.

Originally, when Teacher Chen returned to work, she should manage the second class, but now she only leads the third class, and it is more troublesome to lead the head teacher across classes. Teacher Li had already taken three classes, and it would not be appropriate for her to continue taking her, and Lin Wei had already changed her position, so the job of the class teacher fell to Lin Wei.

Therefore, after the teacher without the head teacher was on vacation, Lin Wei and other head teachers went to class for another day, and officially ushered in the holiday after the report card was issued.

After the holiday, the first thing Lin Wei did was to cancel the alarm clock. She was going to sleep late tomorrow.

Looking at Lin Wei's sworn appearance, Zong Shao couldn't help laughing, and asked, "You got up a few months early, and you have developed a habit long ago. Are you sure you can sleep in late tomorrow when you turn off the alarm clock?"

The body has inertia and is used to getting up at a certain time. Even if the alarm clock is missing, it will wake up when the time comes.

Of course Lin Wei knew this, but she felt that sleeping in was the beginning of the holiday, and said, "Even if I wake up, I have to wait until the sun is drying my **** before I get up."

Zong Shao pondered for a moment and said, "You don't need to embarrass yourself so much."

Lin Wei looked serious: "This is a sense of ritual, you don't understand."

Zong Shao didn't really understand it, but he didn't mean it that way. He explained, "I mean, I have a way to make you sleep until dawn."

Lin Wei finished playing with the alarm clock, put it back on the bedside table, turned her head and asked, "What can I do?"

"stay up."

As Zong Shao said, he took Lin Wei into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her lips, and the free hand also reached in along the hem of her clothes.

Through his actions, how to stay up late is self-evident.

As the kiss deepened, Lin Wei, who had to reach out and hug him to maintain her balance: "..." The vacation she wants is to relax, not to work late at night!

However, it was useless to object, until the day before Lin Wei's parents went to the island, she slept until she woke up naturally every day as she wished.

The author says:
