
"Hannie? What are you doing here this late? Everything okay?"

"Can I sleep here today? I don't even need the bed. You can have it. Can I just stay with you tonight?"

"Bad dreams?"

"You can say so." Han chuckled awkwardly.

"Come here." Minho shuffled to the right of his bed and tapped the bed.

"I can sleep on the couch."

"You'd not be comfortable here."

"I would be but you won't."

"Han-ah, you -"

"You know my sleeping habits, right? I move a lot. I'm afraid I'd slap you or something." Han said totally embarassed making Minho laugh.

"Come here, you idiot. You're not gonna hit me. Don't worry."

"At your own risk then?" Han asked with a pout on his face.

"At my own risk, love. Come here."

Han's heart probably skipped a beat as he still wasn't used to the nickname but he didn't say anything and went to the bed and laid straight as a plank on the bed.

"Hannie, sleep comfortably. You're back will be stiff like this."

"You can sleep, hyung. I'll gradually get comfortable and sleep."

Minho turned to Han's side which resting his head on his palms.

"You're this uncomfortable but still chose to stay here. Can I know the reason?"

"I'm not uncomfortable just awkward and I told you before, I just had a bad dream."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. It's just stupid. Let's sleep." Saying this Han covered his face with the quit trying to sleep.

"It is said that if you tell someone about your birthday wishes and midnight dreams, they don't become true." Minho had raised his body and was half sitting with the support of his elbow looking at the covered Han.

Han peaked our of the blanket hearing this.

"Really?" Han had this doubt that Minho said this just to get the truth out of him but a part of him wished it to be true. He had heard about the birthday wishes part from his friend so he hoped that it would work with the dreams as well.

Han turned to face towards Minho properly.

"You got in a bad accident in my dreams. There was blood all a-around. You won't wake up no matter how much I called for you and.... And.."

"Sshhh!! I'm here and I'm not leaving you. Okay?" Minho said while making an eye contact with the younger.

"Promise? No matter what you won't put yourself in danger."

Minho has never seen anyone this afraid for him. His heart swelled with the mere fact.

"Promise, love! Come here." Minho pushed his body closer to Han and pulled him into a hug.

Han stayed in the elder's embrace for a little longer without a word bathing in the soothing scent that the elder exuded.


A loud crying voice out of the door pulled Han out of the said embrace.

"Oh my! I closed the door. She hates it so much."

Han and Minho had stopped locking the door ever since they had Dori as she likes to go upto them in midnight, specially Han, to cuddle to sleep. Han immediately goes to the door and unlocks it. She lazily walks towards the couch.

"Your dad is sleeping on the bed with me tonight, not on the couch."

Not sure if Dori understood what Minho said or if it was because there was no blanket or pillow on the couch, Dori went back to the bed. Han looked at her with amused eyes.

"Woww!!! I brought you here and you love him more. People really forgot gratitude."

Han went on the bed chuckling at the fact that Minho was arguing with a cat while the said cat was totally ignoring him. Dori immediately sat next to the young boy's face snuggling upto him and slept. Han also got comfortable and slept after few minutes.

Minho looked at them and smiled warmly. He took out his phone and got a photo of them cuddling and put it as his wallpaper.


One leg between the elder's both legs, head facing the other's chest, one hand wrapped around the elder's waist. That's what Minho found when he woke up and he felt like all the "good morning" wishes he received in his whole life had shown its results today. God, he was so glad to know that Han moved so much in his sleep. He gently kissed at the crown of the younger's head making sure not to wake up the younger.

Dori jumped on the younger's butt trying to wake him up for the food.

"Dori, no please." Minho whispered. He wanted to stay like that for a bit longer but it seemed like Dori didn't like Han cuddling with Minho. She cried loudly making Han wake up.

"Oh my god!  What time it is? You must be hungry." Han failed to notice the position he was in as he was more worried about Dori's food. He quickly left the bed to get her some food.

"Can't you let me cuddle him longer, you silly cat? You know you're adopted, right?" Minho playfully glared at the cat who in turn hissed at him. She scratched his leg as a revenge and ran away.

