chapter 10: lightweight

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It sounded like she was worried. Tsireya had called Lo'ak and Ikariya over. They were further away from the bonfire. They both ran back to her, inspecting what the deal was. They met with Tsireya and Rotxo holding Neteyam up by his arms.

'What the hell?' Lo'ak said, looking down at his brother. The two struggled to keep him up, he was stumbling around like a toddler. 'What did you do?'

'Nothing.' Neteyam slurred, almost falling down with his face in the sand.

'Doesn't look like nothing.' Ikariya said. Or was it Lo'ak? No, it was a feminine voice. Neteyam wasn't sure anymore. His head was spinning and he couldn't feel his face.

He was stupid. Stupid, dumb, irrational, impulsive and most importantly, very immature. He felt like a sack of nuts, constantly wanting to fall to the ground. After that little talk with Ikariya, he felt terrible. Not because he told her the truth, but because— well, he didn't know why. But either way, he felt like shit. So he decided to do what no future Olo'eyktan should ever do, drink his problems away. He had a few cups of kava, not a lot. Or, maybe a lot. He didn't know anymore.

'Is he okay?' Tsireya asked, truly worried.

Ikariya sighed, taking over Tsireya as she grabbed Neteyam's arm. 'He'll be fine. He's just had too much kava. I know how to deal with this.' She said. 'Don't worry.' She added before telling Rotxo that they were going to their pod. Lo'ak ran after them. As he reached the three of them, Ikariya told him to leave. 'It's fine, Lo. Your parents will never see him. They're still out there anyways. I'm a master at this, trust me.' She told him before he nodded and ran back to Tsireya again.

'Are you sure you don't need my help anymore?' Rotxo asked her, looking down at Neteyam as he lay on his mat.

'No, we're good. Go enjoy the rest of the evening, Rotxo.' She said. He nodded before telling her "good luck" and walked out of their pod. Ikariya sighed, looking down at Neteyam. She'd been there before. But she didn't have anyone to help her though. That's why she didn't want Neteyam to go through this alone, as it was definitely his first time being like this. Plus she was determined to get Neteyam to not despise her. Just for the sake of Lo'ak.

She ruffled around with some cloth bags, her back turned to Neteyam as he watched her. 'Why are you doing this?' He asked her. He was so out of it.

Ikariya didn't turn around to meet his eyes. 'Because I've been in your position before. And I was alone. I don't want you to go through that.' She simply said.

He sighed. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something. As he felt a weird feeling creep up in his stomach. Or it was the food he'd eaten prior to the bonfire.

Yep, definitely the second one.

He jumped up, sprinting outside and hovered over the edge of the bouncy path.

Ikariya ran after him but before she got to him, she already heard the noises. 'Lovely.' She simply said, walking up to him and holding his hair back. 'Get it all out, it'll help.' She took the arm band off her arm and shoved all of Neteyam's hair in it to create a ponytail. So if he threw up again, his hair would be out of his face.

Once he was done, he wiped his mouth with his hand. He looked like shit. He turned to Ikariya as she looked down at him. He had some throw up on himself. Eywa, what an idiot. 'Alright, come with me.' She sighed, grabbing his arm as she guided him to the beach.

She walked in with him, making sure to stay in the shallow end of the sea. She didn't want him to drown. Well, she did but she didn't want to get in trouble with his terrifying parents is what she meant.

Ikiraya made him sit on his knees as she did too. She sat in front of him, making a bowl shape with her hands as she splashed water on him.

He looked into her eyes. She looked so cute, so concentrated. He found himself getting lost in her big golden eyes. Maybe it was the kava. Yeah, it probably was.

She looked up at him, meeting his gaze. 'What?' She asked him.

'You shouldn't help me. Not after me being such a dick to you.' His voice was strained, almost dark sounding.

Her eyebrows twitched a little before frowning. 'Shut up and let me help you.'

'No, stop. You shouldn't.' He said, almost falling forward as he held her hands down.

'Don't be such a prick.' Ikariya pulled her hands away, trying to continue where she left of. He didn't let her.

'Don't be such a smartass.' Neteyam slurred, looking at her through eyes that are practically closed.

'Damn, you kiss your mother with that mouth?'

'No, just yours.'

'You little—' Ikariya was about to finish her sentence as she heard Jake laughing very loudly. It caught her attention. She jolted her head toward the sound. Jake had an arm around Neytiri with a cup of kava in his free hand. It seemed like they were enjoying themselves. And it looked like they weren't going to be leaving anytime soon. Ikariya exhaled, feeling relieved. 'As much as I want to finish that sentence, we've got to get you inside.' She said, looking back at Neteyam.

He slowly nodded before Ikariya pulled him up to his feet again. She wrapped her hands around his right arm before waking back to their pod.

As they made it inside, she placed him on his mat. 'Go to sleep.' She pushed him down as he turned to his side, his back facing her. 'Don't worry, you'll feel worse tomorrow.' She grinned to herself.

She sighed, turning on her heel to walk to her mat as he turned his head around. 'Ikariya?'

'Yea.' She turned around to face him.


