chapter eleven: annabeth

Band class on Tuesday was... overwhelming, to say the least. Mr. Fletcher handed out all of our pieces for the Winter Concert, even though it was only the middle of September.

"This concert is very important. It's your junior year. I would like to help y'all make it count." Mr. Fletcher launches into a speech about the Winter Concert as we all assemble our instruments. I focus on the music after our warmups, knowing these pieces will take lots of practice.

The next few weeks consist of volleyball, band practice, more volleyball, more band practice, and binging marvel movies with everyone on the weekends. I tutor Percy once or twice a week, and he seems a lot more confident with the concepts. Our tutoring sessions now mostly consisted of laughter, not as much studying. Our usual group had been trying to think of what to be for halloween. We were all scattered around Piper's living room a week before October 31 watching Infinity War when Leo shouts out, "We're dumb."

"What?" I ask, pausing the movie.

"Why don't we go as the Avengers? Or at least Marvel superheroes?"

"Leo, you're a genius," Frank says. "Wait-those words never came out of my mouth."

"Okay, how about we have a group FaceTime to figure out who we're going to be, since everyone isn't here?" I ask them, and everyone mutters their agreements.


"Okay, so we're too old to trick or treat, but my dad gave me permission to have a party." Piper says later that night on a group FaceTime.

"That sounds good," Percy says.

"Okay, time to claim who we're going to be. I'm Tony," Leo says, smirking.

"I want to be Peggy," Hazel says. Everyone starts yelling out who they want to be, but I shush them and pull out a piece of paper.

"One at a time. Jeez, I have to treat you guys like children." Way later, everyone's claimed someone. I write them down in a text and send them to everyone.

Percy- Steve

Annabeth- Nat

Piper- Wanda

Jason- Thor

Leo- Tony

Reyna - Valkyrie

Frank- Clint

Hazel- Peggy Carter

Nico- Loki

Will- Scott Lang

Thalia- Carol Danvers

Grover- Bucky

Travis- Starlord

Conner- Peter

Katie- Gamora

"Everyone happy?" I ask after I send it. They all nod and I leave the FaceTime, getting ready for bed. It's 1:30 in the morning, and I know Piper would want to go pick out our costumes tomorrow. I watch an episode of Friends before shutting off my TV and turning on the Les

Mis soundtrack, falling asleep to "On My Own."


Piper wakes me up at 8:45 the next morning with a phone call.

"Annabeth, I'm coming to pick you up in 20 minutes. We're going to breakfast then the mall."

"20 minutes? Can't I have 30?" I ask, yawning.

"No, now get up." She hangs up and I scowl at my phone. I stand up and stretch, heading towards my bathroom to brush my teeth. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and throw on a cropped gray sweatshirt and mom jeans. I hear Piper honk from outside and grab my wallet before running down the stairs.

"I'm going out with Piper, I'll be back later!" I yell to my dad, who's sitting in the kitchen. I open the front door and step out, facing the chilly October morning air. Piper waves at me from the driver's seat, and I jump in.

"We're going to pick up Hazel and Reyna, then we're going to Dunkin and the mall," she explains and I nod. She turns her music up, which is currently playing Wicked.

10 minutes later, Piper, Hazel, Reyna, and I are jamming out to "What is this Feeling?" as Piper pulls into the Dunkin parking lot. We all walk inside, and I order a pumpkin donut and a large caramel iced coffee. The worker hands it to me and I thank him before sitting down at a table with the girls. We laugh and talk about plans for our costume while we finish our food.

"Okay, lets go. I'm excited to shop," Piper says, dragging us back to the car.


"Yes or no?" Reyna asks, stepping out of a dressing room a few hours later in a tight blue and white bodysuit.

"Reyna, you look amazing," Hazel says, holding her costume in a small bag.

"We got so lucky," Piper says as she buys her costume.

"Yeah, I can't believe we all found our costumes." I tell them.

"We're going to look smoking hot," Hazel says confidently.

"We always look smoking hot." Reyna steps out of the dressing room in her normal clothes and walks up to the cashier.

"Do you guys want to come over after this?" I ask them.

"I will," Piper says, whipping around to face me.

"Me too," Hazel and Reyna say at the same time. Reyna finishes up and we all head back out to the car.

"That was one speedy mall trip," Piper says.

"Pipes, we were in there for two hours," I tell her, rolling my eyes. She shrugs and unlocks the car.

"So? And I think it's Hamilton time."


"Okay, Far From Home or Ragnarok?" I ask them a few hours later as we're all sprawled out on my bed.

"Ragnarok," Piper and Hazel say.

"Majority wins," I turn on the movie and lean against Hazel, who's leaning against Piper. Reyna lays against me, and we all snuggle up as the movie starts.

"I've said it once and I'll say it again: Loki isn't evil," Reyna says as the end scene closes. We all burst out in laughter.

"We really are going to look smoking hot on halloween," Hazel says quietly, and I nod.

"We ALWAYS look smoking hot," Piper tells us, and we burst out into another fit of laughter.

"I say we watch Far From Home and fall asleep in uncomfortable positions because this bed is definitely not big enough for all of us." They all laugh at my suggestion.

"I think it's a great idea." Piper grabs the remote and switches the movie, and I snuggle back up with my girls, paying attention to the movie for as long as I can before I fall asleep from the exhaustion of shopping.
