💔Secretly sneaking out☁️ KillerDust

Dust is like JD. He's 16
Killer is just as Crazy. He's 16
Killer's mum married a man with twins, the two were about 13. He could deal with the fantasy addicted one because all he did was read, the other wanted to keep Killer from doing some things.
School au

What could possibly go wrong??

Insecurities talked about/mentioned??
Pinning against a wall
Other weird flirty bits
Pining idiots

Saturday: 6pm

Killer flipped his knife, the red handled pen-knife was caught perfectly ever time. His face was focused on the ceiling though, his body draped across his bed.

He was terribly bored, his mind stumbled back to his friends. He kinda wanted to have a text of some sort, hoping that someone would save him from the inevitable boredom.

With that wish, he gained a message. Killer instantly lost hold of his knife, the blade slipping to bury into his palm. With a loud gasp, the knife clattered to the floor, and he held his hand. It was already dripping with blood, the thin line causing the blood to clot in small dots. It wasn't a bad cut, just a painful one.

He looked at his phone, the message was short.

Meet me at your window

Killer stared at the message, seeing Dust's contact. That high murderer (most likely a murderer, Killer didn't exactly know) found interest in Killer after his and Cross's fight at school, he somehow found Killer's number.

Killer rolled his eyes; his body stumbling to stand up and drawing the thick, ripped curtains. He was instantly shot at, a bullet just skimming his hair.

"What the fuck?!" He whisper-yelled at Dust, Dust's grin was evident on his hidden face. He was stood with his right side facing Killer's way with a gun facing the ground. He had some sort of silencer on the weapon, not to disturb anyone but Killer.

Dust raised his gun once more, Killer ducked under the window. He angrily texted Dust.

What the fuck are you thinking?! Stop shooting me!

Dust stopped, looking down at his phone. He texted back a reply.

Come with me, I want to get some snacks for a movie night.

Killer furiously stood up, his back to the window. He sighed, turning to Dust and holding up his middle finger to the crazy teenager.

Dust sighed, turning to hide in the bushes. His phone buzzed in his pocket, he looked down. Dust's thoughts instantly expected Killer to disagree. His thoughts were wrong.

I haven't got any money, so you're paying for me ;)

Dust grinned to himself, moving round to Killer's front door and sitting on the outer wall.


Killer grinned to himself, checking his mirror at his makeup. With a quick leap, his room was closed and he was already bouncing down the stairs.

His step-brother, the youngest of the family, had his arms crossed. "Mum said you couldn't go outside until you helped me with the washing up."

Killer rolled his eyes, pulling out his pen-knife at the child. "You'll be a good house-wife if you can be independent, now scram."

The child glared at Killer, "I'm calling mum!"

"She's my mother you idiot, she'll listen to me before you now move before I take your 'tiara'." Killer growled, pushing on his shoes without tying the laces. He hurriedly exited the house and slammed the door close.

Dust, who had his legs crossed and was flicking the safety switch of the gun, looked up at Killer to smirk at the other. "Wanna come round my house and watch a movie with snacks we'll steal?"

"I thought you'd never asked." Killer leant forward, their faces inches away from each other and Killer's hand were laying on Dust's thighs. Dust felt his face heat up, his grin switching to a frown before feeling Killer reach for the gun. Their eyes connected, Killer's slightly closing and his mouth opening to pull into a kiss to Dust. Dust felt his own eyes daze over but before he could lean closer to Killer...

Dust felt Killer's hand trace his leg as Killer moved away, "fuck..." Dust pulled his hood closer to his face, his whole body burning. He still felt the warm touches of Killer's finger tips against his leg.

"Don't you dare shoot this thing again." Killer glared, unloading it and dumping the bullets into the grass. "Now, let's get snacks."

Dust jumped from his seat, dusting off his jacket before following Killer. "How come I'm not allow my gun but you're allowed your knife?"

"I'm special." Killer grinned, swirling the gun around his index finger as Dust took step next to him. Killer scrunched his nose. "You smell like you haven't had a shower in a week."

Dust hummed, "probably do." He pulled out a packet of cigarettes, "want one?" He brought it out, "can I light it with your hotness?"

"Get that disgusting lung-killer away from my skin. Also that was a terrible line, you gotta practice more." Killer glared, reaching into Dust's pocket and taking out a pretty lighter. It was red, the plastic was supposed to be clear but the amount of - he was going to say red food dye - that had stained it made it a clear red hue.

Killer lit it, bringing the small dancing light to the top of the tobacco. A problem for Killer, he didn't actually know how to tell when it was lit? Like did it set aflame, did it smoke? Killer assumed it smoked.

He must've spaced out because Dust had pulled the cigarette from the lit flame and held out his hand for Killer to pass him the lighter back.

Killer flicked the flame back and forth, it disappearing every time Killer moved his thumb and he grinned.

"I will burn you if you don't give it." Dust glared, giving Killer a little tap. Killer rolled his eyes, obeying Dust's words and moved his thumb. The flame went out in a blaze of glory before Killer begrudgingly placed the lighter in Dust's hands.

Killer then hopped along, "you looked slightly love struck just now, do you like me?" He asked playfully, turning to walk backwards. His eye sockets moving to look Dust up and down. "Your jackets different."

"What? How do you tell my jackets different?" Dust questioned, raising a brow. He had put a different jacket on, it was left in his closet for quite the time but it was nicer than the others.

Killer shrugged, "you normally have cigarette burns in it but this one looks prettier. My glamorous friend." He grinned, turning around. One of his hands was leant against his waist, the other was making tedious movements as if asking Dust to grip it.

Dust moved to put his hand on Killer's, pulling it round so Dust was standing next to Killer. The two held hands happily.

"So? What do you want?" Dust asked, "I already have some drinks at home so you can pick the sweets."

Killer grinned, "have I ever told you how much of a gentleman you are?" Dust felt his mind flame, he wanted Killer to tell him he was a gentleman god he'd do anything for words like that to exit Killer's mouth, with a strange smirk he shook his head. Dust's voice was never going to be found under the mass of words he was imaging Killer say (albeit some were more inappropriate than others). "Aw I haven't, you're the most adorable and sweetest guy."

Dust broke from his daze, "adorable? Sweet? Have you met me?" He asked, staring at Killer. They walked through the back way of the shop, a road rushing past them quickly. Killer was saying he was weak, it made a familiar burn that Dust understood so much better than the one from before.

"I have and I know calling you sweet pisses you off." Killer grinned, putting a finger to Dust's chest. "But you're so sweet."

With that word, Killer was slammed against the shop wall. His breath left his body, the air disconnecting from his throat. Dust held an arm over Killer's shoulder, just by his head, and the other down by Killer's waist to keep him in place.

"Call me sweet again, I dare you." Dust growled, staring madly into Killer's eyes. Killer didn't know what to do, his mind was heated, his thoughts thinking of Dust... pinning him against the wall. Fuck... Killer moved a hand to cover his mouth, to hide the sudden excited grin that appeared.

Killer felt Dust place a knee to his pelvis, his mind instantly spiralling. It also stung painfully.

Dust suddenly moved away, watching Killer crumple onto the floor with confusion. Dust raised a brow, "I did the same to that Blue idiot and he didn't fall over, I thought you weren't weak?"

Killer glared at Dust, his face feeling embarrassingly hot. "He's got no taste." Killer shakily got up, his knees ready to buckle at any moment.

"Oh?" Dust questioned, a look of realisation across his face. "Oh-!" Dust coughed, looking at Killer with wide eyes. "You thought-!"Dust held back a laugh.

Killer glared at him, slowly moving away from Dust. "Fuck you."

Saturday: 6:45pm

Their laughter was mean, the feeling of stolen sweets gripped in Killer's hands, the noises of angry customers grew loud as they pushed past.

Dust kept the lead, his hood floated off for Killer to admire the mess of scars and scrapes against the dusty grey bone.

They turned the quickest corner to find Dust's small house, the building looking cute and flowery. Not where Killer had expected a guy like Dust to live.

Dust held his hand out to Killer once more, Killer instantly took it. The sweaty palms doing nothing for any insecurities but Dust didn't seem like he cared and Killer would punch him then stab him if he did anything to make Killer feel down.

Dust's house was pretty, it was a beautiful deep grey with flowers and vines crawling the walls. The window sills held pretty mugs filled with purple and red flowers. The window itself was styled with black lines in diamond shapes, a little painted heart hung just against the window.

"Is this your house?" Killer asked after Dust slowed down, Dust gripped his hand tightly. "Ow!! I was just asking?!" Killer yelped, struggling to get out of Dust's grip.

Dust sighed, pressing a hand on Killer's mouth. "You dare to fucking swear around my dad and I'll personally kill you."

Killer rolled his eyes, grinning at Dust. He licked Dust's hand, the remaining taste of tobacco entering his mouth. He grimaced while Dust glared at him.

Dust moved away from Killer, "promise me you won't do anything around my dad or grandpa." He looked at Killer with serious eyes. Killer was taken aback for a moment, he stared at Dust.

"Promise." Killer spoke with interest. "Why? Would they not like me, Aw I thought I would be an exception?" Killer gave a playful grin.

Dust shook his head, "let's go, straight up to my room or else I'll pound you into the wall."

Killer gave a surprised gasp, "there is so much I could joke about in that..."

"Shut the fuck up."

Killer grinned, leaning forward. "Make me~"

Dust glared at Killer before pushing him against the door of his house, Killer yelped. His arms leant against the door, Dust held Killer's jacket tightly. After a moment of Dust staring at his lips, He licked his own before speaking, "Hm, I don't need to finish. You're already quiet." Dust opened the door, Killer fell through and landed with a thump. Dust brushed his hands off.

"Sans? Are you okay?" A voice called out, a large tall man walked through a small a doorway. He saw Killer on the floor then Dust step over him. "Ah! Sans, don't leave our guest on the floor."

Killer grinned, "yeah Sans." Dust glared at Killer.

Dust begrudgingly helped Killer to his feet. "Good, now shall we get some tea for you two?" The man asked.

"No! Dad we'll be fine, we have snacks." Dust yelped, taking Killer's hand once again. "We're going upstairs."

Dust's father sighed, "well then, don't destroy the wall again or make to much noise. My father is having a snooze."

Killer grinned, "what would you be doing to make noise and break a wall~?" He raised a brow at Dust expectantly.

Dust dragged Killer up the stairs and into a room, "nothing!" He blushed brightly, "it was just Horror."

"Ah, you wouldn't do it with Horror... would you?" Killer asked, looking around the room. It was small, stuffed with many things, there was a box of old toys that Killer assumed Dust hadn't got around to throwing out, there was a mess of clothes on the floor and bed, then there was a large set of drawers with books and weapons splayed out.

Dust grimaced at the thought of being with Horror, "hell no, we were fighting. It was all good fun. Why, are you jealous?" Dust uncovered his bed from the mess of clothes.

"Ah-!" Killer gasped, dramatically placing a hand on his chest. "Why would you have thought I was jealous? Jealous of what?" Killer moved over to sit next to Dust, comfortably sinking into the sheets.

Dust grinned, moving over so he pushed Killer to lay on his bed. "I thought you liked me." Dust's legs were against Killer's knees, pulling Killer to move his hips into the sheets as to not hurt himself. Killer's spine arched at the feeling, his head uncomfortably laying on the pillow, Dust's hands held Killer's hands besides his head.

Killer didn't speak, his mind travelled to far places in the gutter. His eyes wandered over Dust's smirk and down to his chest. "H-hah." He tried, he really did try, to sound cocky but in the end he just gulped. "As... if."

"Pfft!" Dust laughed, getting off Killer and leaning against the wall. "Now, what do you want to watch?"

Killer took a moment to sit up, a dazed glance staring in Dust's eyes. He suddenly snapped into sense, crawling over to Dust and leaning on his shoulder. "Let's watch Epic!"

"That's a child's movie." Dust rolled his eyes.

Killer hummed, thinking for a moment. "Book of life?"

"It's not close to the day of the dead, not a good timing." Dust spoke, bringing out a remote from a random place.

Killer huffed, "you pick."

"It." Dust hummed, Killer glared at him.

"It's more plot than scare. I don't want to get attached to the characters." Killer leant against Dust's shoulder.

Saturday: 7:30pm

They decided on Bolt. The animated movie about a dog who thinks he has magical powers and wants to save his Penny (owner). It's very adorable and one of the author's favourite movies, all of the movies mentions are her favourites (well except the last, it just didn't appeal. Just as Killer said more plot than scare).

Killer was leaning on Dust's shoulder, his eyes focused on the screen. Dust leant his cheek against Killer's forehead, their breaths in sync.

"Hey, have you ever kissed someone?" Dust asked after a moment. Killer glanced away from the screen, staring at Dust's hands as they fidget against it's fingers.

Killer nodded subconsciously on Dust's shoulder, "yeah, Cross about a year ago." He grinned to Dust, "what about you?"

Dust embarrassedly shook his head, "not yet."

Killer gulped slightly, looking back to the scene. Dust sighed, moving a hand to Killer's chin. "I want to though, like I'm not going to be the only one in class. If you have then everyone else should, like you're the ugliest person I know."

"Oh!" Killer gasped loudly, dramatically flopping onto Dust's lap. "I thought I could trust you being truthful."

Dust grinned, "who said I'm not being truthful."

"Hmm, are you being truthful?" Killer asked, looking at him sadly. Dust stared back, his face glowing slightly.

He gulped down some nervous emotion before smiling at Killer, "no, I'm not. You're like the most beautiful person I have ever place my eyes on."

Killer was shocked, yet his face completely exploded with blush. "O-oh." He muttered, burying his face into Dust's chest.

Silence fell over the two as the screen carried on blaring out the movie. Dust shifted slightly, his knee pressed against the back of Killer's head comfortingly while Killer curled closer to Dust's chest. Killer pulled his arms around Dust's side, pushing his Jacket open to slide his arms all the way around his waist.

Dust gulped at the feeling, looking down at Killer. "Uh, Can we kiss? As like a homo thing cause I really want to kiss you right now but I wanna make sure you agree. Because like, I know I'm a dick but I still know what consent is and I want you to like me now because you were insane enough to stay with me after I tried shooting you." He rambled, his face was covered with blush and his voice quietened throughout his paragraph.

"God you're hot when you talk about consent." Killer groaned, leaning up to push their foreheads together. They stared into each-other eyes. "Yes, I will kiss you."

They pressed lips together, Dust suddenly feeling self-conscious about his body and breath but Killer didn't seem to mind. Killer's lips were soft, they felt experienced though (if he could feel anything it was the sheer amount of relief that the guy he liked wanted to kiss him back) as if they were destined to touch with Dust's.

Killer moved away suddenly, his face now red with blush. "Okay, enough of that... I want to carry on with the movie." He moved to lay with his head on Dust's lap still.

Dust moved his hand to Killer's head, noticing him give a slight hum before pressing into his hand.

Saturday: 8:55pm

"Would you kiddos like some hot-chocolate? We have fresh cookies out as-well, it's your brother's old recipe." Dust's dad had just opened the door and pushed into the room to find the two gay guys having another kiss.

Killer was the one to ask this time, he seemed to have thought about it so much until he just needed to feel it again. By then they had taken about a minute of teasing, five minutes of awkward silence, another five minutes of uncomfortable chatting, until Killer couldn't take it anymore and blurted out the question once again and slowly reconnected their lips.

Since Dust's dad had walked in though, Killer had yelped loudly and jumped out of Dust's arms. He crossed his arms while uncomfortably looking away.

"Ah, I apologise for interrupting a moment... I'll leave you to it." He looked nervous before pulling Dust's door closed and walking off.

Killer took a moment to calm his blush before looking over to Dust with cute eyes. "Can we go get cookies?" He asked with fake timidness.

Dust rolled his eyes, although he was completely aflame with embarrassment, and stood from the bed. "I'm hungry anyways and we've finished the snacks."

Killer moved to follow Dust with a grin, almost thinking of diving in to hold his hand but suddenly going back on the idea as he was afraid Dust might mention it.

Killer liked Dust's house, from the little time he had been in it it had shown great beauty and life - He meant that Dust was there and Dust was awesome -, it was small as-well. He liked small things for he himself was a small thing. Although Dust is below average height, Killer was smaller. Their mutual friend, Horror, whereas Dust and Killer were smol, Horror was tall. He was tall and he had muscle, compared to Dust and Killer, which was everything a boy their age would want. Though that was fine, Killer liked being small, he was misjudged then.

The stairs were creaky, Killer felt every step flex under his weight but when he looked over to Dust, he was already down the stairs. Killer was sure he didn't hear much, like a couple of creaks but not all of them. How'd he get down so easily and quietly?

Dust was instantly caught with the smell of Cookies and chocolate. His grandfather, who was rocking slightly in his chair, was gobbling down a couple of cookies.

Dust's dad scolded his grandfather but to no avail was he graced a response. Killer instantly went over to the plate of cookies, pointing to them for Dust to see.

Dust giggled slightly, walking over to Killer to find pretty large cookies all sat against each-other. Dust picked up the second biggest, letting Killer happily pick up the biggest.

"Ah, hello boys..." Dust's father hummed, "I don't think I got your name?"

Dust instantly stared at Killer, signalling for him to not reply. Killer grinned to Dust before turning his back to him and looking at Dust's father.

Killer smiled at Dust's father, "I am called Killer."

"Killer? Oh, you're the one my sans had been talking about for the past year. I thought you were fake." Dust's father hummed, "well welcome to the family, the boy of my son's dreams."

"Daddd!!" Dust yelled quickly, pulling his hood down. Killer turned to Dust with surprise, approaching him slowly.

Dust froze while Killer got closer until his cookie was stolen. "Hm, you've only known me for what? 6 six weeks, have you been stalking me?"

"N-no. Let's go back upstairs."


They had been sat watching movies, Killer decided to ask questions now. They were playing a game at truth or truth because there was no need to do dares as Killer couldn't think of anything.

"Hm..." Killer thought for a moment then asked, "why does your dad call you Sans?"

Dust hummed, "it's my name."

"Why are you Dust at school?" Killer asked again, smiling at Dust with confusion.

Dust hummed, "it's just the name I like."



Silence fell over the two until Killer moved over Dust's lap, his torso leaning against Dust's thighs. Dust's face instantly lit up with blush, his heart beat speeding up until Killer moved back to him.

"It's dark already!" Killer squealed, getting off of Dust and clicking off the movie. "Let's go outside!"

Dust nodded, feeling Killer place his hand in his palm.

The evening was cold, colder than expected. Sure, it was October but neither of them expected such chill, demonstrated by the non-existent jackets.

Still, they happed round pretty happily, wandered down the path until they made it to a street lamp then decided it was too cold to held hands while walking back.

The moment they got back, Killer said he had to go although Dust's father just got dinner on the table. Dust's father asked Killer if he wanted to say and the look on Dust's face was just to sweet to resist so he stayed. He laughed, he smiled, he smiled, it was nice there. They accepted him like family.

After a while, Killer and Dust retired back to Dust's room - albeit, it was around 9pm by then - so Killer then realised he needed to get back. Dust grumbled and took his hand, saying about how it'll be cold and unsafe to walk at such a time.

So Killer kept on chatting.

Sunday: 9am

Buzz buzz buzz!

Killer groaned to himself, hearing his phone light up again and again, he then curled up next to Dust once again. He enjoyed Dust's jacket, it was warm, though it did smell of cigarette smoke and muck. He didn't really care, that was something about Dust, it was part of his persona; Dust was just Dust, nothing less.

Wait... he was still there? Killer blinked, feeling Dust's right arm laying across his side, he other arm was squished between the two. Killer's left hand was gripping the side of Dust's jacket tightly, while his right arm was pulling Dust close - the same as his right leg.

"Oh fuck." Killer whispered, staring up to Dust's face. He looked peaceful, that didn't matter though, Killer's plan was to sneak back home just after their trip outside but he must've liked it there. He stayed the whole night...

Dust yawned loudly, pulling his arm off of Killer and he rolled onto his back, his arm now hanging limp off the side of the bed. Killer didn't have the heart to move, whether it was comfort or embarrassment, he didn't move. Not an inch.

After a moment of awkwardly laying with his head pushed closely to Dust's neck and his grip breaking Dust's jacket zipper, he finally moved away. His movements were slow and sluggish, but he eventually got to a sitting position where he could reach over Dust and simply view the random messages that were most likely from his mother.

He reached out, his target close and unmoving, his weight shifted slightly closer to Dust as he almost touched the device. That was until it buzzed once again, that simple notification surprised Killer and he placed his hand on Dust's chest to balance himself.

"Shit!" Killer whisper-yelled, picking up his phone quickly and moving his hand. He clamped his eyes closed, his breath held as he waited for Dust to laugh at him.

Silence followed for a minute before Killer opened his eyes, he hesitantly glanced to Dust to see him still asleep.

With a heavy breath, he looked down at his phone and winced.

Mum: Don't be mean to your brother, He told me when I got home and I am not happy

Mum: well, answer me

Mum: Killer, where are you it's already 10pm?

Mum: Dream told me you just left with a guy, who is this guy?

Mum: killer, text me to say you're safe

Killer sighed, a slight warmth of emotion as he glanced back down to Dust. Oh well, he'd just go home.

With that, Killer shuffled off the end of the bed and quietly picked up his jacket from the floor. Killer wrapped himself with the jacket before opening the bedroom door and silently closing it behind him.

"Ah, Killer. I suspected you didn't leave, would you like some breakfast?" Killer froze as the voice of Dust's dad broke the silence Killer had created.

Killer slowly spun on his feet, "hah, thanks but uhh. I should probably head home." He smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes of course, well have a good day. Pleasure to finally meet you, you're welcome anyday." Dust's father smiled, walking down the narrow hallway and into the room at the end.

Killer instantly moved down the stairs, his footsteps creaking at every movement. His destination was in sight and with every step it got closer, he had finished one obstacle which was the stairs then all he'd have to do was walk through the hallway.

His feet pushed him closer, his hand reached out just to hear one simple click. The loud click he needed to hear. It was like an OCD person needing their movement, he needed this click. The simple noise of the door knob moving, creaking, with anticipation until a click of the lock pressing itself back into its frame.

Suddenly, he heard it. Just a click.

With that, he pushed the door open and closed it once again. His footsteps slapping against the tarmac as he ran back to his own house.


Rushed breaths exited his mouth, his chest heaving heavily until he clicked his own house's door open. He was met with the familiar living room, the large social box held two couches. One had his step-brother curled up with a book, he seemed engrossed in his book.

"Hey kid, where's mum?" Killer asked, waving to Nightmare as he kicked his shoes off. Killer thought the twins were miss named, Dream was a whiny little shit and Nightmare was a calm quiet kid.

Nightmare hesitantly glanced up from his book, his eye - the other held a bandage over as he 'fell' down the school stairs - wavering slightly. "Mum thought you were kidnapped." His voice squealed out.

"Hm, is she in?" Killer asked, moving round to the kitchen door. Nightmare nodded, going back to his story.

With that, the two anti-social step-brother's conversation was over. Killer liked that about Nightmare, he didn't expect to talk much, or any reasoning for where Killer had been - although curiosity was obvious - he was just calm.

Killer was instantly met with a hug when he entered the kitchen. "Oh my god! I was so worried Killer, where were you?!" His mother's voice spoke with concern. Killer slowly moved his arms around his mother.

"I... Uh... went to a sleepover, forgot to say." Killer muttered, hugging his mother comfortably. His eyes slightly teared up somehow.

His mother huffed out, "well I'm glad it's not only Dream who's hanging out with friends but say first! Also you were supposed to help your brother out."

"I know ma, I just... I was called on and I didn't want to disappoint." Killer hummed, "I'll make it up to him."

His mum moved away, one hand held on his shoulder. "No need, Nightmare helped. They played with the water a bit, I think it helped their brotherly relationship. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Hm, well then everything is fine." Killer grinned, "now can I have breakfast?"

"Hehe, of course you can." His mother laughed, moving away. "Oh also, invite your friend round one day."

"Hm, one day."

Monday: 9:00am a school day.

Killer was sat in his form-room, the place where they register into the day. He was already bored though, Dust texted him to check if he got home yesterday but other than that they didn't talk.

He was quite irritated to be honest, they kissed twice and Dust hadn't mentioned anything? Was it just for fun, or he didn't actually care?

He sighed loudly, gaining a glance from Horror. Horror grinned to him before the bell rang.

With that, chatter carried on and everyone left. Well except Horror and Killer. Killer was too tired to get out of his seat yet and Horror wanted to say something.

"Come on Kills!" Horror shouted, "we're in English next." With that he walked out of the classroom door, Killer begrudgingly followed.

He paced next to Horror, his bag slung over one shoulder, Horror was grinning manically and looked like he wanted to mention something. Killer sighed, "what is it Horror? You look like you're going to burst if you don't say something."

"... I promised Dust I wouldn't say but...." Horror started, Killer suddenly became interested. Dust? What did he want...? "You should meet him at the front of school."

Killer raised a brow, "why? Nobody is ever there."

"Exactly." Horror grinned.

Killer huffed, walking quicker as Horror was left to snigger to himself. Killer ignored him.


Killer daydreamed out of the window, Horror sat next to him texting under the table. Killer sighed heavily, butting his head onto his open book.

Horror glanced up, "what's wrong kills?"

Killer slowly turned his head to Horror, looking up at his friend. "Could you tell me what Dust wants? I can't stop thinking about him!" He shoved his head into his arms, crossing them over his book.

"I dunno, he wanted to as I quote, 'finish what I wanted to ask on Saturday.' so like, I dunno shit." Horror spoke, texting someone a bunch of emojis.

Killer raised a brow, "y'what? He wants to ask something??"

"Like I said, I dunno shit."

"Useful much."

"I know, I'm the best."


The bell ring once more, Killer was instantly dragged away by Horror. His sounds of protest being ignored until he got outside of the building and dragged to Dust.

A slight chill of a breeze whistled by, the nostalgic autumn feeling came to life, the odd leaf fluttered past... and in the middle of all of this was Dust.

He was in school uniform, he didn't have a hood at that moment, with a small red flower. By his feet was another flower, the poor plant lay limp as if killed in battle. Killer didn't feel sympathy for it, all that happened was a slight buzzing of butterflies and warmth inside Killer to spark until he felt himself smile.

He failed to hide the growing smile.

"Hey Dust." Killer greeted, walking closer to him. "Horror said you wanted to ask something?"

Dust looked up, a look of surprise across his face, "Uh... yeah, I thought I told him not to say."

"He didn't say anything." Killer smiled, stopping just infront of Dust. Dust seemed to nervously gulp, he gripped the flower closely.

Dust then breathed in, "I was just thinking, about Saturday."

"Yeah, that was fun." Killer almost whispered, he looked up at Dust.

Dust nodded, glancing away. "Well, I know we've only been talking for about 6 weeks and it's been really fun. It's felt like I've known you for all my life and I don't want to loose this."

Killer parted his mouth slightly, he couldn't speak though. Dust looked back over to Killer, stepping forward and onto the side of the fallen flower.

"I... I don't normally like feelings and cheesy shit like that but... I want to finally admit it." Dust breathed out, his breath wavering slightly.

Killer gulped down his nerves before placing a hand on Dust's jacket and pulling him closer. Dust's face lit up like a purple LED.

Killer desired three words from Dust, but it was just hard to say. It felt like something was blocking him. Killer couldn't wait for Dust to say it so with a powerful sigh, he coughed his voice out.

"I like you."

Killer glanced away, embarrassed. Dust stared for a moment.

Silence fell over the two until Killer angrily glanced back to him, his eyes slightly teared up.

"I like you! And I know we haven't known eachother long but I do, anything about you just drags me in and I know you're pretty toxic but you're overall really sweet, just misunderstood." Killer quickly spoke.

Dust gave an astonished gasp, "I'm not sweet! Shut up." He was blushing, "but... I do like you back, having you safe and happy is the one aim in my life."

"That's not what a toxic person would say, so you're fine!"

Dust didn't know whether to chuckle or be offended so he just moved closer. "Can I kiss you?" He asked.

Killer took a moment of staring at Dust before grinning, "of course."

With that the two, new lovers - did they establish that? Eh, they're kissing like homos not homies they're fine - met once again. Eyes dazed closed and their smiled connected. Literally.

Author note:
have a good day/night!! (Already have a part 2 of this being written but not about Dust and Killer)
