freshberry fluff

Ok! You can thank FreshBerry4Life for this oneshot! Hope you all enjoy! :D

No ones POV:

"Hey freshy!" Blue came up to fresh, bouncing like the little ball of cuteness that he was. "Yeah blue?" Fresh looked up at blue. "Can we go to your house? I wanna hang out and watch movies, like we used to when we first met!" Fresh looked at blue hesitantly, before nodding. "Sure, why not, little broski." Blue jumped up and down in excitement. "YAY!" (I'm not gonna have blue TALK LIKE THIS THE WHOLE TIME because it will get annoying pretty soon. Sorry if that makes any inconveniences to you. ;-;, I'm lazy af) "just let me finish what I'm doing, and we can go, ok blue?" "Okie!" 


Le time skip, bc Im lazy af, like I said.

Sans: welcome to le dark side, kid

Nightmare: *puts arm around my waist* she ain't no kid amigo

5 mins later sans dunks nightmare.

Me: On with da fluff!!!


fresh grabbed his sk8board, and told blue to hop on. Blue did as told. "Hold on tight, blue!" Blue wrapped his arms around fresh's waist, blushing a slight blue hue, so slight that you could barely notice it unless you looked real close. "Like this?" Blue asked innocently, looking up at fresh. "Y-Yeah." Fresh blushed a noticeable purple, and blue cocked his head. " are you ok, freshy?" "I-I'm f-f-fine, just....flustered, is all." Blue nodded. "Don't know why you would be though. Now...lets goooo!" Blue made a face like this: >:3, and tightened his grip on fresh, snuggling his head into the crook of freshes shoulder. Blue sighed in content, without realizing it.

Freshes POV:

God diggidy damnit blue! Your just too cute! I took a deep shaky breath, and told blue to close his eyes. "Okay freshy! Anything for you!" I probably could put a plum to shame by now. Daminit blue, your too good for this world, for me. I sighed, and blue, thankfully, didn't notice. "You ready broski?" I asked him. "As I'll ever be!" He said, smiling up at me. Eeep! I turned to face forward, so he wouldn't see my blushing face. "Alright, here we go!" I put one foot down, and pushed off, making a portal as I went, and sk8d straight into it.


Le tem skep brot 2 u bi TeMmiE


No ones POV:

Fresh told blue he could open his eyes now. "Are we here?" "Yes we are at mah crib, mah fresh broski!" Blue grinned at freshes lingo, and fresh walked up to the door, opening it. "After you, mah freshtacular broseph." Thank you freshy!"Blue giggled, and walked in, heading toward the couch. Fresh closed the door, licking it in place. "So, what cha wanna do broseph?" Fresh asked, taking a sit on le couch. (XD I'm sorry, I can't, I just cant. Anyway, imma stop with freshs lingo, well, not completely,  it it is starting to become annoying though, so imma dial it down a bit, hope y'all don't mind!) Blue sat down beside him, "how about a movie?" Blue quiet estioned, sitting beside fresh. "Sure. Whaddya wanna watch?" "I'll take a risk.....and pick random!" Blue beamed at this idea. "Sure, why not?" Fresh got up and grabbed a random movie from a box by the tv, and, not looking at the name, popped it in. He grabbed the remote, and sat back down.

Time skip to middle of movie with random movie lines I made up. :P (sorry, I'm not very good at fluff. I try though! ;-;)

Oh jimmy! Why must love be like this! I love you, why don't you love me?

Darla, my dear sweet angel, I love you....but....I....

You what? Please, tell me my love! (I'm cringing at what I'm writing. Please god don't let me suffer alone  ;-;)

I can't! I mustn't!  Our love is forbidden!

I don't care! I love you just the same!

*the girl on the screen reaches up, and kisses the man. He looks surprised, but melts into the kiss.*

I love you jimmy!

Oh, darla!

The movie ends, and the credits soon follow. Fresh slightly cringes at the movies ending, and looks at blue, realizing he is leaning on freshes shoulder. Fresh blushes madly at this, and try's to get up, but blue wraps his arms around fresh. "Please.....don't....leave me..." blue says in his tired voice. Fresh is shocked, but his gaze softens. He uses his magic to summon a blanket from a closet nearby, placing it on them. Blue nuzzles his head in freshes chest, and fresh turns the tv off with the remote. Fresh hesitantly wraps his arms around blue, setting his chin on his skull. Fresh felt a sudden wave of sleepiness overtake him, and with half lidded eyes he kissed the top of blues head, then drifted off into blissful sleep. Blue giggled sleepily, and raised his head slightly, kissing freshs cheek. "Love you....freshy....goodnight." He snuggled closer, burying his head I freshes chest again, before falling back asleep. Little did they both know that within the next three days they would've dating, and I the next year, they would be married.....and......three years later, they would have a child called (insert whatever name ya want. :D)

Whew! I'm done! And it only took about 30 minutes, and 853 words! I  proud! I hope y'all enjoyed! See ya next time!

Bye guppies! 👋 
