

I'm still shocked that Aden would do something so crazy... and the fact that we're friends... I love friends! It's like we have that cool Sibling Bond or whatever! (I never really familiarized myself with proper terminology.)

I then saw the look on my friend's face.

"Aden, is something wrong?"

He stayed silent.


His head suddenly shot up.

"PRINCESS!" He then pulled me down to the bottom of the pod and something shot right through it at the angle where it would've hit my head. Sirens went off inside the pod.

"Umm... what does that mean?!"

"It means we're crashing!"

So we screamed as we tumbled in the pod. More shots came at it, so now it was completely destroyed and we were just crashing as humanoid meteors...

"We gotta use magic!" Adrien exclaimed. I nodded and raised up my left arm with my Neolian Charm Bracelet on it. A lot of the charms I used to channel my power through.

With our combined magic, Adrien and I were able to make it to the ground without leaving any marks on the planet... and I got a soft landing... but poor Adrien didn't.


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, princess."

"Phew! Now let's go. If I'm gonna be living here we need to find some lodging."

"Maybe an apartment?"

"I have no clue what that is but sure!"

So we sought refuge in an apartment thing...

I had no idea finding a home would be so easy...

Adrien can be really smart...

He should be my royal advisor when I become queen.

They now have crashed and sought lodging! What will they do next? Find out next time!

See ya!
