Something's Not Right

You woke up to Sam next to you, still asleep. So you decide to be a good girlfriend and cook him some breakfast. Just as you're about to crack his second egg into the pan you hear a soft groan coming from his bedroom. Moments later you see Sam walk out and run is hand over his scalp making it messy. "G'mornin sunshine" you say chuckling at his hair. Sam replies with a half smile and a moan making out "morning." followed by and yawn. You ask him what was wrong as you scrape his egg onto the plate. Sam utters " mmhm. I'm just not feeling so hot." as he slouched into his chair. You look at him a bit concerned and cheerfully say "hungry?" Sam shakes his head. While eating Sam's rejected eggs you grow more concerned because now his head is on the table supported by his elbows.  At this point he stumbles up and walks into his room and doesn't come out for the rest of the day.

**5 weeks later

"Y/N, could you come in here for a sec?" Sam says in a little bit of a confused tone. You walk into the bunker room to find Sam with his shirt pulled up and observing his gut, "What is it?" you claim, closing the door behind you. He looks at you and asks " Do you notice anything.. off? as he looks at you waiting for a response. You walk up to the mirror hes looking into and say "well, I think you've been eating too many cookies, hon" you say with a little laugh. Sam gives you a disapproving  look but tells you " I haven't changed my diet, or physical activity." in a questioning tone. Sam looks up "Y/N, somethings wrong. I can feel it." while you go to poke his stiff but bloated belly. You have a feeling you know, but you tell Sam "I'll make a doctors appointment today."
