Little Trouble Maker Pt. 2

A/N: Another shorter update! Sorry, yall. I've been short on time for the past 2 days. Another chapter will be uploaded tonight!

Sero has no idea how he ended up 'babysitting' their tiny resident hothead, but he's glad he didn't decline the request. He wasn't sure of how he'd do spending several hours with him in his current state (little in both ways) since he didn't have any younger siblings or any experience with young children except for the fact that he used to be one. On this particular Sunday evening, however, he'd mostly just lounged around with the tiny blonde and watched him color or play with his many toys. At some point they even played Cops and Robbers (Sero being the criminal, of course, because Katsuki was gonna be the number one hero when he grew up) and Sero allowed him to chase him around the common room in an attempt to lasso him.

In the end, Katsuki just shot him to death.

Sero says that's not how cops react to a burglar. Katsuki responds by telling him that it's how they treat brown people in America aaaaand things took a really dark turn. Sero asks him where he got that information from, and Katsuki says that he's been watching the morning and evening news with Izuku. The older boy definitely doesn't think it's an appropriate line of conversation for a five year old, but he digresses and steers the conversation to something less grim.

"You wanna watch a movie, bud?"

Katsuki instantly lights up, so cute and precious as his little feet exactly run and bounce around in place as he squeals with excitement. Hanta can't contain the grin that breaks out over him.

"Dinosaur! Dinosaur!"

"You wanna watch The Good Dinosaur?"

"Y-Yes, please!"

"Okay baby, get your blankies and pillows and I'll get some snacks for you."

Katsuki nods hard enough that it almost tilts him over, running over to the corner where his things are folded as Sero busies himself with making popcorn and grabbing cookies and a pack of gummy candy from the cubbard. He finishes off his array with a Capri Sun pouch and kicks the fridge closed, walking back into the common area to see that the boy has already made himself comfortable in the pile of blankets and pillows. He's got the remote in his hand, scrolling through the Netflix menu to find the movie he's looking for.

He sits the tray down in front of the boy who gasps at the sight of both cookies and candy as Sero takes a seat next to him.

"But daddy said---"

"Shhh. Let this be a secret between you and I. If you don't tell your papa, I won't either."

But if Katsuki tries to throw him under the bus, he's gonna lie his ass off and make sure that little fucker gets the timeout corner for at least an hour.


Katsuki's crying.

It's understandable really, it's such a sad part in the movie. Not as sad at The Lion King but still sad. He reaches over to rub the little blonde's back to soothe him. 

"You okay, baby?"

He sniffles and wipes at his eyes.

"H-He can't find h-his m-mama."

"I see, baby."

A sharp hiccup before he sobs again.


"Oh, sweetie, it's okay. Do you want a hug?" Katsuki nods, crawling into Sero's lap to cry into his chest until he falls asleep, leaving Sero to finish the movie on his own.


"Sero. Hey, Sero."

The tape-quirked teen startles awake at the feel of a cold hand shaking him.

"Ewaa, what, what is it?"

He looks up to see Shouto standing over him from his spot on the couch and sighs. "Oh, hey dude. How'd it go?" He asks, throwing the blanket from his lap and stretching his arms over his head.

"It went fairly well. As well as it could while being Enji Todoroki's son, anyway. How was Katsuki? I certainly hope he didn't give you much trouble."

Sero waves him off and shakes his head with a smile.

"Kid's an absolute angel, brov. I had fun hanging out with him today, he's such a sweetheart like that."

That makes Shouto smile.

"He is."

"Anyway, he's been napping for a bit now. He had a snack earlier while we watched a movie, hope you don't mind."

"No, it's fine. Where is he?"

"Huh? He's right here, what'ya me---oh, fuck."

Instead of sprawled out on the blankets where Sero had left him, Katsuki was nowhere to be found.

"I was---he was---I swear to fuck, he was sleeping right there a while ago, please don't hurt me."

Shouto looks so very exasperated.

"No, it's not your fault. If he's not where you left him and he didn't wake you when he got up, he's probably not in his headspace anymore. Thanks for  babysitting. Here."

Shouto reaches into his wallet to hand Sero a crisp bill when the taller boy shakes his head to decline.

"Dude, no."

"Just take it."

"I can't just---"

"I'm rich, remember? Take it."

Sero stares at it a solid thirty seconds before he sighs and takes the money anyway.

"You need help finding him?"

"No. He's a total recluse, you know where he is already."

Right. His dorm room.


Shouto decides he'll leave Katsuki be until it's time for a bath. He knows that the boy quite enjoys his solitude and doesn't always want to be coddled and bothered, and Shouto has every intention to respect that.

So, he heads to his own room to cool down (pun intended) when he hears loud metal music playing from behind his door. He doesn't feel any alarm or panic. Mostly confusion. Like why Katsuki wouldn't just do this in his own dorm instead of his. The music becomes significantly louder when he slides his door open.

"Katsuki, wh---"

The blonde turns on him, feigning innocence as Shouto's skin pales at the sight.

"What in the actual motherloving fuck are you doing?!"

Another habit he's picked up from Katsuki. When did he become such a potty mouth?

The blonde pauses in his... artwork, tiny hands clutching an orange and green crayons in their palms.

"Hi, daddy! I drew pictures for you, see! Isn't it pretty!"

It's mostly just 'DIE, DIE, DIE!' in bold, colorful letters, but there's also an extremely explicit drawing of what looks to be the two of them in a fairly compromising position.


He's made sure to draw Shouto's penis exaggeratively large.

That little brat has the nerve to smirk at him.

Shouto is livid.

"You absolute fucking brat, I have half the nerve to fucking hit you." He's shaking, incredibly irate with the fake little pout  Katsuki does. "But daddy, I just wanted to do something nice for you." He plays up the baby talk, lip stuck out in an obvious exaggeration. Shouto crosses the room in only a few quick steps, grabbing the small boy up by his tiny little biceps and lifting him up to meet his glare.

"You're such an insufferable, naughty little brat sometimes, I swear. Do you enjoy making me upset with you? Are you trying to provoke me?!"

"I'm so sorry, daddy. Am I going to the time-out corner now?"

Shouto scoffs.

"You wish."

Katsuki deflates a little at that.

"You're not going to punish me?" There's a slight tinge of disappointment in his tone, and suddenly Shouto knows exactly what he's getting at.

"Is that what you're trying to do? Make me so angry that I lose my composure and lay into your spoiled little ass? Fine, you sit right there and you don't move."

He sits Katsuki back down onto the floor and disappears out into the hall for a moment. Katsuki's heart races with anticipation at the thought of finally getting what he wants. He knows that Shouto spanking him while he's out of his head space makes Shouto incredibly horny---not to metion that it gets Katsuki's own cylinders going as well. He's a masochist at heart---but not as much as Shouto is a perverted, closet sadist. Making him mad enough to give him a nice, angry fucking while he's like this is going to be bliss, he knows.

But his hopes are crushed indefinitely as Shouto comes back with a bucket of soapy warm water and a step latter.

"Wha---What's that?"

"Punishment. Luckily for you, this paint was made for parents with unruly children. Get scrubbing or you won't ever see  my cock again, you ungrateful brat."

Katsuki just stands there, mouth gaping as Shouto covers the floor mats with something so they don't get ruined in the cleaning process. He comes back up and gives Katsuki an unpleasantly sharp clap to the hindside.

"I said now."

It takes Katsuki several hours to get the crayon off of Shouto's walls. He's got to think of a better plan next time.

Katsuki's a sore loser, and he's gonna give Shouto absolute hell until he comes out on top.

Or the bottom. Preferably both.
