Chapter One


"Reincarnation, the rebirth of a soul in a new body; that is what was meant to happen, but for some reason you came here instead." She was currently standing, facing a little boy. At least she thought it was a little boy, she wasn't able to see his face, it was too bright and blinding. She could at least tell he was smiling though she couldn't see it.

She remembered it clearly, she died. She grew up in a middle class family, loving parents and loyal friends. Yet in the end she ended up dying alone. Her family had all completely abandoned her, her friends were separated form her. The most tragic part was that she believed that she was the one to blame for getting too comfortable with her life.

A part of her knew what would happen if she ignored the signs around her, but for the sake of the little happiness she was feeling she still ignored it choosing the bliss that came with the ignorance.

It had finally led to her to her death. The death of a young girl who was originally destined for greatness.

"It's such a pity you died, after the Lord gave you such a clear path for you to walk through, you had to turn away and walk through the path full of thorns." She knew the boy was talking about her, who else could he be talking about? She knew she messed up, and she couldn't ask for forgiveness because she knew she was wrong when she did that, but she still did it anyway.

"But it's not too late girl, the Lord really wants you to live a good life the next time." The smile widened, "But he's afraid you'll make your mistakes again. So he wants us to reincarnate you with your memories in place." There was hope and that fact brightened her eyes. She didn't have to be punished, she had another chance.

"But the world he asked us to send you in is somehow.... odd, it's not like earth." Suddenly a scroll appeared in his hand. "He asked to give you one gift. The gift of unequal exchange."

She was at lost for words, she had no idea why a gift like that was given to her or if she would find it helpful at all. "Mr, What advantage does such a gift bring?" She asked timidly, she didn't dare disrespect the boy before her if she wanted to have a second chance. The boy noticed this but he stared at the scroll with an indifferent expression.

"What that gift will do depends on how you define 'unequal exchange'" The boy didn't say anymore but instead vanished leaving the girl alone. She was unsure of what to as she was the only one in a ginormous room of white.

Should she find a way out? should she wait? was he coming back?

I wasn't necessary to worry, soon enough the room became an endless void of darkness that seemed to trap her making her movement limited. Suddenly she began to shrink, smaller and smaller until she was about the size of a new born baby.

And before she knew it the darkness began to fade revealing a blinding vision of light and the face of a woman. The woman cradled her gently and she smiled, she was finally reborn. In a wonderful family, in a world awaiting destruction.
