Chapter 6

Scene: Megumi's Concern

As Gojo and Toge remained locked in a comforting embrace, a familiar figure approached them. It was Megumi, Toge's fellow student and friend, who had been drawn to the scene by a mix of curiosity and concern. His eyes widened as he took in the sight before him.

Megumi: "Toge senpai, Gojo-sensei, what's going on? Is everything alright?"

Gojo released Toge from the hug, his gaze shifting towards Megumi. Toge's expression, though slightly calmer now, still held traces of unease.

Gojo: "Megumi, we had an unexpected encounter with Sukuna. Toge has been through a lot tonight, and we're just offering support."

Megumi's worry deepened as he observed Toge's demeanor. He stepped closer, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Megumi: "Toge senpai, are you okay? You seem troubled. What happened with Sukuna?"

Toge took a deep breath, appreciating Megumi's concern and the genuine bond they shared as friends and allies.

Toge: "Megumi, it's... complicated. Sukuna and I had a conversation, and while nothing harmful occurred, it left me with a lot to process."

Megumi's brows furrowed, his worry evident in his voice.

Megumi: "I'm here for you, Toge senpai. If you need someone to talk to or if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

Toge's heart warmed at Megumi's genuine offer of support. He nodded, grateful for the presence of a friend in this tumultuous moment.

Toge: "Thank you, Megumi. Your concern means a lot to me. Right now, I'm still trying to process everything, but knowing that I have friends like you by my side gives me strength."

Megumi's expression softened, his determination shining through.

Megumi: "We're in this together, Toge senpai. Whatever challenges come our way, we'll face them as a team. Lean on us whenever you need to."

Toge smiled, a mix of gratitude and determination shining in his eyes.

Toge: "Thank you, Megumi. I'm lucky to have you as a friend. Let's face whatever comes our way, together."

And in that moment, as Gojo, Toge, and Megumi stood together, a united front against the uncertainties of their world, they found solace in their bond and the strength they drew from each other.
