going to beacon

y/n was fighting off roman lackys with herrit

y/n:damnit i just came here for a book

lackys gets shot by herrit knocking it out

y/n: i wish they would stop trying to take my powers

y/n walks away and goes into a alley

y/n:finally a place where its quiet for once

footsteps could be heard

y/n:huh who's there!

the footsteps got closer and closer and y/n got more cautious and pulls out lostvayne

y/n:SHow YourSELF

a busty blonde woman and a white haired man come out of the shadow 


???:i am ozpin

ozpin:and this is glyda goodwitch

y/n:ok what do you want?

ozpin:i was wondering if you'd like to join my school

y/n:hmmm sure

ozpin:splendid we'll get you in the morning 

y/n:ok bye
