Chapter 17

*Harry's P.O.V.*

"Okay , well that was the last song of the day sadly. We hope you enjoyed it , we love you all!"Niall shouted over the screams. We all waved and smiled as we ran backstage. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and put my microphone down.

"Here you go , I think you could use this."NJ said from behind me , I knew it was her because her angelic voice was imprinted in my mind. I turned around and she was standing there holding a water bottle.

"Thanks love."I said as I smiled at her and gratefully took the water bottle out if her hands purposely brushing my fingers against her's. I opened the bottle and drank half of it really really fast.

"Your welcome."She said quietly as she watched me drink the water. I rose an eyebrow at her and removed the water bottle away from my lips. She mimicked my act but tilted her head to the side making her look like a puppy.

"Why are you staring at me puppy?"I asked her jokingly as I smiled. Her mouth parted slightly at what I had just called her. I laughed and she chuckled as she punched my arm playfully. That just made me laugh harder.

"Alright but seriously , why are you staring at me? I mean , I know I'm good looking and stuff but staring is not nice."I told her jokingly and that just earned me a slap to the arm. I busted out laughing and the boys came walking up to us.

"What's so funny?"Liam asked us looking between the two of us while the other boys smiled at us. I shrugged as I looked over at NJ who was glaring playfully at me. I snickered and held my hands up.

"Mr.Styles here is being a big arse! So I slapped him and punched the arm."She said as if it was a normal thing to do , which it actually was to be honest. The boys laughed and shook their heads at us.

"NJ! Carlos won't take his helmet and we gave to go out on stage in five minutes!"James yelled as he cane outside with the rest if the big time rush boys. I glared at Kendall and he looked down at the ground.

"Carlos Roberto Pena Jr! Take the helmet off now z it does not go with your outfit!"Natasha yelled at him going into stylist mode as she stomped up the boy who was cowering behind Logan.

"No! I wanna keep it on!"He yelled at her. Oh , that was a big mistake , you should never ever yell at Natasha , she will go ninja on your ass if you do. I took a few steps away from the group as I noticed NJ's facial expression.

"Do not yell at me! Boy take it off!"She yelled and with that , world war three started...Natasha ended up chasing Carlos around the place with James , Liam , and Logan running after them , of course Liam would wanna stop them.

"Ahh! The beast , it's alive! Save me , she's trying to kill me! I'm to young to die! I haven't even eaten , I can't die on an empty stomach!"Carlos screamed as he ran past us. Louis , Zayn , Niall and I all laughed our asses off.

"Ahh , get it off , get it off! Ow fuck! She bit me!"We all looked over to where Carlos was and Natasha was sitting on top of him pulling his helmet off before she stood up and ran to us running behind Louis.

"Louis protect me!"She yelled. I frowned as I watched Louis laugh and nod as he took a protective stance in front of her. Why didn't she ask me to protect her? I could protect her way better than Tomlinson.

"And now introducing , Big Time Rush!"The announcer said. The big time rush boys grabbed Carlos and ran out on stage where the fans were screaming their hearts out and throwing things on stage.

-While Later-

"Okay everybody! This is the last song of the day! This is dedicated to someone extremely important to me. Now I know I've messed up alot , and I'm so sorry."Kendall said as he looked right at NJ who was standing next to me.

"This song is called Cover Girl , I hope you all enjoy it."He said as he took step back. The music started and they all started to sing. At that moment I wanted to knock that boys lights out. I loathe him!

I don't know why you always get so insecure

I wish you could see what I see when you're looking in the mirror

And why won't you believe me when I say

That to me you get more beautiful, everyday

When you're looking at the magazines

And thinking that you'll never measure up

You're wrong

Cause you're my cover, cover girl

I think you're a superstar, yeah you are

Why don't you know

Yeah, you're so pretty that it hurts

It's what's underneath your skin

The beauty that shines within

You're the only one that rocks my world

My cover girl

Oh, oh, oh, oh, my cover girl

Oh, oh, oh, oh

You walk in rainboots on a perfect summer day

Somehow you always see the dark side, when everything's okay

And you wear baggy clothes that camouflage your shape

Whoa, but you know that I love you, just the way you're made

When you're looking at the magazines

And thinking that you're just not good enough

You're so wrong, baby

Cause you're my cover, cover girl

I think you're a superstar, yeah you are

Why don't you know

Yeah, you're so pretty that it hurts

It's what's underneath your skin

The beauty that shines within

You're the only one that rocks my world

My cover girl

Got a heart of gold, a perfect original

Wish you would stop being so hard on yourself for awhile

And when I see that face

I'd try a thousand ways

I would do anything to make you smile

Cause you're my cover, cover girl

I think you're a superstar, yeah you are

Why don't you know

Yeah, you're so pretty that it hurts

It's what's underneath your skin

The beauty that shines within

You're the only one that rocks my world

My cover girl

Oh woah oh oh, my cover girl

Oh woah oh oh, my cover girl

Whoa oh, my cover girl

Whoa oh, my cover girl

Once they finished the place erupted in cheers and screams. I heard someone clapping next to me. I looked over and saw NJ clapping as tears fell down her face and she smiled. She's not seriously falling for this she..?
