Daichi stormed down the street as rain poured around him, clutching his coat tightly as he entered his apartment complex.

Tears began to build up in his eyes as he slammed his fist against the wall of mailboxes.

So many feelings were swirling in his mind.

“Sir? Are you ok?” the apartment manager asked.

“I’m fine, just a little stressed,” Daichi explained before walking into the elevator.

He pressed the number for his floor and the elevator flew up. He reached the door to his apartment and opened it, expecting to hear Maki’s cries but instead he heard nothing.

He ran to Maki’s room to find an empty crib, except for a note.

Dear Sawamura,
This is for killing our leader.
If you want your precious baby back, then bring us 700 000 yen by the end of this week.

Daichi crumpled the note in his fist, enraged that Seijoh would go this far and not even give him an address.

“Those f*ckers are going to pay.”


Daichi stepped out of the sleek black car and approached the unfamiliar warehouse.

“Well well, if it isn’t Daichi Sawamura!” exclaimed the leader of Fukurodani, Bokuto, with pride bellowing deep within his voice with his arms in the air as if he was presenting his gang to Daichi.

“Now, what do the little birdies want so bad that they need help from us?” the man dressed in a scruffy tank top and cargo pants asked as he rested a military boot-covered foot on a box in front of Daichi, and adjusted the toothpick held tightly in between his teeth, a scar cut through his top lip and slashed through an eye.

“I need your best tracker to find my daughter,” Daichi said, handing a small photo to the large man in front of him.

“Awe, Akaashi look at this baby!” the man exclaimed as he handed the photo to his friend who had a long black coat resting on his shoulders, and was dressed in a dress shirt and dark pants with slacks.

“Very cute Bokuto,” he replied as he handed the photo back.

“So, what happened to her?” He questioned, twirling the toothpick around between his teeth and raised his eyebrows.

“She was kidnapped by Seijoh,” Daichi announced grimly.

Bokuto jumped back.

“Damn, Seijoh. That’s a tough request man, Seijoh has never bothered us and we’d like to keep it that way. There is one person who would probably be willing to help,” Bokuto said, deep in thought.


“What!? I would never help that bastard!” you exclaimed as Bokuto and Akaashi stood in front of you.

“(Y/n) please! His daughter was kidnapped and if we help him we get an alliance!” Bokuto pleaded.

“No, he insulted my loyalty!” you shouted.

“(Y/n), be rational about this. The man’s girlfriend was killed and now his daughter has been kidnapped by the same gang. What would you do if they kidnapped your nephew?” Akaashi asked.

“I see, do you really want me to help him Bokuto?” you asked, turning towards the man.

Bokuto nodded vigorously and you sighed.

“Fine, I’ll help him.”


“So ‘you needed a tracker’ why?” you asked as you and Daichi sat in the backseat of the same black car.

“Nobody knows where Seijoh’s base is, and all we have is this,” Daichi said, passing the note to you.

“Well, this paper has a watermark, right there,” you said, pointing to the bottom of the paper, “and this specific company only sells in the west of Tokyo.”

“How did you figure that out so quickly!?” Daichi exclaimed.

“What did you think you were getting when you asked for the best tracker in Fukurodani? I’m not a complete idiot like the rest of them,” you said blankly, turning away from Daichi and scowling.

“Look, I’m sorry about what I said,” Daichi said, staring down at the paper being tightly gripped in his hand, “to be truthful, I was worried. I can’t lose another person I care about.”

He softly chuckled, crumpling the paper and throwing it on the floor of the car as your expression softened in the window.

“But you probably don’t care what I think, I just want my daughter back. So let’s get this over with and you never have to talk to me again.”

Daichi wiped a tear from his eyes and shook his head.

“I know where the Seijoh base is.”


“I was taken there once, it’s not as impressive as you would think for such a feared Yakuza. I mean you guys are the most feared and you’re in a mansion, but they’re stuck in the basement of a rundown warehouse,” you explained.

“Well that certainly narrows things down,” Daichi said, sarcastically.

“Well, they have the abandoned warehouse of this exact paper company. It shut down years ago,” you said, uncrumpling the note.

“Well f*ck, maybe you are a genius,” Daichi exclaimed with a smile.
