
__Shadow was leading Merlin back to the park. Amy was still holding onto to his right shoulder. The park was still empty. Once Shadow told Merlin they could do this themselves Merlin left and Shadow began looking for Sonic.
__Amy was a little worried. She knew Sonic must have left to deal with an emergency. She just hoped he was okay and was able to deal with whatever it was just fine.
__While Shadow walked around, Knuckles came out of nowhere and walked next to Shadow. He waited until Shadow looked at him before speaking.
__"Hey, Shadow," He then looked at Amy in confusion. "and Mio?" He looked back at Shadow. "Are you going over to help Sonic and Tails as well?"
__Shadow narrowed his eyes. "Where are they?"
__"Ah." Knuckles began running. "This way!"
__Shadow ran after Knuckles, making Amy tighten her grip on his shoulders and pressed her chin against them.

__They found Sonic. He looked distraught as he was trying to help Tails, who seemed to be stuck in some kind of barrier. Shadow and Knuckles immediately ran over to them and asked what was going on.
__"Ixis Naugus is back!" Sonic grunted as he slammed himself into the barrier. "He trapped Tails and ran over there!" He pointed to the woods. "Can you two chase him down?"
__Knuckles nodded and left with no hesitation.
__Shadow hesitated and looked at Amy.
__Amy let go of Shadow and flew in front of him. Go. I'll be fine.
__Shadow then ran after Knuckles.
__Amy flew over to Sonic. He stopped slamming himself onto the barrier and started rubbing his arm. Tails had apparently been attacking the barrier as well. They both looked tired.
__Sonic turned to look at Amy and his eyes grew wide. "Mio!? You're supposed to be with Rouge!" He then growled and shook his head. "Never mind. Chao can attack. Help us break this barrier. It's almost done!"
__Amy reluctantly obeyed and began attacking the barrier along with Sonic and Tails.
__It took a very long time, but the barrier did break. Tails had lost his footing and fell. But Sonic was able to catch him and helped him stand. "You okay?"
__"Yeah," Tails rasped. He then shook his head. "Right, let's go after Naugus!"
__Sonic's phone went off and he went to check. He then sighed. "Knuckles just said they lost him. Apparently, Shadow's going to keep looking, though."
__Amy groaned. Of course he is.
__Sonic was looking around frantically until he spotted something. He ran over and picked it up. It was Amy's necklace. He checked to make sure it was okay before sighing in relief. "Thank god."
__"What is that?" Tails asked as Sonic walked back over to him.
__"It's Amy's necklace," Sonic mumbled.
__Tails looked at the necklace and tittered. "Aw. I get the symbolism there."
__Sonic sighed and clenched the necklace in his hand. He then looked at Tails. "Can I tell you a secret?"
__Tails perked his ears before he nodded. "Yeah, of course."
__Sonic opened his hand and looked at the necklace. "I personally had Honey design this necklace for me."
__Tails tilted his head. "Huh?"
__Amy let herself sink to the ground and stared at Sonic in bewilderment. What?
__Sonic smiled and looked away. "I couldn't bring myself to give it to her, so I had Rouge do it."
__"Aw!" Tails walked over to Sonic and put a hand on his shoulder. "You're hopeless."
__"Hey!" Sonic then grabbed Tails and began to noogie him. Both started laughing while Tails tried pulling away.
__Amy just sat there in confusion. Sonic had Honey make a necklace...for me? How? Honey is always busy. It would have been very difficult and tiring just to get a text from her. How did he pull this off?
__Once Tails managed to pull away he smirked and punched Sonic's arm. "All right, knock it off!"
__Sonic chuckled as he rubbed his arm. "Fine. You win."
__Knuckles suddenly came running out of the woods. He ran up to Sonic and Tails and crossed his arms. "I tried to get Shadow to stop and come back with me..."
__Sonic then groaned. "Let me guess, you lost him?"
__Knuckles sighed. "Yep."
__Sonic looked down at Amy and went over to pick her up. He held her like a baby and looked at Knuckles. "Why was Mio with you?"
__"Technically," Knuckles started slowly. "She was with Shadow. He apparently let Mio hold onto his shoulder."
__"Hm." Sonic looked down at Amy. "I guess Rouge had Shadow look after you then."
__Amy sighed hopelessly and nodded.
__Tails narrowed his eyes at Amy. "She looks depressed."
__Sonic tightened his grip on Amy and nodded. "She just misses Amy. She showed me this song that Amy made and was singing it."
__"Really?" Both Tails and Knuckles asked in unison.
__Amy brought her attention to a black figure running towards them. Amy knew it was Vicky when she saw she was holding a baby. She got out of Sonic's arms and flew over to her. Vicky!
__Vicky stopped running and looked at her in relief. "Amy." She then looked as the boys ran over to them. "Oh, thank goodness!"
__Of course, Sonic was the one to walk up to her. "Is everything all right, miss?" His eyes then went wide. "Hey, you're Vicky! And is that your daughter?"
__Vicky nodded. "Yes, you remembered." She then coughed. "My husband Alvidore! He needs help! Ixis Naugus is attacking him!"
__"What!? Where is he!?"
__"They're at the cliff south from here!" Vicky exclaimed. "My husband won't be able to fight him off for much longer!"
__"Don't worry. We got this." He then grabbed Amy and motioned for Tails and Knuckles to follow. "Let's go!"
__They all started running south. Even though Amy wasn't running, she felt the adrenaline kick in and was excited. It almost felt like she was Amy Rose, running head on into battle with no hesitation and no regrets. She felt alive and free once again.
