Chapter 4

Ron and Hermione woke up with Rose jumping up and down in their bed. "Well, good morning." Said Hermione, then Rose came jumping up and hugging her mum tightly, "good morning!" She said, "good morning, daddy!" She said giving Ron a kiss in the cheek, "good morning."

And she goes back with her jumping on the bed, "Rose settle down please, and why are you so active this morning?" Hermione said while laughing lightly, and Rose just shrugs and Hermione laughs more, and Rose settled down, like what her mother told her to do, "daddy, can we swim at the hotel swimming pool today?" Rose said to her father, "okay, we haven't really swam there yet..."

Then suddenly Hermione stood up and rushed to the bathroom, and went to the look and started throwing up, and Ron quickly followed her, held up her hair and made small circles in her back, "God I hate being pregnant!" Said Hermione, throwing up again, when she was finished she got up and cleaned her face, and went back to the actual room, "Rose, c'mon let's go to the family room." And Rose followed her.

"Mummy, why are you sick so much?" She said, "is it because of the baby?" She asked her mother, "no, Rosie. It's not, don't worry about it." And Rose nodded.

When they reached the family room they saw all of the grandparents having coffee and chatting, "oh, Hermione dear! Your awake!" Said Molly, "did the baby keep you up?" Hermione looks a bit surprised to see that they got in the room but suddenly remembered that witches and wizards have a spell to open any lock and her face goes back to normal.

"Yeah, pretty much." She said, "well then," Said Molly "let's get you ready for the day shall we?" And she takes Hermione to the kitchen and she waves her wand and some food went flying in, and less than 5 minutes there was a whole plate of food in front of Rose, Ron, and Hermione.

There were some eggs, bacon, pancakes, and some sausages. "Thank you, aunt Molly." Said Hermione, "oh dearie, you don't have to thank me for anything!" She said with a smile, and Hermione smiles back, the three of them started eating and chatting.

"Oh, Hermione sweetheart, we were discussing about some baby names you can use, like Alexander, Francis, Luke, Ronald Jr.,---" Mary said, "mum, don't worry about it. We already have a name..." Said Hermione, the grandparents faces all lit up, and Arthur was the one to speak up, "so.... What is it?" And Hermione looked at Ron and Ron nods, "well we decided that we would love to name him...." She said teasingly, and all the parents eyes were getting larger as she goes on, "Hugo." She said finally, and all of their faces had huge smiles and they all went up to her and gave her a hug, "oh, how wonderful!" Said Richard, "our grandson finally has a name!" Said Mary, and they all laugh, "Hugo, is the perfect name, dearie." Said Arthur, "so who thought of the name?" He asked, "well, Ron was the one who chose it really." Said Hermione, everyone looked at Ron, "well I just sort of thought about the name 'Hugo' in one of our conversation...."

He said and everyone laughs, "but it's perfect." Said Molly, "so, can I  call my baby brother Hugo now?" Said Rose, "of course you can sweetie." Said Ron picking her up and bringing her to Hermione, "yay!" She said as she went to Hermione's arms and hugged her, "I love you, Hugo." She said, as she went a bit lower to hug Hermione's big baby bump, then the room was filled with a bunch of awww's and all that they went to the family room to talk for a bit more, and Mrs. Weasley' realized that she had a few tea bags in her suit case and simply took out her wand and conjured the tea bag right in her hand and all of them were very pleased she had tea, they weren't really used to coffee that much. They all had tea and chatted about the baby, then Ron's phone suddenly went off, "hey Hermione, look the baby room is finished, and they also got the furniture up too." He said and Hermione's face lit up and looked at his phone, "oh, look at that! It looks wonderful!" She said happily, the room was blue, aqua blue, and white, but of course it needed to have a bit of red and gold. There was all the basic baby stuff like a crib, a some drawers for his clothes, a rocker and a changing table. "but to be honest, Rose's room was way more extra that that." She said, passing the phone to each of the parents, and even though Hugo's room was already extra, Rose's old nursery was way more. "Yeah, considering that she was a girl and our first born." Ron said, "god, now I feel like we're being unfair..." He said, "oh Ron, we're not being unfair, we just know what things we actually need." Said Hermione, "yes, Ron. Your wife is right. Me and your father were just like that when we had Bill." Said Molly, and Ron smiles, "yeah, she's always right." He said. And Hermione smiles. "I know." After that they went to the close by mall and went rome around the place, it was a 3 story mall, they had lunch and went to the mall to go shopping (the girls were the only ones that went shopping...) After nearly 2 hours they went home."Hey Hermione, look. Ginny just texted me." Said Ron

Hey guys! How is your vacation going? And when are you coming back?

And also, when's your next vacation? Mabey me and Harry can come with?

What do you guys think?

And after reading Ginny's messages Hermione just broke into laughter, "wow, Ginny really wants to go on a vacation. Doesn't she?" Said Hermione, to Ron, "yeah, I think Harry isn't making any time for vacations right now.." And Hermione eventually stops laughing, "well, I think he needs to start planning... Because Ginny will do anything, and I mean anything, just to get what she wants." Hermione said, "even that specific thing?" Asked Ron, "even that." She repeated, "she told me about it when they went to a vacation in Paris." And both of them laugh, "ehm." Said Molly, "I think you two are forgetting that we're still here.." Said Mary, the two of them blush at the embarassment, and them having that conversation about Harry and Ginny right in front of them, "right, sorry." Said Ron. "And I don't want to know anything about what your sister will do to get what she wants." Said Molly sternly, "well we best be off, I think someone is getting tired....." Said Arthur pointing at a fairly sleepy Rose, "oh." Said Ron, "and we're going too, the office seems to have some problems...." Said Richard, looking at his phone "oh, okay then." Said Hermione.

So after the parents were gone and it was only the three of them left, Ron and Hermione, saw a peacefully sleeping Rose at the couch, so Ron took her to her room and tucked her in, he closed the door and when he went to their room he saw that Hermione was reading a book, and having the television on at the same time.

"So, are you reading or are you watching?" He said. "Of course I'm reading." She said putting down her book. "I just like having the television on while I'm doing it." (A/N: does anybody else do that? Or am I just weird? answer in the comments!) "Oh, okay then." He said sitting next to her and looking at the show she's watching on Netflix. "'Insatiable'" He reads aloud. "Yep." Ron watches it for a bit but gets confused for a sudden. "You actually watch this show?" He said, "yeah!" Said Hermione, "even if you don't like it I'm gonna keep on watching." And Ron just rolls his eyes. It has been 50 minutes or so when the door suddenly opened to reveal Rose, and since the scene wasn't to appropriate for her age, Ron quickly took the remote and turned the television off, just for the sake of the child that was 2 1/2 years old.

"Hey Rosie, you're awake!" Said Hermione, "mummy, I'm hungry." Said Rose, "okay, then." Ron helps Hermione stand up and they go to the kitchen. "Rose, would you like some cookies?" Hermione asks her, and Rose nods. Hermione tries to get the cookies but failed, thankfully Ron was there and he got the cookies himself.

Hermione sometimes forget she's a witch and does things the muggle way, like get a chair just to get a book, or clean Rose's toys herself, but whenever Ron tries to remind her she is one, he doesn't, instead he just helps her do stuff.

"Thanks." Says Hermione, "no problem." He gives a cookie to Rose and puts it back in the shelves. "daddy, I thought we were going to the pool today?" Rose says, taking another bite of her cookie, "well, we were but if I'm not mistaken someone was asleep." He said, "ohh." said Rose, "but we can still go swimming if you hurry up in eating that cookie." Ron said and Rose quickly eats her cookie, stands up, and pulls her mother to her room. "Rose, please be careful, mummy can't run to fast." said Hermione, laughing lightly. And Rose slows down, "sorry, mummy." Said Rose looking down at the ground.

"oh, Rosie. You did nothing wrong!" Said Hermione, facing Rose and pulling her head up,"its just that it's not that good for Hugo." she said, and Rose smiles, and they go to Rose's room. After Rose was all ready, they went to the family room and Rose waited for her mother to finish.

"Ronald!" Hermione shouted from the room, and Ron's eye's widened, "oh, my." Then he slowly went to their room, "yes, dear?" he asked, "why did you pack me a two piece!?" said Hermione angrily, "and especially while I'm pregnant!?" Ron looks terrified to death, but speaks calmly, "well first, try to calm down. its not good for you or Hugo." He said. "Second, you only have two piece swimming suits. I tried to find you a rush guard or a one piece but, I failed." he explained, and Hermione instantly calmed down, "oh, right." She said, "sorry for being so angry." Ron smiles at her. "Its okay, I understand." He said hugging Hermione. "This is one of the million reasons I married you." Hermione said, "for being so understanding towards me." And Ron kisses the top of her head.(A/N: I know its soo cheese-y, and I'm soo sorry.) "okay, you need to get ready. Rose is waiting for us."

So Hermione got ready and got her bath robe out and put it on then the 3 of them went to the pool. Hermione was feeling a bit conscious at first but eventually forgot about that part that she is wearing a two piece while being pregnant. They were swimming for abut an hour or so, when they finally decided that they went up to the suite.

They got a 30 minute rest until they went out for dinner. They had dinner at a Italian restaurant, then went home, because Rose was very sleepy, probably because of the fact that they went swimming for an hour.

When they got home all of them were tired, they all said goodbye and went to their rooms, "C'mon Rose, let's get you to bed." said Ron. "okay, daddy." Rose said while yawning, "go say goodnight to mum first though." And Rose went to Hermione, and hugged her, "night-night, mummy." she said, " night, Rosie. Sweet dreams." So Ron and Rose went to her room while Hermione went to their room to change into her nightie. After about 10 minutes, Ron was back to see that Hermione was already asleep, he laid down in bed beside her, "night, 'Mione." he said kissing her forehead and he want to sleep too.


OMFG!! 2000 words! I cant believe it! and I'm soo sorry if I haven't been updating recently... I had a cold and with all the school stuff that has been happening its just too much, but I did try to write this chapter faster, and thank you for reading this! I hope you all understand! I am truly sorry, and I will try to update earlier next time. that's it for this authors note. bye readers! see you in my next chapter!

