
Shayla and Sicheng were seated on the sand at the beach as the sun set in the distance. Their hands were laced together with her head on his shoulder and he rested his head softly against hers as well.

Shayla: Time flies...

Sicheng: It does... it really does.

Shayla: I can't believe a year back you were complaining about the system, but here you are, working with it.

Sicheng: Those were tough times... and i have grown since then. Clearly i didn't know much back then. But i see, not one person can make such a difference overnight. Though they can be the beginning of the difference.

Shayla sat up straight, meeting her loved one's eyes. 

Shayla: I am so proud of you baby.

The male smiled urging her to lean forward and place a peck on his nose. 

Sicheng: I am glad you stayed by my side, despite all our differences. Back then especially.

Shayla: I am glad i decided to stay too. Honestly i can't imagine myself without you by my side anymore.

Sicheng: Me too, love.

They sealed their words with a tender kiss that showed off emotions that their words never described enough. 

When they broke it off, they fell into the comforting embrace of each other. 

Sicheng: I still can't believe that Mino is Renjun's uncle.

Shayla: For real. And now he took his place. Can you imagine? Having your assistant become your supervisor?

Shayla could feel the vibration of laughter from Sicheng, it bringing a smile to her face as well.

Shayla: Though i have to say he is better than Mino. 

Sicheng: Except the part where he lets me ignore Taeyong's gang's cases.

Shayla: Of course...

The two shared a chuckle before sighing.

Sicheng: Hyung will come out of the illegal ways. I am sure of it.

Shayla: He will... don't worry... Anyway lets go get dinner?

He nodded, and the two got off the sand but the next second, Shayla was off her feet and before she could comprehend further she was thrown into the water. As she came afloat again, she heard Sicheng laughing. 

Shayla: Oh you're gonna get it. 

He was already walking, backwards, away from her, while grinning at her.

Sicheng: Come catch me then.

The second she started running he turned around to run straight too. The two chased each other around for a bit before the dark finally settled. As the laughed and threw water at each other they finally heard the phone ringing.

Sicheng: Yours?

Shayla: Yup.

She got to their back mat and she picked up her phone that stopped ringing. Sicheng on the other hand grabbed their towels, rubbing his hair dry before looking at Shayla who was staring into her phone.

He got behind her and wrapped a towel around her waist before continuing to back hug her and look into her phone. 

Shayla: God the water keeps on dripping. 

She wiped the screen on the towel just as her phone rang again and they finally saw the desperate caller, making Sicheng groan as he left her.

Shayla: Its Renjun.

Sicheng: That means another case. He said he would leave us alone today!

He said while packing.

Shayla: What do i say?

Sicheng halted before facing her and still chuckling despite his holiday never reaching the end. 

Sicheng: Tell him we will be there in an hour.


Honestly it was a quick write! Also mainly inspired by the one case in the K-Drama, "While you were sleeping", if you know what i mean ;) If not go watch it for its the bestt.
