Chapter 3

"Wake up!!!" I yelled. I'm not a person to wake up early in the morning but I want to annoy the crap out of the boys! I grabbed to pans and started smacking them together.

"Shut up!!!" Ryder exclaimed."What the f-"

"Fudge" I finished. What? I don't like cursing. I mean I curse now and then but it's too early in the morning!

"You normally say fu-"I glared at him. "You normally say that word so why don't you let me say it I'm older  than you!" He exclaimed emphasizing the 'me'.

"Well I don't want you to say it because it's early in the morning and to make it up to you when I was-"

"Who screamed?" I heard Austin yell. I also heard running down the stairs. But, it wasn't just one person's footsteps it belonged to two people

"Me!" I yelled

"Why the F-" Jake started.

"Fudge" I finished. Jake growled. "don't say it"

"Really dude don't say it, it hurts like a bi- I mean butt" he chuckled nervously.

"Huh yeah whatever, why the heck did you take out the pans?"Austin pushed.

"Well because I wanted you guys to try my waffles and omelets!" I showed them the waffles."I didn't know how you guys like your omelets so was going to take the things that you like and make them like that!"

"Woooo!" Ryder cheered. "her omelets are the best, I want ham in mine nothing else like always."

"Ham and cheese" Austin said.

"Cheese" Jake ordered. I started to get to work.


"Are you going to eat? You've been standing there for no reason" Ryder asked with a mouth full of omelet.

"Nah I already ate" I lied. My dad usually never let me eat in the morning 'waste of food' he said. I got used to it.

"To bad you are going to eat right now!" he demanded. Did I tell you that I'm good at lying? Well I am I just can't lie to my brother. I grabbed a fork
and ate some of my brothers. I took two bites and exclaimed "Done! Now I want to go to school!" Call me a nerd I don't care I actually like to read.

"Nerd!" Austin voiced my exact thoughts.

"Oh really?" I asked, trying to see if he believed me. He nodded."Really? okay" I punched him in the shoulder with a lot of force.

"Ow. Well damn didn't have to hurt me!"

"Now am I a nerd?" I challenged

"No." He shook his head vigorously.

"That's what I thought" I walked out of the kitchen, into the hall, and into the living room. I sat down waiting for my brother.

"Let's go!" I called to hurry my brother, Jake, and Austin up.

I look up from my phone. I finally look at the cliché-arse school. Look it's still early, I may have just said a bad word in the England. But in America I technically didn't! It looks big and nice. I would be the one to get lost. That person would be me.

"Do you have to?" I pleaded.

"Your the one who wanted to come early!" He defended.

"Yeah, yeah your coming right?" I can be shy. Even though Adelene will be here I know I won't have the guts to talk to anybody but her.

"Yeah. Come on" he sighed.

I got out of the car and out of the corner of my eye I saw a Red Maserati 2014. Behind it was a Nissan skyline 2014. Hey, if you live with my brother for more than 3 years you get to catch the talent of noticing and naming great cars.

Two guys get out of each car. Every body freezes. Yup I was right cliché-arse school. Someone shoot me now. One of the guys were muscular but also not my type. The other one was kind of like Jake. Hot. But not that hot. They walk like they own the school. Bish no you don't. They walk in the school and out of my sight.

Everybody starts whispering.

And I mean everuybody! Except for me. Some girls start circling around the cars. Then I hear engines. I see a Dodge Viper SRT-10 and a Dodge Challenger SRT-8. American muscle I like it. Then I see Austin and Jake come out.

They quickly spot us and come toward us. Even though we just saw each other 10 minutes ago we greet each other. Everyone is staring. Like I said I'm shy I don't like being the center of attention.

"Hey dude" Ryder greets. Try all greet each other with a 'hey dude' and come to me.

"Hi, rebel" I called him rebel ever since he ate candy right before he went to bed when we were younger.

"Hi, baby ne- beautiful" He caught himself before he can say 'nerd'.

"Nice save" I hit his shoulder carefully. "Hi, big robin" I literally just came up with that.

"Really?"he asked. I nodded." Why not badass?" I raised an eye brow. I punched him in the shoulder. I started to run to the school

"What the fu-fudging he-heck!" He screamed.

"Nice save badass, like I said too early!" I called.

"But you just cursed" they all called at the same time. I froze.

"I really don't care!" I called back. I knew they were going to get revenge.

I went to the main office to get my supplies.

"New girl!" The secretary called into a room.

A man in a suit came in to the room.

"Hello I'm principal Jackson!" He sterted saying. I didn't pay attention. I'll just give you a gist. "I am proud to blah blah blah. This school is rated 8/10 because blah blah blah. Bleh blah blah bleh this is a cool school. You see what I did there? No? Blah blah blah" then a boy came in. Before I can turn around Principal Jackson said "He's going to show you around since he has most classes with you!"

I finally turn around and see the guy that had the Red Maserati. Yay! Note the sarcasm.


Hi panda minions I'm here I updated. I decide that I was going to update every week or every other week from now on. You know just if you were wondering!! Sorry it was short!!





