A dream?

In an endless dark space...

Carson's consciousness wondered aimlessly.

Darkness... All he could see was endless darkness. How long had he been here? Seconds, hours, days, month, or even years?

He didn't know. In this place where he couldn't even tell up from down, the mere concept of time seems to be meaningless.

However, one thing he was certain of was that he wasn't awake, indeed. He was most probably asleep. 'Is this what they call lucid dream?' He wondered.

As his consciousness continued to wonder through the void a change happened. Something glittered in the far distant as countless flashing light began to gradually lit up the dark space. Once his vision stabilize Carson notice he was inside a room.

A very large and well decorated room, filled with golden embroidery and expensive looking paintings that hung up on the high ceiling walls.

Carson sat down in an elegant manner, that seem to be etched into the deepest core of his being.

To be more precise, he was currently sitting down on an extravagant looking golden throne. His deep crimson eyes gaze with indifference as three beings with powerful auras knelt before him.

"My lord, we had detected traces of spatial interference near our planet. The aura of the existence who appeared is not inferior to ours at all." A man with a slightly long black hair reported with a serious expression etched on his face.

However, the fierce lofty aura of a being who had been on the peak of power exuded from the red-haired man didn't change as he listened to their reports. It was as if he was the sole ruler and monarch that exist in this universe! Nothing could move him.

'Wh-What is happening?' Carson couldn't understand a thing. Even though he was responding to their words with indifference, he actually wasn't doing anything. His body was reacting to them on its own.

As though something or someone was controlling his body, while all he could do was spectate from the side. However, as strange as it maybe, he could vaguely feel a sense of familiarity from the three powerful beings before him.

"Your majesty, I suggest we try to make contact with the existence that appeared from the spatial crack. If their intentions are good, then we have nothing to worry about. However, if they're intentions are bad, then..."

"We should use our cannons to annihilate them." The man with slightly long black hair, standing on the left said radically.

However, the black-haired woman gaze at him and sighed in exasperation.

"Have you lost your mind? Although we are wary of their existences, the situation has not yet truly developed in hostility."

"Are you saying we should wait until it reaches that point? Why not annihilate them now? You also felt that strong presence before, didn't you? Those bastards are almost at the same level as his majesty. In battle, the one that strikes first holds the advantage. Such things should already be known by you, who is also a seasoned warrior."

"Sigh, such drastic and barbaric measures are so typical of you, Agnar." The black-haired woman, who was clad in female style armour huff through her nose with displeasure as she said that.

"Althea, you!" The black-haired man who goes by the name Agnar furrowed his brow slightly. He wore heavy armoury as he held a long sword in his hand firmly.

"Enough, you two! We are in his majesty presence. Show some respect." The man on the right with slightly long golden hair said, he donned an exquisite silver plate armour.

"... My apologies." Althea said, lowering her head. "But I do recommend we launch an all-out assault against them from the beginning." Agnar stubbornly insisted. Agnar was a ruthless warrior. For him, all situations regardless of circumstances could be solved with strength.

He was raised in a harsh world, where the concept of survival of the fittest was most natural.

And thus, he stayed true to his nature.

"Do you know how much mana it would take for us to use those cannons? Even with the help of our skills, empowering those things would take a tremendous amount of energy." Althea explained, as she heaved a sigh.

If the cannons were used now, it would take a considerable amount of time for it to be used again.

"Even the goddess of creation, lady Asteria. Was wary of them. We don't even know the forces of the other universe." Althea said, in a logical manner. Honestly speaking, they had an overwhelmingly lack of information, putting them at a disadvantage

"Then... Are you saying we should let them do as they please?" Agnar asked, displeasure evident on his face.

"Of course not. We cannot allow those from another universe to wander freely. But we still do not know how powerful they are after all." Althea spoke, with a serious tone.

The man of the right remains silent as he waited for the red-haired man's response.

"... Please allow us to—"

"I shall personally meet them myself." The red-haired man said, cutting the black-haired man off as he stood up. A terrifyingly chilling otherworldly pressure was released from his body as he got to his feet. The man's long waist length silky red hair reaches his waist.

He donned an exquisite looking golden armour that had many embroideries embedded on the side.

And floating beside him, was a black sword that seem to be roughly three meters long, enshrouded with a dark and oppressive aura!

The sword seems eager to end the lives of its opponents. It was thrilled to get a taste of fresh blood.

The three commanders shook their heads in understanding, whenever their leader made a decision those who oppose him would surely suffer a fate far worse than death!


The scene change...

Somewhere in the vast expanse of space...


Two beings could vaguely be seen flying around as the sound of metal clashing together resounded. A handsome man stood indifferently with his long silky red hair swaying back and forth in the absence of wind, as the blade of his black sword was writhed in black flames.

Standing a meter away from him was a humanoid creature with a pair of bats like wings.

Two light green horns, which shimmered like emeralds protrude from his head as he stared at the red-haired man with his glowing greenish eyes.

Carson observed everything as he watches from the perspective of the handsome man with long flaming red-haired. 'Wh-What is that?!' He wondered.

Just staring at it gave him a bad feeling as the emotion called fear began to surge up. It wasn't just its demonic appearance that caused such fear but the strange aura of the unknown creature. However, aside from fear there was also another emotion... Rage, hatred, and the desire for vengeance! Yes, he wanted revenge, he wanted to kill the creature that stood before him, he wanted it to suffer in agony before experiencing the most gruesome death possible!

This kind of anger was completely irrational it was clearly something he had never felt before, at least Carson was certain that he had never had this kind of strong emotional surge before.

The humanoid creature also seems to be extremely angered as it was releasing a lot of killing intent towards the red-haired man as though he had done something truly unforgivable. Both sides wanted nothing more than to see the other suffer before dying in misery.

Suddenly, the red-haired man was surrounded by an oppressive aura of destruction.

[Notice: The passive skill <aura of destruction> (Level 10) is now in effect. 5000 mana points will be extracted for every second it is activated.]

"We did not offend or initiate any hostile intention towards your universe, it was that bastard that provoked all of this!" The red-haired man bellowed, his crimson eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"... And in the end what became of it... My planet. My world was destroyed, and my followers were ruthlessly killed! Even if I have to wait centuries or even billions of years, this grudge will definitely not be unpaid!"

Good shall be repaid with good, while evil with evil. Who was he? He was the God of chaos and destructions! Wouldn't it be the biggest humiliation if he allowed his enemies to go unscathed after attacking his universe?

He had managed to successfully save the soul of his followers and had stored them away inside his "Ring of fate" However, reviving them was going to be an arduous and long process to achieve. His eyes became more piercing as his red pupils reflected the sight of the humanoid creature before him.

[Notice: Master's anger has triggered the activation of the passive skill <berserker> (Level 10) All magical stats, including physical stats, defensive stats, will be greatly amplified in proportion to master's rage! In addition, master will lose 300 mana points every 5 seconds of its activation.]

<Strength points + 3000>

<Agility points + 3000>

<Dexterity points + 3000>

<Defense points + 2000>

[Warning: Master's rationality will gradually be consumed the longer the duration of the passive skill <berserker> is in effect.]

The red-haired man tightens his grip on the hilt of his sword as he skilfully brandished his greatsword. And as though the concept of distance was meaningless in his eyes, he closed the distance between him and the humanoid creature in one fraction of a second!


The red-haired man's sword connected with the spear of the humanoid creature as a fierce shockwave erupted from the point of impact! While watching all of this taking place, Carson felt the blood drained from his face as hundreds of spatial cracks opened up, leading to the endless void.

Several stars countless light years away crumpled and exploded like a joke just from the residual energy. And even countless planets were destroyed along with its inhabitants. Millions of lives were lost.

The dimension trembled, space twisted erratically, creating thousands of spatial blades that seem to want nothing more than to tear everything apart, and leave not even a single trace of existence behind. The very universe itself seem to be under the brink of collapse. Yet both the red-haired man and humanoid creatures kept up their ruthless attacks, unconcerned with the state of the universe.

The natural law and order of the universe fell into complete and total disarray as the two supreme existences continued their fierce exchange of attacks.

Each one fiercer and more ferocious than the next! At this point, all the stars at least three thousands of kilometres away were destroyed, leaving the endless expanse of space completely devoid of stars. Only an empty void was left as darkness permeated the surroundings as they locked weapons.


Both the red-haired man and the humanoid creature was pushed back in opposite direction as the shockwave blew them away in different directions.

The red-haired man was able to kill the kinetic energy of his body and stabilize himself. His crimson eyes gaze deeply at the figure of the humanoid creature that was sent flying in the distant.

Only after it had reached a distant of one hundred meters had it been able to stabilize itself. Its green eyes shone with dense killing intent as it gazes at the red-haired man. "@##%." The humanoid creature roared. The creature spoke in a language that Carson couldn't understand.

"... Indeed, you are right. But the one who will die in the end isn't me, but you!" The red-haired man responded indifferently. It seems he was able to understand it completely.

"Devour all, void slash!" The red-haired man roared as the blade of his sword lit up with a dark destructive energy.

[Notice: The active skill <void slash> (Level 10) is now active! 20 mana points will be deducted for each use.]

The humanoid creature's spear lit up in a crimson glow as it charged towards the red-haired man. In the vast space two thin line seem to split the universe in two halves. A line of darkness and a line of crimson.


Both met from the front sending fierce shockwave and trimmer throughout the entirety of space! However, just as the red-haired man was about to say something a flash of light shone in the distant!



The words got stuck in his throat as he suddenly groans and coughed out a mouthful of blood as he felt the sensation of a dagger piercing his abdomen.

[Warning: Poisonous substance has been detected!]

Hearing that the red-haired man's eyes widen as his face grimaced in pain. When he glanced over his shoulder, he saw someone. However, as Carson was about to see who the newcomer was his vision was suddenly blinded.


"Carson, Carson!" Carson's eyelids twitch as he slowly opened his eyes, gazing at a mature woman with dark hair dressed in a white coat. The woman was of course, Amy.

"Is something wrong?" Carson asked, curiously. "You are asking me if something is wrong. You are the one sleeping on the ground." She said, her expression showed a look of concern.

"Sleeping on the ground... Oh." It was at that point that Carson notice he was lying on the cold ground.

'Strange, how did it. Wait that spider!' He gasps as his memories finally clicked. He was bitten by a Poisonous spider and wondered between life and death before he...

'Th-That angelic voice... Was it just my imagination?' He wondered. 'Are you still there?' Carson called out.

[Affirmative: I am here to serve my Master at any time.]

The familiar monotonous voice resounded.

'... I see. So that wasn't a dream after all.' Carson sighed. "Ahem, don't just go into a daze right after you woke up, are you really alright?" Amy asked.

"Ah, yes I am... I must have fallen asleep and fell while moving around. I can be a really bad sleeper sometimes." Carson responded awkwardly.

Amy stared attentively at his face for a while it was only after she saw that he was really fine did she finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Carson sat on the bed and checked his phone. 'Oh, I was asleep for half an hour. It felt longer than that.' He thought.

'Now then can you explain who you are, and what that dream was? You saw it too, right?'

[Affirmative: I am connected to you as; I can perceive and discern everything you can see whether physically or spiritually and also... That wasn't a dream, but a sealed memory.]
