Chapter 26

"How was your meeting with uncle? What took you so long? It's 6pm!" - Mrs.Bi
"Uh mom, meeting with uncle went good. My uncle is so handsome mommmy! And after that, well..I hung out, had food, that's all!" - Hyejung
"Hmm I've seen your uncle before, he's a handsome man! Hung out with...ooooh..Jaehyun, right dear?" - Mrs.Bi
"Mom! Stop teasing!" - Hyejung, as Mrs.Bi was beaming at her
"The police came by while you were gone, the thing is, dear, you're not legally adopted by either of us because the orphanage you were in, the owner was my friend's uncle which is why when I saw you, I wanted to bring you home, you know mom's infertile right? I didn't see Haerin that time, you were all alone, so I just brought you home without any paperwork and that's how it went. Here, the police does not care much about legal works so it never became an issue" - Mrs.Bi
" what's gonna happen now? I have to go back to orphanage?"- Hyejung
"No, ofcourse not. Since you're of legal age, an adult in Korea, you can choose who you want to stay with, but this time legally, after all the legal works, as Mr. and Mrs.Pali has offered to adopt you, as well as us. It depends on who you choose" - Mrs.Bi
"Ofcourse, it's you guys mom! I wanna stay with you guys!" - Hyejung

Amidst the serious conversation, Hyejung, all of a sudden received a call from an unknown number. As curiosity strike, she excused herself from her mother to pick it up.

"Hello? Who is this?" - Hyejung
"Yolanda, my angel! This is your dad!" - Mr.Pali
"Oh..Mr.Pali?" - Hyejung
"Mr.Pali..? I'm your father, Yolaa!" - Mr.Pali
"My name is Hyejung" - Hyejung
"Don't do this to us, Yola! I heard from your mom everything that happened and I'm so sorry on behalf of her but come back to us, darling, your dad misses you a lot!" - Mr.Pali
"I'm sorry but this is where I belong!" - Hyejung
"Just meet me once, Yola! See your dad once? You know how your mom is, you know she is the coolest person when she is cool, things went so fast of time, I'm sorry for whatever she did and for being ignorant that I could not be there for you. Just see me, once, we can talk it out, I'm in Seoul and I know where you're living as well, I could go there to see you, I won't force you to come, please!" - Mr.Pali
"It's okay, dad! You don't have to apologize for what she did, hitting me was the limit of patience though, even if you come to meet me, dad, know that I won't go back there! It's fine if you come, I'd get out and we can talk!" - Hyejung
"My heart feels so much better that you called me dad, I won't force you to come back, just let me see you and talk to you. I'm going, I'll call once I'm there" - Mr.Pali

The call was cut and Mrs.Bi heard everything, as Hyejung turned back to face her, it was obvious Mrs.Bi looked hurt.

"Mom, you okay?" - Hyejung
"Yeah I'm fine, I will go cook okay!" - Mrs.Bi
"Mom? Stay!" - Hyejung
"Yes dear?" - Mrs.Bi
"I'm not gonna leave you or dad, I promise. I'm back for good. Mrs.Pali might be like that, but my dad, I mean, Mr.Pali, he is very laid back and understanding. He just misses me a lot so he wants to see me, he won't force me to go with him or even try" - Hyejung, assured her mother
"I understand, I'm proud of how kind and considerate you are. You've two father and a mother, you're a lucky child, Hyejung-ah!" - Mrs.Pali
"I know right! I'll go freshen up before dad comes!" - Hyejung

She quickly dashed to her room to get a quick shower after all the outing she did, unaware of all the texts she was receiving as she was getting ready to see Mr.Pali, her dad number 2. Once done getting ready, she finally took her phone and to her surprise, there was 3 missed calls and 3 texts from Jaehyun all telling about how he misses her now that he dropped her home and about him going to music show to perform. Hyejung composed a quick message back to Jaehyun as she received another text from Mr.Pali to come down.

"I miss you too! Perform well! I'm gonna meet Mr.Pali! He came infront of my house! Take care, Jaejae!" - Hyejung

Before Jaehyun could text back, she just put her phone into her side back and went down saying a "Be right back" to her mom.

"Heyyy daddd! I'm here!" - Hyejung
"Oh dear! There you are! Get inside the car, we will go eat somewhere and then talk!" - Mr.Pali
"You must be thirsty, have this! Your favorite fruit tea flavor strawberry packet!" - Hyejung
"Thanks dad!" - Mr.Pali

She enjoyed the drink as it was her favorite, savoring every sip of it.


"Dad? Mr.Pali? She is meeting him? I should not feel uneasy about it but I weirdly do, as if something wrong's about to happen. It's hard to trust them, she's not even replying back to my text now!", Jaehyun muttered worried in the backstage of Music Bank as he patiently waited for a reply from Hyejung for about 30minutes before going up on stage to perform. He hoped he'd get a reply by the time he comes back. On stage activity ended after about 30minutes, he came back to check his phone but to his dismay, there were no texts from Hyejung. "Okay now I'm worried for real, there's no way she didn't check her phone for so long!", Jaehyun muttered and his members heard.
"Man, what happened?" - Taeyong
"I don't know, Hyejung's not replying. Last text said she is meeting up with Mr.Pali and I felt something wrong, considering how Mrs.Pali was I can't trust him" - Jaehyun
"Call her!" - Yuta

He tried calling her for about 20minutes and then Taeyong suggested to contact Haerin if she knows.
"Haerin-ah! Do you know where Hyejung is? She with you?"- Jaehyun
"No, I just got done with practice. I texted her but she is not replying, I thought she slept so I was heading back to dorm!" - Haerin
"The last text she sent me was saying that she is gonna meet Mr.Pali and since then she isn't picking up or even replying to my texts or even yours. Can you call Mr. and Mrs.Bi and check up? My heart does not feel easy right now" - Jaehyun
"What the hell! She met him? I bet he's the same as Mrs.Pali, I swear, Hyejung is too naive. I'll call and check!" - Haerin

The call ended and NCT went down to go back dorm towards their van, Jaehyun was patiently waiting for Haerin to call back, truthfully for Hyejung to be safe and call back, just then, he received a call from Haerin.
"Man! Something's wrong! She's not home and even Mr. and Mrs.Bi are freaking out now! Her phone's switched off now!" - Haerin
"What the fuck!" - Jaehyun

He cut the call, as soon as he did, members bombarded him with questions to which he just said "Mr.Pali kidnapped her. No one knows where she is. I need to go look for her!".

"Manager hyung, can you lend me your car please? I really need to go!" - Jaehyun
"Yes, take the key, it's right infront of the dorm, go once we reach" - Manager
"I'll go with you too!" - Taeyong
"Yeah okay!" - Jaehyun

Jaehyun was unable sit still as he was too worried, what he felt was right. Everyone was on their way to look for Hyejung, Mr. and Mrs.Bi quickly even informed the police. Police traced her last location and it was near her own house, hence of no help. Police also tried to trace Mr. and Mrs.Pali's location but both of their phones were switched off.

Sorry guys! v.v
