#6 The Rise of the Beast Kingdom

*Skills & Magic*
{Ciel & Rimuru talking}
[Thought communication]

No One's POV

Milim was in the inn, pondering what she wanted to do, while Rimuru still hadn't returned from whatever he was doing.

(I wonder what I should do. I was the one who suggested becoming a villain, and here I am not doing anything yet) Milim thought.

She then looked out the window at the city, still wondering what to do. She saw some giant birds flying by and remembered the dragons she saw a few hours ago. An idea came to her.

"That's it! I can tame some dragons and let them do the dirty work for me," Milim said.

But someone heard her from behind.

"So you finally decided," Rimuru said.

"Yes, I have, bestie," Milim said with a smile.

"Alright then, so what's your plan? How will you tame the dragons?" Rimuru asked.

"About that, bestie, you said if I need some help, then I can come to you," Milim said.

"Yeah, why?" Rimuru asked.

"Then can you give me a skill that allows me to tame... Wait, no, tame and control all kinds of beasts in this world?" Milim asked.

"Mmm, I think I can," Rimuru said.

He then turned on Thought Acceleration to talk to Ciel.

{Ciel, can you give Milim a skill that allows her to do those things?} Rimuru asked.

{Of course, master. She will obtain the skill Beast Master, Beast Ego, and Food Chain.}

Beast Master is the skill that allows the user to tame any kind of beast and control them.

Beast Ego allows the user to give an ego to mindless beasts.

And you guys probably know what Food Chain can do, so I won't explain it.

{Thanks, Ciel} Rimuru said.

{No problem, master} Ciel replied.

Rimuru then turned off Thought Acceleration.

The Voice of the World (VOTW) could then be heard by the two of them.

"The individual Milim Nava has obtained the skills Beast Master, Beast Ego, and Food Chain."

"The skills Beast Master and Beast Ego have merged into one and became the unique skill Lord of Beasts."

"The unique skill Lord of Beasts has evolved into the ultimate skill God of the Wildest Beasts."

(I know the name of the Skill is bad. Also, I will not explain what this skill can fully do, except the abilities of the two skills that were used to merge this skill.)

{What the hell, Ciel?} Rimuru thought.

{It was necessary, master} Ciel replied.

{..... Sigh If you say so} Rimuru thought.

"Thank you, bestie," Milim said with a smile.

"No problem, Milim," Rimuru replied. "Well, anyways, there's a new restaurant that just opened. So I just wondered if you want to go?" Rimuru asked.

"Really? I want to go," Milim said like an excited little girl.

"Haha, alright then, let's go," Rimuru said, offering his hand to Milim.

"Hai," Milim replied, taking his hand.

They then went to the restaurant to eat. Nothing much happened, except for the fact that the waiter thought they were a couple on a date and offered them the couples' menu.

The next day, Rimuru again left early while Milim was still asleep.

(What do you think he is doing?)

When Milim woke up, she immediately went to the kitchen and saw a plate with food on it and a letter for Milim. She then ate.

After eating, she went out to the forest, looking for some beasts to tame.

She then saw a bunch of killer bunnies.

"I think that will do," Milim said, charging towards the killer bunnies and knocking them out cold one by one.

"Now, how do I use this skill?"

{Ciel speaking}

{I might help you with that.}

"Uh, who's there?"

{I am talking to you in your mind, and for your question, I am Manas: Ciel.}

"Like Manas: Michell?" Milim asked.

{Yes} Ciel replied.

"Alright, how can you help me?" Milim asked.

{By telling you how to use and what that ultimate skill of yours can do} Ciel replied.

Let's take a 6-hour time skip.

After 6 hours, Milim now knew what her ultimate skill could fully do and managed to make the killer bunnies her subordinates, also giving them a humanoid form and an ego.

"Alright then, let's see what you can do," Milim said.

At this moment, a few bandits were passing by with a wagon.

"Perfect timing, Nada," Milim said with a smile. "I want you to eliminate those bandits and take whatever is in that wagon."

All of them then jumped behind a tree and hid there.

"Ahhh, we've got quite a lot of stuff," Bandit 1 said.

"Yeah, and those girls taste great, hehehe," Bandit 3 said with a creepy face.

"I agree," Bandit 2 said.

"Oh, be quiet, will you?" The Bandit leader said.

"Alright, boss," the three bandits said.

At this moment, one of the bandits in the back got knocked out, and two of the bandits saw this. One of them went to look at what happened to him and got hit by a rock, also getting knocked out. Then the other bandit ran towards their boss.


"WHAT?" He said, then took out his sword and readied himself for battle. Then all the bandits also readied their weapons.

"Show yourself, whoever is there," The Bandit leader said.

Then one of the humanoid killer bunnies showed up, wielding a sword that belonged to one of the bandits who was knocked out. Another one showed up with a spear, which belonged to the other bandit.

"What are those?" Bandit 3 said.

"I don't know," Bandit 2 said.

"It's a humanoid rabbit," Bandit 5 said.

"Whatever that is, we should kill it," Bandit 1 said.

Two of the bandits then charged towards the two beastmen, trying to slice them in half. But the two beastmen blocked their attacks. Then two more beastmen showed up and kicked the two bandits, knocking them out. Two more showed up and took the bandits' weapons, then stabbed the bandits in the chest with them.

"What the hell, there's more of them, boss! We need to leave, we are outnumbered here," Bandit 2 said.

"Yeah, I agree, boss. We need to leave," Bandit 1 said.

"Ehhh, shit! Let's go, run as fast as you can!" They then started to run away at full speed.

But little did they know, it was their biggest mistake.

Because someone was waiting on the other side, exactly where they were heading to.

When the bandits were running, they saw a little girl with pink hair.

"Huh, who is that?" Bandit 2 said.

"A little girl," Bandit 1 said.

"Who cares who she is, just run," The Bandit leader said.

The little girl then started to talk.

"You may not pass," Milim said while she held her spear.

The bandits then stopped.

"What did you say, you little..." Bandit 3 said.

"You little girl, we don't have time to play your little games. There are humanoid monsters in there that are chasing us, so can you please step back?" The bandit leader said.

"No can do," Milim said.

"Can we just kill her and run away?" Bandit 2 said.

"Yeah, let's just do that," Bandit 4 said.

Then Bandit 4 charged towards Milim, but Milim dodged the attack and spun while cutting the bandit's head off.

The four remaining bandits were shocked and angry.

Bandit 3 and 2 then charged towards Milim with the intention to kill.

"Sword style: Sword Dance," Bandit 3 said.

"Sword style: Cutter," said Bandit 2.

Bandit 3 summoned two light swords that attacked Milim, moving as if they were dancing, while he charged towards her. Meanwhile, Bandit 2 made his sword shine, making the blade sharper and deadlier. Both attacked at the same time.

Milim then smiled and said, "Spear Style: Double Strike." Milim countered both attacks at the same time.

The two light swords then attacked Milim, but she jumped up and the two light swords went directly to the two bandits, killing them.

"She killed both of them," Bandit 1 said.

"You, how dare you," the leader of the bandits said.

"What did I do? That was not my attack, they killed themselves," Milim said with a smile.

"Why you," the leader of the bandits said.

At the same time, the four beastmen who had weapons arrived.

The bandits then became alert and ready to fight.

"Just give up already, you can't win," Milim said.

"Wait, those things are yours?" The leader of the bandits said.

"WAHAHAHA, of course, they're mine," Milim said.

"Why did you attack us?" The leader of the bandit said

"I just wanted to test what they can do," Milim said.

Both were shocked.

"She just sees us as test subjects," Bandit 1 said.

"What the hell, this kid is crazy," the leader of the bandits said.

Author: ...... You guys are the last people who should say that 😐
Well, let's see your criminal record.

Name: ***
Age: 33
Title: The Leader of Bandits
Crimes: murder, massacre, robbery, kidnapping, rape

Author: Damn.... Well, let's get back to the story.

"It will be trouble if I just let you guys leave, so..." Milim then had a creepy smile. "I will have to get rid of both of you," Milim said with the creepiest smile.

"Ahhhhh PLEASE DON'T KILL US, WE WILL DO ANYTHING, SO PLEASE DON'T," the bandit leader said.

"Sorry, no sorry," Milim said with a smile. "Kill them," Milim said while turning around and walking away.

The beastmen then went close to them and stabbed them with their weapons.

"AAHHHHHHHHHHH," both bandits screamed.

Milim was just walking away with the most elegant way that she could.

Time skipped a few hours. Milim, with five beastmen, went to a mountain trying to find something.

"I know it's here somewhere," Milim said and started to walk.

They then spotted a cave opening.

"Bingo," Milim said with a smile.

Milim and the beastmen then walked inside the cave and saw what they were looking for.

"Dragons, and two of them," Milim said with a smile.

The two dragons were sleeping.

Milim then released some of her aura to wake the dragons up. When they saw Milim, they felt scared and started to shake in fear.

"Oh, scared, aren't you?" Milim said while walking closer to the dragons.

The dragons then stepped back.

"No need to be scared. I'm not going to hurt both of you," Milim said with a gentle smile. But then her face became serious and she said, "That is, if you bow down to me and become my servants."

Dragons are very intelligent, in fact, they are one, or maybe the smartest, monster in this world, so they understood what Milim said.

Both dragons then looked at each other and nodded. They then both looked at Milim and bowed down.

"Good, it looks like you are both willing to serve me. Well then, because you dragons already have an ego, I will now give you both a humanoid form," Milim said. She extended her hands towards the dragons, and her hands started to glow. The dragons also started to glow. When the glow stopped, the two dragons were now in their humanoid form.

"Now, because you both are my strongest servants, I will be giving you both a name to boost your power even more. Mhhh, how about Dino for you, and for you, it's Dina," Milim said.

Author: Milim forgot about Demon Lord Dino's existence, by the way.

Both dragons then kneeled down and said, "We will carry that name you have given us with pride and serve you until the end of our lives."

"Good, now let's go," Milim said. Then, all of them left the cave with all the riches in that cave.

Well, after naming both dragons, they went to a nearby sea.

"Alright, I have a total of 12 servants: 10 bunny beastmen and 2 dragons. This will do for now, I guess. For now, I need a base, and I want an isolated island so no one can find us too easily," Milim said.

"You two, transform into your dragon form and carry those rabbits. We are finding an island," Milim said.

"Haii, my lord," both then transformed into their dragon form, and the beastmen went to the dragons' backs, five on each dragon.

They then started to fly over the sea to find an island for their base.

After a few hours, and it was already dark, they had already seen a few islands, but they were small and wouldn't do, so they just went past them.

"When will we find a good island? We have been searching for hours," Milim said.

Milim then went to one of the dragons' backs and closed her eyes. "Wake me up when you see a large island," Milim said.

"Haii," all of them said.

The dragons and the beastmen then looked for a good island, flying at a fast speed.

The next day, some of the beastmen decided to take shifts looking out while the others took a little nap. The dragons continued flying, as they didn't need to sleep. They could go for a few days without resting. While flying, they spotted an island.

"My lord, wake up! We saw a promising-looking island," Dino said.

Milim woke up and rubbed her eyes. "Alright, then let's see that island," she said with a yawn.

She stood up and saw the perfect island. It was large and inhabited by humans. However, she couldn't sense any humans on the island. To make sure, she decided to pair the beastmen in twos and have them explore the island on the ground, while the two dragons flew above to look for any signs of human habitation.

When the beastmen and dragons left, Milim decided to tame some beasts. Since the island was so big, it would take the beastmen and dragons a while to return. She went into the forest and came across four Beast Pigs. She decided to tame them by knocking them down and using her skill. She then gave them an ego and a humanoid form. They looked like Orcs, similar to the ones in Tensura, so she called them Beast Orcs.

Milim sent the Beast Orcs into the forest to join the exploration. A few hours later, Milim found a den of Killer Bunnies. She decided to tame the entire tribe, which consisted of 121 bunnies. She slowly and surely tamed 21 of them, giving them an ego and a humanoid form. She ordered them to lure some Killer Bunnies out, which they successfully did.

After a while, Milim managed to tame all the Killer Bunnies and gave them an ego and a humanoid form. However, she was out of mana after that, so she sent the beastmen to join the exploration and went back to the beach to rest under a tree.

After an hour, the dragons returned, and one of them had some fruits to give to Milim. The dragon saw the fruits and decided to give them to its master. Milim accepted the offering and started eating.

The dragon was filled with joy seeing its master accept the offering. Nothing interesting happened after that, so let's have a five-hour time skip. This is when the beastmen and Beast Orcs returned from their exploration of the island.

"So, what's the result of your exploration?" Milim asked her subordinates.

One of the dragons spoke up. "Master, I asked everyone, especially those who live on this island, and there are humans here. However, we didn't see them during our exploration," Dina said.

"Good job, everyone. Now, which one of you from here can tell me some information about the humans on this island?" Milim asked.

The ones from the island looked at each other and nodded. One of them stepped forward. "I can, my lord," the beastman said.

"Alright, but before that, I will give you a name to make it easier to talk to you," Milim said. The beastman was shocked but didn't say anything. Milim thought of a great name. "How about... Gor?"

The rabbit beastman started to glow, and when the glow ended, he looked a bit more muscular than before. "Thank you for the name, my lord. I will carry it with pride," Gor said, kneeling.

"No problem. I also give you the title Rabbit Lord. Now, talk," Milim said.

"Once again, thank you, my lord, and I will do everything in my power to fulfill your expectations. As for the humans on this island, we don't know much about them because the only time we see them is when they are hunting," Gor said.

"I see. How often do they hunt?" Milim asked.

"They hunt every two days. The last time was yesterday," Gor replied.

"I see," Milim said. "If I may, my lord, I have a theory," Dino said.

"And what is it?" Milim asked.

"Well, they said they have no idea where the humans live, right?" Dino said.

"Yes," Milim confirmed.

"What if they don't live on the surface? What if they live underground?" Dino suggested.

"What do you mean by that?" Gor asked.

"He means that what if they live underground," Dina explained.

"Just think about it. We've explored the entire surface of this island, but we've never seen where they live or any of them, for that matter," Dino said.

"That is possible," Gor said.

"What do you think, my lord?" Dino asked.

"Well, that is possible, and I also have something in mind," Milim said.

"What is it, my lord?" Gor asked.

"Well, "Even if they live underground, I would still have sensed them. But somehow, I can't. So, there is also a possibility that they are on the surface, but there is a barrier hiding them from our sight and also hiding their very existence," Milim said.

All of them were shocked.

"My lord, is there even a barrier that can do that?" Dino asked.

"Yes, in fact, we are in one right now," Milim said.

"Huh, what do you mean, my lord?" Gor asked.

"I mean, have you guys not noticed that we are in a barrier I made around the island? It should hide this island from anyone's eyes. This barrier is creating a realistic illusion outside that is also interfering with space, so they will not see and feel this island's very existence. They will just go through this island without bumping into anything inside the barrier," Milim said.

"I didn't even notice that at all," Dino said.

"That's really amazing, master," Dina said.

Gor and the other beastmen were just speechless at how powerful their master's barrier is.

Milim stood up and all of them turned their attention to her.

Milim was about to give a little speech.

"To everyone, I have something to say, and this applies to all of you... We all know that, except for the dragons, you were all mindless and weak in the past. Humans only saw you as a source of food, so you were forced to fight or run. Some of you were even afraid to die. Well, right now, we should no longer be afraid of those humans. The humans will soon be afraid of us. We are now stronger and smarter than before. And as long as I'm here, I will make sure that we will take our revenge on those humans for treating us like monsters, as if we are not living beings ourselves. I swear, with the one and only dragonoid of this world, we will create chaos for humanity and make them fear us all," Milim said.

All of them shouted with happiness.

"I will do everything in my power to achieve all of those goals right beside Lord Milim," Dino said.

"There is no excuse. I will fulfill my master's wishes no matter what. Those humans will fear us, just like master said," Dina said.

"With this new strength my master gave me, I will do my very best to achieve those goals," Gor said.

"No matter what happens, we will succeed," the three said at the same time, with a determined look on their faces.

"What's with the sudden change in the atmosphere? Those three have a very high presence of determination, and it's quite scary," Milim said.

"Well, anyways, we should get some rest for now because tomorrow the humans will come out to hunt, and we are going to analyze their movements and locate their base location," Milim said to all her subordinates.

"HAI!" all of them said at the same time.

The next day, they all decided to hide, but Dino somehow could use Invisibility Magic and could make others invisible as well. So, he suggested using it to hide better, and Milim agreed.

There were seven humans that could be seen. They all had spears for hunting.

Both dragons could use telepathy, and Milim could use Thought Communication, so it was easy to communicate with each other even from different locations.

"[Master, there are three humans on our side]," Dina said.

"[Alright, then Gor, are there humans on your side?]" Milim asked.

"[There are four, my lord]," Gor said.

"[Alright, just keep on observing those humans on your sides and don't leave your position if you don't have to]," Milim ordered them.

"[Hai]," both said.

A few hours later, the humans had caught some rock birds and were heading back to their base, but they didn't manage to keep up and didn't see where the humans went.

"[Master, I lost them]," Dina said.

"[I also lost them, my lord]," Gor said.

"It's fine. We just have to change our positions next time," Milim said.

"[Hai]," both said.

In the past two weeks, they kept on trying to find the humans' base by changing positions every time the humans hunted. But every time, the humans just disappeared like they never existed. This was their ninth try. Over time, their numbers increased because Milim, with the two dragons, sometimes went to different islands and tamed some beasts. They even tamed new, different beasts like lion monsters and some other beasts. In this world, there are normal animals, but they are rare because humans mostly eat monsters in this world and don't really breed them. Humans in this world are too stupid to know how to raise animals, except for dogs, cats, horses, and camels.

Milim is currently at the beach, lying down on white sand under the night sky, looking up at the stars. She is thinking of a way to locate the humans' base. She considers asking Rimuru for help, but she has no idea where he is because he is always not at the inn when she goes there.

Then, she hears a familiar voice.

"You look down," Ciel said.

"Ciel, what are you doing here?" Milim asked.

"Why am I not allowed to enter your soon-to-be territory? Well, I'm not really there, I'm just using thought projection," Ciel replied.

"That is true. Well, do you have a problem? Do you want to talk about it?" Milim asked.

"Not really. It's just that those humans on this island are tricky to find. They just disappear out of nowhere," Milim said.

"Is that so? Well, that sounds annoying," Ciel said.

"It is... And is it normal for you to talk without showing any emotions?" Milim asked.

"You almost sound like Master a few decades ago when he kept asking that question," Ciel said.

"Well, it's one of the most obvious things to ask. You almost, no, you show no emotion at all when you talk," Milim said.

"Well, I am only a skill. Even if I have my own ego and have almost all the knowledge of creation, I somehow can't understand how emotions work," Ciel said.

"Is that so?" Milim said.

"Well, I guess I should go for now," Ciel said.

"Wait, does Rimuru know where I am?" Milim asked.

"No, he doesn't. You are in a barrier that blocks everything inside. Any Demon Lord-level senses can easily sense what's inside a weaker version of this barrier. But because both of you and Master have proclaimed Demon Lord-level senses, that is the reason why you can't sense what's inside the weaker barrier. And because your barrier is stronger, Master can't even feel your presence. But there is a way for Master to know where you are," Ciel explained.

"And what is that?" Milim asked.

"By inviting Master to your barrier. That way, he is able to enter the barrier and finally sense your presence," Ciel said.

"Alright, thank you, Ciel-san," Milim said and followed Ciel's advice.

After Ciel left, let's go to Rimuru for a moment.

Rimuru is walking in the street, heading towards the inn, when suddenly he senses a familiar presence.

"Huh? There is no doubt that is Milim's. Where did that girl even go? And why was I not able to sense her presence for 2 weeks? Well, I'm just going to ask Ciel about it later," Rimuru said.

"Sorry, Master, but I'm not telling you," Ciel said.

"Ehhh, why?" Rimuru asked.

"Because you need to figure some stuff out on your own, Master. And I thought you wanted to make things interesting. It's no fun if I just tell you everything, right, Master?" Ciel replied.

"I really can't win arguments with you, huh, Ciel?" Rimuru said.

"Of course you can't, Master," Ciel said.

"Oh, well, I guess I need to get going. It looks like it's about to rain," Rimuru said and started to run towards the inn.

Now let's go back to Milim's subordinates the next day.

The dragons and some of the beastmen are on the largest mountain on the island, doing absolutely nothing but relaxing because Milim told them to take a break for the day.

"Hey guys, do you think we can soon catch those humans?" Gor asked.

"Who knows? Those humans are really tricky, so it's really hard to catch them," Dina said.

"I agree. It's been 2 weeks, and we are not even close because they just disappear out of nowhere," Dino said.

"Well, we are doing our best, and who knows, sooner or later, we can finally find their base," Gor said.

"Yeah, maybe," both dragons said.

"But hey, it's not like we can just kill the hunters and see if some other human comes out," Gor said with his eyes closed.

"Yeah... Wait, what did you say?" Dina asked.

"Uhhh, kill the hunters and see how it goes," Gor said.

"That actually might work," Dino said.

Meanwhile, Milim was passing by and heard what Dino said.

"What might work exactly?" Milim asked.

The three looked behind and saw Milim, and they kneeled.

"We were discussing the humans on this island, and Gor told us an idea that might actually work," Dina said.

"And what is that?" Milim asked.

"What if we just kill the hunters? Maybe the other humans will try to find them, and when they come, we can just watch where they go. Because as I remember, somehow a dead human is heavier than a dead monster, so it will take them a while to get to their base. We can easily follow them without losing our eye on them," Dina said.

"Mhh, let's try it out then," Milim said.

"HAII," the three said.

The next day, they tried it out, and it was a success. They managed to find exactly where the barrier is. Now that the first step was done, they are on their second step: exterminating the humans.

So now, Milim gathered all of her best men in front of the barrier.

Milim's current army size:

- 200 Bunny Beast Men
- 50 Beast Orcs
- 50 Lion Beast Men
- 20 Snake Beast Men
- 2 Dragons
In total: 322

"Alright then, let's do this," Milim said while her army cheered. Then she activated her weakest magic, a fire blast, and shot it.

The barrier started to crack, and after a while, it broke.

Meanwhile, inside the barrier...

"Chief, th-the barrier," a random citizen said.

"What about the barrier?" the chief said.

"It's cracking," he said.


"Hai," the warriors of the village then readied for battle.

All of the warriors of the village gathered themselves in front of where the crack was first seen. There were a total of 234 of them ready to fight.

The barrier continued to crack even more until it was finally destroyed, and they saw an entire army of monsters with humanoid forms.

"What the hell are those?" one of the warriors said.

"We don't know," another one said.

"Who cares, let's just kill them," another one said.

"They are probably weak," another person said.

All of them agreed, except the chief.

"I don't think they are weak at all, but we can win. Each of them can equally fight any of the warriors in this village in a 1v1 battle, except me. So none of those things are stronger than me... But those three, they are nowhere near my level individually, but combined, they can cause me trouble. I need to be careful with them and make sure I take them down one by one before they decide to team up against me," the chief said with a serious face.

By the way, he did not see Milim because she wanted to have a perfect entrance.

All of them then charged at each other full force.

The battle was fearless and almost equal. The only thing that made it not equal was the difference in numbers.

The chief of the village was absolutely dominating all of the beastmen he encountered. The same goes for the top three subordinates of Milim. They were also absolutely destroying all the humans they encountered.

The three were in their human form.

Gor then saw the chef of the village, and the chef saw Gor.

"You there, bunny man. I can feel that you are the three strongest on your side. I am the chief of the hidden village. Let's battle," the chief said.

"So you're the chieftain. It's nice to meet you. I am the Rabbit Lord Gor. Now, before we battle, may I ask for your name?" Gor asked.

"Alright then, remember this name, as this is the last name you will hear. Ark, that is my name," Ark said.

"Alright, Ark, the chieftain of the Hidden Village. Be prepared because I will not hold back," Gor said, and both took a battle stance.

Gor readied his spear while Ark readied his sword.

The two then charged at each other and clashed their weapons.

"This guy is strong, and his speed is better than mine," Gor said.

"Mhhh, his physical strength is not that great, but his speed is impressive," Ark said.

Then the two kept exchanging blows.

"Oh, that's it. I need to use my magic," Gor said.

Gor then used his wind magic to increase his speed.

"He uses wind magic like that... Impressive. This guy is smart. But this is still not enough to beat me," Ark said while he increased his speed.

"What the hell? His speed increased. Was he holding back all this time?" Gor said.

The two kept exchanging blows, but Gor was getting overwhelmed really badly.

[Dino, Dina, I need help,] Gor said while blocking Ark's attack.

[What do you need, Gor? Why do you sound like you are struggling?] Dina said while Dino was just listening.

[I am fighting the chieftain of the village, and he's too strong for me,] Gor said.

[Your getting overwhelmed? How strong is the chieftain?] Dino asked.

[He's really strong, so now help me, you two,] Dino said.

[Alright, alright,] both replied.

[Hurry, you two. I can't take this guy for too long,] Gor said.

[I'm on my way,] Dina said.

[Just hold him until we get there,] Dino said.

[What do you think I'm doing?] Gor said.

[Oh yeah, well, I'm on my way,] Dino said.

The two dragons then went in Gor's direction.

Gor then sent a bunch of wind slashes at Ark, but Ark dodged them.

(Hurry up, guys,) Gor said while using his long-range attacks to keep their distance.

"This guy is using long-range attacks to keep our distance. I think he's almost at his limit," Ark said with a smirk.

Ark then used his sword to block Gor's attacks while trying to get closer.

"He's getting closer. I need to keep our distance, or else I'm done for," Gor said while sending more wind slashes at Ark.

Ark then raised his sword. "Let's see if you can handle this Sword Style: Lion Blade." Ark's sword started to glow, and he rushed towards Gor. His sword released a yellow aura that mimicked the figure of a lion.

"Shit, even if I dodge that," Gor looked at his back and saw a lot of warriors on his side. "They will all die... Well, looks like I need to counter it then," Gor said.

"I'm not backing down Spear Style: Dragon Strike," Gor rushed at Ark while pointing his spear at him. The spear released a red aura that mimicked the face of a dragon.

The two attacks then collided and created a giant explosion that produced a strong shockwave, blowing away all the nearby warriors from both sides.

After the shockwave died down, they could see that Gor blocked Ark's sword, but he was heavily injured, while Ark only had a scratch on his face.

"Hahaha, someone actually managed to scratch me. How interesting," Ark said with a smirk.

"Tch," Gor jumped back.

"What's wrong? Was I too strong for you?" Ark said with a smirk.

"I'm not going to deny that because it's the truth. You are simply too strong for me to handle... But you have no idea what true strength really is. There is someone you have not met yet that you can't beat," Gor said.

"Is that so? I would love to meet this person one day," Ark said.

"Don't worry, you will. But not now. It's too early for that. But for now, let us be your opponents," Gor said with a smirk.

"What do you mean by 'us'?" Ark said.

After Ark said that, someone hit him in the back, sending him flying. Gor then fell down with a smile.

"Looks like we made it just in time. Are you good, Gor?" Dino said.

"Now that you guys are here, I'm a little relieved," Gor said.

"Looks like your friends arrived to save you, Gor," Ark said. (Looks like facing them all at once can't be avoided.)

"Oh, shut up, Ark," Gor said.

"Did you two exchange names or something?" Dino said.

"That's not important right now, Dino," Dina said.

"Dina's right, Dino. That's not important right now," Gor said.

"Can you still fight, Gor?" Dina said.

"I can manage, but with all of these injuries, I can only fight for a few more minutes," Gor said.

"So let's make it count," Dina said, taking a battle stance.

"Alright then," Gor stood up and also took a battle stance.

"Right on your back," Dino said, taking a battle stance.

They then looked at Ark with a serious expression.

Ark also did the same.

Dino then charged toward Ark with his fist and punched him, but Ark blocked it with his sword.

"You have the fist of metal," Ark said.

"Don't compare my fist to mere metal," Dino said.

"My apologies then," Ark said while delivering a punch.

Dino dodged the punch and also delivered his own punch, which Ark blocked with his sword. They then exchanged blows.

Dina then shot a very powerful fire blast towards Ark, but he managed to dodge the fire attack. However, Gor appeared behind Ark and delivered a very powerful kick towards him, sending him flying. Before he could recover, Dino punched him with all his strength, once again sending Ark flying. But before he landed, Gor appeared again and kicked Ark mid-air, sending him back. Meanwhile, Dina had been charging a fireball the whole time and appeared in front of Ark, placing the fireball in his chest. The fireball exploded, causing Ark to crash to the ground and creating a giant crater.

"Did we get him?" Gor asked.

Ark stood up and replied, "That's a no."

"Oh my, that was great teamwork. You three completely caught me off guard. But I promise it will never happen again," Ark said.

"Is that so? We won't believe it until we see it. And we promise we won't hold back anymore," Dina said.

Ark charged towards them, and the three of them did the same.

Ark swung his sword towards Gor, but Dino punched it away. Gor then kicked Ark, but Ark blocked the kick by grabbing Gor's leg and used him to smack Dino.

Dina used her fire magic and shot multiple fireballs. Ark saw this and dodged the fireballs by jumping while still holding onto Gor's feet.

Ark then did a 360-degree turn and threw Gor towards Dina, but she dodged and kept firing her fireballs. Ark used his sword to block the fireballs, but Dino was already behind Ark and punched him, sending him flying.

Ark recovered and saw that Gor was about to kick him, but he managed to counter with a punch that sent Gor flying. Ark then took a fighting stance and activated his special move, "Sword Style: Dead Cut Burst." With his sword releasing a red aura, he charged at them, cutting everything in his path.

"If that hits any of us, we'll die. I need to counter it with my strongest attack," Gor said, taking a battle stance and activating his move, "Spear Style: Double Dragon Strike." His aura transformed into a two-headed dragon as he charged towards Ark.

Dina saw this and readied her strongest attack, which targeted Dino.

"Flame Lord Dust!" Dina shouted, charging a very strong flame that turned anything it touched into dust.

Dino unleashed his strongest attack as well, "All Mighty Punch," with his fist releasing a white aura.

All the attacks collided, creating a powerful shockwave that destroyed everything in the area and created a large crater.

When the smoke cleared, all four of them were still standing but heavily injured. They looked at each other.

But then, they heard laughter. They turned to where the laughter came from and saw a pink-haired girl in revealing clothes.

"Milim-sama," Dina said weakly.

"That was a good show. It was entertaining," Milim said.

"Who the hell are you, little girl?" Ark asked, which angered the three of them.

"Don't you dare talk to Milim-sama like that," Gor said.

"Sama? This girl looks weak," Ark said.

"How dare you say that to my master," Dina said.

"It's alright, Dina. Because he won't live for much longer," Milim said, closing her eyes. In an instant, she appeared behind Ark and used her hand like a knife to stab him in the chest, taking his heart.

"What..." Ark could only say before collapsing and dying.

Milim laughed and then looked at her subordinates. "You guys are still weak, so when you recover, I want you three to train," Milim said, and the three of them agreed.

"Hai..." they said, lowering their heads.

"No need to be down. I'm not mad. We all started from being weak. We weren't born strong. We didn't gain strength overnight. We achieved it through hard work. So rest well, and when you're fully healed, you'll go back to training and get stronger," Milim said.

The three of them looked up at her with a smile. "Haiii," they said, and some of the beastmen came and took them somewhere to rest.

Milim looked at the battlefield and saw that her army had won the battle. She smiled and told her troops to rest for now.

After a few days, Milim's army had fully recovered and gathered on a mountain.

"You all fought to see this moment, where we claim this island as our territory. That's why I didn't claim it yet. Because you deserve to see this moment. Now, this place is ours," Milim said, activating her ultimate skill, "God of the Wildest Beast," to claim the land inside her barrier.

Milim's ultimate skill, "God Of The Wildest Beast," grants her the ability to climb a land and gain control over everything within it. When inside her territory, both she and her subordinates become 3 times more powerful than when they are outside. Additionally, Milim's barrier allows her to extend the space inside her realm as much as she desires.

As soon as she activates her skill, new lands start appearing and floating in the sky, while new islands rise from the sea. Milim's subordinates are amazed and happy, as they now have their own land where humans won't disturb them.

"Now that we have a base, let's start getting stronger," Milim declares, and all her subordinates cheer. As they celebrate, a team song begins playing in the background.

"Everything is going as planned. I wonder what Bestie is doing. I hope his plans will be successful," Milim says, looking at her army, who are all smiling and laughing. "One day, we will make this world more interesting. But for now, this is the rise of the beast kingdom," she proclaims, gazing at the sky with a smile. "I'm excited about what will happen in the future, where we will cause chaos," Milim adds before joining the beastmen and having fun.

Meanwhile, in the demon kingdom in the underworld, the Demon King sits on his throne in the dark, looking creepy. He watches humans happily through a crystal ball.

"Just enjoy it while it lasts, humans, because once the time comes, we will crush all of you," the Demon King declares, followed by an evil laugh.

Total words: 7006

Damn this is my longest chapter that i ever made

And am sorry i never updated for 2 to 3 weeks it's because am busy and have little to no time at writing

Also i will try making the Next chapter a long one as will because i kinda enjoyed it but it's depends of the situation am in irl

But i hope you guys enjoy this chapter and keep on supporting this story and i will see you guys next chapter bye
